

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,371 Member
    Anne - you might be right about having to cook the mushrooms before freezing them. When baby bellas are on sale I usually buy them, cut them up, roast them and then freeze them. And I don't seem to have any "water retention" problems.

    Just cleaned the metal shelves from my oven. Took them outside and sprayed oven and grill cleaner on them. Even so, there were things that I had to scrub off, and even a few that wouldn't come off. Right now I have my oven on self-cleaning. Oh no.....this sounds a lot like I'm getting ready for the holidays, and I don't want them to come too fast.

    barbie - congrats on getting the new phone. I didn't even know the features my old phone had, and I know there are things that my new phone can do but I have no idea what they are. I just use it for the basics, the phone, keep my shopping list on it, my store loyalty cards, an app for when I do HIIT, the alarm clock and a few other little things.

    Did an hour of challenges today. Tomorrow I'm planning to do some balance games on the Wii.

    Ken and Lynette are coming over tomorrow. Ken said that he needs to do some recording so he will be coming for dinner. Personally, I think Lynette is more intent on going swimming than Ken is and this is his reason not to have to go swimming. I'm planning just to grill hamurgers, I have an apple streusel cake in the freezer and I just made this chocolate pudding pie (I tried cooling the pudding and putting chocolate chips in it. I suspect that I should have let the pudding cool even more). I also made more of the coleslaw with lime dill vinegrette. If anything, I'll eat it. While we have the grill on, I'm planning to have Vince grill salmon for us to have later in the week. I'll have a piece of that. Need to marinate it still

    Went to the farmer's market, got a red pepper. I was SOOO disappointed when I got home, half of it had gone bad. I tried using the julienne attachment for the coleslaw, but I didn't like it so I wound up cutting up the pepper into strips. It IS good for cutting onion REAL thin.

    Vince and I went to WalMart. He wanted to pick up his prescriptions for his eye drops, so I got another red pepper and more coleslaw.

    Sylvia - dancing right along with you! I was down a few pounds today from last week, but I know that won't stay, next week I'll probably be up a few pounds. This is the PITS

    Juanita - thanks for the yummily tip. It is now in my favorites. One of the things that is particularly good for me is the way it tells you if something is sweet, sour, spicy. Vince doesn't like ANYTHING spicy at all, so this is a real help to me. Thanks again. He finally admitted that the reason he's such a pickey eater today is because of the way his mother cooked (very very bland)

    Cindy in OK - When I've bought baby bellas, I slice them up, roast them, then freeze them. Never had a problem at all. But I don't think you can freeze the portobellos, you have to use them right when you buy them. Well....live and learn...and die a fool

    Susananneh - welcome. Yes, pilates does work your entire core which includes the back. It is good for strengthening.

    Going to go in the pool right now, then hopefully to WalMart with Vince. I really don't want to go after church tonight, but there are a few things I need, especially more coleslaw for him for tomorrow.

    After church went to Kohl's. See, 2 years ago I ordered a bathing suit from this company thru the Y. Well, turns out that they were rated "F" by BBB. After my constant writing to the BBB, they finally sent me a bathing suit. I think it was more to shut me up than anything else. Evidentally, it's not chlorine resistant. Our pool doesn't have near the chlorine the Y's pool does, but even now the bathing suit is starting to droop in the back. So I bought a new one at Kohl's. They did have two more, so if those go on sale at a lower price, I'll take this one back and buy the lower priced one.

    dinaesia - when we go away, I always use flip flops when I'm taking a shower. Only for cleanliness sake, tho. You never know what lurks on the floor of a shower

    mimi - I really enjoy Michael Pollen's books

    Joyce - sometimes I think the weather man would be better off if he just looked out the window! The weather is CONSTANTLY changing.

    Renny - I just never thought of all the differences of everyone here, you are so right. People from all walks of life, all places on the globe.

    Michele in NC
  • dinaesia
    dinaesia Posts: 54 Member
    This morning I went walking with friends. We walked 3 miles in a city park.
    I did a little shopping this afternoon, just for fun. I've already started my Christmas shopping. I generally start in July with the back-to-school sales. I'm finished by October. I keep everything together and make a list to keep track. I have several hiding places around the house.

