

  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Heather, you might think about using a pseudonym to publish your novels. I knew a man years ago who wrote cookbooks and used a woman's name. He was pretty successful at it too, but he never would tell me the name he used. I think he was slightly embarrassed at being a macho man with a softer side.

    Here is today's joke of the day:


    Two elderly couples were enjoying friendly conversation when one of the men asked the other,” Fred, how was the memory clinic you went to last month?" "Outstanding," Fred replied. "They taught us all the latest psychological techniques: visualization, association, etc. It was great." "That's great! And what was the name of the clinic?" Fred went blank. He thought and thought, but couldn't remember. Then a smile broke across his face and he asked, "What do you call that flower with the long stem and thorns?"

    "You mean a rose?"

    "Yes, that's it!" He turned to his wife, "Rose, what was the name of that memory clinic?"


    I'm finally going to the studio to work on a drafting job. Been dragging my feet this morning.

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,086 Member
    Good Morning Friends,

    I have used one of those citronella bracelet to ward off bugs. The only problem is they do not last very long. About a week. I also use essential oils lavender,rose geranium, and tea tree are worth a try.

    As we are learning depression is an illness that kills. Unfortunately when someone is in the throes of it it is difficult for them to see their way out. Medication is one tool and sometimes a necessary tool when it is severe. Unfortunately unless it is given as a shot it takes a week to two weeks for the medications to fully take effect. Staying healthy through diet, exercise , and good sleep can help. Unfortunately life circumstances and severe illness like cancer makes a person vulnerable to having it. If it is severe the best a loved one or friend can to is be there and encourage the person to seek help. The only way a person can be forced to get help here in Minnesota is if he/she is a danger to themselves or others. Then you have to get the courts involved for a stay of commitment. Because this is not voluntary the outcome is often mot as positive as when it is voluntary. What make Robin Williams even sadder for me is he did try and seek help voluntarily and it still wasn't enough. For me it like watching someone drown and there is nothing you can do. Hopefully through his tragedy we can learn more to be alert to the first signs of depression in ourselves and others.. Hopefully if caught earlier this kind of outcome can be prevented.

    Quiet day here. Plan to go for a walk with a friend tonight. DS is starting a job with a temp agency Monday. A step in the right direction.

    Today continue to log to help maintain weight.

    2014 word:contentment
    :heart: MNMargaret
  • Cindy781
    Cindy781 Posts: 471 Member
    Good day ladies,

    Hubby and I had a good time yesterday. We had a nice lunch, then a movie (One Hundred Yard Journey)' then went to have his favorite dessert, Whiskey Cake. We didn't have dinner, too full and I'm happy to see no gain today.:smile:

    Today I did upper body strength training, yoga and treadmill.

    Jane, many hugs. I hope you get to the end of your home search soon.

    Meg, I love daybeds! I bet yours is beautiful! I'm sorry about the situation with the baby shower, keep your hands away from your eyes!

    Mimi, I didn't know dogs hate citronella either. I could have used it on my pug girl when she was younger. If she was mad at you, she would really let you know, usually at 4 am!

    Katia, thinking of you and hope all goes smoothly with DH's surgery date.

    Sue, congrats on successful vacation dining!

    Joyce, I love Christmas music too. I start listening in Mid-November!

    Sylvia, sounds like the girls really enjoyed their shopping! Love today's joke!

    Allison, I hope your foot gets better.

    Heather, I feel the same about my art as you do about writing. I would put it down for a couple of years at a time before I retired. Now I am really enjoying it. I hope it is something I leave behind as well. I have several projects lined up as gifts for friends and family.


    Cindy in OK
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,340 Member
    Katla – I’ve been looking at an Adobe ‘add on’. Of course it costs and I would have to upgrade my Word as well I think. I’m going to ring a photocopy place in the village and see if they can do it and how much they would charge. I don’t want to edit it as I think then it would be a case of completely rewriting. I would rather just leave it as a piece of history. I wrote the earliest piece in 1979 and the one I want to publish first in the mid 80s.

