

  • strassenkoenigin

    I was just thinking along the same lines.
    I am always frustrated when I see new immigrants stopping to speak their mother language to their children. It is always an advantage to know more languages. And if you are taught as a small child you have no problem picking up any language.

    I had a friend in Italy. She was German, her husband British, they lived first in Kenya and then in Italy where they had a Spanish speaking nanny. The five year old daughter switched from Italian, to German to English, to Spanish to Swahili without blinking. She did not even realize that she was switching languages. The earlier you learn the easier it is.

    There is a funny thing happening with the Latino population in this country. Many of them think that they are repopulating their original country and that is why they do not want to assimilate. I lived in California and Nevada and I found that to be true in both states.

    This is a link to amazon for a Miranda Esmond White DVD. But the best way to find out if you like her is to watch her on PBS. Here she is on at 5.30 in the morning, so check where you live.

    I like her so much because it is only half an hour and the results are great if you do it every day.

  • strassenkoenigin

    I understand that you are the one who founded this thread. What a wonderful idea. Thank you.

    I wish it would be as cool here as it is where you live. You are so much more north.

    Your dogs must be very happy that they get walked so much. Maybe if I would have a dog I would venture out at night too, but alone I do not feel safe enough..

    I used to have neighbors who never walked their dogs and the poor creatures had to live outside in the yard at any temperatures. I felt so sorry for them that I offered to walk them. I also hoped that they would stop barking if they would get some exercise. But it turned into a disaster because the dogs were not used to being walked and would not follow any commands. So it was not safe walking them.

  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    I was going to try to write a chatty post, but just heard about Robin Williams, and am now completely bummed. I can't imagine him being gone. He was one of my favorites for a long time. I can't think straight. So sad.


    Same here, Sylvia. :brokenheart: :cry: :brokenheart:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,979 Member
    I was going to try to write a chatty post, but just heard about Robin Williams, and am now completely bummed. I can't imagine him being gone. He was one of my favorites for a long time. I can't think straight. So sad.


    Same here, Sylvia. :brokenheart: :cry: :brokenheart:

    :brokenheart: :brokenheart: :brokenheart: Me, too:cry::cry:
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    I was an assistant when our church did English as second language several years ago. I did it enough years they wanted me to be a teacher, I went through the classes, but because of my MS I didn't feel comfortable enough to do that at all plus at time I never knew when I was going to have a bad day and not be able to attend. So I was the one who went around and helped some one who was having trouble, went to the fellowship hall and set up our snacks and cleaned up and just had fun with it instead of teaching. We had some wonderful students, most were from Poland or Ukraine but we did have some Japanese and Latinos. We have a big Toyota plant close to here. Before the employees come to the states they put them through an EASL class but they don't learn conversational speech and colloquilisms. So a lot of their classes for us was from the local newspapers or magazines. They already knew the language, just not some of the weird things we say. It was a very enjoyable experience. We encouraged them to speak as much English to each other at home as they could but I'm sure they didn't. On our breaks in the fellowship hall they spoke the native language to each other. Who knows, they might have been saying how terrible or bland the food was!!! We loved it when one of the ones who had been with us for awhile would bring in snacks for us. Some times they would attend our church services and how wonderful it was for us to hear some of our wonderful songs of the faith sung in several languages at the same time! Their dedication to learning the ways of the US was so wonderful. Many of the 3 generation families all lived in one small house or apartment, each working a different shift so that only 2 generations were in the home at the same time. Some beautiful people. Sometimes we don't get what we have at all.

    OK, enough of my talking on and babbling!!!!

    Joyce, Indiana
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,657 Member
    Oh my I have been reading and responding but not posting in bits and pieces since Thursday - so here is my 10 cents... things here went off the rails with some family fiasco - did ok with food; but just could not commit to catching up - so did it tonight....

    So sad :brokenheart: :brokenheart: about Robin Williams - he is from my general area and was often at local events. He will be missed.

    Cindy – great pics!!!

    Sylvia – thinking about the “control over kids” and yes I think is it some what the fear, but I was all over as a kid too; but my parents were not the only parents watching out for me… the neighbor hood parents were respected just like my own, and were free no encouraged to correct me if needed. Today you might be screamed at or threatened to correct a kid who was not your own.

    Carol – sales tax 9% in my county; income tax is 7+% depending on income…. I love being close to family, but could see myself leaving ….

    Christina – welcome!

