

  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Good morning! Just a quick check in before I delve back into work.

    strassenkoini - My son bikes (not as religiously as you, though) and I bought him something from a company called bondi band. It is like a skull cap but the material absorbs the sweat so that it doesn't run into your eyes. I got a headband variety for myself for when I walk and it does a really great job. Sweat in the eyes stings no matter what, but with a contact it is even worse!

    I'm sure that the depression is somewhat related to my son going to school. I'm really ready to be by myself, but I know I will miss him and I am worried about him. Since things have slowed down a bit for me, the adrenaline is gone and there is more time to think and worry about everything.

    I was up for hours last night with a leg cramp. I've been plagued lately by cramps that run up the front of my shin and sometimes all the way out into my toes. :yawn: :yawn: :yawn:

    Today is my errand day since I get off at 1 p.m. When my daughter finally cleaned out her room, I came across a winter coat that fits. I had looked for an inexpensive one all last winter and there was one already living in my house!! Today, it goes to the cleaners so it will be ready if we ever have cold weather again. I was planning to take my car to get it washed and cleaned up, but the boy child decided to pre-pack the car last night so it's too full of "stuff" to try to get that done. I also need to buy gas so that I will be ready to go in the morning when we head into Charlotte. Also, I have a Dinner for Eight gathering tonight. Not the best night for me, but I certainly can't tell seven others to work around MY life!

    I suppose I ought to get back to work and get some things finished up. Have a great day!

    Carol in NC
  • Cindy781
    Cindy781 Posts: 471 Member
    Happy Friday Ladies,

    I am taking a rest day, no working out, or working at all today! I rarely do this so it is time. I plan to work on my art project. I am struggling some with it as the photo is really old and grainy. I will soldier on! Hubby went to the grocery store, one of the wonderful things he does for me. I told him to surprise me with what he wants for dinner. I suggested roasting shrimp and vegetables, or making orzo and spinach for a side dish. If you haven't roasted shrimp I really suggest trying it. It really brings out the flavor.

    Anne, I love lentil soup! I make a lot of soup in winter. I have a convection feature on my oven and recently made stuffed portobello mushrooms. They are really good roasted.

    Alison, I hope your heel gets better soon.

    Hugs to everyone!

    Cindy in OK
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,086 Member
    Good Morning Friends,

    Alison hope foot is mending.:flowerforyou:

    I caught some of Dr. Fuhrman too. He is promoting a high fiber diet low in animal products. This is basically the kind of diet I eat. I still have too many animal product. I also have to watch when small treats start to infiltrate my diet too. Eating this way works for me. Maintaining two years now. Physically feel great.

    Today I will log to maintain my weight. Now two pounds over instead of three.

    2014 word: contentment
    :heart: MNMargaret
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,222 Member
    Checking in early on this dreary Friday. We are supposed to be getting rain. The cats are unhappily closed up in the bedroom as I am waiting for a furniture delivery and once the doorbell rings they scatter! We are having a pizza and movie night with friends tonight, so I’m taking a big salad. The sodium will probably be bad, but I can manage the calories.

    Joyce: most women lose 1-2” in their lifetimes due to spinal compression that is often unnoticed until you get measured! My mom who started out several inches taller than I was ended up being a couple inches shorter! Thanks for your kind words and no you didn’t sound harsh; I appreciate your feedback

    Katla: I rolled over laughing about the “bite me not” shorts!

    Grandmallie: I agree with katla, you have been in pain with that foot for so long, I might suggest getting a second opinion too. I hope the nursing home knows what to do with dfil; these issues are common ones in that population.

    Heather: someone had the suggestion of using that “bad” jam to put on pork and I think that sounds awesome! Sorry you are disappointed though

    Cindy: your food sounds wonderful. I do love roasted shrimp. Smoking them is good too.

    Well the board was quiet since last I posted so I may try to check in later. Make it a fun day and do something nice for yourself because you all deserve it. Wish the furniture would get here already. I hear the cats pounding on my door! “Poor the kitties” as DD#1 would say. Take care, Meg from Omaha where the sky is getting darker!
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,340 Member
    Had a productive afternoon as I decided to risk making macarons with the left over egg whites. I ground up some dried raspberries to put in the mix, but I should have sieved it as the pips make it slightly chewy though they are very tasty. They are not beautiful and shiny, but most of them have the desired "feet" :laugh: and I have hidden the most uneven ones under a good one! I sandwiched them with raspberry butter cream and DH and I shared one half that was spare. They have all gone in the freezer - 11 little morsels.
    I also ordered some sugar syrup for the daiquiris and some neon pink cocktail napkins to have the starters on while we are outside. I think it will be too cold to sit outside for the main course, the bbq itself, but as long as we can cook the food over charcoal we can eat indoors.:bigsmile: One week to go.:bigsmile:

    I had two lots of companies I meant to ring today, but I was distracted.:laugh: I will do it tomorrow.

