

  • I am so touched by everyone's kindness! It brought tears to my eyes. Thanks to all. One more thing that is going on, is that some low-life scum has stolen my dad's identity and attempted to have his social security checks deposited into another account. So... on top of everything else, we are running around doing damage…
  • My mom is coming to the end of her life, and I have been feeling too sad to show up here and interact. I am still popping in now and then to stay in touch a bit. I have, however been able to maintain my goal weight. It feels pretty great. Yesterday, though, my family did a little intervention, telling me they were…
  • Hello again. I finally made it to my goal, and weigh what I did before menopause. It only took me eight years to lose 15 pounds! It is a bit anticlimactic, though. I don't look at all the same now. My muscles have gotten stringy and shriveled-looking, and I have more junk on my trunk. I may go for a couple more pounds just…
  • Hello, it's me again. I haven't posted for awhile, but am trying to keep up with reading. I promise I have been faithfully getting to the gym and eating properly most of the time! About losing weight after menopause...they don't call it the "change of life" for nothing. For me, that meant making different food choices and…
  • It seems like ages since I stopped by, but I have been skimming and keeping up some. I took my resting heart rate a few days ago, and it was below 60. The chart I was looking at said that was "athletic!" I would never have described myself that way when I started exercising in my early 50s. It feels pretty good. I saw that…
  • Lucy in DE, I had to jump back in when you mentioned Old Town Alexandria. I used to live there, and miss it! If you like art and have the time, check out the Torpedo Factory down by the waterfront. I'm sure you will have a wonderful time, barring bad weather!! Kayzoola (PNW USA)
  • This group just keeps galloping along. I finally got back into my exercise routine after vacation. Three weeks off made a dent in my fitness, but it it coming along. Yesterday, I did body pump, and a brisk mile walk, and today is 30 mins of core strength, then Bodycombat. Last weekend, on our walk to the coffee shop, DH…
  • Parental duty called the last couple of days, so no gym time. It may be a bit of a shock when I finally get back after being gone two weeks. Carol, you can still have "abs of steel!" Core work will definitely burn calories. I am still going out in the 90 degree weather to try to plant a late garden. Pumpkins, cucumbers,…
  • I bought some dried blueberries to put in my morning gruel, and the flavor is wonderfully intense. Makes gruel more interesting for sure. Last night, I weighed myself, and was delighted to see I was only one pound from my goal! I was practically giddy!! My fear is, that I arrived here from being on vacation, and won't find…
  • Just got back from a trip to southern California. We got one more trip to Disneyland in with our DD. I'm sure we were logging a good six miles a day of walking, and when I stepped on the scale on our return, I did a double take. Even with all the cheese and gelato I ate, I lost weight. Cynthia, I had heart rhythm problems…
  • Beth, I am so sorry to hear of your son's distress. It resonates with me, as we had a similar situation with our DD ( also 16 now). For six years, she suffered from migraines that kept her in bed in the dark for days at a time. We had to homeschool her just to get by, she missed so much school. I must have spent literally…
  • It has turned rainy this evening. I love a good rain! Sandy, Is your boxing workout something like Bodycombat, I wonder? Today was a real sweat-the-eye workout, and it feels so good after you are done! :wink: Jb, Cynthia Rita, thinking of you and sending up a prayer for better days ahead. My dad gave me some rhubarb, so I…
  • Today is weights and lawn mowing. That should do it for exercise. Got to have some energy left to spruce up the guest room for an overnight guest tomorrow. I am eating my oat bran and seeds while I collect myself to launch into the day. Cynthia. Is the vet giving your cat something for nausea? I remember that can cause…
  • Today was a rest day for me. Tomorrow, DH and I will take our long walk to the coffee shop. Cynthia, I had a dog with kidney failure that I gave fluids to -- twice-a-day. I remember I had to hold the needle while I sat with him and watched the drip, drip, drip. We had some good conversations just sitting there together.…
  • Yesterday, I did strength training, and today I did a core-strengthening class and Bodycombat class. Over 800 punches! I am only three pounds from my goal. (thanks to vegetables!!) Another plus I am enjoying is reduced arthritic inflammation. I find more and more reasons to love those veg. The weeds are taunting me, I am…
