

  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    Happy to be back training again. Managed 30 minutes if Jillians BR cardio 1 and 10 minutes Jillian's kettle-bells this morning, dog walk this afternoon.
    Managed 16507 steps yesterday. All grocery shopping done and put away. We have a 60 Km round trip to do shopping once a wekk, but love our rural property.
    I normally drink 2 lires water every day. We have a rain water tank but I filter into Brita jug and keep in fridge.
    Must go and do banking

    Lesley in Tasmania
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,650 Member
    Hi all,
    I have been logging but not here – and I really feel sad, and like I am missing my friends… so I am starting reading from the 20th…. 5 days to catch up on; so sorry if my comments are kinda old news….

    Alison – it seems like there should be some way that the siblings could make sure you got something… as I KNOW you will do more than your share of support and help. Little matchmaker you are!!! Go for the new job!!! You can always tell them you have a vacation planned and see if you can get the time off; might not be paid but.. if you get more hours and a raise it might be ok.

    Sylvia – your studio is bigger than my whole house…. If you said that stuff to the HorridExDIL I would not think you were a bad person at all, but my late 2 cents is do not reply at all. She will twist what ever you say into a lie, making you look bad. Later: glad your hubby got the car and took you home ---maybe you have be firmer with him

    Katie – glad it was just a bomb threat and not the real thing!!!

    Tere - I see chicken stew/soup in your future…. Opps on the drivers license!!!

    Michele – hope hubby is ok!!!

    Karen – welcome!

    Patty – enjoy the islands!!

    Carol – Wow you have come a long way! So proud of you…. I loved the quote too, thanks
    You can change realtors if they are not doing enough to market your home…

    Heather – hope the BBQ went well! Later – sounds like a total success; as for the yogurt, I have not tried again… just so busy, but it is on my list… things are a bit quieter so maybe in the next couple of weeks….

    Meg – Creative Memories is gone… ex consultant here… but the management staff has left and gone to Heritage Makers – your consultant may have converted a lot did.

    Cynthia – thinking of your fur baby!!!

    Princessat50 – welcome

    SheFitWalks – yes I have taken yoga and LOVE it but the classes here are out of my price range.

    Kitty – MFP has yard work, but they call it gardening, general

    Chris – welcome

    MA – good to see you, enjoy the pool

    Renny – sending good thoughts to your sil

    jennIn – welcome back

    Kayzoola – sending peaceful thoughts your way as you deal with your Mom; as for your family – it is nice they care- but how darn frustrating! Maybe the next time you are at the Doctors you could get him/her to sign a note to your family that you are just fine thank you!!!

    Donna – welcome

    well catching up on 5 days took 2 hours and now it is almost tomorrow, and Levi is so ready for bed.... Off I go, I'll be back tomorrow and stay more caught up!!!

    August goals :
    Stretch 5 minutes a day xxxx
    Walk 45 minutes a day 23 times
    Do Heather’s abc balance 1 time a week 3 weeks done

    Kim from N. California
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,322 Member
    Got to dash off but .....

    Michele - ttfn means "ta ta for now". Ta ta means goodbye. It's like see you later. I think it's sn old Britush expression used in the war.

    Heather in the UK, going up to London today.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,779 Member
    morning ladies~
    we'll I woke up at 12;30 this morning, and flipped and flopped until I finally fell back asleep as the DH was getting up, and woke up when he left..
    so got up at 3:45 am. ..
    sitting having my lemon water, then a cup of tea
    i havent been to the gym in almost 3 weeks,and I miss it but I dont,I like walking outside and enjoying nature, not all the loud music and stuff at the gym...
    it is sort of hard to calculate exercise without the fit bit,until I get it resolved will have to guestamate.
    made the DH the mac and cheese , and boy did he love it.. will put the rest in containers for him for dinners or lunches.
    Finally done with the prednisone.. so hopefully I can get back to losing some weight..this plateau has been horrible,but not giving
    I e-mailed the other dentist office with my qualifications and what I wanted for a salary..for all I do I think I am worth what I asked for,just dont know if they are able to pay it...
    so I plug the fit bit back in this morning and now it is charging... go figure?so once it is fully charged then I will go for a walk....
    I am looking into making something with canned beans, I know they are good for you,but I cant do spicy.. I made a little concoction with a grain medley,diced multi colored peppers and northern white beans and it was tasty.. I cant do all the spicy stuff.
    still dark and quiet here, waiting for it to get a little light out before I go walk..
    no no no.
    I have to think back a year and a half ago I was 201 lbs,and wearing a size 2X-
    I am now down to a size 12-14 pant or dress, and large shirt,(cause of the girls)
  • gmom316
    gmom316 Posts: 244

