

  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,775 Member
    Hi all! A beautiful day in WNY. Unfortunately son woke up with another nasty migraine! Missed church and then had to call off work as well. He's improving this afternoon and wants to go to church youth group later. My first inclination is to say "no" ... you called off work! But then I realize that migraines aren't really like other illness... and it doesn't seem fair to "punish" someone for something they can't control. That and I'm a softie where this boy is concerned.

    Michele... first, I'm sorry Vince experienced health difficulties... a racing heart is very scary indeed. Second, I feel badly I missed your first post regarding his situation... you are always so good at commenting on others' situations. Sorry. This is a reminder I really need to pay more attention...

    Husband and I should have gone to funeral services for an older woman in our church yesterday (I did help the ladies prepare for her luncheon afterwards though), but husband was lamenting our lack of time together lately, so we took the morning and went garage and estate sale shopping. He loves a good buy! And a GPS makes it so much easier finding places! After 30 years I just got new living room furniture. Found a pair of really unique lamps at an estate sale that I was able to negotiate the price down by almost half that look great with the furniture!

    We are still compliant with son's migraine diet ... but to be honest, there are obviously more factors responsible than food when getting headaches. He gets another series of Botox injections on Thursday and I never thought I would be glad about that! He'll be in 11th grade this year ... school starts September 4th ... and we're hoping for a better year.

    Deli meats without msg or nitrates are outlandish in price ... anywhere from 8-12 dollars per pound depending on whether they're organic as well. So this weekend I decided to try and roast my own deli style roast beef. Purchased eye round and cooked on low heat. Borrowed a friend's very old meat slicer. Outstanding! Why haven't I done this before? Much better tasting and considerable price difference! Now I have to consider a meat slicer of my own. I see turkey, maybe homemade salami and ham as possibilities as well.I bake a lot of artisan style breads that would benefit from a slicer too! My mother just rolls her eyes at my homemaking efforts and reminds me why there are grocery stores!

    Weight is bouncing all over the place ... down 4 pounds ... up five!! the next day ... then down again the following day??? Thinking it's hormonal and or sodium. A doctor friend thought I looked thinner so I'll go with that until the scale decides to cooperate!

    I don't post everyday but I do make a point of reading several times through the day. I am thinking about you all!

    Beth in Western New York
  • Cindy781
    Cindy781 Posts: 449 Member
    Hi everyone!

    Just popping in to wish everyone a wonderful Sunday. This has been a busy day. It looks like we will have a new furry addition to our family this week. I will let you know as soon as we have everything done and are settled.


    Cindy in Ok
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,082 Member
    Good afternoon friends,


    Beth hope headache is gone.

    Trying something new today. Kombucha. It is a naturally fermented tea. The version I am trying also has chia seeds in it and is raspberry juice favored. It is quite good. It is another way to add probiotics to your diet other than yogurt. I got the idea to look up fermented foods form watching segment on Veria living about a woman who had problems with bulimia and cravings. Although I have not had problems with the overeating that bulimia riggers since high school. I have to work on cravings. She found adding fermented foods to her diet helped curb her cravings especially for sugar. I guess you can make your own Kombucha. Have any of you every tried to make it.? Any hints on how to do it successfully.

    Today i am adding more fermented foods, so tomorrow I hopefully will have fewer cravings.

    2014 word: contentment

    :heart: MNMargaret
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,812 Member
    Happy Sunday. Well weigh in this morning was not good. I am up 1.8 but working on letting it rule my day. Last evening I spent getting things ready to leave for vacation in the morning. When I get off work this evening I will finish packing and we will get the car ready. I am trying really hard not to get stressed out about it. Once we get going I will be fine. But will not have computer acess until we get home on Labor day evening. I am going to try and track my food on DH's phone. Will see how that works out.

    Ma--congrates on finding your fitbit. I love mine and going to be lost this week without it, but not sure I will be able to charge it so playing it safe and leaving it home.UPDATE I just realized I only charge it once a week so will do that tonight and that should last till we get home. I think I read somewhere that they will hold the info for 7 days so should be alright for the most part.