    Alison, I have plantar's fasciitis as well. I have a brace to wear at night that stretches the foot. I have some OTC orthotics, that I move from shoe to shoe. I wear Birkenstocks most of the time.

    Sylvia - CONGRATS on breaking the plateau. And sinking to a new low..hehehe

    Sue, welcome to the group. If you have Facebook, look for Rebecca Leone. She's a former classmate of mine. She specializes in corrections of the spine. She has a tattoo sleeve on her left arm. She teaches Pilates, I think her studio is Body Avante. She lives in FL, but travels to teach classes.

    Barbie, i just upgraded to a smartphone in June. Mine is Android. I bought a book on how to use it. :laugh:

    Anne - you have been adopted by that feral cat. He has staked his claim.

    Speaking of cats, someone in the group has mentioned a diabetic cat. One of my cats was just diagnosed with diabetes. Along with inflammation of the pancreas and the early stages of fatty liver disease. Good news is we caught it all in time. The diabetes is under control. The other diseases have disappeared. Bonnie gets insulin 2x a day. She's starting to lose weight. She is much happier. She doesn't mind getting her shots. I do them in the scruff of her neck. I do have a hard time checking her glucose. She doesn't like having her ears touched.

    Joyce - maybe you can lay a slim board across the handlebars and rest your ipad on it. Something about 4-6 inches wide and 2 ft. long should work. If not, check Best Buy or Bed, Bath and Beyond, for an ipad holder. Or even Ross, Dress for Less and TJMaxx. they often have electronic gizmos and accessories.

    I wanted to see the Marigold Hotel movie and missed it. Thanks for the reminder, now I'll add it to my shopping list.
    Enjoy the weekend! Diane in TX
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Too freaking tired to read. Move in done. Just got home. Sleep now!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,966 Member
    :laugh: :laugh: spent too much time today playing with my new phone.....it worked great for listening to music while I walked the dogs.....I set up special ringtones for all my friends using music that I loaded on the phone myself......the line dance performance at the County Fair went great.....Jake figured out how to use his phone to turn the TV on and off and change the volume and is now using the calendar like an expert., and downloaded a book to read on his phone.

    :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: Barbie from beautiful NW Washington
  • kittytoo
    kittytoo Posts: 27
    Hi, ladies! My name is Kitty and I am new to the forum. One of my friends recommended this site at a party, where I was complaining that in this age of smart phones, there ought to be an easier way to track what we eat and do for exercise than a piece of paper. I always have my phone. I never have paper.

    My profile pic is from my 50th birthday. (I look like I have wings because I was standing next to Tinker Bell.) I want to look like that again. Only I'm blonde now, like Tink - it was too hard to stay red.... And while I have "just" 12 pounds to lose, it's been my experience that the last are harder than the first. :grumble:

    You all look like a great group. I look forward to getting to know you.
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Kitty, anyone who keeps company with Tinker Bell is worth knowing!!!

    Ia gree about the weather man. We used to have this lady on our NBC station named Marcia Yockey. She was, as my Dad said it, a character with a capitol K! I don't think she had any official training, just a character and everyone loved to watch her. That was in the days before you depended on radar to predict the weather. You never knew what she would be dressed in, usually jeans and a plaid or flannel shirt. She was as ugly, OOPS, shouldn't say that. She was very plain, stringy hair that was always in a pony tail. Mind you, this is on live TV and everyone loved her. But if she said it was going to rain tomorrow you knew it was going to rain. She always did a segment for people who were traveling. You told her where you were going and she would tell you the weather. She devoted several minutes to that each evening.

    I love the name Oma for grandma. Yes, it is a special time. Nothing in the world like it!

    There was a thread on the regular forums about needing a group for over 50. I referred them over here but told the men they needed to get a group of their own

    Joyce, Indiana
  • strassenkoenigin
    Good evening my partners in staying fit,

    I had a terrible day. For some stupid reason I did not sleep at all last night and spent the whole night, reading, watching mindless TV and doing Yoga. In the morning I was so tired that I could only go on a short bike ride. Plus it is getting really hot again. Apparently so far August has been below normal , but for the rest of the month they predict temperatures of over 105 every day. The day temperatures are bad but the worst are the night temperatures. Whoever designed this house decided to put the master bedroom in the hottest location and somehow the AC does not really cool it. I have to sleep in the living room because there at least the AC is working properly.