    Carol - my DSIL got very depressed when her youngest started school and again when he went to secondary school. It's a big rite of passage for us as mothers. I was in a very bad way when my son started university, but some of that was due to a relationship ending and horrifically heavy periods. I ended up having a hysterectomy. But I know I was mighty depressed at the time.:cry: I did manage to find an excellent therapist.:smile:

    Meg - I really feel for you with your worries about the baby. I know you just want the best for the baby. I don't have any advice, just to hang on and do your best.:flowerforyou:

    Well, got to get on with dinner. It's fresh tuna - a Gordon Ramsay recipe, with stir fry kale from the garden. I didn't have an afternoon snack so we are sharing a half bottle of fino sherry for a treat. I did 602 calories exercise this morning, starting at 6.44.:noway: :laugh:

    Heather in cooler but sunny Hampshire UK
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Sending hugs to all that need them.:heart::heart: :heart:
    HUGS jane
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,814 Member
    Happy Friday beautiful ladies!! :drinker: Can you tell I have the weekend off? DGD and I are going garage saling in the morning she wants to find more baby clothes for her baby dolls. I tell you they have more now then most real babies. But she has fun and that is important. Tonight we are riding to Ord (80 miles) with our CMA group for our monthly supper ride. Got alot done yesterday on my day off. I will tell you my checking account is driving me nuts. I checked my log against the bank and all the amounts match, but the bank says I have alittle over $50 more then I say I do. Last month it said I had $88 more and I just went with that, so I can not understand what I did this time. I know I am not going to change my log and will see what happens next month.

    Jane--Hugs and prayers for you and house deal. :flowerforyou:

    Katla and Meg--I realized that since I have my fitbit and MFP synced that it will raise my calorie for the day. So I try and make sure I stay under and close to 1200-1400.

    Meg--I am enjoying the nice weather and the rain during the night has sure made things look green. HUGS!! Is the other grandma planning on taking care of this baby? Did you see the pictures of the water at the Kearney Hospital? I just remember how much time I spent over there the last 6 months of dads life. Sounds like they are back running the kitchen, but what a mess.:flowerforyou:

    Mimi--thanks for the good words. I plan on logging and weigh in once a week for life. I never want to gain it back. One day at a time.:flowerforyou:

    Joyce--Christmas is my favorite time of year. I need to start getting serious about shopping when we get back from our vacation. I have bought things during the year, so will get it all sorted out and see what I still need. With 28 DGC and 2 DGG the earlier I get started the better. I find when I am having a bad dream it seems so real and when I wake up I have to really work to shake the down mood.

    Allison--Hugs and prayers for better days. You do what is best for you , you are more then worth it.:heart:

    Sylvia--I understand how you feel, I am trying to break 200 and the closer I get the longer and harder it is. But we are not giving up and that is the important thing. And look how far you have come. Sounds like it was fun shopping with the DGC. My DGD and I are going garage saling tomorrow and that always gets me alot of steps. I like your ideas.

    Heather--your book sounds interesting.

    Welcome back Sue--hope you had a great time.

    Carol--Glad to hear from you. Remember we are here anytime you need us. Don't give up on the house selling. It will happen.

    Well need to finish up a couple things and get ready to walk home. So far it has not started rainning. But wouldn't be the first time I have walked in the rain. Ladies enjoy the weekend and remember we are not in this alone.
    Blessings, Vicki GI NE
  • FabulousFantasticFifty
    FabulousFantasticFifty Posts: 195,832 Member
    Much Success & Happy Journey to all of you Beautiful Ladies! :smile: :flowerforyou:
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Good afternoon! This morning I went to pick up my son, his wife and all four kiddies and took them all to school for their first day. It was so sweet to see them all scrubbed up in their new clothes and happy and ready. They all lined up for a group picture. My son just stopped by after picking up the little guy from kindergarten. He said a fifth grader in an orange shirt hit him and somebody called him "sucker" but he liked his teacher and the kids in his class seemed nice. He goes half days for the first six days then all day. I tried to think of a way to make that sucker comment a positive, but he wasn't buying any of it.

    The fifth grader, who I was worried about not making friends, walked down the hall and other kids came up and hugged her. I was pretty happy about that.

    I found a sewing pattern at a garage sale (unused) for a fun girls top and pants and thought maybe I could have a sewing lesson for the older girl and help her make a top. It could be fun. She can pick out her own fabrics. Now I'm excited about that.

    I've been surfing this morning looking for a good, inexpensive 7" tablet for my younger granddaughter. She turns 8 on the 24th, so I thought that might be a good gift. The ones I'm finding though have pretty bad reviews. I sure can't afford an I-Pad for her. She loves mine though.