    Jane--thanks for the info and I am working on getting signed up.

    Heather--love the new picture. Sure looks like everyone was having fun.

    Sue--Happy Anniversary, 45 years that is something to be proud of.

    Renny--sorry to hear about DH's sister. Prayers sent to all of you. Also I agree, as I enjoy reading about each of the ladies here. I learn so many ways to deal with issues and I feel like I am with family that truely cares about me and not judge me. So chatt all you want.

    Michele--glad to hear DH is doing better. I bet that with his heart was scary.

    Kim--so glad you had no damage.

    Sylvia--how scary, glad you are ok. This heat is terrible and a part of me is glad we are taking the car with AC.

    Margaret--that sounds very interesting, if you find out how to make it yourself let me know. Can you buy it at the store if so the name brand is what?

    DH told me at lunch we are doing that ice challange tonight. My DS named me and his siser him. So thinks we should do it and then take the dogs for their walk and dry off. Have to admit he is hardly ever dull. We ladies take care and I will miss you this week and hope you all have many Blessings.
    Blessings, Vicki GI NE
  • strassenkoenigin
    Happy Sunday to all,

    I finished my goal in the bike challenge today with a km-century, i.e. 62 miles. So, so far in August I biked 821 miles or 1321 km for those of you who think in metric. I guess that would have taken me to somewhere like Denver if I would have kept going. I am exhausted and will flop down for the rest of the day, hopefully I can sleep a little bit.. I wish I could have done a mile-century, but it is still too hot, my heart rate goes too high in these temperatures.

    Next month I will go for 1000 miles. I bought a training book yesterday to improve my performance, but I do not really like the book, I already knew everything they are telling me and I am doing much more than they recommend.

    Anne with the legs which keep pedaling
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,781 Member
    Anne~ bless you... that is alot of biking...
    my darn fit bit isnt really charging well, so I am guessing on exerising..
    tried to much of my baking today:embarassed: and now paying for it...I did mow the lawn and hubby did the hedges then we drove down to the shore.. i walked the boardwalk for a little bit, then came home and made the DH ribs and scallpoed potatoes..
    I am pooped so will go to bed soon and get up with the birds... or even before them:laugh:
    will check in with everyone in the morning:drinker: :flowerforyou:
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    new pic is my 4 grandchildren
    humid and hot-90
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Sylvia, Sylvia, Sylvia. You know better than take a walk in this awful heat. Glad your husband could get home and get the car. You need to take it easy this evening though. I haven't encountered any cake mixes that are smaller. My oven is uneven, which I guess my floor is uneven and that I don't like, sounds expensive. But for the longest time I have only made cakes in my 8x10 pan. It all tastes the same and the family doesn't mind. It would really look weird and not fit well together is I used the round pans. Now the Jiffy mixes are small cakes.

    Allison, glad you had such a good time with your old friends and could all lose that amount of weight. I'm sure they were just as proud of you as you were or them.

    Having an extra trio practice tonight.

    When we went to our local amusement park I wore bermuda shorts and t-shirt as a swim suit cover p. But I wanted something different for when we go to Florida. I have been seeing these women women wearing these strapless maxi dresses and they look so comfortable. I don't swim at all, I just walk in the ocean, enjoy the waves and play with my wonderful grand kids. So if it got wet it would be fine. We have a washing machine and drier in our rental and can wash it. Plus the light material will dry quickly if I don't wash it daily. Well the ones I am finding in the store are this clingy knit fabric and they just didn't look right. Of course nothing looked good with my heart monitor showing. I finally found a knee length that I liked and bought it. In the past I have used my ugly water shoes when I am on the beach just because the sand can be hot. So Old Navy had some flip flops that had a back to them and won't slip off as I am walking in the water. The dress and the shoes were on clearance. The dress was $15. I looked at Pennys and theirs were up to $70!