    Gloria - I was just about to ask you when Aaron started school! Have a good week. As far as getting too skinny, what does your doctor say? If you tell them that the doctor says that you aren't too skinny, that should quiet them down. They're probably not used to seeing you looking so good

    kayzoola - I'm so so sorry to read about your mom. Take care of yourself

    Michele in NC

    LOL, I'm FAR from being accused of being "too skinny"...and doubt when I get to my goal weight that I'll have that problem either. And, as slow as I do lose, I doubt that I'll ever have to let my skin catch up. That was kayzoola I was "talking to".

    In general, I do agree that many people (usually those who have more than several pounds to lose themselves) are quick to start calling others "too thin". I am less concerned about a person's actual weight and more concerned about their health and if I felt someone in my close circle's health was at risk, then I would approach it from that direction.

    Anyhow, just scarfing down my Fage and granola. Have to get my hair dried, dressed and out by 8:30.

    Have a great day everyone!

    xo- Gloria in Metro Detroit
  • JennInTx
    JennInTx Posts: 72 Member
    Thanks for the warm welcome. Glad to be back.

    Diane in TX - We're neighbors. I live a few miles down the road from Denton in Frisco. Glad to see someone else in the group from the area.

    This week has been good so far (I know it's just Tuesday). My energy levels are up and I feel good about my progress.

    I'm already at work, so I need to keep this short. Hope everyone has a wonderful day. Keep up the great work!

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,322 Member
    Here I am in London!:love:

    DH is playing with DGS. It seems to be Buzz Lightyear, reporting for duty!:laugh:
    DGD will be woken up in half an hour - can't wait!:love:
    DDIL comes back from work in an hour. I expect she will take the chance of doing a bit of admin while we are in charge.:smile:

    The nanny, who let us in, has to go into hospital soon for a heart op that will have her out of action for three months. She has other health problems as well.:cry: She has been so amazing for the 6 months she has been here so they will find it hard to replace her. DDIL has decided not to have anyone living in again as she found that difficult. She is now looking for a 3 day nanny.:ohwell: I had a long chat with the nanny who was quite tearful.:cry::brokenheart:

    Got 569 extra calories to play with today. I added a few onto my machining as we have a bit of walking to get here from the station.

    Love to all.
    Heather in showery London.UK

    Sorry the photo is the wrong way up, but I don't know how to turn it round. DDIL sent it to me upside down and I turned it round in my gallery, but it has reverted!:sad: :huh:
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    good morning!!
    Difficult am with Violet today.
    jane (from IL)
  • Kayzoola
    Kayzoola Posts: 60
    I am so touched by everyone's kindness! It brought tears to my eyes. Thanks to all.

    One more thing that is going on, is that some low-life scum has stolen my dad's identity and attempted to have his social security checks deposited into another account. So... on top of everything else, we are running around doing damage control for my 89yo dad, so he doesn't lose the very little he has.

    I am off to bodycombat class now. Going to visualize identity thieves and punch them in the nose!

    Kayzoola (PNW USA)
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,650 Member
    Hi all,

    I love checking in twice a day... I feel like it is a conversation.... so while I was "away" (logging but without time to chat) I had my gourmet group here... they had requested chili rellenos, so that was the main course; I didn't even try to log it... I am not really sure how to calculate deep fried items... I guess by measuring the oil before, cooling and measuring again.. but I am a deep frying slob - so there is oil on the counter, my apron and on the paper toweling I cover everything with... so I just don't do it very often and make it an off track meal - no logging.... all went well until the end when one of the gals melted down... that is the only way I can explain it... we were trying to find a date for next month at her house, and she didn't have her calender so we picked a couple of possibilities and I said I'd pencil them on my calender until we heard from her, and she started raising her voice that we were pressuring her :ohwell: - it was at her house and she got to pick the date, threw her napkin down and Left! We were out in the back yard, and thought she'd go to the kitchen and come back, but she got in her car and LEFT :sad: :sad: I called later and apologized but no one has heard from her since....we had all had a couple of drinks but she did not seem buzzed at all... so all I can think is something else was going on... I hope she will talk later - the scary part is she holds a grudge... and is never wrong...