    Ann, I was only half joking about the dog repellent. I know even my own sweet dog barks and snarls at bicycles as they go past. It's so embarrassing. Luckily she is always on a leash. My son used to ride a bike to work and had so many dogs attacking him that he gave up on it and got a car. When I was a kid our neighbor's collie bit me and drug me off my bike as I rode past her house. I don't know what dogs have against bicycles.

    Joyce and Meg, I used to be an HONEST 5'6" tall. Now I have to stretch the truth to claim to be 5'3". It's not osteoporosis because I had my bone density tested and I'm off the charts with hard bones. My grandmother was really shrunken and bent over with a big hump on her back. I hope I never get like that. So I continue to drink milk and hope that exercise will help prevent it.

    Cindy, I wish my hubby would go to the store for me. He is terrible at shopping. I have in the past led him through the store (over the phone) telling him exactly where to find stuff and he still comes home with the wrong stuff. Plus ice cream and cashews and moon pies.

    Alison, I hope your foot gets better soon. I once bruised my heel and it took a year to feel normal. I was crawling to the bathroom in the night because it hurt so bad. I finally got a gardener's foam kneeling pad and cut out big thick inserts to put under my heels. That helped a little but made my shoes fit funny. Hubby was a jogger back then and insisted that I go out to the road to walk while he ran. He had no sympathy for my bruised heels. Years later when HE had bruised heels, he stopped jogging. Karma?

    Heather, I think of you as refined too. Must be because you are British. Everything British is refined, right?

    Katla, I hope all goes well for your hubby and your DD. You have a lot to worry about right now. Take care of yourself too.

    Well, I hope you are all having a great day. Here is today's joke of the day:


    During a dinner party, the hosts’ two little children entered the dinning room totally nude and walked slowly around the table. The parents were so embarrassed that they pretended nothing was happening and kept he conversation going. The guests cooperated and also continued as if nothing extraordinary was happening.

    After going all the way around the room, the children left, and there was a moment of silence at the table, during which one child was heard to say, “You see, it IS vanishing cream!”


  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,655 Member
    Katla – Hope everything is fine with DD and DH!!! Good advice to Alison – 2nd opinions are always a good idea.

    Carol - is the dinner for eight the dating thing?

    Heather - I love plum BBQ sauce, I also make plum asian sauce, for with mo-sho

    Trying to get back in my grove; summer is the busiest time for the business and the time when there are the most fun opportunities... balance is hard! - with all my running around; and even with a couple of "off track" meals and one dinner I think I made good choices but it was too hard to figure out to log - I am down another 1.5 lbs.... :happy: :happy:

    Going to have lunch today with a girl friend - she is part of my gourmet group; but we never get together outside of gourmet so this will be nice... I love group things :drinker: but one on one time is really special.

    I got a big "stuffable" zucchini the other day and cut it and stuffed it for dinner last night (and 3-4 more servings) it came out great.. all my recipes call for rice, but I left it out did tomatoes, garlic, onion, a small amount of spicy sausage it mixes in and flavors everything- topped it with 2 ounces of grated cheese...mostly to help act as glue to hold the filling in place. Came out really great I think I like it better than the recipe with rice :laugh: :laugh: and just 237 calories !!

    August goals :
    Stretch 5 minutes a day xxxx
    Walk 45 minutes a day 13 times
    Do Heather’s abc balance 1 time a week 2 weeks done

    Kim from N. California
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Heather: We’re building up options for DH. DS and DDIL have invited him to stay with them for several days. Several neighbors have volunteered their support and he’s made arrangements for the lady who cleans our house a couple of times a month to run errands if need be. He will have a car and can run errands on his own, so these measures are all in case of emergency. He’s told me to quit my worrying & concentrate on DD. He’s tired of my worries on his behalf.:embarassed:

    Carol in NC: You and I seem to share a worry problem. (Addiction ??? Obsession ???) In my case, it is making DH unhappy. I remember the song, Don’t Worry, Be Happy. Nice advice, but it is hard to let go of worry. Maybe we can lean on one another a little bit. I remember an old homily, let go and let God. Easier said than done.:flowerforyou:

    Last summer we switched telephone, internet and TV services to Century Link & Direct TV. My husband set things up so that our debit card would automatically make the payments. A couple of months ago our bills got dramatically higher. It turns out that they had signed us up for services we don’t want and never ordered--NFL Football and Showtime. Luckily my husband discovered that our bills had gone up dramatically & spent much of the day yesterday getting things back to the way we want them. They claim they will credit our account for the unused and unwanted services and we’ll have to watch to be sure they do so. We will NOT be making automatic payments to these companies in the future. :noway: :noway: :noway:

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    August Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Kim - This Dinner for Eight is a church thing. They put a mix of eight singles and couples who sign up together and they meet once per month for dinner. I know everyone in my group except the other single woman. Nobody seems to know who she is so I'm a little afraid that I will be the only single person in the group. It has taken me seven years to get the nerve to sign up as a single so I hope I'm not too uncomfortable. I'm trying really hard to step out of my comfort zone!
  • terewilliams
    terewilliams Posts: 336 Member
    Hey Ladies! Here is my epistle for the week. :laugh: I started it on Wednesday. Looking forward to water aerobics tomorrow. Hope you all have great weekends!

