

  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Here's today's joke of the day:


    Q: What did the windmill say when she met her favorite movie star?

    A: "Nice to meet you. I'm a BIG FAN!"

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy mon.
    Long day.DIL was watching tv til after midnight,I could hear from my room.
    Then Violet is up at 6.
    My DIL posted a cute announcement on facebook-she had Leah by a sign that says.1 learn to walk
    2learn to talk.3something else and 4-be a big sister.How cute
    have a great day!!
    waiting to hear something today.
  • dinaesia
    dinaesia Posts: 54 Member
    Bumpin for later:drinker:
  • terewilliams
    terewilliams Posts: 336 Member
    Thanks for all the great thoughts about nobody being able to see you but the instructor while you are in the pool. :flowerforyou: I wish I had read it before I left. Anyway, I did indeed make it to class! It was wonderful! I decided that I would go to the front of the class that way I wouldn’t see anybody making faces at my missteps. I had my first experience sweating in the pool. The ladies were very nice to me and told me they couldn’t keep up either, but they treaded water when they got off track. I’ll being going back on a regular basis.:happy:

    Meg: Hope you are feeling better.:flowerforyou:

    Dinaesia: I’ve never heard of arnica, but I am going to look it up!

    Lesley: All I can say is ….Grandchildren! We still haven’t recovered from 2 of ours visiting last month. Their parents are not speaking to us. We just don’t understand how they are raising themselves and not being taught about appropriate behavior. :explode: It was so bad that I don’t even want to talk about it….. The SO is still going for prayer about their visit.

    Heather: That’s wonderful that your DH is ironing. The SO has standing instructions that anything needing ironing goes to the dry cleaner! He doesn’t iron… Congratulations on your pound.:happy:

    DeeDee: I love the Fresh Market but it does put wear and tear on my wallet. We have a Whole Foods but it is quite a ways from my home. I have been dying to get there.

    Joyce: Panama City Beach sounds fantastic! I think it is wonderful that your DGD will learn the correct way to apply makeup. So many young ladies put it on thick! :noway:

    Michelle: Did you talk about red okra? I've never heard of it before. I might ride to NC to get some to pickle. How is it different from regular okra?

    Well Ladies, I been putting off a couple of things including planning a wedding affair for myself so today I will get started again. The SO and I have decided to do it on August 1, 2015. We are not telling the children until next Spring to avoid any drama! Since this will be my second and his third I've decided to do a formal attire dinner at a local country club. Love to hear any ideas you have.

    Tere in Richmond VA
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,779 Member
    HSDramamom ... I just followed your link for TDEE and BMR ... very informative reading!

    I have never, never eaten as many calories as they recommend while trying to lose weight. But having read Lesley's tongue-lashing post :wink: and this information ... I'm wondering if I'm just trying to go too low ... thus the non-stop sabotage nearly every day. I've been at a plateau since February ... trying to eat 1340 calories which is really too low according to this information. This makes sense and maybe if I feel nourished I'll stop eating "stress sticks" (aka Strawberry Twizzlers).:laugh:

    Beth in WNY
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    HSDramamom ... I just followed your link for TDEE and BMR ... very informative reading!

    I have never, never eaten as many calories as they recommend while trying to lose weight. But having read Lesley's tongue-lashing post :wink: and this information ... I'm wondering if I'm just trying to go too low ... thus the non-stop sabotage nearly every day. I've been at a plateau since February ... trying to eat 1340 calories which is really too low according to this information. This makes sense and maybe if I feel nourished I'll stop eating "stress sticks" (aka Strawberry Twizzlers).:laugh:

    Beth in WNY


    I'm giving it a try for a month to see what happens. It makes so much more sense even though it is VERY scary! What have I got to lose (except pounds!)? :bigsmile: :laugh: :wink:

    I used the Fat2Fit site (after checking out every other one available to verify numbers). It espouses the same theory that I use to change other parts of my life. Also, what I'm doing now is certainly not working AND I can't see myself eating 1200 calories for life.