    I was going to CJ Banks to look for their fall clothes. In their email ad they have the most beautiful berry colored jacket and sweater. I have never worn that color but it sure looks nice. I also was going to stop at one of the Jewelry stores on the mall and have them re-size my rings. But when I parked the car I remembered hat I hadn't cracked the windows a little bit.. So I tried turning the car back on and it wouldn't start at all. Knowing I had my trio practice tonight and I didn't know if Charlie could get it started and get it home, I left after Old Navy.Oh well, another day for CJ Banks.

    Going to Jasons deli tonight for supper. I get my big salad bar. I have started putting broccoli and spinach leaves and not jsut the spring mix. I also use mushrooms and zuchinni to it. So it's packed with veggies.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,082 Member
    The brand of Kombuncha I bought was called Synergy. It also had chia seeds in it. You can buy it without the seeds.I bought it a a higher end grocery store. I imagine they would also have it at a coop. It was a little pricey on sale $2.99 for 16 ounces. I did look it up on the internet to make it. It does take a few days to prepare it. You also have to create a starter first. They called the starter a mushroom.The trick is to ferment it just right. Too short and it will not have used up the sugar. Too long and it gets sour. That's why I asked if anyone had luck making it. I would like to give it a try.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,969 Member
    :flowerforyou: I am such a northern cold weather person and so are my dogs…..we can’t stand it when the temperatures go above 75 degrees. I don’t own summery clothes and don’t dream of tropical vacations. I do yard work before 10AM….when I walk the dogs in the early morning, they’ll walk for over an hour each but in the afternoon, the walks are closer to 15 minutes.

    :flowerforyou: Beth, what about just serving plain meat and not trying to make deli stuff? Sorry to hear that your son’s migraines are still recurring even after everything you have both done to keep them at bay.

    :flowerforyou: Michele, Jake has had heart rhythm problems for years and I often see him taking his pulse to check on his heart rate…he has an implanted defibrillator and pacemaker to keep his rhythm steady so I can understand your concern about Vince’s rapid heart rate. I’m happy to hear that there was a happy outcome.

    :flowerforyou: Kim thanks for letting us know that you’re OK. We used to live in Northern California (about 200 miles north of where this earthquake was) and we had some exciting times and occasional minor damage to things in the house but nothing structural.

    :flowerforyou: Jake has an appointment for a test at the cardiologist’s office in Seattle so we have to leave the house before 6 AM to get there…..that means taking my shower tonight and getting to bed very early in order to have time to walk the dogs before we go. A friend will walk them later in the day. Jake had to abstain from caffeine and chocolate for 24 hours and fast completely for six hours before the test, so that has been a challenge for him.

    :heart: Barbie from beautiful sunny NW Washington
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    Sunny Monday here and feeling MUCH better. Did JJ's cardio dance before breakfast, JJ's kick-boxing after breakfast and 2 mile dog walk after lunch.
    Have washed all Stan's clothes and on line, washed our bed sheets and dog's doona covers and on line with her doonas, towels after my shower.
    Cleaning bedrooms and lounge and putting on fresh bed-linen.
    Enjoyed the REST week but gald to be back training again.
    Weeding and ironing after doggy walk.
    Food total is 2006, all good.
    Lesley in sunny Tasmania
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,222 Member
    Hi friends. It has been a hot and steamy Sunday here. We spent nearly the entire day at church where it was our senior pastor’s last day after 18 years. She and her hubby were co-pastors and he retired 3 years ago. And now she’s gone. They are moving to Scottsdale, AZ. It was a very long and emotional day.

    Yesterday’s parent daughter day went ok after a rough start. DD#1 was nearly 30 minutes late because she had tangles in her hair! She also looked horrid, so we went to ARbys instead of the place I was going to take her. We ended up looking at baby stuff but she didn’t remember anything she needed, so it was mostly just walking around looking. She also didn’t decide when to pick up the baby furniture so I decided for her next Saturday and had her text her bf. I told her if they didn’t come get it, the neighbors were going to give it to a charity (which they said they would). DD#2 and hubby bought a homecoming dress and a strapless bra to go with it. DH said the saleslady though it was weird to have a dad along!

