Starting P90X Saturday, 1/23

My husband and I are starting P90X.....Has anyone out there finished the 90 days, and can you share tips/success stories?

Your welcome to join in on the challenge and have some motivation here:)


  • Lisseth03
    Lisseth03 Posts: 518 Member
    i did it 3,4 years ago and that is when i started my fitness journey and actually stuck to it.
    i lost 20 lbs (i did two rounds of it). the best advice i can give is what tony says "just hit play"

  • Twodays700
    Twodays700 Posts: 3 Member
    I started P90x on Jan 4th. I love it - and am starting to see some results. I have been following the Fat Shredding nutrition phase and tracking on MFP. How do I join the P90x challenge group?
  • cor306
    cor306 Posts: 8 Member
    Modify if you need to. Don't be afraid to stop and jump back in. I'm on month 3 now. Let your belt be your gauge.
    Completed it many times.
  • cor306
    cor306 Posts: 8 Member
    You will feel like doing other activities after you're done with the program. Following the diet will get you better results. Listen to Tony's tips during the workout. Read the manual before doing Ab Ripper X. Lol

  • silentretz
    silentretz Posts: 24 Member
    for you guys that did the p90x workout how strictly did you follow the nutrition guidelines? For myself - the book says i should be eating 2400 calories. that seems excessive. When looking up my TDEE on other calculators online - my maintenance is at about 2000-2200 calories.

    Im just curious to see what you guys did.
  • jeremywm1977
    jeremywm1977 Posts: 657 Member
    silentretz wrote: »
    for you guys that did the p90x workout how strictly did you follow the nutrition guidelines? For myself - the book says i should be eating 2400 calories. that seems excessive. When looking up my TDEE on other calculators online - my maintenance is at about 2000-2200 calories.

    Im just curious to see what you guys did.

    I'm not following the nutrition guidelines in P90X, just sticking to the figures that MFP gives me and I have been doing well. I set my activity level at sedentary, but use my FitBit to automatically adjust based on my actual activity level. I input my P90X workouts, and wind up either eating back the calories burned, plus or minus a hundred or two (just depends on what I ate that day).
  • cor306
    cor306 Posts: 8 Member
    When eating clean like the guide says, I can't eat all those calories. You're energy will be awesome though!