    When I do get no sleep at all I cannot concentrate on anything and am irritable and restless.


    Congratulations. Every morning I step on that scale after squeezing the last drop out of my body hoping to see a weight loss, The funny thing is that my lowest weight is after biking, sometimes three pounds under my morning weight. So I do not really know what weight I should apply. After all I drink at least two liters of water on a ride. So I am losing five pounds of water weight on a ride?


    I started reading the novel on which the Marigold Hotel movie is based and am quite surprised how different it is from the movie. Also Deborah Moggach did not write the screenplay for the movie, which I think is interesting as she had experience in writing screen plays.

    I am impressed by your resume and I hope you will be published again. Sometimes we have to stick with something until it works. I have unfortunately the tendency too to give up on things if I experience too many throwbacks, but I know it is not the right thing to do.
    As an artist/writer you have to be vulnerable and you have to be willing to open yourself up. So many successful writers really write about things they experienced even if it is not always obvious.

    The UK has so many well-known women authors, you should be one of them. Not everybody is so lucky as
    J.K. Rowling of course, but a reasonable success would be fine.
    I never thought that I would read children books again, but I read all of the Harry Potter books. But I always loved and still love fairy tales.

    It is interesting that the most popular women authors write fairy tales and dystopian novels. I am talking about Margaret Atwood, who is very high on my list of favorite female authors too. She is Canadian though.

    So do not give up, and if you can use the connection with D.M. use it.


    My feral cat does not allow me to have other cats. All the cats I ever had were indoor/outdoor cats and I am not going to change that. I am too much of an outdoor person myself to be able to imprison a cat in a house. But as long as Mr. Feral lives on my patio furniture, there is no chance to bring another cat into the house. I tried everything. I tried to trap him to have him fixed, but he is too smart to get caught. I was hoping that in time he would trust me enough that maybe he could live partly indoor on very hot or very cold days. No, he is fiercely independent and food and shelter in the yard is all he wants. I have resigned. Sometimes he disappears for a few weeks, only to show up again and claim his territory. He reminds me of a bad boyfriend I had many years ago.

    And we have leash laws in Nevada. We also have laws which prohibit using your phone while driving or crossing at a red light. But how can I report all these people who constantly break the law? We have some of the highest number of pedestrian deaths in the country. Nearly every day there is another story in the news about a pedestrian being hit or killed, ;people getting severely bitten by dogs and car crashes due to people thinking they can still cross at a red light.

    Hopefully I can sleep tonight. I am paying very close attention to my food to see if there is something I eat which gives me this terrible insomnia.

    Anne, being roasted in the Mojave desert
  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    Lesley: What is a “bore” for a garden -this is a deep bore into fresh water and tapped so we can water garden without using the rain water.

    Sunday is my REST and re-feed day. We drove along the coast and walked doggy along the river,
    Food is under at 2084 cals
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    Thanks all for the shower tips (for Mom). The chair might be an idea. I don't think flip-flops are the answer (she might fall). I've thought of shower shoes or Crocs before; I wear Crocs myself and find them very shock-absorbing. Will have to talk to her.

    Had a short night. Slept well, but went to bed too late because of genealogy. Have gotten more into this recently and am using a few of the bigger sites to search for information. Don't have all my information entered on each site, so I may have to think of a strategy. Any tips are welcome.

    Hope everyone has a good day! It's my last official vacation day. My goal is to get the house straightened up (laundry is already done). We are also getting new windows put in this week, if it doesn't rain too much. Oh yes: we ordered pvc laminate flooring for the kitchen. Making decisions isn't always my strong point, but I think we picked out a nice one. Should be installed sometime this month.

    Cynthia :flowerforyou:
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,311 Member
    Good morning!