    Sylvia – a pseudonym is an idea, but mainly I want to publish this old stuff for friends and family to remember me by. I am probably a lot more embarrassed by it than they would be.:tongue:

    My plum jam did not set, so I boiled it up again and produced toffee so we had to pour it all away at the bottom of the garden.:sad: A treat for the ants.:laugh:

    Alison – it is looking as if an op is the only option. What a drag!:flowerforyou:

    Jane – thinking of you in your house search.:flowerforyou:

    Bye for now, Heather UK
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,793 Member
    there is a calcium supplement I am looking into first, would rather pay a small amount for that ,than have my foot operated on.. thats for sure... we shall see. for now and for awhile. recumbant bike ,maybe elliptical but no race walking and no treadmill:grumble:
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,340 Member
    Alison - rowing? I find it great!:flowerforyou:
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,946 Member
    First I'll comment on the posts about drinking and the posts about Atkins. I love my carbs too much to ever be successful at Atkins and am not much of a drinker so take my advice for what is worth, but supposedly vodka has no carbs so is unlimited on Atkins. Something to consider.....

    I, too, googled grey sheet since I had never heard of it. I agree that it was scary, but some may be at a place where it is necessary. There aren't any meetings close to me, only two in the whole state. I guess that's why I never heard of it.

    I did some serious grocery shopping yesterday and stocked up on things to help me stay within my calories. One thing I like that I got was the outshine fruit and veggie Popsicle in tangerine carrot. It has carrot juice and pumpkin purée in addition to the fruit juices used to sweeten it. 60 calories and it does satisfy the after dinner sweet tooth. Something that I did not care for was the Chobani yogurt and steel cut oats, cranberry. I did like the texture but the yogurt tasted too fake or processed or something. It did make me think I would enjoy the homemade overnight refrigerator oats, so I'm going to try that.

    I also saw the shoulder doc yesterday. He's sending me for an MRI because my symptoms are consistent with rotator cuff issues. He doesn't think it's torn enough for surgery, but wants to check it out for sure since I've had the problem for so long. They said that secondary problems not noticed at first when another is so obvious (like my broken wrist) are quite common. Hopefully I can be fixed up with a steroid shot and continuing my at home PT.

    Meg, I'll bet this grandchild will steal your heart once it is here. Although technically I agree with the etiquette of the shower hostess, at least the other grandmother is reaching out to help. Sounds like her son may not be the most supportive, from what you have said.

    Allison, good luck with the heel. You've put up with it long enough. I had a short bout with heel pain myself, but luckily mine went away with new shoes specifically advertised to be good for plantar fasciitis. I never went to the doctor, although X-rays of my foot for something else revealed bone spurs and a little arthritis.

    Take care my friends. Ill comment more when time permits.

    K in NEGA
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Good afternoon! I'm still around, just lurking more than posting. I'm struggling with some depression right now but it seems to be lifting a bit. I'm still very concerned about my friend who received the bad news.

    The boy child goes off to school on Saturday!! He finally admitted that he is anxious about it. AND, one of the main things he is anxious about is why I didn't want him at this particular school. He says he wants to go to that school but he doesn't want to go to Charlotte. (Charlotte is a pretty big city.) He is worried about there being too much concrete and not enough green space. He currently relieves anxiety by riding his bike in the country or hopping on the lawn mower and mowing. These things will not be available. He has desisted with some of the being obnoxious because he is scared, though, which is a huge relief to me. :tongue:

    I'm enjoying having my coworker away on sabbatical this month. I wish I could get rid of the people who insist on using the church for their personal space. :grumble: There is one woman who uses it as her office away from home (and her real office) for her school work (advanced degree) and the organist is using the building for her piano lessons again (she's not supposed to be). Oh well, no help for it so I will endure.

    My daughter's condo purchase has hit some snags. The air conditioning didn't work and the bathroom leaked and the stove didn't work. As of yesterday, none of these things had been satisfactorily fixed. Hopefully, it will all fall into place by the August 27 closing date. My house has had ZERO lookers! I am discouraged and frightened.

    Jane, I do hope your situation works out quickly. I am sure you are sick of the whole ordeal!

    Alison - I hope the meds work so that there will be no surgery.

    Heather - As always, I love reading about your food. It's too bad you had to throw away your jam/jelly. I bet it would have made a wonderful sauce for ice cream, cake, yogurt, etc. My mother used up a lot of a batch of preserves that didn't set up by using it that way.

    I've been interrupted so many times typing this that I can't remember anything else!