    Yesterday was also date night. We went to our favorite bar and grill for fried mushrooms…unhealthy but delicious. Then we saw “Jersey Boys”. What a great movie. Then we went for a late dinner at a Mexican place we like. The food wasn’t as good as usual I think because it was so late and the food had been prepped for so long.

    Yanniejannie: hope you had fun at the party!

    Cindy: looking forward to hearing about your dog search. I think pugs are just hilarious

    Jane; stay cool!

    Sue: happy anniversary and I hope you had a wonderful time on your dinner date

    Renny: I sure hope DH’s sister recovers well. My DH’s cousin is at home now after his fall and serious trauma. He needs 24=hour care. DH and DD#2 are going over labor day weekend for a visit to see him.

    Michele: now that you repeated what happened to Vince, I do think I remember it. I’m glad he is feeling better now. How scary for both of you. I’m so sorry I missed it the first time.

    Joyce: I think it is absolutely crazy how expensive some medications are! I am so lucky that all my diabetic meds, supplies, lab tests, and nurse practitioner visits are free thanks to work.

    Kim: I heard about your earthquake on the news. Glad no one was injured!

    Sylvia: holy cow girl! That was scary just to read. I’m so glad you are feeling better

    Heather: prawns and pasta…and a nice Sauvignon Blanc?

    Beth: glad your sons’ migraine went away pretty quickly.

    Vicki: I love your attitude!

    Barbie: keeping my fingers crossed for Jake’s tests!

    Alright ladies, it’s baseball time! I am just exhausted; probably the stress from all that bawling at church! That does tend to tire me out! Take care Meg from steamy Omaha
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Just wanted to say hi! Yesterday was very busy on top of very little sleep so today has been mostly a rest day. I started back with Jillian Michaels 30-day Shred yesterday and am feeling it!! It makes me happy to realize that the last time I did it, I could barely function because I was so sore and, this time, I am just moderately sore. I'm trying to figure out a mix of my exercise videos to use to set up a schedule so my body doesn't get used to doing the same thing over and over. I think I'm going to do 30-day shred every other day with a mix of yoga and pilates on the off days in addition to my walking. I think I really do need to take a rest day every week and have not been doing so.

    Today has consisted of church, lunch, reading, nap, work meeting, and back to reading when I'm done here. I'm not even attempting to reach my 11,000 step goal and we all know that I am obsessive about that! :laugh: :tongue:

    I just got off the phone with my son and it looks like I am going to have to call the school. They are not providing the gluten free foods that he needs. They require all freshmen to buy a full meal plan so they are jolly well going to feed him. And, feed him something besides pizza every day!!! He even said he was sick of pizza!

    There have still been no showings of my house. I'm feeling discouraged. I reduced the price yet again. :ohwell:

    I am off to go read some before before an early bedtime. Have a great evening!

    Carol in NC
  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,068 Member
    Hello Friends ~

    Just got home from a 4 day + 3 night business trip in New Orleans. Met some wonderfully sweet people, and my colleague and I found a new favorite restaurant: Redfish on Bourbon Street. We went there two nights in a row for the lovely, fresh seafood. It was my first time trying redfish which was so delicious; it didn’t need any added sauces, although the menu on offers some interesting toppings for the broiled fish. Was doing well with the food until colleague suggested we walk over to Café Du Monde. Two beignets were savored and consumed with great gusto. Our hotel did not have a gym, and the fitness center which they have a partnership with was across the street. I didn’t want to walk alone in the early morning darkness, so I worked out in my room each morning. On our last day, I finished work in time to catch a workout in the gym before it closed for the day. It was an impressive facility sponsored by the Oschner health systems. It makes my community center look like a hole in the wall. I’ll remember this for next time I visit the area.