    Weather a bit dull today. I always think, if it's going to be dull it might as well rain.:laugh: We can always do with rain for the garden, but dull is just ........dull.:ohwell:
    I much prefer cooler weather. I know you folks in the States think England is always cold and rainy and foggy like in a ****ens novel, but June and July were really hot and DRY! Sleeping was difficult as few people have air conditioning. I feel for you Anne.:flowerforyou: I must admit I am a little baffled as to why you live in the desert. I guess you must love it most of the time. :happy:

    Kim - my books are available on Amazon as used copies. My favourite one, The Trouble With Herbert, seems to be no longer available. I know it was used as a school book in the States and I have recently had royalties. Otherwise I am especially fond of Well I Never. It is a favourite of DGS whose new word is "Balderdash!" :laugh:

    I haven't heard from my friend who is meant to be staying tomorrow and Tuesday. I hope she isn't going to cancel. :cry: She is inclined to do that sort of thing.
    The Friday contingent are on board, tho the niece hasn't got back to me yet. I messaged her on Facebook so I hope it gets through.
    It does seem to be more difficult arranging things these days. You have to organise things so far in advance and there are always some people who are not reliable. Things used to be more spontaneous I think, people weren't booked up so far in advance. Luckily my DDIL is good at making and sticking to plans so I can see the grandchildren, but we do have to make arrangements well in advance.
    I'm just hoping my friend will come. I want to give her a good time.:heart: She is living with cancer.

    I'm going to have a quiet day today - I've only got soup to make for tomorrow. Duck legs for dinner with home grown zucchini and french beans. I will probably put some jerk seasoning under the duck skin as we don't usually eat the skin.

    Renny - we went all the way to Sussex for the weekend to avoid a neighbour's party!:laugh: I admire your cool.:tongue: The last two years the farmer has rented out the field in front of us for the bank holiday weekend (next weekend). :grumble: Hope he doesn't this year. I loathe and detest other peoples noises. :embarassed:
    I love brain books! Or any popular science books, especially human biology. A recent one was "Incognito - the secret lives of the brain" by David Eagleman. I also enjoyed "The Epigenetics Revolution" by Nessa Carey, though I'm not sure I took a lot of it in as I was always reading it before I fell asleep at night.:laugh:
    I also read a lot of detective novels so I am not an incurable intellectual! ! :laugh: :bigsmile: :tongue:

    Love to all. Oh, the sun has come out!:bigsmile:
    Heather in beautiful Hampshire UK
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,765 Member
    good morning ladies~
    well after eating all that junk yesterday, do you think I slept well? Ohhhhh no fell asleep around 8:30 work up at 1:30 fell back asleep around 4 then got up at 6:30. today will be a busy day... sweep and wash the floors, and mow the lawn...
    I have to say between the cortisone shot and the prednisone ,i am sitting here and NOT icing my heel.. It feel good.. but maybe I will take myself this thursday over to a specialty shoe store and have them tell me what kind of shoes to get to keep from going through with surgery...
    I am going to have shredded wheat with unsweetened almond milk this morning for breakfast..
    I bought tickets for Miranda Lambert for the DH for his birthday, and as I was laying awake this morning I said, wouldnt it be nice to get away for Labor day weekend, go up to the cottage.
    well that wont be happening because the concert is the saterday of labor day weekend.. oh well..
    I am looking forward to labor day you know why?
    because all the clothes at Goodwill are 1/2 off.. I bought myself some nice stuff for 40.00 last year , and I am going to be one of the first ones there this year to get more... my mother taught me well :bigsmile:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,966 Member

    Every morning I step on that scale after squeezing the last drop out of my body hoping to see a weight loss, The funny thing is that my lowest weight is after biking, sometimes three pounds under my morning weight. So I do not really know what weight I should apply. After all I drink at least two liters of water on a ride. So I am losing five pounds of water weight on a ride?

    Anne, being roasted in the Mojave desert

    Anne, it really doesn't matter which weight you apply as long as you use the same one each time....either always compare first thing in the morning weights or after bike ride weights but don't compare them to each other.....I weigh myself three times a day and record two of them (yes, I'm obsessive, but, so what:laugh: )......The weight I take seriously is the one first thing in the morning. I don't compare my weight at the doctor's office with my weight at home because it's a different time of day and wearing more clothes......but I compare doctor's offices weights with each other.