    well a girlfriend and I are going out for breakfast, and then I have a gardening gig, so I will be able to be a bit relaxed at breakfast, gardening uses a ton of calories... Love that part :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Have a great Tuesday all,
    see you later

    August goals :
    Stretch 5 minutes a day xxxx
    Walk 45 minutes a day 24 times
    Do Heather’s abc balance 1 time a week 3 weeks done

    Kim from N. California
  • scparke2
    scparke2 Posts: 12 Member
    Can I post here? I'll be 50 this Friday (Aug 29th). I'm feeling blue because I started my new adventure of losing weight March '11. I was 202.4 the day I walked in Weight Watchers. For two years I lost a total 42 lbs. It was this year I started MFP and I drop down to 51 lbs. My goal was to lose a total of 62 lb by my 50th birthday. Sadly, I will not make it. Last week I was just at a 47 lbs lost. I don't know why but I'm to the point where I just want to eat anything and everything. I do enjoy being able to wear size 10 when I was a 16W before. I'm a planner but it's got where I don't want to do that. I could just cry at anything. People at work and my husband just seems to bother me all the time. I don't mean to be that way, but I just want to be left alone. What I would really like to do is to go to a "boot camp" for a week and like the Biggest Loser and just work on me. I hope I can get some feedback on this mood and how I can break out of it. Thanks for listening to the "pity me" story.

    Stephanie from NC
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Good Thursdays to all!

    DH off work for the rest of the week. Still hoping to catch Jersey Boys with DD. Asked DH to go; got a no. Not surprising; if I depended on him for anything social I'd be homebound...........I learned a long time ago that he just doesn't have that gene. As long as he doesn't object to me having a life, we'll get along fine---it has worked for over 30yrs..........most people in the groups I belong to think I'm single (either divorced or widowed) anyway. BUT, sometimes I do wonder what it would be like to have a socially normal spouse........I was really surprised to have him go along to DD's college graduation, but he went and did well although I know he was uncomfortable.

    Took DH and his car to the garage for routine stuff this am and just took him back to pick it up. Did a grocery run for a neighbor who has a terrible cold..................stayed WAY away from her as I just handed the bags in the door.........I'll get the money when she's well. Thanks to all for the get better wishes for moi..........sure I'd be better by now if I could have actually used the Advair, but didn't like the almost "nervous panic attack" reaction.............no, not going there.......I'll just cough a few more days.

    Anne........Yes, your guess was right. I know the lawyers are orchestrating it all, but it pains me to see the bus back over her day after day when I knew a much different person.
    Livestrong has a list of natural diuretics.....caffinated beverages plus fruits, vegtables, and herbs you might look at...........elevating feet when you can is effective too. My dad used to make dandelion wine---don't know if it was a diuretic though.
    The latest thing here is to run your meth lab out of your vehicle; how's THAT for scary? With all our tunnels and bridges.......
    My bike is a cruiser type; I got an oversized seat, put a gel seat on top of that, and covered all with one of those sheepskin seat covers.

    Michele..........Spent many a day in Lexington at horse shows. I think your feelings and sadness about Bryan are completely normal and find nothing unusual about the fact that they are still occurring; I'd say you are in a kind of mourning for the lost closeness. I know I would be, so let it out all you want here.

    Lesley........... When I get an increased bill due to DD being here, I think of you. When she gets a job, we'll have a talk about her contributing more than just mowing the grass and dishes.

    Alison..........Fabulous size change for you; be proud!! Good luck for the new job.

    Heather............Of course DH walked in as I was holding the laptop upside down ooohhing and ahhhing......

    jane........So, what's up with the lovely Violet????

    Kim.......Please don't feel bad; you can't be responsible for others bad behavior.......either she gets over it or she doesn't and maybe the group is better w/o her......sounds like a diva to me.......

    Off to the movies!!!........maybe....
    mid-Atlantic..........hot, sunny, blue skies
  • dinaesia
    dinaesia Posts: 54 Member
    Hello form TX!
    Good news on the Iphone. It charged up and I was able to access the contacts list. I called "mom" and left a message. She called me back and I returned the phone. It belonged to one of their daughters, she used it as a music player. The irony is, last year I found an Iphone car charger in a parking lot and gave it to Goodwill. That's the fourth phone that I have found.