    September and October trips will be to Anchorage, Louisville, KY; Seattle, WA; Grand Platte, NE; Salt Lake City, UT; and New York City. If any MFPers want to meet up, please message me.

    Kim and Mimi: I used to live in SoCal, and experienced some big earthquakes. Hope your aftershocks are few and feeble.

    Ladies, I’m thinking of you and your loved ones and thank you for the continued news, advice and virtual hugs. For now, I’ve got to unpack and get some rest. Catch you later this week.

    Stay well.

    Happy to be home in the Colorado Foothills

    August Goals and Report Card to date:
    1. Minimize consumption of wheat and sugar. C
    2. Finish reading “Strong Women Stay Young”. A
    3. Get to at least one Zumba class. D-
    4. Call someone every week just to check in and provide positive energy. B-
    Word for 2014 = Release
  • Akinom523
    Good evening, checking in after a very busy weekend. As usual, I'll drag myself to work to rest up from the weekend, haha
    Was able to put in a nice walk with dobe, but it is still too hot really. We both were exhausted.
    Today I had Frank over and his kids came. His son cooked a casserole for us - I didn't even have to cook! So proud of him!

    Anne, thanks for the tip, I will check that out. Is made with Black Cohosh, I think.
    Really impressed with your biking, WTG!! You look awesome in your new profile pic!

    Barbie, prayers for Jake's test!

    To everyone in the earthquake area, prayers!

    Rori, sounds like a delightful trip!

    Carol, don't leave the rest days out. They are as important as workout days. You need to give your body some time to repair the damage done in the workouts - that is how you get stronger. (Telling you that cause I am very prone to overdoing and paying the price for it. So it's a bit a note to self as well.)

    Leslie - already on Monday in Tasmania....no hurry in sending Monday this way, haha

    Gardengail - newbie question: what does bump mean?

    Have a wonderful evening, ladies!
  • dinaesia
    dinaesia Posts: 54 Member
    Hello from Tx!
    I've been cleaning carpets today. Whew! That was hard work, but it is so much easier when everyone is gone. Also went grocery shopping. Yesterday, I found a pedometer. Two days ago, I found an Iphone in the road. I'm going to try charging it, to see if it works. I might be able to find the owner, I don't know. The screen is cracked, but mostly whole. I'm checking the paper and craigslist for lost notices. I did chat with someone about it at the grocery store. She told me it was a Iphone 3 GS. I don't use Iphones or Ipads so I wouldn't have a clue.

    I was supposed to walk on Sat. a.m. but had insomnia on Friday night, so I didn't make the walk. I'm having mild bouts of insomnia from time to time. I'm trying to track it on the calendar to see a pattern.

    Sylvia - You have to stay out of the heat. Or make sure you have your inhaler and nitro with you. Don't risk that again, please.
    So glad you had a warranty on your door, and you got a free replacement!
    If you need a cake mix upsizer, you can find that recipe on Just-a-Pinch.com.

    Joyce - Most stoves have self-leveling legs. They are just screwed into the corners. If you don't have a level, use a glass measuring cup with water. You might need help with lifting the stove to adjust the feet. Usually one person can rock the stove and the other adjusts the feet. Then the hard part is getting up off the floor.

    JenninTx - Welcome to the group. I'm in Denton, TX.

    CynthisT60 - May I help you with your grave site search? Friend me or send me a msg with the details. i have a knack for finding people. I'll give it a shot.

    Remember, school starts soon. Mind those school zones.
    Diane in TX
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Good evening! The birthday went well, but I ate too much. I made corn dogs and french fries (birthday girl request) for the kids and a chicken corn salsa casserole for the rest of us. The casserole had my no-sodium salsa, but regular cheese and cornbread on top. Then there was the BIG birthday cake. It was a thing to behold! Like one of the cakes at a fancy restaurant. My DGD's eyes teared up when she saw it. She said "Grandma, it's so beautiful!" So, I think she liked it. I had a very small slice. Hubby has had two so far. The kids all went home, so we have half a cake left, and I know hubby will finish it off. I had ice cream in the freezer, but we never even touched it.