    :bigsmile: my new smart phone has a pedometer so will I now be comparing step counts:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Good morning ladies! I hope you are all having a great Sunday. I was feeling pretty queasy all day yesterday, and some diarrhea. And I felt cold and sweaty at the same time. And headachy. None of it was at horrible levels, but enough to bother me. Finally took my temperature at bedtime and it was 99.9. Huh! My normal temp is 97.6, so when it even gets to 98.6 I feel like crud, so that explained a lot. I would have still been in bed this morning but the dogs thought they needed to go out and Hubby can't take them both at once. We don't have a fenced yard here at the lake, so we have to go out with leashes. So, I don't know what kind of crud this is. Hopefully hubby won't get it. Tomorrow is his first day of classes, so I don't want him to be sick.

    Oldest granddaughter went to a birthday party yesterday. She had never been to one before, so she was nervous. We went to Walmart beforehand and she chose a small gift. Then went to my studio and put it in tissue paper and in a kraft paper bag. I said she should write to and from on the bag, but she said "Emily knows who's birthday it is" so she just wrote from. Good logic. We went to the pizza place and were the first ones there so we sat for a while in the reserved section. Soon, her birthday friend showed up along with a gaggle of relatives and other friends from school. I wanted to speak with a parent to see if I should stay or go, so I picked out the man who seemed to be in charge and said "are you Emily's grandpa?" He said "No, I'm her FATHER!" Oops! He easily looked as old as me! I was so embarrassed, but it seemed it was not the first time he had been asked. In the end I left her there with her friends and came back in an hour. (That was hard to do since I am a little overprotective.) She had a really good time, so it was worth the effort. It was really hot and sunny, and I started feeling puny but thought I had just gotten overheated, going in and out of the car, the store, the studio, the pizza place, etc.

    Barbie, congrats on the smartphone. What kind did you get? I recently got the Samsung S5 and I love it. It has the tv remote control feature you mentioned. My hubby won't even try a smartphone. He says he likes his dumb phone.

    Well, now I'm going to listen to my audio book and concentrate on not throwing up. I hope you all have a great day!

  • LizPlus
    LizPlus Posts: 117 Member
    Good Morning or Evening, if it applies :smile:

    I am afraid I am not very good at posting regularly...my life is not that interesting...Barbie...I tried a Smart phone but it was too smart for me :noway: ..gave it to my DD and now have a simple flip phone with no internet or any other thing that I would muck up on it. :grumble: ...I don't think I will try one again..time will tell.....

    I never did the goal thingy this month...but because I have been on a soft / liquid diet I have lost some weight...I wanted to lose it but not this way....There are barbeques every where around us..it being an apartment building.....the cooking smells from them is a cruel torture.:sad: ....

    My DD is angry for something Bampy said to our GS's...so I haven't seen them at all for a few weeks :cry: ...this is something that could be cleansed if she would discuss it with him...but she doesn't want to talk about it....So I don't know when I will see them again :cry:

    Things have been tight around here for a few months now....whoever said the 60's and up were the golden years really got that wrong...:cry: ... The stress here you could cut with a knife....I won't say that it could always be worse... because we have already been there....

    Being here reading the different posts is so uplifting....I pray you all have a happy relaxing Sunday with family and friends :flowerforyou:

    LizP from Halifax NS
  • terewilliams
    terewilliams Posts: 336 Member
    Feeling kinda bummed this morning. :frown: Did my weigh in with the thought that surely I have lost a pound with so much working out but that wasn't the case. I gained a little over a pound this week.:sad: So I went to see if I could squeeze a few drops out and that didn't work either! Oh well......:ohwell:

    Those of you with new smart phone have made me feel better. Looks like every month I learn something new about mine. The whole store fell out laughing when I pulled my old flip phone out when I went to buy the new one.:laugh: The same thing applies to the car we've had for the last couple of years. I have been made to understand that the car has over 30 different computer monitors on it. Just last week we accidently found the digital speedometer! We always thought it was funny that it had the old fashioned speedometer, but as long as we could monitor how fast we were going it was ok.