    On finding people - a couple years ago, my cousin mentioned he was trying to locate his father. His parents divorced when he was two. I told him "let me try." . Two weeks later, I found his father's family. He had remarried several times. Had more children. His father was in a nursing home. My cousin did get to meet his father. Unfortunately, his father passed last month.

    I have also found some extended family. I have two sets of sisters, who spent many summers with us. We lost touch with one set, they were in Homestead, FL when Hurricane Andrew went through. I was able to find them and we had a reunion several years ago. They now live around Cape Canaveral, FL.

    One of my aunts was from a family of twelve children. My cousins, her daughters, asked me to help them locate her siblings. I did, but unfortunately, her last surviving sibling had passed the previous month. But she was able to contact her nieces and nephews. My aunt passed away in June of this year. We all use FB to stay in touch.

    Sylvia - yeah, many manufacturers have downsized their products. Cans have lost an ounce. One lb. pkgs, are now 14 oz. or even 12 oz.

    Michele and Alison - where in FL do you go? I grew up in the Tampa Bay area. 17 miles of white sand beaches. Beautiful.

    Anne - a Fitbit is an electronic fitness monitor. it tracks activity and sleep patterns. Maybe you should change your saddle. Or check the height of your seat vs handlebars vs your height. Has your height changed? Love that last pic! How about a bone (dog bone) shaped foam insert for your shorts? Check your local fabric/craft stores for high density foam. You can sculpt it. Recumbent bikes are good for people with back injuries and spinal issues.
    HGTV had a show about unusual homes. I remember seeing one in CA with a wall made of wine bottles. But I think the coolest recycled homes were made by students in a university. On one home, they did a butterfly wing roof to collect rainwater into a conservation tank. On another building, they used car windshields, stacked like shingles.

    Monika - Craft stores or home improvement store have wiring kits for making a lamp out of a bottle.
    One of my sisters lives in Sugarland. So sorry to hear bout your recent loss.

    Kayzoola - Sorry to hear about your mom. I agree with the other ladies, your family isn't used to the change, so they think you are too skinny. Be sure to take some time for yourself during this stressful time. Have a cup of tea/coffee. Listen to music. Go for a walk. Good luck with the identity theft. Oh, and welcome to the group.

    Welcome to Beachlady and Ladidahdah.

    on the acronyms, there a post on them, I think it's on the "getting started" topic. I think it's a Must Read.

    Diane, in TX
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Kayzoola, oh my, another thing to give you extreme stress. It is just wrong, wrong, wrong, that some one try to steal some ones identity. I hope things can be quickly resolved and he can have peace of mind. You sure do have your hands full.

    Stephanie, have you gone through menopause yet. It sure can put weight loss to a stop and even make you gain weight.

    Someone spoke about college students building on a home. We have a program through our local school system. It is part of our trades school program in the high schools. We all know that not all high school students are college bound. We have a brand new high school for technical training. One of the programs in this school is the building and contracting school. It was just in one of our high schools before the technical school was built. But in this program, local contracters assist the students to build a house. There are also regular men assisting. We have a 'Parade of homes' every spring that local contracters show off and have for sale their homes. This home built by the students is one of those homes and it is a very popular one to visit. Now that they have the technical school, the ones in the landscaping division do that for them, the home ec division does the staging, etc. So there are many students working on this home and it usually goes for a very good price.

    Only 3 days left of this monitor on my chest. I am going to moisterize and really baby the skin on my chest when I send it back. I can't put any lotion or medicine for my psoriasis on the left side at all so the monitor patches stay on. Plus my clothes just don't fit right with it on my chest and the pouch on my pants waist line to hold the telephone.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • Cindy781
    Cindy781 Posts: 442 Member
    Hi Ladies!

    We are back at home with our fur baby. His is 6 or 7 pounds of white fluff. He wants to sit in your lap, not next to you. Old pug girl and he don't want much to do with each other yet. He is having fun checking out the house and yard now. He just discovered one of the toys I showed hm earlier. I will post a pic of him soon.

    DeeDee, the pug in the middle of the pic is our old girl. The other 2 Are the boys we rescued. We lost them last year. They were fun and funny!

    Welcome all new ladies! I will catch up with everyone tomorrow!


    Cindy in OK
  • ProfRuth
    ProfRuth Posts: 4 Member

    I am 52. I work at a computer all day and finding time to exercise takes a lot of planning and motivation for me. Frankly, I love to eat and have very little time to cook. This is a bad combination! I usually end up grabbing fast food.