    Carol in NC
  • strassenkoenigin
    Hello you queens of weight loss and princesses of the treadmill,

    Talking about dementia

    This is the list I compiled of things to do or take when I go on my bike rides

    Check air

    lube chain

    Fill both water bottles

    prepare snacks (dates and nuts banana)

    Wet cooling towel

    charge cell phone and take

    reset computer

    check if lights are still working

    pick right helmet for weather

    pick right gloves for weather

    pick right sunglasses for weather

    reading glasses


    lip gloss

    repair kit

    first aid kit

    emergency money

    ID and Medicare card

    put on heart monitor belt

    and now you tell me I need citronella spray or a bracelet to protect me from dogs. Actually I like the idea with the bracelet, because I would never get a spray out in time to spray the dog. Thank both of you for the idea.

    I watched Extreme Weightless the other day. They had a tiny person on. She was told that she could only lose by exercising because her metabolism was so low that she could not drop under the 1200 calories per day. I feel the same way.

    I also caught a few minutes of Mark Fuhrman on PBS. I had his book but gave it away to somebody, who really needed it. He reminded me of what to eat if you want to loose weight.
    He called it
    G Bombs

    Greens, Beans, Onion, mushrooms, berries, seeds.

    This winter I ate this way , lots of bean and lentil soups with tons of vegetables in it and I was at my ideal weight. And then I got depressed and started eating comfort food and put on weight.

    As I do not like to eat soups in summer, I will make plenty of three bean salads, which I like a lot. And I love mushrooms. Where I grew up we could go in the woods and pick them ourselves, unfortunately here are only so few choices in mushrooms in the stores. But the 99 cent store has portabella mushrooms, which is really a great deal because they are three or four times more expensive in all other stores.

    I am proud to announce that up to today I biked 430 miles in August. I am participating in a challenge here on MFP and signed up for 800 miles for this month and I was worried that it would be too hot and I could not achieve it. But so far so good.

    Anne, in the not so hot Mojave desert
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Ann, Somebody should invent a citronella container that attaches to the handlebars and is therefore convenient to get to. Hmmm. I wonder if you could take a velcro band (or duct tape) and fasten it just so - with the trigger in a convenient spot and the business end pointed in a direction that would hit the dog and not blow in your own face. Hmmm. Maybe attach it to your right knee, assuming that most dogs would approach from a driveway on the right side (not sure about that). Depends on the size of the dogs too, but it seems that the big dogs would be more of a threat than the small ones, so you might need to aim higher. Maybe you could borrow a neighbor's labrador to practice on. (just kidding) Of course, if it was attached to your knee, the motion of the knee would naturally move the citronella up and down which would able to adjust to hit any size dog. Oh, I can just see it now. Bike shorts with a special pocket to hold a special container of citronella. Or maybe it could be remote controlled with just a button on the handlebars. Of course, if they chomp on the leg holding the citronella they could get a mouthful anyway, but I suppose that is what we are trying to avoid. Hmmm. Bite Me Not Bike Shorts...A whole new industry is born. But more research will be needed.

    I got a kick out of your list. Especially the Medicare Card and Reading glasses. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Can you tell I'm goofing off? I finished all my drafting work and am sitting around waiting for word from the sales reps to see if the layouts I sent are adequate or if more changes are needed. Meanwhile I finished listening to an audiobook that had me sobbing! It was "Those Who Wish Me Dead" by Michael Koryta. Good book. Normally I prefer mystery novels written by women, but a friend recommended this one. Our library had it online.

    Well, I think I'll go walk at the mall for a while. I hope you are all having a great day.

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Good afternoon.
    Thanks for the love and support regarding this house hunt.
    trying to get caught up here.
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,222 Member
    Wow what a busy Thursday! I ended up sleeping in; I woke up last night and now I have a sore throat, so I didn’t fight the extra sleep. Went back to Pennys and bought new pillows for our bed….we have the foam ones and I just recently noticed that they are actually falling apart! Then to a craft store, groceries, home to eat lunch, get gas, walgreens, more groceries and boy am I pooped! I already have nearly 8,000 steps and it’s only 3!