    Have a great Sunday!:flowerforyou:

    Tere in Richmond VA
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,311 Member
    Oooohhhhh you girls are giving me smartphone envy!
    Because I am a cheapskate and have virtually no monthly income I didn't want to have large monthly outgoings so I chose a smartphone that is severely underpowered. I didn't realise at the time how much that would affect what I can do with it. I'm always running out of memory and getting warnings. I can't exchange it for another 18 months. Also it is sooooo slow when I am out and about if it works at all. At home it doesn't bother me as I do everything on my tablet. So really I have a pretty dumb phone.:grumble:

    Couldn't resist it today as the plums were flooding in so I made bbq sauce. In fact it's cooking now and the smell is amazing. Made the soup and have enough for tomorrow and DSIL on Friday. :bigsmile: She rang me just now to discuss arrangements. Nice to talk.

    My beeper is going off. Bye again, Heather UK

    PS - my friend texted me to say she IS coming.:bigsmile: But she is exhausted as her younger son has been in hospital for three days.:cry: Well, she doesn't have to do anything but rest.:smile:
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Michele: I’ve successfully dried button mushrooms but have never tried a portebello sized one. Once they’re rehydrated they can be used in soups and stews, but I wouldn’t stuff one after rehydrating it. Fresh is best.:flowerforyou:

    Meg: You’ve had your challenges with the girls. I used to work with a woman who adopted two siblings from an orphanage in the Eastern Block, which does not exist any more, thankfully. The girl was eventually able to form attachments and live a healthy lifestyle, but the boy remained aloof and isolated. He was in the orphanage too long, and the social desire and skills did not come. I haven’t seen this woman in a number of years and have no idea how the kids are doing now. Good luck working your way through all of this. I always thought Nikita would make a good girl’s name.:flowerforyou:

    Mimi: I LOVE your food rules. They are excellent!:flowerforyou:

    Kim: DS made our “smart phone” decision when he gave DH his old iphone as a hand-me-down. I got my first one as a Christmas present and retired the cell phone I had at the time. I don’t expect to switch back.:noway: I’d like to read Heather’s book, too.:flowerforyou:

    Alison: Good luck with your DFIL. In your situation I’d have a plan in place for a higher level of care, but might not be swift to implement it. Some of the dementia facilities tend to lack any sort of social life because the residents are too far gone. My neighbor just moved her mom from an independent living retirement apartment within a large complex, to a unit for people who are unable to care for themselves and she lost her social life. The reason for the move was that she had some falls and needed a higher level of support. It isn’t the right support. Her mom’s body is failing, not her mind.:cry::flowerforyou:

    Renny: I love this group, too. It is amazing how positive the posts are here. Barbie and the women who came before us set things up in such a strongly positive way, and things have remained positive thanks to excellent leadership. Perhaps our ages help in this, too. We’ve got some sense! MFP even counts my steps thanks to an iphone characteristic that allows it to “know” when it is moving.:flowerforyou:

    Diane in TX: My daughter has a diabetic dog and gives him insulin injections. He’s lost weight and is doing better now, but has gone blind. I think the diabetes was pretty far along when they found it.:flowerforyou:

    Kittytoo: Welcome. Where are you from?:flowerforyou:

    Lesley: I’m still working on understanding bore. Is this is a drilled well that goes into an underground water supply?:flowerforyou:

    Cynthia: My neighbor is a genealogy buff and looked up my mom’s family for me. It was a terrific gift of time and I learned more about my family than I’d ever known. I think she uses ancestry.com.:flowerforyou:

    Heather: Now that I have titles, I’ll see if I can find one of your books. I never thought of plum BBQ sauce, but it sounds wonderful. How do you make it? Will you share your recipe?:flowerforyou:

    Liz from Halifax: I’m glad you stopped by. I’m sorry that your DD is not staying in touch. I assume that you are not Bampy and it is a shame that you’re suffering due to something Bampy said.:ohwell: :flowerforyou:

    I’m still making plans and reservations for my trip to stay with DD until she has her baby and gets back on her feet. DH wants me to change my airport shuttle reservation back to the really early one he originally set up because he wants no chance that I’ll be late getting through airport security. I am NOT a fan of TSA practices, but I am pleased to be safer while travelling.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    August Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,765 Member
    well my computer is on the fritz again and God Bless Rita she is trying to find the software to fix it, we have figured it is a software problem,so right now I am hardwired in...
    went to Sam's and then came home and mowed the lawn, we will be going over to see the DFIL later on and I made him some dinner which I will heat up for him..
    back to a semi normal schedule this week..
    and yes this group is the best, I feel that I have wonderful special friends that care for me ,as I do them even though we are literally scattered all over the world.. amazing what technology can do...
  • kittytoo
    kittytoo Posts: 27
    Katla - I am in sunny, hot, Phoenix, Arizona. Exercise is the biggest challenge I face, because it is just too hot from 6 am to 9 pm to exercise outdoors. (Yesterday it was 83 at 7 am and 101 at 9 pm.) But this morning the hubby and I took the dog for a walk in our back yard, which is a golf course. We were hot and sweaty but Caleb loved it. He doesn't get many walks in the summer because the concrete and asphalt will burn his feet. Afterwards, we took a dip in our pool, although it was kind of like swimming in a hot tub. (The pool temp right now is 90.) It's one of those kidney-shaped ones, so not very good for laps, but I have learned to swim in a figure 8. Yesterday, I discovered a yoga app for my iPhone and did a routine before bed time to relax. Big mistake. I used to do yoga before bed when I was younger, but not now. I was awake until 2 am. :yawn:
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,222 Member
    Hi gang. It’s quiet around here isn’t it? I woke up feeling awful; I think the 40 minutes on the treadmill yesterday was too much after getting a cold, so I slept in while DH and DD went to church. It’s cloudy and humid here and I wish it would rain. We need to get some yard work done, DH is doing something to the old car, and we need to assemble the CD holder we had delivered Friday. It’s really pretty; mission style, and holds up to 1040 CDs or DVDs.

    I have a huge blister on the back on one heel from the treadmill. I usually don’t’ wear socks with my gym shoes because I usually am on the elliptical but this time my feet were moving in the shoes and now I’m paying for it! Note to self: leave socks in the gym!

    Mimi: I love what you said about not eating anything your greatgrandma wouldn’t recognize as food. Yes names today are different, but Nikita reminds me of Kruzchev, the old PM of the Soviet Union and that does not leave a positive impression in my brain! I guess that dates me!

    Sue I bet your horse was glad to stretch her legs!

    Joyce: ok call me stupid (or not connected LOL) but why do you need your ipad on your bike?

    Alison: sounds like you had an enjoyable day! Today is another chance to do well, but take some time to enjoy those special occasions.

    Renny: we are flip phone sisters!!!!! I love my flip phone and don’t want to be more connected than I already am. I have bought several batteries for it over the year (now they are down to $5 on amazon with no shipping fees LOL). My students know that my cell is the last choice for contacting me so they often text me and place bets on how long it will take me to a)find my phone, b)turn it on, c) charge the battery since it’s usually dead, and d)notice that someone texted me. I guess they have a facebook page and place their bets there. If I come into class and they are all laughing at me, I know I should do all of the above and look for a text!

    Michele: I don’t know how you keep up with all you do. I usually want to nap after reading your posts!

    Diane: we all loved the Marigold hotel.

    Speaking of India, I hope Anamika is enjoy the holidays. There is a religious festival going on in Mumbai I read about in the paper.

    Carol: glad the move is done

    Kitty: welcome to our little group. Beware: we are usually very chatty!

    Anne: ah…the dominant feral cat! That is sweet that he has adopted you! All our cats have always been totally indoors; we actually have laws against cats roaming too. We do have one neighbor with an outdoor cat, but I don’t think it ever leaves their yard. At least that;s the only place I ever see him. That’s good because I have 17 birdfeeders! I like them declawed because when they sit on my lap and jump off, out come the claws to dig into me.

    Heather: right now I am reading Tumbleweeds, and it seems ok so far. I just finished Cats and Daughters which was ok. I did recently read the biography of Pat Summitt (Sum it Up). She was the winningest basketball coach in all of college history and had to retire when she was diagnosed with early-onset dementia. Now that was a good book!

    Sylvia: hope you are feeling better. That’s what I had last week…beh!

    Liz; nice to see you again. Sorry about the stress in your life right now.

    Katla: isn’t there some sort of priority TSA clearance that you can get? Rori I think was talking about it at lunch when we met in Denver. Maybe that would save you some time and hassle.

    Well I think I will head outside and water the plants. I was going to totally re-“do” the garden this weekend, but haven’t felt like it. Have a peaceful Sunday! Take care, Meg from dreary Omaha