

  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Hello, all,

    On the iPad,so this will be short and sweet. Horrible rain all last night and today--good news, tent didn't,t leak at all. Thunderstorms predicted and DD ill--red sore throat, ears...don,t know at this point if just a cold or strep/ear infection...the whole deal, so came to my cousins family home for tonight, will see how she is in the am. Here alone as cousin is back at their home in Philly. Hope tent makes it through the weather tonight.

    Adored Robin Williams, saw him in person last winter, so sad.

    I am a non flyer too. Have done it, just don,t like not being able to see where I,m going, even on a bus you can see where you are going. I did like looking down at night at all the towns and their lights tough, also, one plane from Pittsburg to Detroit had a fire in the galley once and that kind of did it for me.

    Can,t write more,exhausted.
    Best to everyone,

    P.S. Must congratulate Tere!!!! I think you have had excellent advice, nothing to add.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    It has been a long day. DH had an appointment with the PA of the surgeon who will work on his back. Surgery will be more than a month away, and that is hard. :ohwell: The plan is to remove cartilage that is cutting into the nerve trunk, and a portion of bulging disk. No fusion is being considered. Yay! :drinker: I think it is better to go to an excellent surgeon that is so busy you have to wait than one who is less skilled but readily available. It is a relief for me in the sense that I no longer have a conflict that will prevent me from helping my daughter through the birth of her baby. I am sorry my husband will continue to have pain until the surgeon is available, though. Please send good thoughts and prayers our way.:flowerforyou:

    Regarding Robin Williams: I enjoyed his work very much. I am sorry he was so unhappy that he chose death over life. Depression is an invasive, all encompassing and difficult illness to control, let alone cure. My heart goes out to his family, his children, and his fans. He was talented, unique, and he will be remembered. Some say that suicide is a sin and I can’t disagree, but we are all sinners in one way or another. I believe that a compassionate God will welcome a person who has suffered so much.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    August Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
  • madgoth
    madgoth Posts: 60
    I am madgoth and I live in Alabama. It has been a long time for me to come back here, I am determined again. New motivation, so I am on day 5 of my plan and I am doing very well. I did eat 2 klondike bars tonight, but that is the only bad thing I have done in almost a week. So I am still very pleased with my progress.

    I went to a hypnosis session last week. I wanted to try it because I quit smoking that way and felt I would have success. Since the session, I have felt better and much more positive, I haven't craved sweets as I had, and I have been eating a lot less carbs than I usually do. So its going alright and now I am trying to work in the food journaling and exercise into the scheme.

    So hello to all of you and I hope to give as well as get support from all of you.

    I think my goal for August is routine.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,799 Member
    up icing my heel and having my warm lemon water...
    it is raining here ,but we need it...I am stuck at a plateau again or still..but wont give up...will keep on trucking along...
    I have been doing pretty good falling alseep and sleeping 7 hours and that seems to do the trick..
    about finding money- i was in a rest room at work, I used to work where my husband does in a factory.. well there on the tp roll was a bank envelope. I didnt even look inside I just took it up to the security office
    so that afternoon the girl that lost it, came and found me , there was 3,000 in there .. she gave me 40.00 and said to go out to dinner with it..
    then the general manager and my boss pulled me up in front of the rest of the clean room I worked in and ,said now this is what a honest person looks like and sort of talked me up, to say I was embarrased was an understatment, but they gave me a 250.00 gift card.. and I bought a camera with it..
    well I am going to make the DH lunch and tomorrow I have off so, I will make him taco's
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,350 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    It's sunny here at the moment, but the ground is still nice and damp. After all the rain our runner (string) beans now have tiny beans on. They hate the hot weather. Got to pick some more yellow zucchini today before they become giants.:laugh: I want to get some parsley seeds in the ground, some more mixed salad and some radishes. Also fill the gaps in the beet snd parsnip rows. :bigsmile:
    Tonight we are having the Hairy Bikers Spanish style chicken, one of our stand bys. Will pick almost the last of our French beans. They loved the hot weather.