    I keep thinking about DD#1 planning on keeping her baby. I just am so concerned the baby will not get the kind of care she needs since DD has so many issues. She doesn’t talk and can barely read, so no babbling or book reading to stimulate the mind. She can do tasks like change a diaper and feed a baby, but would not be able to look around and think “now that she has started crawling, what do I need to do to make the house safe?” She is totally opposed to doctors for the most part and absolutely hates vaccinations, so my guess is that baby won’t have the health care she needs. She refuses to go to a dentist now that we don’t make her, so no dental care for baby when she’s old enough. It’s just so frustrating. Another family could give her the care she needs and deserves. That’s what makes me want to poke my eyes out.

    Mimi: wow that’s a lot of bad news for one family isn’t it? Hugs to you!

    Gloria: (and Jane): a different take on pets in rental properties….we always allow pets with an extra deposit and have found the 2 legged renters are way more destructive than the 4 legged ones! Thanks for the sweet wishes and for sharing about your life!

    Michele: another challenge for me bra-wise is that the ‘girls’ are two completely different sizes! The other grandmother has told the kids she will support them financially, which we totally disagree with.

    Lesley: it looks like autumn is approaching here….Halloween stuff in the stores and mums in the garden shops already

    Yanniejannie: I try not to be so hard on people, but those social things were pounded into my head by my mother. My dad was a high ranking naval officer and later VP of several multinational companies, so formal entertainment was always on the agenda. I swear I could eat lunch with the Queen of England and know what all the forks are for! Several of our friends have looked surprised when I told them the other grandmother is giving the shower.

    Cynthia: 10 hours of sleep sounds marvelous!

    Grandmallie: I sure hope today is a better day for you

    Sylvia: I had to laugh at the mental image of you willing yourself to lose that 0.2 pounds from your bladder! Thank you for the advice on the baby. I know it’s not her fault and I am hoping I can be a good grandmother. Maybe when I see her, I will feel a connection but who knows if Tanya will even tell us she was born?

    Heather: I can’t wait to buy your books! Another Hairy Bikers recipe? Funny, my vision of you makes you about the last person who would use the words “hairy biker” in any sort of sentence LOL! I picture you as so refined and as such a gourmet cook!

    Katla: no, I don’t think the shower thing was either thoughtless or mean. DD has so many cognitive issues, she would never think of it. And if she did, she would never say anything to the other grandmother like “Oh, my parents are usually gone on their anniversary, can we do it another day?” That’s just her. I never even had her address until recently when I got a medical bill for her. She would never think to let us know. We asked the night before she moved out and she said although she knew where it was she didn’t know the address (totally possible with her).

    Sue: only gaining 2 pounds from vacation in a victory in my books!

    Cindy: I had never really thought about day beds until we bought DD#1 her “very own” furniture. She saw one at the furniture store and wanted it. This particular bedroom is very small, so the day bed works wonderfully.

    Drkatiebug: I love the outshine bars!

    Ann: wow that’s quite the biking total. Congratulations! I don’t really like soup in the summer either and am not really a big fan of the cold soups. But come autumn, soup is always on the menu! Actualy this week we are having a spicy bean soup that I just love

    Jane: keep us informed as to the house hunting!

    Well I need a nap! I am bushed from all the walking I did today. I also am a bit sore from the elliptical yesterday; I haven’t done that one in a while and it is bothering me some. Take care all, meg from Omaha where all sharp objects have been put out of my reach.
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Katla, I would assume it is my genetic make up that is making me shorten. My Mom and my sister both got shorter but they both had severe spinal disease and not only were shorter but pretty hunch back. When my Mom died she was about 5'1". My sister was 5'8" and she is about 5'3" now. I have some spinal problems but not at all like Moms.

    Carol, could your son going off to college be a part of your depression? Also knowing that the college doesn't fit his lifestyle and how he copes with life. At my former church, our pianist gave most of her lessons at the church. It turned out to be quite an outreach for the church in that many of her students and families ended up coming to our church.

    Anne, I didn't know there were different kind of helmets according to the weather.