    I hope it works for both of us!!
  • strassenkoenigin
    Heather, UK

    Happy, to hear you like Germany and that you lost a pound.:happy: . I grew up near the Swiss and French border, at the southern end of the Black Forest. I lived at one point in Cologne, so I am pretty familiar with Duesseldorf.
    When the wall came down I lived in the US and a few months later flew with my American boyfriend to Germany and we visited the former East Germany for the first time. One of the cities we went to was Dresden because my parents got married there and always told me what a beautiful city it was. Visiting Dresden and all of East Germany right after the fall of the wall was an eye opening experience. It was like time had stood still there and everything looked like before the WWII. I was especially amused to watch my American friend . He had been brought up believing how dangerous communism was and there we were driving through a country which was a monument to the inefficiency of communism.

    I am sure today everything looks completely different from 1990 and has been brought up to West German standards.:ohwell:

    When I was 18 my parents sent me to England for a few months to improve my English. I stayed with a family in Turnbridge Wells. They had two daughters my age who were debutants and they had horses and lived in a beautiful old house.. But it turned out that the girls were mostly in London and I got a little bit bored with the country life. I also had a hard time to adjust to kippers and bangers for breakfast and lots of roastbeef for dinner.:embarassed: But that seemed to be all the cook knew how to prepare. They had a great library and I read myself through English literature. The plays of Oscar Wilde became my favorite and still are.

    For the last two months of my England stay I escaped to London and found myself a position as an au pair in a pub.. I saw the Beatles on opening night of a "Hard Day's Night" and spend a lot of time in Hyde Park listening to people on their soap boxes. It was a wonderful summer and it never rained. I have nothing but good memories.

    Later in life I lived in Kenya and India for some time , where I was also confronted with remnants of the British way of life. I love both countries and can certainly understand how many Brits got so attached to them.

    When I read through your posts, nothing reminds me of the food I had in England. Actually I am trying not to read it, so I do not get tempted. :wink:

    Renny in Vancouver

    Yes, i ride very early in the morning. Most mornings I do my Yoga at like four o'clock and then get dressed and get my bike ready and I am out the door with the first light of the day, which is just before six now. Today I was lucky as the sky was cloudy and so I did fifty miles. I have to ride about seven miles to get to a beautiful bike path which leads me to the River Mountain trail loop which is 35 miles long and like a roller coaster. The River Mountain trail loop goes to Lake Mead and Hoover Dam. At eight o'clock the temperature is already 35 degree Celsius and if I do not make it back before 10 I get cooked.
    I ride a Giant Advanced road bike after my Bianchi was stolen. It is a bike more for long distances than for racing, which is fine with me, as I am more into long distances than speed.
    Raleigh is a good brand. I have a Raleigh as a work horse I run my errands with.

    Give all my love to Vancouver. I love this city. Actually I think it is my favorite city on the North American continent. I do like Montreal, Quebec, Ottawa and Toronto too, but not as much as Vancouver. I have not been there in a few years, but I am still drinking Empress tea every morning, which of course is from Victoria not Vancouver.:smile:

    Diane in Texas

    I am not very familiar with Kaiserslautern. I always thought that the American bases were not really in the most beautiful areas in Germany, with the exception of Bavaria.
    It pains me to correct you, but you should say "Ich spreche genug" not genau. Genau is precise. :ohwell:

    I have to look in the Hotter than Hell race, though to tell you the truth it is hot enough as it is. I am barely surviving the four months of hell here.

    I tried everything everybody has ever recommended to me to help me sleep, but I seem to be resistant and I hate big pharma, so I am not going into prescription sleep aids. As for Einstein, I am sorry to report that my IQ is a few numbers lower than his, but I can compete with the hair. It is quite unruly and getting whiter and whiter.