    So, after they all left, hubby went into his office to work on his lecture for tomorrow. I'm sitting out in the living room, and I hear him having a lengthy conversation with two dogs. Reasoning and rationalizing. He explained to them very patiently that it is much too hot to walk. You have to wait a while. Then I hear yowling from the princess (Molly) and further explaining and reasoning from hubby. Then I hear a demanding barking (Bruno), and hubby said "et tu, Bruno?". Soon after that, he put his shoes on and went out to walk. He's such a softy. He didn't even ask me to go tonight. Now, still 96 degrees, he's out in the back yard throwing frisbees. Luckily the dogs don't last too long in this heat either. They'll be inside soon.

    Those of you in California, I'm glad the earthquake wasn't worse! The first thing I thought of when I heard of it was my MFP friends. I hope nobody had damage of injuries.

    Joyce, most stoves have leveling feet on the bottom to adjust for eleven floors. Yours might need a little adjustment. I have not set foot outside today. Im staying in where its cool.

    I'm just sure that when I picked up that box of cake mix it felt very light. I used to bake a lot of cakes, and worked as a cake decorator for several years. One box used to make two full layers in an 8" or 9" pan. This one barely filled one pan. I have a pet peeve about consumer things getting smaller and costing more. Especially toilet paper! You cannot tell me that the rolls they pass off as "regular" were ever the normal size. They look like toy rolls. The double rolls they sell now are more like what we used to buy. If they need to raise the price because of inflation, I understand that, but don't try to convince me I'm getting twice as much when I'm not. Do they think we're stupid? Don't answer that!

    Well, I'd better get ready for bed. Good night all!

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Meg, be glad you don't have MS. Before Obama care, the price of my disease modifying drug was well over $1000. But thanks to the plan it is less and from what I hear it will continue to go down. But I pay enough that I am in the catastrophic period in March!!!!

    My Dad was a minister. WE never stayed in one church for 18 years but our longer stays were quite emotional for all of us. We are leaving dear friends, people that Dad married, families that he had had funerals for loved ones. You build quite a relationship with your parishioners. Plus you now you are pulling your kids out of their schools, leaving your neighbors, leaving the memories you made in your home. I can still visualize some of my favorite places. Mom always knew what churches Dad was going to be bale to stay a long time and the ones he would be staying at just a few years. At those times she wouldn't unpack everything. But I wouldn't trade our time as a preachers family for anything. You make precious memories and you knew that your father was very revered by many. I'm glad your pastor meant so much to you that it took all day to say goodby and you shed many tears.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,380 Member
    Rode on our recumbant bike for an hour today. Now that our cable company has gone all digital I have to watch movies on the TV (I used to be able to watch the TV). Realized that the next time we're in FL, I need to bring home some of the movies that I have down there. Tomorrow I'm planning to do some yoga, hold my plank, then take the extremepump class.

    Tomorrow starts the first day of our senior bowling at the new lane. Today Vince commented to me that I'm not taking my 54oz water mug with me but I'm planning to take my 40oz water bottle. It's shaped like a bowling pin. I figure that if we're not there as long, then I probably won't go thru as much water. But the good news is that the weather looks good so when I get home I can go in the pool!!! Yea!!!! Update: Vince has decided that he'll grill the pork chops when we get home so don't know if I'll go in the pool first and then we'll have dinner or if he'll grill first, then either have dinner or go in the pool.

    Joyce - today WPW isn't as common because so many people who have it have an ablation. However, the ablation didn't work for Vince (boo). You know, all's I can constantly remember is Vince telling me "if I'm unconscious, be sure they don't give me digoxin or calcium channel blockers. That'll kill me." Just the thought of him dying....I don't even want to think about it. What a jump in the price of that drug! It more than doubled!

    Kitty - happy belated birthday!

    Jenn - welcome back!