    Another beautiful day here in Evansville. We have done some walking outside and at Sams when we picked up medicines

    Joyce, Indiana
  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    Did 40 minutes of my Wii Gold's boxing this morning. LOVE that. Tabat and 2 mile walk later.
    Have gone back to Jeannette Jenkins' recipes for breakfast and lunches. Love her high fibre food. I have her book as well as her DVDs which are the best
    My spring bulbs are flowering now and need to do more weeding after lunch. Buds on my fruit trees too and wattles starting to flower. Spring is in the air.
    My daughter is a fully qualified boxing coach and she has 3 gyms she works at in an evening now. Her husband also a boxing coach. They used to oerate their own gym but it all got too much and closed it. She also does distance running for cardio and did a marathon earlier this year. She takes her friends on her runs too.
    A lovely day here.
    Lesley in Tasmania
  • strassenkoenigin

    how can you make fun of such a serious subject?:explode: :bigsmile: . Shall I publish my pics of my dog bite?:blushing:

    Yeah, I know you are all dog owners and don't want your babies to get hurt, so nobody suggested pepper spray....

    Believe me I see the absurdity of the situation too. But the thing which bothers me is that I am now afraid of dogs when I am on my bike. I was never afraid of dogs in my whole life.


    You learn something new every day.:smile:

    I just wanted to test if anybody was reading it.:laugh: ... No, seriously.

    I have a hot weather helmet. It is an expensive helmet ,very light and with big vents to keep your head cool. Only it does not fit my head so well, so I am only wearing it when it is really, really hot.

    Then I have a helmet which fits very well and really looks good on me , but the sweat runs down my face when I wear it on hot days.

    And helmet no. 3 has a visor and I wear that when I need more protection from the sun riding when the sun is high.

    Then of course you have rain covers for helmets, but this something I really do not need here, because it practically never rains.

    When you bike so much as I do you somehow end up with a whole wardrobe just for biking. And I am not so bad about it as most male bikers I know. :ohwell:

    Now I only have to get down to my ideal weight again, so does my spandex does not look too stretched.:embarassed:
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    strassenkoini, thank you so much for the helmet tutorial!!! No, a person should never stop learning.

    Meg, one of my nephews, one who has screwed up his life big time with drugs, had a pregnant girlfriend. But the moment that baby was born Jonathon was a different person. He says he realized that he wasn't the important person anymore. His wants and desires didn't matter anymore. He had an innocent helpless baby depending on him and that she was the most important thing for him and no longer himself. Unfortunately that hasn't kept him from getting her pregnant anymore. They now have 2 and another on the way. So 3 children under 3. But he is a changed man. He holds a steady good paying job, no drugs or alcohol anymore. I wish you all the luck with this grand parent thing that is going to happen whether you want her to keep it or not. I hope I am not coming off sounding harsh. That is not my intent at all.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,655 Member
    Oh gosh, hope I can get my schedule under control and come back to being a regular!!

    Mimi – I’ve eaten at the Mrs. Doubtfire restaurant too!

    Lesley – well $700 for 3 months is better, but my electric bill runs under $40 so that still seems high! Thanks for the bmi link….

    Alison – hope your foot is on the mend, I like Mimi wear arch supports in most shoes…

    Gloria – glad to hear you are safe the way the weather has been reported it sounds awful and scary!

    Viola – welcome

    Sylvia – sorry to hear about the DGkids issues

    Patceoh – hope surgery goes well.

    Katla – Congrats to be back at goal!!!

    Goddesskat, & Madgoth – welcome

    Vicki – you can do it!!! Everyone is a bit uncomfortable or scared of something but we have to face it and prove to ourselves we are stronger bigger braver than that thing that gets us!

    Jane – (((hugs))))))))

    DeeDee – hoping you are feeling better

    Renny – glad the crud is gone!

    Heather – publishing is a whole new world with the internet!

    Katla – MFP reset – that is awful!!! You might want to report it to tech support…

    HSDramamom – you might want to consider adding in some body measurements to cheer you on when the scale is stuck.

    Cynthia – Thanks for your words on bilingual USA, I agree, but had not thought of a way to say it.

    Heather – sorry your plum jam did not set --- I had some not set, and added cinnamon, nutmeg, and cardamom to it and used it as plum sauce, amazing on pound cake or even on pork.

    Alison – We have a specialty shoe store here for folks with dodgy feet; and they fitted me with an arch support. It was $40 (ish) and when I need a new pair I get them on amazon for $28 the arch support “fixed” the heel problem….