    As for misspelling things, I have a tendency not to proof read and sometimes I find out that the autocorrect altered my words and makes me look stupid:grumble:
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,394 Member
    Did 55 minutes of Leslie Sanson's Walk Away the Pounds DVD today. Tomorrow I'm planning to do some yoga at home, hold my plank and then take the extremepump class.

    tere - one of the things I've found when taking the water classes is that the people who take the classes are very comfortable with their bodies and they do not at all judge anyone else.

    Anne - I don't recall ever hearing of Mirando Esmond White. Now that Collage Video has gone out of buiness, I get most of my DVD's from Total Fitness

    dinaesia - I always thought that the only time Arnica was effective was if you put it on right after you get the bruise!

    DeeDee - weather same here, drizzly! One thing is that I have a reason to work on my crafts, so there's a positive to all that

    rascalini - welcome!

    Alison - take care of yourself. How about deep water classes? It looks like Tony Stewart won't be racing today.

    katla - I've found the same with me, I can have bouts of energy and then need to rest to recharge. Guess that's why people have children while they're young, they can chase after the kids. The only time I iron is if I'm hemming something and I need to press the seam. Otherwise, it doesn't get ironed. I simply buy things that don't need ironing or if they do, I will wear it once and then give it away.

    Oh, wow! I forgot to post last night.

    Well, here it is Monday. Today I did about 20 minutes of yoga (I think it may have been a little more), held my plank for 2 min 30 sec, then did 1 hr extremepump. I left and looked at this one banquet facility. Personally, I wasn't impressed with their prices.

    Tomorrow the plan is to do some elliptical then take Vince for his eye followup and they'll do the pre-op for the next eye.

    Came home, went to the other bowling alley, I think we may join their senior league on Mondays. Then went to the bank, Vince needed to pick up a prescription at CVS, home and then I went to Aldi. Came home, made the coleslaw that I'll take to Rummikub tomorrow. Fixed dinner, now here. I AM going to post before I forget again. Mahjongg tonight

    Renny - glad you talked to your sister

    Diane and Ann - when Vince was in the hospital in Switzerland, we couldn't get over how easily the people would be speakinhg German one minute, French the next, and English the next. They had no problem at all switching.

    Jane - yea for losing!

    Cindy781 - oh, the party line! How well I remember it!

    Rori - don't you wonder how people in the desert or in Florida lived before the invention of a/c? Our condo is right on A1A -- just further south

    Drkatiebug - good luck at the docs

    jb - thanks for the update about Mariah. She's such a special girl

    tere - glad you got to the class and even gladder that you're going to go back. To me, the biggest difference between the red okra and green is that the red doesn't have as much "slimy stuff".

    Michele in NC
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,818 Member
    Good Monday morning ladies! This last weekend flew by. Saturday we had the going away party for my DGS. Then last evening we met with the group we are taking our trip with the end of this month. I do think it will be a fun trip. Trying not to let myself get all stressed out about it. Saturday we got a call the DH's brother was in an accident up at Sturgis. He just bought a motorcycle this year. Not sure what happened, but he flew over the handlebars and hit a tree face first. They did surgery yesterday and put plates in his mouth and wired his mouth shut. I was so happy as acouple of our CMA members were at a youth rally about 120 miles away and they rode up and checked things out for us. Then yesterday morning when DBIL got off work he told me he was not feeling right. He has history of blood clots. After looking at his legs I told him to go right over to ER and get checked out. Better to be safe then sorry. Well he does have acouple in his leg. Instead of admitting him they gave him a shot. Now for the next 3 days he has to come into the hospital and get a shot. So was alittle stressed out lastnight, but I did not go over on calories for the day. I did work in the yard acouple hours pulling weeds. I am not happy with the weed killer we got this year. Seems to only last amonth and then they are back. Next year going back to the vinger and salt. Hope you all had a good weekend.

    DeeDee--I bet you are looking forward to enjoying the house. So happy for you.