  • For exercise today, I slogged along behind the lawn mower for an hour. It is NOT sef-propelled, so it feell like I'm walking uphill the whole time. The vegetables seem to be doing the trick, and the very stubborn last few pounds have been giving way at last. Saundra, there is a lot of success represented here. I find…
  • I have been keeping my exercise appointments at the gym. Four or five hours a week gym time, and walking one or two days a week. I am also making an extra effort to eat a lot of vegetables. I love brussel sprouts too, but the one time I tried roasting them, they smelled like compost! Spring is so busy. Weeds, weeds, weeds!…
  • This morning, I took a 6-mile walk with DH to the coffee shop. I had earl grey tea instead of coffee since I only like my coffee with cream. I have been chipping away on my last five post menopause pounds by upping my vegetables. Fortunately I love veg! Off to pull weeds now. At my last eye appointment, the doc told me he…
  • Today, I did a Bodycombat class at the gym. Sandy, I wonder if that is anything like what you are doing? It has lots of punching and kicking and leaves me in a sweaty heap at the end, but feeling great! Gloria, muscles weigh more than fat. You must be making progress! Stowe62, we have house rabbits too. Your bunny seems…
  • Yesterday, I did Bodycombat class and an extra core-strengthening class. Today is weights in body pump class. I am exploring cream substitutes for morning coffee. I reluctantly submit to the fact I need to do something about cholesterol. Today, I tried unsweetened hemp milk. I will try it a couple of times to see if it is…
  • My weedend walks added up to around eight miles this time. Today is body pump at the gym. Waving at Kay in Wa. Hello neighbor! Gbutterfly, I have tried to add running into my exercise regime twice. The first time, I messed up my right knee. The second time, In my late 30s, I messed up my left knee. That one has remained a…
  • Friday, I typically let myself rest. I may do some yardwork instead of the gym. Goodness knows I have plenty do do outside. Gloria, Sylvia, you are both awesome moms!! :heart: Amanda, feeling one hundred years old is something I can relate to! Had kale for dinner last night. I make my family eat it :laugh: . Busy day…
  • I just returned from body pump, and tomorrow is Bodycombat. It seems the last five pounds I want to lose are made of tougher stuff than the others. They just keep hanging on. I plan to lob vegetables at them, and see what that does. That is my goal this month... And drink more water! Kayzoola (PNW USA)
  • I got ten miles of walking in this weekend. Today is body pump. For meals this week, I am concentrating on shoveling in those veggies. I finally cut off five inches of length from my hair Thursday, and DH, who always made pouty faces when I mentioned haircuts, didn't say a thing! I honestly think he didn't even notice.…
  • Went to body pump today. The pyracantha came back to haunt me with a sore back from yanking on the darn thing a couple of days ago, so I had to lighten up a little. I caught the cat trying to bring another live mouse into the garage today. Thankfully, I was able to get the mouse in a watering can and take it to a field…
  • Pyracantha defeated, and reduced in girth by eight feet. Both eyes intact, and only a little blood spilt. Full-contact gardening! Today, I did body pump, then mowed the lawn. It was almost 70 degrees out! We have an electric mower that is not self-propelled, so it is a work out. That's all for now. My teenager is being,…
  • Had another nice long walk with DH yesterday. Today is yard work. I have my eye on an enormous overgrown pyracantha. Hopefully, by the end of the day it will be a neat, manageable bush, and the trimmings hauled off to the composting landfill. I already tackled the quince, and it fought back, nearly poking out an eye and my…
  • Family duties called me away from the gym this week, but I will be back. We have a cat that lives outside due to cat allergies. She keeps the mice in check, and gets food and a warm place in the garage at night safe from coyotes, raccoons and owls in return. She must have depleted the garage mice so effectively, that now…
  • 3:00 in the morning. Might as well see what's going on at MFP! Like a lot of you, I don't sleep like I used to. I seem to do just fine with a night or two of sleeplessness, so I don't really mind anymore. I left the house in the morning, and didn't return until dinner time, so no gym yesterday. Another busy day today, so…
  • DH and I had a lovely walk to the coffee shop yesterday. I had a cup of green tea. Since I logged the other options here at MFP and found out how much sugar is in them, that is all I feel good about ordering. It works just fine to warm my hands for the walk back. Joyce - Tiny! So great!! Enjoy your new duds! Michelle, I…
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