    Pam – on a thread I read and it has stuck with me…. Weight loss happens in the kitchen; fitness happens in the gym… Most of what I do is in the kitchen; I have been here for about 6 months and am just considering something other than walking and gardening…

    Mimi – Heather said what I think and do so well!!! I have listened to the gals who are doing no added sugar; and if it works for you all great! But I know it is not something that I am willing to try – I love my sugars; and realize that just by counting calories my added sugar has dropped a ton, but there are times I want it and it is worth it to me.

    Rita – glad you are coming to visit more regularly; hope the dr appt goes well.
    Later: Glad you like the Dr.

    Anne – I wish I liked to walk and bike as much as you do; I walk the dog, but not to do errands – that may be my sept. goal… I need to motivate myself out of my car.
    Thanks for the movie reviews!!!!
    Later: So sorry to hear you met such a creep of a dog owner – as a dog owner I wish people like that “lady” would just have fish!!!!

    Sylvia – the mental pic of your hubby looking at 15 pairs of shoulder pads thinking they were bra inserts made me laugh

    Lesley – wow over $700 for a month of electric usage? Do you have natural gas or propane too? You seem to know your % of body fat, do you have access to a pool to get it? Or ???

    Tere – what a shame about the dog situation and your sore foot and leg!! Hope you heal quickly.

    MN Margaret – great job on catching the weight creep quickly and managing it.!!

    Heather – chillies, noodles, lemon grass and prawns – I am headed your way!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Later: I just love your posts, so down to earth, caring and yet bursting with fun and humor.
    Still later: so with deliveries of food, how do you request it? On line???
    Discoqueen – welcome

    Katla – enjoy your DSIL !! later: glad you had a good visit with DSIL - the calendar with work out…

    Carol – my thoughts are with you and your friend… can’t help you with the TDEE and BMR – but someone can!
    Later: I spent a lot of my life as a vegetarian and I find the trouble getting enough protein interesting, as I always have plenty… but I think it is because as a veggie I always added a hard boiled egg and/or nuts and/or beans to my salads and most dinners are or include a salad .. if protein is an issue, just tuck some in the unexpected places.

    So glad you are enjoying and feeling hopeful about the house hunting project.

    Jane – sounds like there is some hope for a break through in the housing front!

    Vicki – you have 6 months to prove the doctor wrong… slow and steady

    Alison – great pic!!!

    Sylvia – congrats on passing by BR!!!

    Mimi – enjoy the concert

    Joyce – glad your DD is cleaning up her eating… I am like her having trouble re-doing my wardrobe!

    Arlene & yellowsnowdrop, fatandfifty3 – welcome!

    JB – cute cute pic!!! Thanks for the Mariah update!!!

    Whole Foods – they are all over CA and we call it Whole Paycheck –

    Beth – so glad all are ok!!! So darn scary!!!

    Cindy in OK – we were 4 rings, on a 6 party line growing up….

    Tere – congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My idea is to fly Heather in to cater it. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    MARYANN --- Welcome back!!!!! I have missed you!

    August goals :
    Stretch 5 minutes a day xxxx
    Walk 45 minutes a day 1 week +xxxx
    Do Heather’s abc balance 1 time a week done 3 times

    Kim from N. California
  • MimiPersists
    MimiPersists Posts: 94 Member
    Hello to some of my favorite people. I am so glad to have found this thread (and re-found it!). Barbie, thank you for starting it and keeping it going. :smooched:

    I’m jotting down notes for this post (in MS Word) in between helping my daughter with a tech-writing project. So, so boring. (The tech writing that is :wink: .) DD is an engineer by training and has had her own home design business for the last 8 years or so. (The first house she designed is the one we’re all (DD’s family and I) living in very comfortably.)

    DD went to work 20 hrs/wk a couple of months ago for a friend who has a civil engineering business to help even out the income flow. The socialization is also important to her. The funny thing is that, as soon as she went to work for her friend, her own business piced up with a vengeance. Now she's trying to do both.

    I’m strongly encouraging her (strongly!) not to get stuck with technical writing or any work that is not challenging or creative. :grumble: I did tech-writing for so many years (and still do occasionally) and wish somebody had taken me and shaken in some sense. Sitting at a computer all day is deadly.:angry:

    Fortunately for me, I also did some instructional design, business writing and marketing writing which were creative. Even so, writing of any kind means sitting at a computer most of the day. I don’t think our bodies were designed to like that very well.

    Dee, hurray for food scales. The one I like is made by Kamenstein. I’m pretty good at peeking under plates but I don’t have to with this one. It only weighs in 2-gram increments so, no matter what, I can’t get to “perfect.” That’s a good thing. Really.

