

  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Ann, in our little town we had a sewer pipe company, "Mission Clay" , that made enormous red clay pipes. They invited several very well known ceramic artists to come to town and use their facility to make large works. One of them was Jun Kaneko. I went to the opening party for his show and was just stunned! Here is a link to a story about the work he did there. It's amazing. As a hand builder, I thought you might enjoy it.


    Scroll down to get an idea how big they really are. This company has several huge beehive kilns that are about a hundred years old. The company is closed now, and have moved their operations elsewhere. I don't know what will happen to those beautiful old kilns. It's kind of sad. In my dreams, we make it into an art center or something, but that would take money.

    I only have one kiln, takes 26" shelves. I'd love to get a gas kiln, but I have so few years left to work in clay that it hardly seems viable. Plus, I'm broke. My studio is about 1300 sq ft, and the gallery is about 700.

  • kittytoo
    kittytoo Posts: 27
    Vicki, Kim and Anne -

    Yes, if it works out, I will go to South Africa. It isn't really formalized yet - apparently just a feeler, but Jerry (DH) is getting all his ducks in a row. I think the timeline is for a first trip in October, then we will see what transpires after that. I have friends who will watch (live in) our house, so we don't have to sell it. The only rub is that my mom has dementia and I really hate to leave her. That said, my dad won't let me do ANYTHING to help, so it's not like I'm needed. Yet.

    I am heading out to belly dance class. Just looked it up under "exercise" and it burns 315 calories for an hour. No wonder I always get home feeling like I could eat a horse! DH is cooking dinner, bless his heart!

  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,946 Member
    Had an adventurous day. DH and I went to the grocery store, were on the home stretch, when they evacuated us because of a bomb threat. What a mess! We finally went back to find our cart with the dry goods intact and the fresh meat and produce removed. So, it wasn't a total start over, but close. We finally got home and got it all put away about six. We first set out around 2:30.
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Took myself and dragged DD along to dr.............this has gone on long enough: she has a Zpack for a sinus infection and I have asthmatic bronchitis; an Advair inhaler, script to fill for a Zpack of my own if I decide it's not getting better, and more codeine, so I guess I'll be "floating" along a few more days in a codeine haze...........the dr. we saw was the father of one of her h.s. classmates so chatted a bit as they weren't too busy.

    dr.katiebug, Rita and others.....................loving and laughing at all the dog and cat stories, esp the chicken getting ridden!!!

    Carol...........Evenings are mostly Netflix or tv. or computer. If not that, sometimes a bike ride, reading, a meeting, or exercise session followed with time out with friends, sometimes just a long phone call. My DD took a bike freshman year too; but then I inherited it. Glad you put that woman in her place!!!! Good for you!!!

    Vicki...........Fingers and toes crossed that your motorcycle fix is done and you get to leave on time.

    Anne..............Loved your "Phases" post! Not at all a Woody Allen fan but did see and adored the movie "Blue Jasmine"; thought it very good. I remember being amazed by Andrew Dice Clay's acting..........didn't know he had those acting chops at all.

    drkatiebug..............A BOMB????? Good grief!!! I think I would have left the store and kept going...............

    Stay strong!
  • strassenkoenigin

    This is awesome. I met Jun Kaneko once at one of the ceramic events years ago. You can only do things like this if you have a sponsor and some kind of facility with enough space and huge kilns. But this is the size I love. It is wonderful if companies do this for artists, Kohler has a great artist in residence program too.

    It is a real pity if these old kilns are not being used. You do not think that it would be possible to organize something to save them?

    Working in anything is getting more and more expensive. Only now I realize how lucky I was working with that professor and having access to all the facilities at the university. Most people do not realize how expensive it its to make art and time consuming.

    Is it mainly health or financial reasons you cannot continue working in clay? It seem such a pity.


    I am so jealous. My mother's best friend had a ranch in South Africa and I always planned to visit her. But then they had to leave before I ever made it there. It was much easier to travel to Africa from Europe. It is just a hop.