    My biggest motivator (aside from my 35th high school reunion next year) is to have more energy and lay the foundations for a healthy retirement.

    I've had two back surgeries for the same herniated disk, but I'm 10 years post-op and thrilled that my back feels great! As much as I respect marathoners, I will never be one myself. No running! So, I walk and (slowly) bike.

    Please feel free to add me!

  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,650 Member
    Stephanie – Welcome! You have joined us, lots of support and room to vent… you are a success 47 lbs off is excellent, maybe not the exact goal but so darn much !!!

    Ruth – Welcome – when I started logging calories, I cut a lot of junk, or junky food as I was too hungry if I did not add in veggies and fruits to fill me up

    Kayzoola – I hope you knocked down (virtually) everyone of those low lives!!!!:grumble: :grumble:

    Well, I got a fitbit today! :wink: A gently used one, and got it all set up on my ‘puter and am looking forward to tomorrow to see how a full day is reflected. My niece gave me her gently used IPod :happy: and trained me up on putting music on it… just need to get headphones.. and next a smart phone and I’ll be a technological marvel!!!

    I love learning new things and sometimes the computer stuff is hard; but such a sense of satisfaction when I do it and can do it the second time too…:smile::smile:

    August goals :
    Stretch 5 minutes a day xxxx
    Walk 45 minutes a day 24 times
    Do Heather’s abc balance 1 time a week 3 weeks done

    Kim from N. California
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Hello everyone. It's been a busy day here. I walked two girls to school because their brother was home sick. My son said he was throwing up. Yuck. So, after I dropped them off I walked another 10 blocks to the Y, because I was already on that side of town. I did my weight routine and was almost finished when hubby showed up to start his workout. I told him I was going to walk back to get my van. He thought it was a bad idea, saying it was already getting hot, but off I went. I got about five blocks away before I called him to come get me. It was so darned sunny! But I didn't wait till I got too bad before I called him this time. Sometimes I just don't have good judgement.

    Later I found out that the oldest granddaughter had gone to the nurses office complaining that she was sick, so the school called my son and told him to come get her. He told them that she is a master at faking being sick, and saw her brother being sick and saw it as an opportunity. But they insisted, so he went to get her. Once she got home she had an amazing recovery. Well, my son asked if I could take the grandson and middle granddaughter (after I picked her up from school) while they took the oldest to the doctor, because the school nurse was insisting. When I got there, my grandson said he was feeling lots better! All cured! He was eager to go to my house and play on my ipad. So off we went, down the elevator. I noticed a bad smell in the elevator, but didn't think much of it. When we were going through the lobby, I said "Ian, why are you walking funny? ". He said he was just playing around. But when we got out in the sunshine, I could see what was going on, and called my son and told him we had to come back up so Ian could change his pants. Meanwhile, the oldest fessed up to faking and said she didn't need to go to the doctor. Ian had to get in the bathtub. So the one who was well was faking being sick, and the one who was sick was faking being well. In the end, I didn't take anybody to my house and nobody went to the clinic, but there was a huge hassle getting to that point.

    So I was glad to finally get home out of the heat.

    Here is today's joke of the day:


    “How are you getting on with your exams?”

    “Not bad. The questions are easy enough – it’s the answers I have trouble with!”


    Welcome Ruth! I've pretty much given up fast food, and don't really miss it anymore. :sad:

    Cindy, I can't wait to see the picture of your new baby!

    Joyce, I don't see how you have tolerated that monitor this long. I had to do it once for 24 hours and that was plenty.

    Goodnight everyone!

  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,774 Member
    Arghhh!! I just wrote a long post and accidentally hit the back button!:sad:

    I'll try again tomorrow... too late now.

  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    Wednesday here and only got in 8487 steps yesterday, major shopping day.
    Did 27 minutes of Jeannette's Bikini boot-camp before breakfast and 16 minutes of Jillian's Hard Bodies after breakfast, 2 mile doggy walk after lunch. Just easing into stuff after flu last week and NO training

    Have to clean house and do ironing along with weeding and seasol. Spring bulbs are flowering and need a feed.

    Electric bill came yesterday, only $190 to pay next week, pension day. Already paid $500. Back on track with that. Rates of $613 being paid next week too. Then start putting money each pension into different sub-accounts and start saving again. Hate being in debt as only pensions here.

    Lesley in Tasmania