    Heather, congrats on all the exercise. :happy: Hurray for you. I hope it’s catching!

    Katia, you have a tough situation to deal with. When I had my recent surgery, I recouped at my folks’ house. I mostly made my own food. I wonder if that would work for your DH. I understand wanting to be home but I’d hate for him to be by himself. (Depending, of course, on how he’s feeling after surgery.)

    Renny, you make a lot of sense. When I get to a goal, I tend to breathe a big sigh of relief and…you guessed it. 50 lbs later, and I’ve got to do it over again. You are so smart to pay attention to the ounces before they become pounds. :smile:

    Your day in the park sounds lovely…a perfect day. I’m glad to “see” you feeling better.

    Sylvia, I loved the joke. Fortunately, I’m not a lawyer! :bigsmile:

    I know what you mean about how easy it is to regain weight. Every time I’ve lost a significant amount of weight I’ve thought it was absolutely inconceivable that I could gain it all back. Here I am, at age 66, working at losing weight once again.

    I think I (we) get smarter as we gain experience. Like Renny, I am taking the possibility of regaining more seriously. I’m focusing on my new mantra too (thanks particularly to Heather and Katia) to not let the perfect be the enemy of the good.

    Fortunately my granddaughters are pretty nice to me about the weight, although I know they’d like me to lose it. (A couple of times the youngest has laughed at my jiggly bits. We have had some serious discussions about that!)

    Almost all of my family is great too. The worst ones are my folks. You’d think that at ages 88 and 92, they’d realize that their comments are truly not helpful. But, no. :noway:

    My Mom, in particular, gives me advice about how to lose weight. She’s big on portion size. It doesn’t seem to matter to her what you are eating, as long as you don’t eat too much. Really? LOL. :laugh:

    My Dad is the master of disapproving looks. The one good thing about his dementia is that he has become mellower.:smile: (Of course, the bad thing is that the future is freakin’ scary. I know a lot of you have been there and done that but it’s new to me and my sibs. I know it’s particularly scary for my Mom, who is there all the time. One day at a time.)

    Jane, your day sounds wonderful. Fingers crossed about the apartment.

    Alison, You mentioned sneakers, knowing how little arch support they often have, I wondered if you’d tried really good arch supports. Arch supports helped me tremendously when I was having heel pain caused by plantar fasciitis. I never, ever stepped onto my bare feet – not even when getting out of the bed in the morning. I put arch supports in my slippers! Ouchy feet can sure put you out of commission.

    Diane, great suggestion about using a glass plate. Why didn’t I think of that?! :laugh:

    Beth, I’m so glad your DS is okay. What a scare that must have been.

    Joyce, I’ve heard some of those jokes before but they’re still funny. You had me laughing out loud.:laugh:

    Woo hoo, Heather. A pound is great, especially when it puts you at your 1990s weight. Doing the happy dance (whatever that is!) :flowerforyou:

    Congrats, Gloria, on the nice loss. Lots of good news today. :flowerforyou:

    Rori, your drive sounds just incredible. I can almost imagine being there.

    JB, thank you for the update about Mariah. She is a sweet and brave girl. I think about her often. I’m glad to be able to join the many others who are praying for her.

    Congrats, Tere, on setting a wedding date.

    Vicki, thanks for the recommendation about the wristband FitBit. Meg, you like the Zip. Hmm. Anymore suggestions?

    Rita, I’m glad you found a good doc. It’s not easy!

    Kim, “no added sugar” is working well for me right now but I’m not a baker like you, so I’m only “losing out” on junk food. (No big loss there – every time I try a bite of something, it honestly doesn’t taste good at all. :sick: )

    I would have a harder time if I had homemade goods to think about. I am amazed that I pretty much don’t feel tempted to eat more when I’m not eating added sugar. I do use Stevia though : )

    I’m sad about Robin Williams. He was a wonderful performer. Like Kim, I’m from the same neck of the woods as he was and have eaten at the restaurant that was used in Mrs. Doubtfire. His life with bipolar disease must have been hard. :cry:

    Mimi SVQ
  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    Typo folks. Electric is $700 for 3 months NOT one month. We pay a set amount every pension and hope to cover the whole bill before it comes in.
    Grocery shopping all done and put away. Fish for dinner.
    So sad about Robin Williams. Heard it on news this morning then a post on Huff Post on FaceBook