  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,774 Member
    Back from Nashville.... long drive to Buffalo ... GPS predicted 11.5 hours but that would've been without stopping. And I stop. A lot. Took us closer to 12.5 hours. Had a great time. DS was thrilled with the trip... and now has a lot of information to digest. Brought back a t-shirt for older DS! :laugh: t Back to normal eating today although my friend made very healthy food when we dined at home. It was the restaurant dining that threw me a monkey wrench!

    I'm not sure who mentioned struggling with a one piece suit of armor under a beach towel ... but thank you ... made me laugh out loud!

    Gloria ... congratulations on finding a job that is flexible! Not easy to come by I know.

    I've been reading but not feeling chatty ... will get back at it soon I'm sure.

  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    Well I am glad I put the steak in to braise slowly after lunch as I slept on and off on the couch. It was so tender and Stan came home from fishing in time to cook the potatoes and steam the veg.
    I really enjoyed Linda McCartney's leek and asparagus tart yesterday so having her vegetarian, mushroom and ale pie for lunch along with strawberries as dessert.
    I slept, not well last night, until 10am this morning. Much coughing, woke with worse cold and headache. Going to have a bath shortly and ease my joints.
    SO annoyed as got back into training last week, sigh. At least I am eating OK, total food at 1981 cals today
    Guy came to read electric this morning so bill should be in post in 2 days time. have already paid $500 so hopefully not too much more.
    Finally getting budget sorted and going to start putting money into different minor accounts for car service in December, car rego in December, and pay electric by BPay ever pension.
    DGD is NEVER visiting again. We cannot afford her on the pensions we are on
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,874 Member
    Hello to all and welcome to the newbies. Glad you are here. Got to water exercise this morning and have in 10000 steps today!! Also used my gift certificate for a massage this afternoon. Ahhhh!

    Food has not gone badly today but I need to find something to eat after water exercise. I come out of there really hungry. Would like to up my protein intake. Have thought of protein bars but a lot of them have sugar alcohols in them and I need to stay away from those.

    Meg - Thanks for info. My cousin(CNP) in Texas has same problem and is also using Vagifem and liking it very much. Test came back negative so I am trialing the Vagifem for 12 weeks and will see how it goes.

    Carol - I usually have choir, go out to see my horse, read or crochet prayer shawls in the evenings. Keeps me away from the kitchen.

    Vicki - Good luck getting the motorcycle fixed and hope you have a wonderful vacation.

    Healing angels to all who need them and congratulations to those with victories. Sue in SD

    Don't let anyone hold your happiness in their hands; hold it is yours, so it will always be within your reach.
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Anne, it's both health and money. My son was diagnosed with a severe lung and liver disease that is genetic, and life threatening. I was tested recently and found that I have it too, although so far no symptoms aside from a little shortness of breath. But it is made worse by environmental issues - like dust. My son was a welder. So, if I can't find a way go work much cleaner in my studio, I will have to give it up at some point. And my advancing years don't help. I figure that I have another five or six years to be active in clay at best. And my studio costs a fortune to maintain, meaning the utilities and taxes, and there is very little return. To be honest, I'm rarely there to try to sell anything. I do two or three shows every year, but that's getting harder and harder, with carrying all the boxes and tables and stuff. But it feels so good to sit at the wheel and feel the clay come to life. And I love making and testing glazes. I've been doing it for 20 years now. It would be sad to lose that completely.
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Anne, I forgot to tell you my Jun Kaneko story. Our town is very small, and one day I was at our little grocery store and there was a man in line in front of me. I was dying to tell him that he looked just like Jun Kaneko, but I was sure he wouldn't know who that was. Well, about a month later I discovered that Kaneko had been coming to town to work at the pipe factory for a year and I didn't even know it! So that man at the store really WAS Kaneko! When I met him later at the reception, I was sure.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,969 Member
    :flowerforyou: I have been going to bed earlier and earlier since I started MFP and started looking for more ways to be active. Walking early in the morning has been good for me and my dogs because there is no traffic either vehicle, human, or pet. In order to have a longer time to walk, I started going to bed earlier. I read in bed and the earlier I get there, the more I can read. I love to knit and in warm weather I knit dishrags with cotton yarn.