    Ann: Fifty Miles per day! Wow! :smile: That is fantastic! We keep talking about getting bikes but haven’t yet. I assume you’ve been riding for a while. What bike did you start out with?

    Michelle: I am absolutely adoring the water aerobics. Last night I made the SO go with me and I did them in the pool alone, but I am looking forward to Saturday’s class.

    Gloria: Sorry to hear about your fall. Hope you are all better!:flowerforyou:

    Diane: CONGRATULATIONS!:smile:

    Barbie: Love your schedule. I have a morning routine of weighing in on the Wii, to the gym, walk the dog and then off to work. I also loved your gratitude journal. :love: I think I need to start one too. I think it would help me to remember the “good” things versus things that I can’t do much about first and foremost in mind.

    Kim: If I flew Heather in to cater the wedding I would spend weeks at the gym non-stop! My dress might burst at the seams at the reception! Just reading Heather’s name makes my mouth water. I try to just get satisfaction reading about what she is preparing!:bigsmile:

    Grandmallie: I had to read up on the warm lemon water. I saw a lot of benefits so I’ll be adding that to my mornings as well. I always thought you were a honest person! Congratulations on your bonus.:smile:

    Patty: Getting your certification is great! I am now looking for a swimming class – I don’t know how although I did when I was child. Hopefully it will not be too hard.:blushing:

    Sylvia: I bet it was fantastic getting married in front of a fountain in Venice! :bigsmile: I really don’t know why so many young people are so sloppily raising their children. Don’t they know that the kids will be the ones they will be looking to for their welfare in senior years? SMH! :grumble: Looks like I missed your birthday. Hope it was great! :flowerforyou: I take exception that big dogs are a bigger problems than small ones. All my negative interactions with dogs (and I love all of them) except for one have been with small dogs. I think they have some kind of syndrome that makes them more aggressive! :huh:

    Mariah: Hope things went well with your eye surgery.:flowerforyou:

    Pearlie: A Harley Wedding sounds great!:smile: We have put ours off for the past five (5) years but we figured that after ten years nobody is going anywhere else.

    Vickie: I have a list a page or two long of things I wish I had done….so now I try really hard not to back off of much. I have found that just doing it is much better than looking back and saying I wish I had.:ohwell:

    Joyce: Why didn’t they let you keep the dress? :mad: Loved the money found story.

    Jane: I understand your thoughts about shopping. Since I’ve been loosing pounds and inches, I too find it a much more enjoyable experience. I am waiting until January to look for my special dress with the thought I can be measured in February and March at a much smaller size. I am excited just thinking about the range of choices I will have then. :wink:

    Meg: Just roll with it……do what you can do…………be there if you can be there………. Because after everyone is finished with the exciting grandiose gestures and things you will be needed and necessary. I agree with Gloria – DON’T POKE YOUR EYES OUT!:flowerforyou:

    MiMi: Thanks for the note about the citronella spray. I’m definitely going to get some.

    Jane: Life happens! The SO and I found each other late in our lives and are having to literally and financially start over while carrying the baggage from past relationships. Some days are harder than others especially financially. Just Tuesday, we found ourselves in agreement that we are going through what people in their early married lives go through financially without any parental support. We both pray a lot. Hang in there! :smile: We are including you in our prayers. Pets are definitely an issue! I have a Doberman and it was really hard finding a rental property. Finally we found one that was in dire financial straits who decided that he didn’t even know we had a dog. That has led to the house we are renting going into foreclosure and being auctioned without our knowledge. We’ve been dealing with that for the past month. However, we were blessed that we were able to negotiate with the new owner a new 2 year lease at the end of which he will finance a mortgage on the house so we can buy it at fair market value if we so desire. We really love our home and feel relieved. It really is funny how things work out in the end.

    Cynthia: We love those gummy multi vitamins too! :smile:

    Heather: PLUM JAM!!! YUMMY! So sorry it didn’t set!

    Talk to all of you on Monday!

    Tere in Richmond VA
  • MimiPersists
    MimiPersists Posts: 94 Member
    Hello everyone. I’ve read your posts and am thinking of you. I’m going to try not to be so chatty today. :tongue: I know that the end result of trying to respond to many (never all – yikes) of your posts will not be good because it will become too daunting. What a wuss!

    I am nine/tenths of a pound away from the next decade. Whoo hoo. Why is it these milestones seem so important? I don’t know either, but they are - at least to me. :happy:

    I had the DGDs most of the day yesterday as my daughter wasn’t feeling well. (I’m ready for her to feel better any day now. C’mon.) It was, to say the least, a difficult day. One of DGDs is coming down with the same cold as my daughter and she was a monster-child. :sick: :grumble: :angry: Don’t get me wrong. I love her dearly. Nevertheless…

    My son-in-law is home today and I’m staying far away from the kids, even when I hear them bickering with each other. I love being Grandma but I like it best when it’s for a couple of hours, not all day. I also like it best when they’re being nice to each other. Or one at a time. That works too.

    I took my older DGD to her soccer practice last night as my SIL was helping my son remodel a bathroom. SIL and son ended up working until 10 pm :ohwell: . The good thing about that was 1) I had only 1 child, 2) she had something she loved to keep her busy, and 3) I walked around the track a few times so got some exercise in.:flowerforyou:

    I’m still very tired. I don’t know whether it’s connected to the ablation (my heart rate is often around 90 (not unusual after ablation but still a worry) and my BP is pretty low) or just that I’m so out of shape. I see the doc Monday so will ask him then.

    Okay, okay. I can’t resist responding to just a few of your posts. Honestly, not responding feels like ignoring someone who’s speaking to you. Hmm, hmm, hmm. Have to think about this. Anyway…

    Joyce, compressed air is a great idea. I will try it with my dog. Bet it works. Wouldn’t count on it to break up a dogfight but just might work on barking. Thank you!

    BTW, my daughter’s friend’s husband was diagnosed a couple of years ago with an aggressive form of MS. He’s around 40. His wife, who is a pediatrician and very up on nutrition, encouraged him to eat more fruit and veggies and cut out all grains and added sugar – basically paleo but without all the fat that can be part of that diet. She’s also encouraged him to eat more veggies and less meat. He’s also added yoga and is careful not to let a lot of stress into his life.

    He has not had a flare since he changed the way he ate. Not one. I don’t know what you’ve tried but this might be worth checking out. I’ve heard before that gluten, particularly from wheat produced in “modern” times, can be harmful when you have an autoimmune disease. Cutting it out may be part of what’s helping him. Of course, sugar is known to be inflammatory so cutting it out is a no-brainer. Good luck to you. You sound like such a nice person.

    Cynthia, it was the Tori Burch FitBit bracelet that I thought was pretty. Small wouldn’t work for me either. Phew. That gives me two reasons not to get it. BTW, my mom makes cucumbers the exact same way – sliced with sour cream, vinegar and pepper. Delish!

    I agree about languages. I’m glad for the diversity we have. We have neighbors from Mexico. They speak Spanish at home because they want their kids to be bilingual. The parents actually speak English quite well, although I have fun once in awhile confusing them with peculiarities of the language. I was talking to the husband about ETA (Estimated Time of Arrival) the other day, knowing that he wouldn’t understand. We both got a chuckle out of it and he learned something new.

    I’m fortunate in having a somewhat diverse family. I had a (former) sister-in-law who was Korean. My brother-in-law and sister-in-law divorced then I divorced my ex. We don’t see any of them anymore. I liked her very much though.

    My sister’s husband is black and I have 3 nephews who are part black. They are a treasured part of the family and stereotype breakers. (And I know there are plenty out there – it’s the headlines that keep the stereotypes alive – not that there aren’t reasons for the stereotypes, however.) My brother-in-law has a successful plumbing business with 10 or so employees. His sons are a firefighter, a videographer and an engineer. I’m lucky to have them as part of my life.

    Hmm. Come to think of it, our family horizons are expanding a little with Puerto Rican and Japanese influences. I almost forgot about my new nephews, lol.

    Heather, I like your Tastes of Mind idea.

    Alison, what is the problem with your foot? A second opinion might be a good idea. Foot surgery is not a picnic, but doable certainly if that’s what you need. A calcium supplement is worth a try. I think you need Vit D and K along with it to make it more useful to your body. Really good orthotics are also worth a try. I had better luck with commercial ones than with the ones made by my podiatrist.

    Syliva, that was a great joke. Far too close to home though! You really oughta be in business for yourself! I think your Bite Me Not Shorts are a great idea!

    Ahhh, Meg. I see why you are so concerned about your DD and coming baby. It’s so hard to see children suffer and, often, not be in a position to help. Can you do anything legally? If you can’t right now, perhaps you can keep an eye on things and intervene if necessary. Hugs to you.

    Ann, citronella spray does actually work. I’m not opposed to pepper spray either. If a dog’s aggressive, I say use whatever works!

    Several of you mentioned bouts of depression. I suffered from it too often when I was younger. It disappeared after menopause. Thank goodness for menopause!!! (For me, it was the best thing, by far, about getting older!)

    Mimi (who is so happy to be back and on the right track again)

    And remembering...

  • MimiPersists
    MimiPersists Posts: 94 Member
    Alison, I found one of the references to needing Vit K when you take calcium. I think that's also true of Vit D. Here's an extract from the article about Vit K:

    Your body needs vitamin K to use calcium to build bone. People who have higher levels of vitamin K have greater bone density, while low levels of vitamin K have been found in those with osteoporosis. There is increasing evidence that vitamin K improves bone health and reduces risk of bone fractures, particularly in postmenopausal women who are at risk for osteoporosis. (Vit K1 helps more with bones, K2 with keeping the arteries in good shape).

  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,880 Member
    Hello to all: Forgot my fitbit when I went on vacation and now I am really behind in the competition with my DD to get in a daily average of 10000 steps per day. She is gloating at the moment. I was hoping to do some walking at my DB's place at Angels Camp but the temp was 108 even up in the mountains so that did not work so well. We did go to Columbia state park and did some walking around in the old mining town there one day. Overall we had an awesome trip with lots of time to visit with family. My daughter said that she heard a few too many "do you remember stories" of her relatives and their exploits. We went to San Ramon not too far from Kim I think and celebrated our 45th wedding anniversary at the church where we were married even though the actual anniversary is not until Aug 23.

    Our plane home was delayed so we got in early on Wednesday morning instead of late Tuesday night. I have been trying to catch up since. I told my manager at work that I would go back PRN after I retired but I think I am beginning to regret that. I had to do a new application and all of the other rigamarole that goes with that even an interview. That has taken up much of my time since I returned. I am looking forward though to getting back into a routine.

    I am singing again this year with the Peace Choir but I missed the first rehearsal. DH picked up the music for me and I need to work on my part (alto) before the next rehearsal on Sunday. I can't believe the summer is almost gone.:cry:

    Carol - I sympathize with the house selling but at least you have it fixed up and on the market. Ours is still waiting for repairs before we can put it on the market and I am finding it very frustrating. Have you buried a St Joseph figurine upsidedown in the front yard. Legend has it that can help sell a house.:laugh:

    Jane - I think the angels are looking for just the right place for you and it will come along.

    Healing angels to all who need them and congratulations to those with victories. Sue in SD
  • strassenkoenigin
    Hello, all my partners in staying healthy, slim and flexible,

    It is hot again in Southern Nevada, but I biked and had my usual run-in with dogs of f the leash. I know that dogs sense it when you are afraid of them, but I am not able to overcome my fear .

    The only solution I can think of is to bike on another path because on the one I bike every morning there are always dog owners who let their dogs off the leash. It is such a nuisance because the alternative are very busy streets with a lot of traffic and people on their cell phones, which is even more dangerous.

    Thanks for the suggestion with the skull cap, Carol. I have something similar. It is called a buff. But I am fine with the helmet with the big vents on the really hot days.

    Carol in NC

    I used to have leg cramps too. Mostly when swimming, but also sometimes at night in bed. The best advice I can give is to drink more. I have a tendency not to drink enough . And I do not mean alcohol, just water or tea. In summer I always eat water melons, that seems to come easier to me than drinking water.

    And do not worry about going somewhere solo. You are always you, if you are alone or part of a couple.


    I will try roasted shrimps and I always make filled Portabello mushrooms.

    About the portrait of your grandmother try to integrate something you remember about her which is not in the photo. Make it your own.


    I think we should give ourselves little treats from time to time. I ate my homemade pistachio ice cream for breakfast this morning because it was so hot.


    I completely agree with you about Atkins. It works for some people and that is fine. This is why I like this forum, you hear about different success stories. We all have different bodies.


    I love cats. But since a few years I am not allowed to have one. A male feral cat decided to make my yard his domicile. He expects to be fed but I cannot touch him. He also sprays all around the house to warn other cats off and fights the other cats, especially at night. And of course he wanders in the house in the search of food if he can.
    One day by accident I locked him in. He literally destroyed my living room in his frantic attempt to get out. Since then I make sure my patio screen doors are closed.


    Worrying is not going to change anything. You seem to have done everything possible, so just trust that everything will work out fine.

    Whenever possible I avoid to enter into any contract with these companies which force you into long-term contracts and with pages of small print. I had been hanging on the phone for hours with somebody in Bangladesh or Bangalore trying to sort out problems and I got so tired with it.

    The frustrating situation which seems to happen everywhere is very nicely captured in that movie “The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel” where Judi Dench living in England tries to get her point across with somebody in India working the phone lines. Later she moves to India and ends up working for one of these companies. It is a very enjoyable movie, if anybody has not seen it.


    Up to a few years ago it never entered my mind to buy a road bike. I had a bike all my life, but just a regular bike, what they call a hybrid now.

    After I retired I was looking for an activity I could do every day and could do with other people too. After eliminating other choices I started biking with my hybrid on the local bike paths, only to find out that everybody on a road bike was zooming by me practically ignoring me. I looked into some of the bike groups , but everybody there was riding a road bike too.

    So I hit the bike stores only to find out that road bikes are terribly expensive. Of course the sales persons tried to talk me right away in a 3000 dollar bike, but I was not ready for that.

    So I befriended a neighbor who was into road biking and he gave me some pointers what I should buy.
    But I had never ridden a road bike and the bike stores would only let me take turns in the parking lot and a few minutes did not give me a good enough impression what was comfortable. So I bought the first bike used from somebody my size and who never put many miles on it.

    This bike was unfortunately stolen when I made the mistake to drink a cup of coffee. It was locked , but these locks are no deterrent to professional bike thieves. So I had to buy a new bike. Now I never leave my bike anywhere. I just ride it .

    If you consider biking fun and you want to get some good workout I highly recommend a road bike.

    There are a lot of mountain bikers in my area too, but I am too old for that now.

    And a hybrid seems like very heavy after riding a road bike.

    In winter I ride one hundred miles a day sometimes, but then I am really exhausted.


    I am very surprised to hear that you r depression disappeared with menopause. It was certainly the oppposite with me and with many women I know .Puberty and menopause were the worst times of my life and menopause does not seem to end.


    You do not have to agree with me. I have been living over half of my life in foreign countries. I certainly do not have adjustment problems. All my life I have known people who moved as adults into other countries and I do not know one person who is completely at home in their new country.
    It is always the second generation who fully embraces the new country, the first generation will always carry the legacy of the old country. At least this is my experience. Actually I think it is quite sad how isolated many immigrants are. I always make it a point to get to know my neighbors and in the last years many people from all over the world moved in. Many of them only know their own family, they have absolutely no other friends. So it is work and family. If they have children the children will teach them about the new country, if not they stay with their customs and never change.

    Anne, in the Mojave desert
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,384 Member
    Did an hour of Jari Love's Ripped to the Core DVD today. Tomorrow I'm planning to go to the deep water class but first taking my aluminum to the Humane Society

    We're planning to cut the grass today. I don't know about Vince going on the tractor, I don't think he should. I've never done it, so looks like I will at least try. I think once I tried but my feet couldn't reach the pedals. Maybe there is a way that you can adjust the seat and we just didn't do it because Vince was going to be using the tractor. I guess if worse comes to worse, I'll just use the push behind. Actually, if I can use the tractor, maybe Vince can use the push behind. There isn't as much vibration as on the tractor. Update: you can now officially call me "farmer Michele". I was on the tractor and all's I could think of was the theme song from "Green Acres". Vince says he'd give me a "D" on cutting, but I think I did pretty d*** good for the first time ever. We only did the front yard today, tomorrow we'll probably do the back yard. I don't think there's that much of it that needs to be done, to be honest.

    madgoth - I know that I could never do Atkins. That would mean that I'd have to give up my beloved fruit for two whole weeks. I honestly think giving up white flour a few years ago was probably easier than having to give up fruit. So, therefore, I won't do it.

    yanniejannie - my father's second wife (who I really didn't get along with very well) gave me a bridal shower. Actually, I had asked my maid of honor not to give me a shower since I had most everything (I had my own apt and so did Vince). I know why she gave it to me. So that she could invite her friends and the hope would be that since they were invited to the shower and gave me a gift, she was hoping that I'd invite them to the wedding. Didn't work. Since we were paying, I wanted to pay for the people who I cared about, not people who I didn't even know.

    Cynthia - heck, I just cut up the cucumber and use it in my salad! My aunt used to use the sour cream and vinegar. I just peel them since the peels on the green ones can sometimes be bitter (not on the yellow ones, I've found) and I usually scoop out the seeded part, it's just too watery. Otherwise, I go to town!

    Alison - you and Rita toast a glass of beverage for me

    Sylvia - how wonderful of you to take your grandkids shopping!

    Meg - your concerns for the baby are very valid. Unfortunately, it looks like at times you just might have to step in. How is your relationship with the other grandmother? Perhaps you and she will have to get together to help this child. Remember....God looks out. I'm sure you've thought of this, but if the other grandmother supports the kids now, what's going to happen when (and the day will come) she's no longer here? They will have no idea what to do! I wonder if she's thought about that. Can you mention it to her? I'm with you, I wouldn't support any of our kids. Is this her first grandchild? Perhaps she offered to support them because she was afraid of losing her grandchild if Tanya gave the baby up for adoption. I don't mean to sound mean, but to me it appears that there is some selfishness there -- she wants her son to be completely dependent on her. Help my kids out out -- yes. support them fully -- no. I totally understand where you're coming from. To me, Pete's mother has been helping him and Denise out, I've never spoken to the woman, I don't even know what color hair she has. It IS a major problem, I know. You're a hoot "where all sharp objects have been put out of my reach"....lol lol lol

    Did I forget to post AGAIN yesterday? Boy, Am I slipping.