    Allison--glad to see you again. I do like the picture. Sorry to hear about DFIL, but glad he is better. Seems older people when they get a UTI it can affect their moods.

    Juanita--congrates on the lost pound. Glad to see you back.

    Just got word that a co-worker passed away at home last evening. She had went to Omaha to have a hyster and passed at home. She is my age 57. Kind of in shock.

    Sylvia--Great NVS driving past the Baskin Robins. DQ twist cone is my down fall. Ice cream is my down fall and one of my feel better foods. In fact I just make a walk to the cafe to get some after I heard about co-worker, but I talked myself out of it by the time I got there.

    Welcome Arlene--glad to have you join us. Come often and get to know us and us you. This is a great group for support and freindship.

    Welcome Helen--glad to have you join us also. Sounds like you are busy and do come back often.

    Katla--thanks for sharing. Praying you get things worked out so you can relax and enjoy the new grandbaby.

    Meg--Do hope you are feeling better. We did end up with alot of rain over the weekend.

    Yanniejannie--Enjoy your camping we will be here waiting to hear all about it when you get back.

    Barbie--You are so sweet to your cousin. Bless you.

    Mimi--I have the fitbit wrist and love it. The only problem I have is when we are riding the motorcycle if I do not keep my hand tight on the leg it will try to count steps.

    Renny--I do like the $3 for the 3 year old. Bet he will enjoy the bike.

    Beth--I agree. Sometimes I think I was born 50 years to late. So glad DS was not hurt bad.

    Heather--CONGRATES on losing that pound.

    Gloria--congrates on your lost weight also.

    Cindy--I remember my grandma had the party line. It was so funny as when it would ring you would have to listen to see who's ring it was, then she would tell us to be quite and put her hand over the phone and listen. I also remember everytime I would call her to tell her something I was to call and ask her to go to town and call me so no one would hear. Thanks for bringing back that memory.

    jb--Thanks for the update on Mariah. They are an awsome family.

    Well ladies once again I am caught up on the posts. I learn so much from each of you. Remember we are not in this alone.
    Blessings, Vicki GI NE
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Tere: Congratulations on your engagement. I won’t tell your kids.:flowerforyou:

    Vicki: Thanks for your prayers. They are just what I pray for, myself. I’m so sorry about the loss of your coworker. It certainly brings our own mortality into focus.:cry::flowerforyou:

    Prayers for those in need.:flowerforyou:

    The fishing boat is out of the water and on the driveway apron. It can babysit itself. Yay! Tomorrow we see the Surgeon’s PA and schedule DH for surgery. We’re taking things one step at a time.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    August Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
  • MA_B
    MA_B Posts: 156 Member
    It's been too long... but finally I'm back! I'll post later - can't wait to catch up with you all.

    Maryann in UK
  • gmom316
    gmom316 Posts: 244
    For goodness sake, it's been POURING non stop since just before lunch today. Most of the roads and expressways are flooded and closed. We had some outdoor plans today that, needless to say, are cancelled.

    Been in the house putzing and working all day. I'm good with that. Took the day off from working out since I woke up a little sore on my right side from the fall I took on my bike yesterday:blushing: :ohwell: Could have been a lot worse but a day to heal can't hurt.

    This rainy day has me wanting to get my knitting needles out early (I usually don't start until Aaron goes back to school) but I resisted due to too many other unfinished projects.

    Tere, here's my "retired" wedding planner 2 cents on your wedding: HAVE FUN. Do what's unique to the both of you. Do what makes you feel comfortable and, I repeat, do what's fun to you. If you like Motown music then Motown it is. If you like Yanni, wellll, then you might want to rethink my advice. :laugh: Keep it simple. Good food (whether a full meal, hors d'oeuvres or just dessert), good music and laughter is all you need for a memorable occasion. I personally like some good wine or vodka myself. :drinker: :smokin:

    I honestly don't think it could rain any harder than it is right now.