    :bigsmile: Everything I do well today having to do with health, fitness, and weight loss, I learned a little bit at a time….taking baby steps is the best way to acquire new habits, behaviours, and attitudes that will last forever.

    :heart: Thank you for all you share and all I’ve learned from you.

    :heart: Barbie from beautiful sunny NW Washington

    :bigsmile: 24,000 steps today including an awesome line dance class

  • bjkidfun
    bjkidfun Posts: 377 Member
    Marking my spot
  • strassenkoenigin

    I am so sorry to hear about your son and your health problems. It sounds like a dream situation to me, your own studio, a gallery and a son who is a welder. One of my favorite artists is Niki de Saint Phalle, who for many years cooperated with Jean Tinguely who welded a lot of the frame work for her art. I learned welding at the university and loved to work with steel, but never had the space and money to get the equipment to work in steel. But I know that without money it is difficult to keep going. It is no wonder that so many end up teaching to survive.

    Is your kiln in your studio? This is one thing I learned that you should not work in the same room where you fire.

    Also the very fine clay (silicone) dust is dangerous and difficult to avoid, though I personally do not know anybody who is a ceramist who has suffered health issues because of it

    Have you tried to find a ceramic artist you can share the studio with? You are not old and your health may be fine, do not give up on it. Maybe somebody young who can handle a little bit of the hard work?

    A few years back I would have loved to do something like this, but now it looks like I am tied to my house here and I am ten years older than you.

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Welcome any new ladies!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    hugs jane from IL:heart::heart: :heart:
  • terewilliams
    terewilliams Posts: 336 Member
    Its my turn to rant!

    Its after 11 pm I should be asleep! :yawn: Instead I am fighting the urge to stuff my face with whatever I can find because I am so keyed up!:drinker: After 9 years Storm decided he could jump the yard fence and went after the rooster. :explode: After chasing him down which wasn't too hard because he does obey - Thank God! - I had to go talk to my neighbors who don't speak much English and explain to them that they must keep the rooster (which they are not supposed to have:noway: ) penned up because Storm hates it! The SO is in full Marine fury but took a sleeping pill and went to sleep after making a vow to shoot the rooster if it come over again! I needed this like I need a hole in my head! Hopefully we will wake up to a quieter day tomorrow!

    I needed to rant! Thanks for reading!:flowerforyou: Perhaps a cup of tea and to sleep hopefully!

    Tere in RVA
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,380 Member
    Did an hour of speed intervals on the treadmill today. Tomorrow I'm planning to go to yoga and then take the deep water class.

    Tomorrow is the last day of the senior bowling at the one alley. Next week we start at the new alley. Yea! To me, there are only 3 people on a team, the equipment is much better so you don't have all the scoring etc problems. So even tho we start at the same time, we're out by around 2:30. There have been so so many times when there's something that I've wanted to do, but couldn't because the whole day is taken up with bowling. I don't want to be inside all the time. Tomorrow the weather is supposed to be pretty nice and if it were totally up to me, I'd blow off bowling and go in my pool.

    barbie - did you have to get a special holder for your phone or do you just carry it with you?

    Joyce - Buddy sounds like a real special dog. Thanks for sharing about him with us

    Cynthia - I'm with you, I'm grateful for my knowledge of typing. It's amazing when I see how my kids use the hunt-and-peck method, even IF they go fast. But they can't not look at the keys.

    Alison - Jessica does some cooking for herself and Kris. But they also do go out to eat a lot. I know Denise has started cooking on her own, too. She used to buy a pizza and we explained that if she'd buy one at the grocery store and bake it herself, how much money she'd save. I absolutely LOVE the heiroloom tomatoes in a tomato sandwich

    Rita - hope your shoulder is better soon

    Sylvia - your grandkids are so lucky to have such a wonderful grandmother

    Shani - we're so glad you found us, too!