    Tom Venuto recommend I use website: http://www.bmi-calculator.net/body-fat-calculator/
    Is fairly accurate as uses 4 different measurements as well as weight. I use this every Monday. My calipers only measure 1 site and scales a bit dodgy at the moment, need new batteries.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,799 Member
    morning all....
    sitting here having warm lemon water and icing my foot..I hate not being able to get to the gym.. (I cant believe I am saying that:tongue: }
    I have an appointment with the podiatrist this thursday for another shot of cortisone in the heel:grumble: and the gout in my big toe same foot is acting up, so I have a feeling it is going to be another round of prednisone for me:noway:
    It is so sad to hear of Robin Williams.. such a wonderful funny artist.. but mental illness is a silent killer to many..I will pray for him and his family. we have truly lost a legend..
    I might try and take a walk before work all depending on the foot..
    today is a long day at work 7:30 until 6 pm, and at least 3 crown preps.. so I have to get my butt in gear and make DH dinner and lunch and , my lunch.. take the dogs for a walk and stop in to see my DFIL early...
    Meg-they are called Suzie's whole grain thin cakes,made with corn,quinoa and sesame,they are cholesterol free,gluten,fat and sugar free. a serving size is 3 cakes though I use for, but the serving size for 3 cakes is 38 calories. they are made in belgium , but they are in our local Shoprite..I found them in the rice cake isle..but they are around 3.69 for a pack, well worth it in my opinion,I have mine with a laughing cow vegetable wedge..
    I just tried shirataki noodles with no sugar spagetti sauce and some parmesan cheese I am taking for lunch today.. hopefully I will like it..if not I will bring something for back up
  • moeggep
    moeggep Posts: 219 Member
    Good Morning to all,
    Wish I had longer to finish reading the posts and to chat but work awaits. They handed our forms yesterday to have everyone fill out saying how long it takes daily to complete the different parts of your job.

    Sylvia, It is awesome to be a grandparent, they are lucky to have you. I’m glad you have them back in your life.

    JB, Mariah continues to be on my prayer list.

    Tere Richmond VA, Glad you enjoyed the water class. I am working on my certification to instruct and will take the test in October. Congrats on the wedding and I bet you have a great time planning it.

    Rita CT, Glad to hear the doc appt. went well. We use to have Curves around here for a while but I believe they have all closed down now.

    Guess I better get started, Hopefully I will catch up tonight.
    Hugs to all,
    Patty, Cincinnati OH
  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member
    Mimi- I lost my fitbit after48 hours I emailed customer support and they replaced it free. Worth a try. I have the clip on. DH has the wristband. I like mine better.

    Deb A in CNY
  • gmom316
    gmom316 Posts: 244
    Good Morning!

    Looks like I'll be working out in the basement, which is THANKFULLY dry, as most of our town is underwater...as some may have seen on the news. I posted a photo of our front yard/street from last evening in my profile. While many areas aren't so lucky, our street is dry this morning. The news is telling everyone to stay home so I'm going to take that advice, based on what I've seen is still out there.

    Been a little sloppy in my food logging (as I just hate doing it) but I've been eating on plan. I finished my 6 weeks in my Biggest Loser look on Sunday and am not sure if I'm going to start over and follow it again or look for something else very similar. I'm finding that having daily instructions that tell me which days are lighter carb, etc. works better for me than telling myself.

    Have some wedding favor lip balms to get out today so I'm off to the races. Have a great day and BE YOUR BEST!

    xo- Gloria in wet, muddy, underwater Metro Detroit
  • summerlinangel3
    Hi Everyone,
    My real name is Viola, my username is summerlinangel3. I am a widow who lives in Florida. I have 2 girls, 1 stepdaughter, three grandchildren, and 4 step-grandchildren. My August so far is a very busy one, with a lot of birthday parties going on at home plus events going on at church. However, I do love being in the middle of them all. Busy, busy, busy I do like to be because it keeps me feeling young. I am pushing very hard to lose 20 lbs. Over the last 4 years I have lost 120 lbs but gained 20 lbs back in the last year from having a thyroid disease. I will close by wishing you all a happy and wonderful day.

  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Good morning ladies. Today is my son's 38th birthday, so I'm feeling TERRIBLY old.

    Mimi, I love my fitbit flex (the wrist one). I was afraid I would lose the other one.

    Joyce, I put my fitbit on the charger while I was in the shower one day, and afterward put on the empty band and walked around all day. So, I feel your pain. It was a duh! moment, for sure.