    Still feeling happy about my clothes expedition. I'm looking forward to wearing the bright pink sweater. It's very light, so maybe next week if we go out for an evening meal with my friend. I haven't booked the pub yet, so that is a job for today.
    I also had an email from the new friends whose house we rented in France. The husband's mother is in her 90s and he is going through all the stress that so many of you write about. They are currently trying to get her into a home, but are mindboggled at the cost. :sad: The wife also has a 90+ mother, but she is independent. We hope to get together for a meal at the same pub at the end of September, before we fly off to NYC!:bigsmile: I like the pub because the food snd atmosphere are excellent and I can have my favourite seafood. I usually have mussels and scallops.:bigsmile:

    I am looking forward to the Great British Bake Off tonight on TV. It has the whole country galvanised!:laugh:

    I was talking to DH about the way he has published his books on Amazon. He encoursged me to self publish some of my own "back catalogue" :tongue: I had a moderately successful career as a children's writer and a few other pieces, but my adult novels bit the dust, despite some very near misses. The novels are now "historicsl documents", rather than something I would write now, but I would love them to see the light of day. I was a very unhappy, depressed and disturbed young woman when I wrote the first ones and the novels reflect that. To tell the truth I find them a bit embarrassing, but I would like them to outlive me. I believe there are computer programmes that will transform scanned in print into a Word document, so I will have to do some research. They were typed on an old Olivetti portable with carbon copies.:laugh: Later ones exist as floppy disks so I will have to find someone who can convert those.
    I ask myself, is it worth it? But it is a bit like old photographs - we value them for what they reflect of us at the time. I don't suppose my children will read them, but at least they are there for anyone who wants to remember their great, great granny.:wink:
    I think I will start with the one that was nearest to getting published at the time and only missed out because of financial pressures on the prestigious publishing company. It is called WINDOWS and is quite odd and disturbing. My agent compared it to Rosemary's Baby. :laugh: I am glad that my mental state is sooooooo much better now.:happy:

    Love to all. Going to be making my double salmon rolls for next week's starter today.:bigsmile:

    Heather in sunny and beautiful Hampshire UK
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Good morning. I just crawled out of bed and am waiting to go weigh myself till I go pee again. Yesterday my weight was at 190.0 so I am really hoping to be in the 189's this morning. That would be such a big deal for me. Somehow it sounds so much better to be in the 180's than the 190's. It wasn't that long ago that I was struggling to see Onederland.

    I think the thing that hit me hardest about Robin Williams was about the depression. Maybe because I've suffered so badly with it myself over the years. I just felt it hard. That could have been me so many times in the past. I didn't always like everything he did (not crazy about The Crazy Ones) but I always appreciated him and sort of identified with him. The really sad part is that there are so many people with the same illness that commit suicide and we never hear about them just because they are not celebrities. It's also sad that his death seems to have knocked very serious world issues off the headlines.

    My daughter in law and granddaughter and I went shopping yesterday. We got some really sweet little bras at Penneys, and a dress and a couple of little outfits at Kohls. Today we are going to shop with the other two. This is getting expensive, but it's fun.

    Ann, I enjoy hearing about your living and biking in the Mojave. I lived in the California part of it (Lancaster) when I was in high school and loved it. Then ten years ago (I think) hubby went on sabbatical and we lived there (Ridgecrest) again for about a year. There is something magical about living in the desert. Hubby had never been there before, and we drove in late at night and he thought it looked like the surface of the moon of something. I'd go back in a heartbeat.

    Heather, I think you should get your books published. At least get them printed and saved. Writing uses a big chunk of your soul, and it would be a shame to lose it forever. As with anything creative, if you take another look you might like it better than you did back then. I know as a potter, if you take something out of the kiln and don't like it, you should set it aside for a while. When you come back to it you might just like it.

    Many years ago when I was young and poor, I left my wallet in a grocery cart with my freshly cashed paycheck inside. I was completely distraught, but a young Mexican American man and his son found it and looked me up from my license and returned it. I was incredibly grateful. So now if I find anything I bend over backwards to return it. I once found a cell phone in the street and called the number that said "mom" and found out it belonged to a kid who was delivering pizzas to earn money for college. It flt good to get that back to him. Phones aren't cheap to replace.

    Well, gotta go to the gym. Have a great day!

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Madgoth from AL: Welcome to a great group.:flowerforyou:

    Alison: I’m not surprised to learn that you did the right thing and returned money to a coworker years ago. You are constantly doing your best to do the right thing for others. I’m glad you shared the story.:flowerforyou:

    Heather: Mussels and scallops being available as pub food is amazing. You can find such dishes in nice restaurants around here, but few taverns. I do realize that taverns and pubs aren’t quite the same thing. British Columbia has some great pubs where we’ve eaten delicious steamer clams. In our area most worthwhile seafood is available in nicer restaurants rather than informal taverns. There is an exception nearby. A little tavern in the next town has fabulous Crab Louies and Crab Cocktails. Good luck with getting your novels republished. Are you writing new things now?:flowerforyou:

    Sylvia: Congratulations on your continuing success at losing excess weight & improving your health. Your shopping trip with your DGD was such a lovely thing to do. :flowerforyou:

    I had a diet blow out yesterday, and I’m blaming MFP for this one. :mad: :mad: :mad: Somehow my calorie goal was increased by 500 calories without my knowledge or approval. I thought I had lots of calories left, so I ate extra, wanting to avoid l eating too little. I’ve reset it this morning. How did this happen? Has anyone else had their goal changed dramatically upward without their knowing or consent?

    Today I will be driving my son’s car to a town in Washington midway between our place and his so I can trade it for our car. I’m not sure whether DH will be willing to come along for the ride, but I hope he will feel good enough to come with me.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    August Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    Thanks for the good wishes.It's a late day appt........much prefer early am appt,cause I just stew over the "what ifs".

    Vicki,anyone who has lost as much weight as you has to have a strong backbone.:flowerforyou: Think it thru,knowing you have
    what it takes & will be happy & proud of yourself. Same for the bike trip. We'll all be waiting to hear about your adventures :glasses:

    You all mentioned ironing. Neither of our girls owns an iron:ohwell:

    My Dad was the oldest child with a bunch of younger sisters. His father up & left.So his Mom (with all those kids) took in laundry.Everything was folded or starched & ironed.Dad quit school at 14 to help by hauling clothes back & forth in a wagon.He
    also learned to iron.His 1st full time job was delivering big hunks of ice.He would pull the ice to edge of truck bed,heave it onto his shoulder ,then put it in the ice box.He was too young to have a drivers license.He did eventually find a job in skilled trades..... he ironed his own clothes for the rest of his life.
    Sorry,just a story that ironing brought out. BTW........one of my fondest memories was coming home from grade school to something baking,Mom finishing ironing.....while listening to" Stella Dallas" & "Young Dr Malone" on the radio. Way back when.......Pat
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,350 Member
    Katla - we have a phenomenon over here called a "gastro pub". :laugh: It all started in the 90s when old pubs started to do home cooked food. Now a lot of "pubs" are really quite smart restaurants with a bar bit in the front.:tongue:
    This particular place, about 8 miles from us, is one of the best in the area. You can read the reviews of "The Bugle Inn", Twyford, on Trip Advisor. I have reviewed it and received several helpful votes. It is by no means a cheap eat! ! ! !:tongue:

    I have just finished rolling my double salmon roll from bbcgoodfood. I managed to cut a bit off and roll it separately so now I have a starter for my friend on Monday as well as the bbq the following Friday. :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: I have served it before snd it freezes beautifully.

    I'm going to give my patio pots a bit of liquid feed in a minute to see them through until the autumn. The geraniums are a bit battered by the storms, but they will recover. DH is trimming our front hedge.:smile:

    I have looked on google and it looks as if I wilk be able to scan in the typed version of my books. I might have to upgrade Adobe and Word to newer, better versions. That would cost money. My laptop really could do with an overhaul or replacing, but I think it could cope. I could outsource it of course, but I think I would still have to upgrade Word. I only have 2003, but my laptop keeps trying to convert everything to 2007 and then I can't use it.:grumble: Like lots of you I am perfectly happy with the old version. I don't need an all singing, all dancing one.:noway:

    DH picked loads of plums off the tree. We have a bumper crop this year. :bigsmile:

    Heather again in the UK
  • HSDramamom
    HSDramamom Posts: 44 Member
    I was really happy when I put on a pair of slacks for church Sunday morning and found that they were looser in the thighs. (This was a pair of slacks I had sewn the pockets together on so they wouldn't stick out!) I can tell my body is gradually looking more fit, but the scale is still not moving like I want it to. I KNOW we shouldn't depend on what the scale says, but I weigh myself daily in hopes that I can detect in my diary what may be causing stalls; plus I went for a long time a couple years ago without weighing myself (after having kept track fairly regularly) and was shocked and aggravated by the time I stepped back on the scales.

    I've read some things on these boards about muscles holding on to water. I feel the soreness of my workouts, so I hope that is what is happening. I'm also trying to figure out the validity of using coconut oil to aid weight loss--especially because of the calorie increase on my diary.

    I have really noticed in the last couple of months as I've been watching what I eat (though I didn't start recording everything again until a couple weeks ago) that when I am at a party or other social event (with food, of course!) that I am able to let a lot of food items in which I would have previously indulged just stay where they are because I don't enjoy them enough for the calories to be worth it. Last night I went to a moms' gathering with a friend who loves to cook and had prepared a lot of appetizers and desserts. I was able to enjoy a fe things without overindulging. I even let a few things stay on the plate after taking bites and realizing they weren't worth continuing to eat.

    I do hope to see the scale move down more soon, but if the clothes are at least getting looser, than I'll try not to get discouraged about the scale!
  • madgoth
    madgoth Posts: 60
    Thanks for the welcome Katia :smile:

    Well, a new day. So far I have eaten half an avocado with rye crisp and some mandarin oranges. I also spent some time looking up things low in carbs that I might be able to use as a breakfast. I love eggs, but I do get tired of them every day.

    The plan I am attempting reminds me of Atkins, although I don't want to eat so much meat and cheese like I did when trying that diet in the past. But anyway, I am getting into the habit of thinking before shoving something in my mouth and looking it up first.

    I don't have any big plans for today, just keeping on track.
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Hi everybody, a quick hello to say we're back and heavily jetlagged.
    I wore my Fitbit every day as usual and went to the gym a few times, but stopped logging food at some point. We were eating out almost all the time (stayed in a B&B) and I found it very difficult to keep trying to estimate what I was getting. I finally decided not to sweat it during vacation and to start logging again after our return.
    Hope I sleep reasonably well tonight (had a nap this afternoon) so I can get back to normal. I feel almost drunk because of the tiredness. Just picked up my dog and drove very carefully because I knew I was impaired through lack of sleep.

    Anyway...will ease back into posting etc. Hope everyone is doing OK!

    Cynthia :flowerforyou:
  • strassenkoenigin
    Good morning, ladies of a certain age,

    I gave my legs a rest this morning. I realize that I should do this more often, but I just like biking so much. It is also therapy for me, it helps with depression and gives me a high like I always hear runners get. The biggest bonus is that on these long rides I always have my best ideas.
    Sylvia, I agree with you that there is something magical about living in the desert. My bike path goes right through the desert and I see roadrunners, quails, lizards of all sizes, bighorn sheeps and even snakes sometimes. In spring time the wildflowers and the blooming cacti are really beautiful, now of course everything is nearly brown .. But and there is always a but isn' t there? it seems to get hotter every year. If we do not stop polluting our earth we will be living in a hell hole.

    Today in the news they reported that Lake Mead is at its lowest level ever. Now for those of you who are not so familiar with this area of the country, Lake Mead is formed by Hoover Dam and fed by the Colorado river. The water of Lake Mead does not only supply the Las Vegas area with over two million people but also the Los Angeles area with over 15 million people. If the trend continues we will run out of water.

    Since decades already we are encouraged to transform our gardens in a stone desert with very few drought resistant plants. I did that in a way right from the beginning. But I like green and colors, so my yard is full with oleander and I have a fig tree, several pomegranate trees and an apricot tree which turned into a peach tree??? So when I look out of my windows I see only green, but now I am worried that I will not be able to afford that anymore as the water bill goes up and up, despite me trying to save water in every possible way.

    I also agree with you , Sylvia, about the depressed people. There are still too many who do not realize what a life threatening illness that is. I am always looking at the high suicide numbers of veterans. Mental illness is practically ignored by most and is a huge cash cow for the pharma industry. Only I have feeling that the medications often create more problems than do any good. Therapy is out of reach for most people.


    Anybody who goes to live in another country when they are an adult, will never completely feel at home. Your formative years and your values are set by different standards, customs and culture. You did not go to school in the new country and you do not have childhood or college friends. So it is difficult. That does not mean that you are not enjoying it, it only means that you will never feel completely at home.

    The funny thing what happens over the years is that you do not feel at home in your country of origin either, because you are so used to your new country.

    About the money finding thing. I wonder too. Last year I found a handbag in a grocery store cart in the parking lot. So I took to the bag to the customer service desk. I did not even look inside. Within a few minutes at least four or five employees of the store gathered and went through the bag and they found a driver's license in it. They said they are going to notify the owner. But they never asked me for my name and phone number and afterwards I felt insecure if I had done the right thing and if I shouldn't have taken it to a police station or tried to locate the owner myself. After all a grocery store is not really an authority for lost items .
    I shop in this store regularly and they never said anything that they found the owner.

    The tour company I was working for employed a lot of Dutch students in summer because they spoke so many languages. When I was in high school our first foreign language was French because we were so close to France and the second English. Nobody learned Dutch, because all the Dutch people we knew spoke German. My father could understand it because he grew up near the Dutch bordr.
  • strassenkoenigin

    I had been successful losing a few pounds with Atkins in the past. So this time around I tried it again as a kick starter.

    After a few days I could not stand the sight of cheese, meat and fat anymore. I was completely constipated and lost all energy. I decided that it was not for me.

    I do Yoga for decades and I read in one of my Yoga nutrition books that this kind of diet is very bad for women our age. We should eat fruit, vegetables and nuts and very little meat.
  • Cindy781
    Cindy781 Posts: 477 Member
    Good morning ladies,

    Today I did 40 minutes on the treadmill and some yoga. I checked my measurements yesterday and am glad to say I have been maintaining since June 2nd. This is tricky, I still have to watch everything I eat and not be tempted to fall back into my old habits. I love bread, pasta and wine!

    Anne, I do enjoy hearing about your experiences growing up and moving to the US. I also agree with what you read in your Yoga book about diet. Meat should be treated as a side dish.

    Cynthia, I'm glad you are back and had safe travels. Sleep well.

    HSDramamom, you are correct to focus on your clothes and not the scale. I need to remind myself of this!

    Hubby and I are going out to lunch and then probably go to a movie. He's suggesting I head for the shower.:smile:

    Have a wonderful day everyone!

    Cindy in OK
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,815 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou: . Hope everyone is taking sometime for themselves today. This is my 8 hour day and planning to walk home and maybe mow the yard if it is not done. Since DBIL has been staying with us, he has been mowing it. But since he has taken a second job not sure he will get it done and I am ok with that. I also want to finish the weeding and get to work on my rock garden.

    Pearlie--I like the idea of a motorcycle wedding.:drinker: I have been to a couple. My DH and ride and have for over 30 years. We are planning a trip the last week of this month with several people from our CMA group. Going to leave on the 25th and come back on the first. What kind of bike do you ride?

    Welcome Goddesskat--You have found a great group. What is your name and where do you live? Come often and get to know us and us you.:flowerforyou:

    Heather--Thank you for the good words. I think you are one of the neatest people I know and I so admire all you do. I am taking it one step at a time.

    Jane--I agree about why keep showing the place when you have someone interested. I pray you find just the right place soon.

    Gloria & Anne--I agree about all the stuff being put out there concerning Robin Williams and Tony Stewart. I pray for both of them and their famiy. No one can ever know what is going on in their minds and what they are dealing with. :brokenheart:

    Michele--I also agree that we make it so easy for them not to learn English. they do not do that for us in their country so why are we doing it here. Thank you for being honest about the money. Sad to think someone would just keep it and the person who lost it would be someone who can not spare it. Glad DH is doing well with his eyes.

