jeremywm1977 Member


  • Thank you Mr. Wet Blanket McBuzzkillington for chiming in. Since I felt like buying an unnecessary gadget to help someone make money, I bought the Fitbit One.
  • Not exclusively. I do a base P90X workout, but I substitute in another workout like 22MHC, T25, etc on the Plyo X, Yoga X and Kenpo X days.
  • It kicks some major A S S. You're more than welcome to add me.
  • Yeah, Tony Horton's sense of humor needs some work, or shouldn't exist at all (I'm assuming that's what drove you nuts was his corny jokes......although it's great, even my eyes get a workout during P90X from rolling so much at Tony's jokes).
  • Yes, most of them are. I'm pretty much on board for anything Tony Horton puts out, and anything Shaun T puts out (except for his dance-y videos, like Hip Hop Abs, etc.).
  • I love how A S S got replaced by *kitten*.....made me chuckle a bit.
  • I have done one of the videos so far, and who knew that a 22 minute workout would kick so much *kitten*. I was a puddle afterwards. I thought Insanity was the pinnacle of *kitten*-kickery, but 22 Minute Hard Corps wasted me in a way Insanity never did.
  • I've heard diet and exercise also worked wonders, but maybe I'm old fashioned. You go ahead and stick with your snake oil for the immediate results you desire. Don't let any of us "bullies" who are stuck back in the middle ages with stuff like "hard work", "determination", "health", and "good food in reasonable portions"…
  • I loved all 3 of the Speed workouts 1.0, 2.0, & 3.0, and The Pyramid kicks my rear. Like you, I could have done without Dynamic Core.....kind of boring.
  • I'm doing a Tony Horton/Shaun T hybrid.....alternating weeks of P90/P90X/P90X2/P90X3 and Insanity/Insanity MAX: 30/Asylum Vol 1/Asylum Vol 2. Basically switching it up between a week of intense strength training and ball-busting cardio/interval training.
  • You say this, but go ahead and peruse this forum to see the many "Should I start with cardio or strength training to lose weight?", or "How do I get toned abs?", or "I workout an hour everyday, why am I not losing weight?" threads. Yes, it should be common knowledge, but this website and it's forum alone shows that it…
  • The Alpha phase of T25 is more cardio-heavy than the other 2 phases, but I do believe there is a good amount of bodyweight strength exercises. If you've already done 30DS, then just skip T25's Alpha phase and jump right into Beta (or only do 1 or 2 weeks of Alpha as opposed to the 5 weeks). There's still some cardio in…
  • On the website, click the "Exercise" tab, and then click the "My Exercises" link below it. On that page, click the "Create Exercise" button, and there you go. Give it a name, duration, approximate caloric burn, and click "Add"
  • I have the same thing happen. My Fitbit automatically syncs my steps to MFP, but after I add in the hour workout I do at night, my calorie adjustment from Fitbit drops down to 0. What I typically do to remedy this (and yes, it sounds like a pain in the *kitten*): 1. After I manually add in my night workout into MFP, and…
  • I'm not following the nutrition guidelines in P90X, just sticking to the figures that MFP gives me and I have been doing well. I set my activity level at sedentary, but use my FitBit to automatically adjust based on my actual activity level. I input my P90X workouts, and wind up either eating back the calories burned, plus…
  • It doesn't need to be an F***-Marry-Kill choice. Both can exist in perfect harmony.....circuit training being a good example of the harmonious relationship of strength and cardio. My two cents is that my strength workouts are more important to me than my cardio. I know that in doing strength, I'm either building or…
  • First thing to learn (which I am surprised I am the first to point out, although rainbowbow alluded to) is that "toned" or "toning" are misnomers. Getting that "toned" look comes from losing the fat that surrounds the muscle. There are many factors to getting "bulky", namely genetics, diet and/or supplements, training,…
  • I've used the app before, but I'm sure that their calorie figures are more an estimate. It's not saying your HRM is leaps and bounds more reliable, but I would rely on the numbers from the HRM more because it is actually connected to me, and monitoring what's going on. Maybe my rationale is off, but that's how I view it.
  • On one of their shorter 1000 calorie workouts, I maybe got to 700-800 calories. On the other hand, they have 2 or more 90 minute 1000 calorie workouts, and on those, I know I got up to 1200 calories burned (according to my HRM).
  • The 1000 Calorie workouts are a beast. I have done 3 of them, and I was a puddle on the ground when I finished. Don't get me wrong, I felt great, but I was a hot mess.
  • As far as accuracy, I'd say that their range isn't too far off.....all things considered. I wore a heart rate monitor during a few of their workouts, and my count was within their range. I actually did two of their 1000 calorie workouts, and my HRM had me at a number slightly higher than the high end number they displayed.…
  • You can just use the "aerobic-general" for this. There won't be any listed workout for the Ab Circle in the database.
  • The workouts are great, and the program is better on mute.......Chalene Johnson's voice is grating and gets annoying after 5 minutes. If Chalene Johnson didn't lead the workouts, I might be doing them.
  • I'm not sure they are referring to the bench you are thinking of. Like jemhh said, it might be an aerobic bench or plyo box, but they are just using the term "bench".
  • I have it on my list to do. Not sure when I'm starting, but it will be soon.
  • I dealt with this two times over. I had a torn meniscus when I was much younger and had it "scoped". A few years later, I had the meniscus replaced. Just this last year, I had to go in and get this replacement meniscus cleaned up too. My doctor basically instructed me to do what I am comfortable doing, and to listen to my…
  • I just had a knee arthroscopy back in April and went back in last month to remove another loose piece and have a bone spur shaved down.......nothing as intense as what you had done, but I think the recovery can be similar. What my doctor told me, and what I was planning to do in the first place, is let your knee tell you…
  • I didn't log my before and after results, but most of the workouts were great (especially those in Beta and Gamma) and I had a good time doing them. Having fun is what made T25 one of the more enjoyable workouts I do.
    in T25 Comment by jeremywm1977 January 2016
  • I guess skipping Alpha is just my personal preference. It's not something I would recommend to everyone. If you are just starting with T25, or just starting with exercise altogether, then go ahead and do Alpha. Even with that said, I wouldn't do Alpha for more than 2 weeks, as opposed to the 4 weeks if you go according to…