    Tere, congrats on the wedding date! I don't have any advice on planning it. My first was at the county courthouse in Arapahoe County Colorado. The second was in front of a fountain in Venice. It was Venice, Florida, but still, there was a fountain. We had no family or friends there which is my one regret.

    My son called last night, upset because the oldest daughter confessed that during her last visit (when they insisted on having "one on one time" with each of the kids). her mother and grandmother took her to a lawyer. They made her tell the lawyer that she wanted to live with her mom. Poor little thing is so confused. She has people pulling from all directions. And the other two feel bad because they don't want them to live with them, only Adrienne. I want to go up there and slap those people. My son says he made a terrible mistake by letting them visit the kids at all. He was trying to do the best for the kids, and then they do stuff like this. He is afraid that they may succeed in getting custody, but I'm not so sure. This is a mother who has already been judged by the court to be an unfit mother. She has no job, no desire to find a job, no income at all. She is on probation. She is living with her parents and they kick her out every few weeks, then take her back. According to the middle granddaughter, their mom sleeps all day when they are there and the grandmother takes care of them if she happens to be home. The grandmother and grandfather both work full time, so the kids are there alone with a sleeping mom. The mom has a new boyfriend who puts their lives at risk with boating without life vests and driving without seat belts. I'm not convinced that she's off the drugs yet, in spite of assuming she is passing drug tests for probation.


    Well, I have to get ready. Have a full day of girl shopping ahead!

    I hope everyone has a wonderful day.

  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    Good morn,all. Hope everyone had a nice wk end.Saturday was a late lunch at MCL cafeteria, with DD & SIL,then to Trader Joes & Whole Foods. DD shops at a lot of diff stores,while I tend to shop near by.
    This summer we spent most of a day going to Cincinnati ,a grocery that carries tons of foreign food,Ikea where we walked & walked.DD is back to work getting read for school to start next wk.
    So sorry to hear about Robin Williams.I remember yrs ago he said"he was the saddest,lonely little boy when he was a child".It seems that feeling never really left him.

    I have laser surgery on one eye tomorrow,wait 2 wks to have 2 nd eye done.I swear,as we get to a certain....older...age,there is always something needing repaired:ohwell: Had blood work yesterday,haven't heard back yet.

    Time to get day started.Going for groceries,as I will be home for a few days.Have realized that answering everyone is not gonna happen on my iPad.Sold my computer & was glad to see it go :love: Congrats to all the losers & hugs to those in need.

    PS. Prayers for Mariah
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,090 Member
    Good Morning Friends,

    Patceoh hope eye surgery goes well tomorrow.

    Tere congratulations!!!!!!!!!!

    Getting ready to have a group of friends over tomorrow.
    Picture is from my garden. I call him Budha toad. He makes me smile when I look at him.

    Today I will continue to log so the three pounds do not become ten. :drinker:
    2014 word: contentment
    :heart: MNMargaret
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Here's an idea for those who want a more attractive look for their fit bits.


    I looked at some fitbit jewelry things on Etsy, but most are not very attractive. I found out that when I put my new Indian beaded bracelet on the same wrist as my fitbit, it sort of disguises the fitbit, or maybe it distracts the eye from it. Or it "coordinates". Either way, I like how it looks much better. Of course, I don't have much experience trying to be "attractive", so what do I know.

  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,777 Member
    Tere ... congratulations! Have fun planning YOUR day!

    Alison .... hope your foot feels better soon ... nothing seems to go right when your feet hurt!

    Jb ... thanks for the Mariah update! Continuing to pray.

    Lesley ... I keep taking notes off of your posts ... this eating more thing ... and having the "more" be good things is going to be tough. I was very mindful yesterday and ended up UNDER 1200!! :huh:

    Patceoh ... good luck with your eye surgery!

    Welcome to the new ladies!

    Sigh ... son has an aggressive migraine not responding ... we're off for an IV infusion .... hard to say what triggered it ... we're reviewing the last few days....

    Beth in Western New York
  • Cindy781
    Cindy781 Posts: 476 Member
    Good morning ladies,

    Popping in to wish you all a wonderful day. I have lower body strength training and treadmill today.

    I will miss Robin Williams too, I always loved his work.


    Cindy in OK
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    I'm just making a quick stop to ask for prayers good luck because we're going to see the surgeon's assistant today and we'll be scheduling DH's surgery. I'm anxious about this to say the least. Timing is so critical right now.

    In good news, I'm back at goal! The pesky pounds are gone!

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon