

  • strassenkoenigin

    You just reminded me to read the book. I only saw, enjoyed and now own the movie. You should definitely try to get in contact with her again. It always helps to know somebody who has been published successfully. She might be helpful.

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,370 Member
    Alison - where MIL was in the assisted lving facility, there was a special demential unit, so the transition was pretty simple. There might be one where your FIL is.

    Made the portobello mushroom that had been frozen. I even put it under the broiler, but it was still too watery. Than goodnes I only have one other one in the freezer. I guess you have to buy them right before you're going to use them.

    Going to post this to mark my spot.

    Michele in NC
  • strassenkoenigin

    I think you have to cook mushrooms first before freezing.


    I am headed to the library to get some books of your friend Deborah Moggach. She wrote the screen play for Pride and Prejudice, wow!

    I am looking forward to read her books.

  • meyllisa
    meyllisa Posts: 284 Member
    :flowerforyou: well wishes too all

    juanita in sudbury
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,946 Member
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,646 Member
    Katla - I have had trouble with cable/internet company here making decisions for me too… it is a different one, but they seem to think they know me…

    Carol - Congrats!!! And even if you are the only single this is a church get to know each other thing, right??? You are allowed to have married friends!!!

    Tere – someday I am flying Heather in to cater for me… you’re right I see her name and get hungry!!

    Sue – Levi and I walk in San Ramon very often!!! Wish we could have met.

    Alison - glad you are considering a second doc....

    Time to go fix dinner and I really need to stretch today! I my goal was 31 times in 31 days, and I have done it 4 times in 15... better get going!


    August goals :
    Stretch 5 minutes a day xxxx
    Walk 45 minutes a day 13 times
    Do Heather’s abc balance 1 time a week 2 weeks done

    Kim from N. California
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    I have all my notes in front of me, hopefully I will remember what the notes mean since we are on a new thread now and I would have to open up a new tab and pull up that page.

    Sue, another alto!!! yeah!!!! I think the alto is a beautiful voice. The soprano just would not be the same without us.

    Heather, I haven't done anything to my memoir for a long time. But reading about your book has made me think about it. I am famous about starting something, get all enthused and then just drop it.

    Carol, I remember when my first child went off to college. I thought I was very prepared. All my friends had warned me that I would just bawl on the way home from dropping her off. So I expected that. Christina was very enthused about making sure her car was packed to the gills and would look like it was college bound. Her and her sister drove in her car and we traveled in a seperate car. they even stopped at the college sign outside of town to get a picture. Anyway, after we got her dorm room all set up and said our goodbyes my husband and I walked out to the car and left. I didn't cry one bit. I thought maybe something was wrong with me. I loved this child dearly, we were best of friends. But we went back to see her the next weekend, yeah i know I'm bad. Her laundry was done, she had wonderful friends. Plus she had a boyfriend and had his class ring on her finger. I did cry when we left that time. My baby girl had grown up and functioning well without me. She has always been like a friend to me. she even asked me to be her matron of honor at her wedding. I refused. I was the Mom and Mom only. About being a single woman now. Your son is off to college, this is the perfect time to rediscover yourself.

    Anne, I loved that movie!!!! Interesting that Heather knew the writer.

    Vicki, last year was the first year I had all my Christmas shopping done way way early. i did most of it online and it was wonderful. Plus I had a lot fo packing boxes!

    Mimi, I belong to a web forum for people with MS and several of them are on a Paleo type diet. I used to take care of my oldest grand daughter for several days. But once the second one was born that changed. She is a pistol!!!! There is no way I can take care of her for several days. There are times when they are here that we will take care of them for several hours while DD and SIL go to a movie or something. But not several days like we did for the older one. We tried it once and that was to much! I love both of them but she is hyper. I just hope her second grade teacher knows how to channel this like her first grade teacher did. She is done with her work so quick in class that her teacher knew how to keep her stimulate her while the rest of the class was still working.

    Well I am now in first place in my game. I am glad it is a once in a lifetime thing for me to do. The lady that was in first all month suddenly stopped playing. She is a face book friend of mine and I messaged her to see if she is OK. She had a stomach bug and couldn't play. This wasn't the way I wanted to win. I wanted to have competition all month.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good evening beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Just popping in to save my place:bigsmile: !

    Sending out good wishes to everyone:heart: !!!

    DeeDee in NC
  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    Woke to a wonderful sunny Saturday. Washed our bed-sheets and dog's doona covers and I am cleaning house.
    Did 35 minutes Jeannette's cardio kickboxing and a 2 mile doggy walk later.
    Making home-made pizza for lunch using Jamie Oliver's pizza mix base .
    We are totally electric here in rural Tassie. Electric water pump for garden and toilet. We do have a wood fire in winter which is very cosy. So no chance of gas ever coming to this area. We have a septic tank, working well, a rain-water tank and a bore for garden.
    Going to do some more weeding and seasol flower beds.
    Sorry I don't chat more. I limit my computer times, I do read however
    Lesley in Tasmania
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Just bumping to save my place. Need lots of sleep for energy in moving the boy child into his dorm tomorrow!!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,966 Member
    :flowerforyou: I have skimmed all the posts but no time to reply……we leaped into the 21st century today and bought Smart Phones……now we are obsessed with learning to use them. We bought identical phones in different colors (so we can tell them apart). Now we can share the job of learning how to use the phones. Jake is home from house sitting but goes back tomorrow. I’ve been to four line dance classes in the last three days, walked about 20,000 steps an day and kept up with my squat challenge (140 squats today). Tomorrow morning is the line dance performance at the County Fair.