    Anyway, it's now Friday. Went to the Humane Society to give them my coupons and drop off my aluminum, then went to Bi-Lo to get things on sale, then stopped at Food Lion to see if they have any overripe, but not too overriped bananas for Vince (they didn't), then took the deep water class. After class a lady who goes to the class that I know does sewing will take in the waistband on a pair of pants for me, then home and went in the pool. Did get some ripe bananas for Vince at another Food Lion. I'm not real crazy about their food, tho. But at least they had bananas that Vince would eat. I'd thought we'd maybe cut the yard in the back, but I guess not.

    Tomorrow the plan is to do an hour of the challenges that I got on another site.

    Kim - I would think that plum sauce on pork would be truly awesome.

    The day before yesterday I took a container of Cool Whip out of the freezer for Vince. I have some ripe bananas and cantaloupe (it's really not as good as it was last year, I think it may be a bit overripe). Anyway, there wasn't a piece of tape on it (like I usually do) telling me what was in it. When Vince went to open it, it's some sort of pork roast! Fortunately, I had another container of Cool Whip in the freezer so he'll use that one.

    Carol - I agree with Katla, your home will sell when the right buyer sees it. You know this home we're in was on the market they didn't think it would sell as fast as it did. We saw it, it had most everything we wanted, so we bought it. We actually had to let the previous owner rent it for a month from us because he wasn't ready to move quite yet. Good luck at your Dinner for Eight

    katla - glad things have worked out re: baby due an dh's surgery. I, too, hope he goes to ds and dil's. I agree, try to see if there's someone who can check in with him. Does he have a friend who can come by and maybe they can play cards or something?

    Alison - happy birthday to your dh and his uncle

    Cindy in OK - have you (or really anyone else for that matter) ever frozen portobello mushrooms then defrosted them and used them? I'm trying that right now, I'll have to see the texture of it. My hubby only goes to the store if he absolutely must go. And even then he just wants to go in and get out asap. Me? I look for the bargains. Trust me, your hubby isn't the only one who comes home with "mystery" items. Especially if Vince goes shopping when he's hungry.....watch out!

    katla - I've told my daughter that women are born with an extra gene -- the "worry" gene. I hate when companies make you make automatic payments. I'd much prefer to have control over my payment.

    tere - to me, the worst part of a water aerobics class is that when you're in class, you don't feel like you're working hard. But the next day!!!! Look out. I've worn water gloves for years now and just recently started wearing the water shoes. Boy, do they add resistance! Good luck at your class tomorrow

    Sue in SD - 108!!!! Hope it wasn't humid. What a sweet way to celebrate your anniversary!

    Michele in NC
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,340 Member
    Anne - the book of the Best Exotic Marigold Hotel was written by someone I was at university with. We were very friendly when our children were very young and saw a lot of each other, both being writers and mothers at the time, but we lost touch after that. I last visited her beautiful house in Hampstead, London about 12 years ago. She moves in much more rarified circles now.:laugh:

    Heather UK
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,793 Member
    evening ladies,
    well my 40 hour workweek is done...
    I made it through and I hope Zina enjoyed her vacation..
    just made the DH a big bowl of vanilla carmel gelato with extra creamy whip cream on top, he said its better than cake :bigsmile:
    me I am having a cup of tea.. I have been awake since 1 this morning, so will crash in a little bit.
    spoke with th head nurse down at the convelecent home about my concerns, for my DFIL, the residents and the staff, told her that I would just love to have him stay there and to have the phyciatric nurse give us some idea's , if they need to move him to a specialized dementia unit, I dont know if there are any close to us.
    yes I will get a second opinion on my heel.. I will go back to the gym on sunday and use the machines and maybe the elliptical.. need to get back on it.. I will keep icing,stretching and hopefully it will go away..
    I do not want to have my foot cut open..spoek with a patient that had both heels done, and had to have them redone:noway:
    so I have time to think about it..
    Tomorrow we will be picking up DFIL and taking him to his brother and sister in laws for the 50th anniversary party, will bring extra set of clothes and diapers and wipes..I have already warned the family that he isnt how he used to be, but maybe being around family he will be better.. I am hoping anyway...
    well ta ta for now will check in in the morning... going to make the birthday boy blueberry pancakes and bacon for breakfast