    August goals :
    Stretch 5 minutes a day xxxx
    Walk 45 minutes a day 12 times
    Do Heather’s abc balance 1 time a week 2 weeks done

    Kim from N. California
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Alison: You’ve been in pain as long as I’ve known you here on MFP. Do you trust this doctor? Need a second opinion? Your DH doesn’t get to be the second opinion because he isn’t medically qualified, but he is part of the picture. Good luck. I have no advice on surgery other than to get the best doctor possible. I have personal experience working with aching joints to help them get stronger. I love riding my recumbent bike and tolerate an elliptical when necessary, but I don’t enjoy it. Continuing to exercise in ways that don’t aggravate your foot makes a lot of sense whether or not you decide to have surgery. I would also recommend yoga if you can find an instructor who will help you strengthen your body gently.:flowerforyou:

    Margaret: I am saddened by Robin Williams’ death, too. Suicide seems like such a tragedy. I’ve heard it called a permanent solution to a temporary problem. In Robin William’s case, the problem was apparently a long standing struggle for him.:cry:

    Cindy: I just attended a community concert in the park and was among a group of audience members who were given a free CD by the performer, a wonderfully talented pianist. I chose a Christmas CD, and bought a second Christmas CD, too. I know I’ll enjoy them for years to come.:flowerforyou:

    Heather: I hope you find the book project enjoyable and satisfying. Keep us in the loop as you go along.:flowerforyou:

    Carol: Selling a house can be stressful. Your home will sell when the right buyer sees it. I hope that turns out to be sooner rather than later. Good luck to you. :flowerforyou:

    Anne: Congratulations on 430 bike miles in August. I am very impressed.:flowerforyou:

    Sylvia: Bite Me Not bike shorts!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    DD had a doctor’s appointment today, but didn’t get results on her pregnancy worries. I hope she gets the results tomorrow. I’ll be going there to help her and am in the planning stages. It looks like DH’s surgery won’t be until after the baby is born and I’m back home. He’s decided to stay home alone while I’m gone, but DS and DDIL invited him to come and spend some time with them. I think he’ll do it. I worry about him being home alone. He has lots of medical issues.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    August Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,793 Member
    well I am up...had only 5 1/2 hrs sleep... today is DH 62nd birthday, his uncles 72nd.
    I have been wearing orthodics in my shoes ever since I had this problem,,,i constantly switch my sneakers,
    the side of my left foot hurts constantly and the podiatrist said it is because of the way I walk..
    I am at my wits end.. He said I can still walk.. but dont use the treadmill as you are banging your foot down and it could do permenant damage..
    I am going to do anything I possibly can to not have the surgery
    up at 2 am..
    the nursing home called after we had fallen asleep.my DFIL tried to escape last night and got as far as in between the double doors he gave them a fight and got a tare on his hand,,
    I have to speak with the head nurse... I dont know what we are going to do..
    had 3 tacos last night and it showed on the scale:grumble:
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,340 Member
    Hi there my friends!:flowerforyou:

    Meg - the idea of me being "refined" makes me laugh!:noway:

    Katla - I can understand why you are worried about your DH. I remember he had a couple of hypos in the last year or so. Could you get a neighbour to check on him while you are away? You have an exciting time ahead of you and you need peace of mind.:flowerforyou:

    Joyce - it's so wonderful that you have found your church and your choir. They obviously value your contribution. It is amazing to remember how nervous you were about going there.
    How is your memoir writing going? I hope you are continuing with it.:flowerforyou:

    I was pleased that DS #1 answered my text last night. He has been severely depressed for several months now. He said things were still tough, but he was feeling a bit better. My worries about him are a shadow on my life. We so want our children to be happy.

    On the good side I received a thank you card from DDIL thanking us for coming up to help during her eye op.:love: Of course we loved doing it, but it's still nice when people really appreciate you.:happy:

    The jam debacle was annoying, but we have pounds and pounds of plums on the tree! I am going to make a few jars of plum bbq sauce as it was great the last time I made it. I have saved some small jars which will be great for presents. The most annoying thing is having to rewash and sterilise the jars of jam and soak off the labels again.:grumble: I will make some more and include the orange pith in a muslin so I get more pectin. I think I did that last time when it was successful.
    I hate failure, but I will not dwell on it. DON'T LET THE PERFECT BE THE ENEMY OF THE GOOD. :laugh: :laugh: :drinker:

    Bye for now, Heather in flowery Hampshire UK