    Going to see if we're floating yet.

    Have a great evening.

    xo- Gloria in underwater Metro Detroit
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Greetings from Omaha where it is gorgeous today. Low 80s no humidity, nice little breeze. I went into work today and got a fair amount done, mainly because it’s a “shut down day” so very few people were there. Unfortunately by noon I was having the dreaded GI distress again. Bleh. I also went to younkers and got some skin care products and new sunglasses and had to pick up my contacts.

    Alison: where do you get the quinoa bars and what brand are they? I’m interested in trying them but don’t think I’ve ever seen them.

    Yanniejannie: enjoy your trip!

    Gloria: sounds like you had a delightful day!

    Michele: your (and others’) comments about “fake food” reminds me of a slide I saw at a nutrition conference where all the ingredients in pop tarts were listed. The speaker said “No wonder you’re still hungry after eating these; your body doesn’t recognize any of these ingredients as food!”

    Rori: so nice to see you again!

    Mimi: I like the fitbit one, which has a rubber type clip on. I wear too many bracelets and a watch for the wrist band to work.

    Dinaesia: I had a funny mental image of your hubby looking like Ray Orbison! OK it was funnier when I read your screen name comes from misspelling your real name!

    Lesley: so glad things are getting resolved after DGD’s visit!

    Heather: I’m with you! I don’t wash it unless I get it dirty and I would never iron anyone else’s clothes…I hardly do my own! In fact when DH asked me to marry him, my response was “I’m not changing my name and I won’t do your laundry. If you can manage that, the answer is yes”. Good thing he managed! Congrats on the weight loss!

    DeeDee: hope you are feeling better soon; maybe you should boss the boys around by having them bring you things while you lounge on your couch!

    Sylvia: sounds like a grand road trip!

    Katla: I think I remember your experience while visiting DSIL. Can your sister in law come stay at your house since hubby wants to recover there?

    Renny: your $3 find reminded me of when DD#1 graduated in 2011; one of my friends gave her a check for $20.11….she didn’t get it and the rest of us thought it was hilarious.

    Beth: so glad DS wasn’t injured!

    Joyce: I have to admit nearly choking on my water when I read the one about making the same noises as your coffee maker!

    Jb: thank you for the update on Mariah…she continues to be in my prayers

    Tere: A wedding! Woo hoo! How fun to be planning a wedding that is not your first…you can have much more fun with this one!
    For my second wedding I bought a dress off the rack at Dillards and some random guy gave me advise! It was hilarious and lots of fun!

    Vicki: wow what a weekend! Glad things are not worse. We got about 2” of rain too. It’s been so cool here though the tomatoes and other veggies are not producing.

    Maryann: glad you’re back!

    So sad to hear that Robin Williams committed suicide. He was one of my very favorites. Unfortunately, I think that type of talent comes with a price…usually on the mental health side.

    All you German speakers: I studies German for 12 years (yes you read that right) so if you all want to email in German to practice, I’m game!

    Take care, Meg from Omaha
  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    Tuesday here. got up at 7am to frost. Put clothes in washer and made tea for husband and stoked the fire up. Did 46 minutes Wii Gold's boxing and feel much better.

    Budget is sorted now thank goodness. DGD never to visit again. cannot afford her anymore.
    Grocery shopping today.

    Tom recommended this:
    food cals between 2000 and 2300 (after deducting exercise cals from total cals)
    sodium < 1500 mg
    Sugar , 50 g
    Fat 66-72 g
    Fibre > 21 g
    carbs 200 - 25 g
    Protein 150 - 150 g
    I deduct exercise calories from toat food calories and try to eat around 2000 calories.
    I exercise 6 days a week. Sunday is dog walk only and re-feed up to 2300 calories.

    Lesley in Tasmania
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    I was going to try to write a chatty post, but just heard about Robin Williams, and am now completely bummed. I can't imagine him being gone. He was one of my favorites for a long time. I can't think straight. So sad.

  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,962 Member
    I wanted to post before I have to go back to work. Working late tonight. Updating a system at work. My Dr appt. last Fri went well. This doc is great! I liked him right from the start. Up-to-date and technology savy. He referred me to a surgeon to take care of my 'leak'. Waiting on that call now.

    Saturday, just shopped most of the day. Went to Ann and Hope Bed and more factory outlet, got a couple of small things there. Went to Best Buy to return an activity tracker that doesn't come close to the fitbit. Didn't buy anything there. I did have a tablet with attachable keyboard I wanted to sell them, but I paid $600 for it less than a year ago, and they were only going to give me $67.00!!! So I said no. Went to Lowes for DH, then lunch at a sub shop. From there to groceries. Then home, took a nap, did school work, then movie night!

    Sunday did yard work most of the afternoon. Had a late lunch, then off to return movies to Red Box at Walmart. Didn't get much there, mostly just looked around.

    Today, just normal Curves, then work, home for supper, and now back to work.

    Going to try to read some more posts. I stopped at page 11.

    Have a good one!
    Rita from CT
  • dinaesia
    dinaesia Posts: 54 Member
    Ladies, step right up...you don't want to miss this...It's the disappearing tummy! Yes, folks, right before your very eyes, it just fades away! One week it is there, the next it is GONE! You won't believe it! Get your tickets now, 'cause it will soon be gone. No, there's no charge, just move along into the tent. Plenty of room for everyone.
    I've been on MFP for two months today and I have lost 12 lbs!!! WOOOhooooo!

    Heather - congrats on another lb. lost! What's an autumn range?

    Cindy - My maternal grandfather was also German. There's a story in my family about a castle being the ancestral home. I'm doing some genealogy, but with the repetitive family names it can be confusing.

    drkatiebug - yes, do get your shoulder checked. I have a crazy suggestion for you about the spanx. What if you use a pair of suspenders to pull up the spanx? I did say it was a crazy idea. Either that or roll them like hose, then unroll.

    Re= traveling and ironing...one of my tricks when traveling is to always pack 2-3 plastic hangers in my suitcase. Because the hotels use the headless ones. I usually arrived in late afternoon. I would get to my room, and step into the bathroom and draw a steaming hot bath. While the tub was filling, I would hang my clothes on my hangers. Then I would place the hangers on the shower rod, spacing them out for the steam to circulate. I would close the bathroom door, and go out for a walk, a swim or dinner. By the time I returned, my clothes were steamed. No need to iron. I just drained the tub and moved everything to the closet.

    Tere - Congratulations on your engagement! A formal dinner sounds lovely.
    I love Arnica. You can find it at Wal-mart or a natural health food store. It does wonders for bruises and sprains.
    I loved water aerobics. It was such fun!

    Ann - We never lived on a military base. We lived in a small town in a chain of three towns. We lived in the same house the whole time. I used to walk down the hill to shop at Aldi and Lidl markt. The hard part ( and free cardio) was carrying the groceries back to the house. Our street was a 7% grade (fun in winter) and I would usually walk the longer way home because it was a lesser climb.
    I don't mind you correcting my German. That's how I learn. I took 3 classes, 120 hr total, and the rest I learned by immersion. Our landlords didn't speak English. Rita and I became friends, we used to go to the Neunkirchen Mall. Unfortunately, she died of lung cancer almost two years ago. That was the last time I went to Germany. But I was still able to speak German pretty well. Her husband, Erwin, and I chatted quite a bit while I was there. Their son, Thomas, speaks English. Thomas renovated our old apt. into his office. He did a beautiful job. He has a manufacturing business.

    Meg - 12 years of German! WOW!! Hope you're feeling better.

    Diane, in TX
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    :flowerforyou: Anne, I am an early morning exerciser and I don't let anything get in the way. I have my dog walking clothes in a special drawer so I can get them and take them into the the bathroom when I get up and get dressed without bothering Jake. I walk Sasha for 20-30 minutes and Brandy for about 10 then have my breakfast, write in my gratitude journal, and read from a spiritual book. Then I take Brandy for a walk for about an hour and come home and get Sasha and walk her for about an hour. I live in a great safe neighborhood with private smooth roads and lots of green grassy area to accommodate the septic system so our walks are always interesting. I get up sometime between 2:30 and 4:00 depending on how late I stay up the night before. Darkness and weather don't deter me. This month I am doing a squat challenge, so I do my squats while a dog is sniffing. I have a phone that plays mp3 files through a bluetooth so I can listen to music or podcasts while I walk.

    :flowerforyou: Tere, congratulations.....the best advice for planning your wedding is "Be Tere".......make it what you and your groom want and don't be swayed by any ideas of what anyone else says you "should" do.

    :bigsmile: It has been unusually warm here today
    71 degrees at 4 AM and 89 degrees at 4 PM.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    I was typing a reply and hit some button and my screen vanished, black. Since I had no idea what I hit I had the hardest time correcting it. I finally just had to turn it off, was glad I was able to do that.

    Here in Evansville, each middle school teaches a different foreign language. One even teaches Japanese! German was the one taught at the one our girls went to. If you completed all 3 years you not only got those credits but also one year of high school foreign language credit! Then they took 4 years in high school. So with 7 years of German under her belt my oldest thought she could ace testing out of foreign language at college. Nope! So she took Spanish which really made her Dad mad since there are so many Spanish speaking people here in the US and he feels if you are a citizen you should speak English. But she has used those classes so much in her work and we are glad she had it.

    We ahd a very simple weeding, One attendant a peice, wedding cake and punch and nuts at the reception hall at the church. Really cheap. My oldest had 3 attendants apiece and simple reception at the church. My other daughter wanted a different wedding though. Mainly because her ex came from a family that did a lot of drinking at weddings and having full meals. Well we and they had no money to cater it nor the energy to cook ahead so we just bought a lot of sandwich things, chips and other munchies. they bought a lovely cake at Walmart. It was just s nice as any bakery cake, only catch was that you had to put if together yourself! But my SIL and my nephews wife did it and it was wonderful. They rents a local American Legion Hall and we did the decorating ourselves. It was a little more expensive than her sisters but times had changed, families were different and it was needed.

    I did a dumb thing last night. I always put my FitBit on the charger when I am in my office at night. My activity level is pretty low so I'm not missing much. When I got ready for bed, I pup my wrist band on and then this morning logged on to Fitbit and did my sleep log. Something looked odd because my night time didn't show any peaks such as getting up to the BR or just rolling over in bed. Then I remembered. My fitbit was still in the charger!!!!! I felt so stupid. Definitely a senior moment.

    Terrible about Robin Williams. I'm sure we all remember Mork and Mindy and Mrs. Doubtfire. Such classics. I have seen him on David Letterman or Jay Leno where his humor and actions were pretty off color but his mind must have gone a mile a minute.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,394 Member
    Vicki - so sorry to hear about your gs and your co-worker. Glad you talked yourself out of that ice cream

    Got home from mahjongg and Vince said to me "guess you've heard". No, I hadn't so he told me about Robin Williams. So sad.

    Rita - so glad you liked the doc

    diane - woo hoo on the disappearing tummy. Wish mine would disappear!

    Joyce - my hubby feels like your hubby does. In a way, so do I. My grandparents came to the US from Poland. They couldn't speak a word of English but they immersed themselves in the culture. They didn't speak Polish to me (to my regret) because their feeling was "we're in America and in America you speak English". Sadly, it seems that a lot of Latino people don't want to become American, they don't want to immerse themselves, they want to be their own culture.

    Going to bed now. Hugs to everyone.

    Michele in NC