    :heart: Barbie from beautiful NW Washington

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,079 Member
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    I am trying to keep up, dear ladies.
    Meg, my heart and worry is with you. I have no solutions to offer, other than please do not poke out your eyes.

    I saw my grandbabies this week. Not long enough of course, but they have no choice but to endure my hugs and kisses.

    it's late and it is past my bedtime.

  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    Sylvia: you have the makings of a real inventor!

    Jane: still thinking of you!

    Meg: sympathize with you concerning the care of the baby. Very frustrating. Are there any other ways to help or let someone else help with that (without exhausting yourself)? Any chance the dad will “step up”? Other grandparents? I know you don’t agree with their financial support, but maybe their involvement will help in other ways. Of course, I’m just guessing here. A serious step would be having the baby removed from the parents’ care, but I hope that wouldn’t be necessary.

    Alison: I second Katla’s advice on the second opinion. Sure hope that will lead you towards less pain.

    Carol: sounds like you have figured out your “mood”. Try to pamper yourself a little so that this relatively quiet time will be more than just the opportunity to worry. Good luck with the dorm moving!

    Tere: good to see you!

    Renny: good to see you too!

    Everybody with heel problems: can I pick your brains for suggestions? My mom has trouble with her feet. Apparently she has almost no fat on the bottoms of the feet. With shoes etc. she is generally OK , but she really hurts in the shower! She has two bath mats (the ones with the suction cups) placed on top of each other, but her feet still hurt. Any suggestions? (Yes, she’s under the care of a doctor and podiatrist, but they haven’t had any good ideas.)

    Another thing (repost from my timeline): thinking about replacing my Fitbit Flex with a One. Flex works fine; after 10 months I'm just not wanting the sports look on my wrist all the time anymore. The Tory Burch option is too small and too expensive. Have a bracelet from Etsy but don't love it. Any thoughts? P.S. Can you just clip the One onto your t-shirt or whatever for sleeping? The wristband doesn't look that great or that comfortable.

    Up a few pounds since vacation. Will wait a few more days and see how much more magically disappears. In the meantime I’m back to logging as usual. I do notice (much) more pain in my knee; maybe that’s the extra weight. I sure didn’t do a whole lot of walking or whatever on vacation, and the gym visits were per my usual routing (no treadmill etc.)

    Hope everyone has a good day!
    Cynthia :flowerforyou:
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,310 Member
    Good morning from sunny Hampshire!:flowerforyou:

    Anne - I was a successful writer, only in children's books. I also had a play on BBC radio and short stories and poems published. I also had a small theatre company and wrote and directed my own experimental plays. For some reason my novels got stuck. I had agents who believed in me and famous commissioning editors who were keen to publish me, but I alwsys came unstuck at the last hurdle. Once it was only a financial problem at a prestigious publishing house that pipped me at the post. Of course I got very discouraged at so many near misses. :cry: :brokenheart: It was the cause of much of my depression.
    I think, with the wisdom of hindsight, that the books were very reflective of the disturbed state of my mind at the time. They were also very exposing and I am not sure I had the inner resources to push them. For whatever reason their time has passed and they are very much historical documents thst I would like to see in print so they don't die with me. Amazon kindle can do that for me and you can also print on demand for family and friends to have on their shelves .:blushing: :heart:
    I was friends with Debbie for quite a while and close in the way that mums with young children can be. I knew her all through changes of husband, boyfriends and while her mother went to jail for helping at an old lady's suicide. Her best book is Tulip Fever, about Holland in the 17th century and she decorated her beautiful house in the old Dutch style, just like a film set. I also love Close To Home, which so accurately represents the life of young mothers in North London in the 70s. :tongue:
    Her daughter Lottie Moggach, who I knew as a screaming, unruly toddler, published her first novel last yesr to great acclaim.

    Going to catch up with admin today and read the newspaper.

    Lots of love, Heather UK
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    I finally made it into the 180's! I didn't weigh yesterday, the day before I was still stuck at 190.0, and this morning I was 188.8. I'm doing my happy dance!

    Cynthia, I wonder if you could get her one of those anti fatigue mats that are made for the kitchen? They are expensive, but they are thick and cushy. You might have to cut a hole to fit over the drain, if it's that kind of shower. Or maybe some thick cushy flip flops? Not sure how well that would work for an older person in the shower. Might be a little unstable.

    Gotta go swim. Have a great Saturday!

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,310 Member
    GO SYLVIA! ! ! ! ! :drinker: :flowerforyou: :drinker:
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,125 Member
    Bump bump bump.
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
  • meyllisa
    meyllisa Posts: 284 Member
    :flowerforyou: WTG Sylvia

    I have just been told about this great site called Yummly it has all the nutrition facts for all recipes and a very wide variety
    just thought I would pass it along

    have a great day

    Juanita in sudbury