    DeeDee- Thanks for the kind words and I am doing alot of praying and taking it one step at a time. Sure hope you feel better soon. :flowerforyou:

    Barbie--I looked up the greysheet and it sounds scary. But I have been to OA years ago and it works for some.

    Joyce--I do think this that they are talking about me doing is a one time deal. Our gal here who has been talking to me about this said the lady doing the interview reminds her of Barbra Walters. Time will tell I guess if I even get picked. They are doing this for all CHI which are over Nebraska, part of Iowa and Colorado. Joyce I would of been so scared about finding that money. I would be afraid someone saw me and would come after me and not believe I turned it over to the police. so glad it worked out for you. I remember when my boys were around 12 they found money in a phone booth and they called and turned it in to the police. A couple days later the police came to the school and in front of everyone told them what the boys had done and gave them a certicate for being honest. That did leave a good impression on both of them. I was very proud of them.

    Yanniejannie--Hope DD is feeling better and the tent is still in place.

    Katla--glad things are working out for the new grandbaby. Sorry DH has to waite, but I do agree it is best to have the best. Prayers for all of you. I agree God knows what is truely in our hearts.

    Heather--I would be interested in how you make hairy bike chicken. Keep us posted about your books.

    Pat--Thanks for sharing the memory. Makes me think back and smile. I learned to iron around age 12 and enjoied it. I do own an iron now,but use it for crafts.

    Madgoth--I agree, thinking before I put it in my mouth saves me alot of calories. I know I am more careful and picky about what I eat,

    Cynthia--Welcome back, after you are all rested be looking forward to hearing all about your trip.

    Well do think I have gone on long enough. May your day be a Blessing.
    Blessed Vicki GI NE
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,090 Member
    Good afternoon friends,

    Anne agree with you about Atkins. I try to eat a high fiber diet. I added fiber to my settings. I try to hit that or go over. I still eat too much animal protein in cheese and meat.

    Had a good time with teachers I used to work with. We were celebrating the retirement of a couple of them. Sat in the backyard on a beautiful summer day. Neighbors dogs came over to play. Sometimes the growl and bark when I have friends over. They must have sensed these were friends. They were very well behaved. It was a brunch and I made refrigerator oatmeal and an egg dish. They brought other things to fill out the menu. Yum.

    Today continue to log as I work to maintain m y weight.:drinker:

    2014 word: contentment
    :heart: MNMargaret
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,951 Member
    Busy day here today. Last night I had a few beers so went over on my calories, but the food stayed within range. I believe if I cut out the beer and rum I have now and then I would do better. My DH says we are both going to stop alcohol on his b-day (8/27) but we will see. I hope he follows through because if it is not in the house, I won't eat or drink it!

    No gym today, I overslept! Raining when I got up and rained all day. We really needed a good soaking rain. Except not in my office! It seems my rug is soaked because of water seeping in from 'somewhere' I was told! It will smell bad in here tomorrow! Glad I have an air freshener I can use.

    Well, have a meeting to go to.

    Rita from dampness CT
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,350 Member
    Vicki - just google Hairy Dieters' Spanish style chicken bake. I use a red pepper, not a green one and halve the recipe for the two of us.
    Or Hairy Bikers' the same.
    I have the book of the TV series on my kindle. The Hairy Bikers did a series of dieting programmes with recipes because they were putting on weight. They lost a lot of weight at the time, but I don't think it has lasted.
    I love the Spanish chicken, the beachside paella, the lasagne, which I make with zucchini (they used leeks for the layers), and the Moroccan tagine, but the chicken is the best and our regular favourite.:bigsmile:
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy hump day!
    Took Violet to meet her teacher today,can`t believe she`s in 1st grade.
    The saga continues-Meg,not sure what you mean by a property manager.Most homes are managed by real estate companies.
    The house,the lady said to call today,I`ve been calling all day,not answer,no answer machine,just ringing.The apt we would have gotten we signed a long term lease.I just lost it today and just cried.What does it take to find a place?I wish we never lost our house of 20 years,due to hubby loosing job and being unemployed for several years.This will be the 5th move since aug 2011.
    Sorry for the rant.
    Have a good day!!