    Alison - I'm sure you can join the water aerobics class. I just don't know if they'll prorate the class for you, but it's still worth it. Is this in the deep end? If it is, that would be FASNTASTIC for your heel since there is absolutely no impact. If it's in the shallow end, at least there'll be minimal impact on your heel

    Tonight I'm going to try something that I read in a magazine. Actually, I have two more portobello mushrooms that I froze, I suspect that they're going to be watery too, but I do need to finish them up. Anyway, the recipe I saw showed tomato sauce in the mushroom with some cheese on top. Like a pizza. So I'm going to try that. Like I said, it'll probably be very watery. Update: it WAS watery, but it still had good flavor

    Kim - so glad you're safe and hope mimi's family is, too.

    Sylvia - you know that you can freeze bananas when they are overripe, don't you? Glad you're feeling better. I'm running my dishwasher right now, too

    katla - I seem to remember you saying that you had to watch dh's sodium intake. It seems that the WalMart by me has discontinued the low sodium cottage cheese. What brand of cottage cheese do you use?

    Beth - that's ok that you missed when I first mentioned about Vince's situation. I know that even for myself, there are times when I need to skim the posts. It happens to all of us, so please don't feel badly. Whenever I go to an estate sale, I'm always on the lookout for card tables. Many of the things that you can get at an estate sale are better made than the ones you buy today. Congrats on those lamps! Our friend, Ken, gets migraines. They believe it has to do with the weather change. That may be part of it, I think anyway. Lynette doesn't like to cook so they go out very often which translates into lots of high fat foods. Now he also has a problem where he gets real bad headaches if something touches the side of his head (like his glasses). We have a meat slicer, don't use it all that much, tho. Not really sure why, just don't

    Cindy - we want details, details, details....as soon as you get them

    Margaret - what are some of the fermented foods that you are adding?

    Vicki - safe travels

    Anne - wow! What biking you have done

    Joyce - one of the few (very few) times that I found something to wear at WalMart I found this real nice coverup by Catalina. Unfortunately, they don't have it any more. If they did, I'd buy another few. I know what you mean, so many of them are that clingy material. It's bad enough that my bathingsuit shows all the bulges, I don't need my coverup to also. Glad you found something. I saw one online but I don't like buying online unless I try it on in the store and the only way I can get the color I want is to buy it online. Then I'll go for it. Otherwise, no go. I love Jason's Deli! You are so lucky.

    barbie - good luck to Jake tomorrow

    Lesley - do you EVER slow down?????

    meg - somehow I think it wouldn't bother dd if the neighbor's gave away the furniture. How sad!

    Confession time here. I was good all day, then after dinner I started getting melancholy about Bryan and a whole bag of Chips Ahoy later, I'm feeling so "yukky". boy, it's been a long time since I've been this way.

    Carol in NC - can your son have pizza? Isn't there gluten in the crust? Or are you saying that they're only providing one gluten-free item -- pizza.

    Rori - I love fresh seafood. You were so lucky to find that restaurant. When we go to visit Jessica, we always stay at this one hotel. They have a partnership with the local YMCA, but (and this surprises me) you still have to pay the $5 guest fee. I would have thought that the hotel would cover that. So I use the hotel's fitness center (sparse as it is). UNLESS Jessica can get me visitor passes. You're so right that you need to give your muscles time to rebuild themselves. That's why I only do weights Mon, Thurs, and Sat. and cardio on the alternate days.

    Diane in TX - hope you do find the owner of that phone. Wish I'd known you a while ago. I was searching for my mother's father. Didn't have any luck. It seems that one day her father just didn't come home from work. Everyone said that he was the type who always brought candy and stuff for the kids. Our suspicion (since it was payday) was that his check was stolen and he was thrown in an open mine. Now this was more than 70 years ago. But try as I might, I couldn't find anything about him. Now the last sister has passed, I don't think there is much reason now to go on. She was very excited when I gave her a copy of the 1920 census. There were all her neighbors listed. I had copies of the manifest from when he came to the US.

    Sylvia - glad the party went so well.

    Michele in NC