    DeeDee - tomorrow is the last day of bowling at the old place, and I can't wait! We went to the organizational meeting yesterday for the new league and then bowled 3 free games. I really liked it. Not only was the equipment decent, but it didn't take forever to get those games done. Especially in summertime, I like having time after bowling to go in my pool or whatever. It looks like we might be changing the Newcomer bowling to Thursday nights. See, when you start up a new activity, the rule is that you are to do it on a day when there isn't a conflict with any other Newcomer activity. Well, they didn't do that when they started having the evening Canasta on Wednesday. Bowling had already been established. Actually, it's been established even before they had Game Night on Thursday (the third Thursday of the month). So I don't see a problem changing the night. Oh, one lady sent Vince an email when she'd heard we were asking about changing the day asking if it would interfer with evening Canasta or Game Night. vince just wrote back to her that bowling was established before either one of them, and in his opinion a different night should have been chosen for evening Canasta. This woman can sometimes be a real pill. She's the lady who always has the Mexican Train at her house. Well, one month she had to be away so she said "there'll be no Mexican Train next month". Well, a lot of people wanted to play so I said that we could play at my house. She didn't like that one bit. I wasn't trying to take over, just that people wanted to play, I had the room, so I didn't see any problem at all. But she was so peeved. It appears some people leave their Mexican Train sets at her house, but did she offer them to me? No. On another subject re: painting. There's this ceramic place near me. I really want to paint some animal figures to put out by the pool next year. You just pay for the item, they provide the paint (good, since I don't have paints).

    Meg - I've never had a cat hair stuck in my foot. That's strange. Glad you got out, tho

    Things have been a bit hairy. So sorry if I don't respond to as many as I would like to.

    Exercised, then stopped at Bi-Lo for items on sale, home and went in the pool, then senior bowling (yea, no more that alley -- at least for senior bowling), home and went in the pool. Vince had an attack of tachacardia which lasted for about 3 hours so it was off to the hosp. after he'd had it for an hour. They finally gave him some denizene (?sp). I never knew there was a drug to bring the heartrate down. He was finally down to the low 80's. Didn't get home from the hosp. until around 9. I was starving, had dinner, now to get things ready for tomorrow. Vince goes for his second surgery. He was concerned that if they kept him in the hosp he might not get to have the operation. But he will.

    Did about 55 min of yoga today then an hour of the deep water. I'm planning to do Tony Little's Body Express DVD tomorrow, not sure, tho, when I'll be able to get to it since we have to leave the house around 7:30.

    Rori - I buy lots of things at the end of the season. You can get some really good buys that way. Tell me more about the different things you can do on a treadmill. You know me...I get bored easily so I would definitely like to know of some new things. So far I haven't heard the kitty yesterday and so far not tonight. Vince said that the food dish was empty, but it also may have been another critter that was eating the food. If we don't hear it any more, I'm just going to hope that it found its way back home. To be honest, there was a part of me that was beginning to soften. But then I'd constantly think "can I give it the proper care that it needs? We already have 4"

    Zenzen - welcome

    Alison - you are such a good warm-hearted person

    Sylvia - what a good deal on that tablet! Yes, it does seem silly that the store won't match their online price.

    Carol in NC - I would say that I'm probably a little anal about exercising, or maybe it's that I'm addicted to it. But see how I have to somehow work in my exercise tomorrow? Good for you telling that woman what was on your mind! Many times at night I get things ready for the next day, (get breakfast made, things I need for my exercise, my clothes set out, etc), I also sometimes do some sort of craft (which also helps to keep me from munching). I'd LOVE to take that class at coursera in September. But everytime I try to log in, it tells me that my email and p/w don't match. I've tried emailing them but get no answer. Get no answer either when I email them asking for my p/w (maybe I mis typed it)

    craftergin - welcome. Do you do crafts? What type? dh had gout a while ago and he takes Uloric. Yea for your rheumatologist for directing you here :)

    Patty - any idea how I can get coursera to answer me?

    drkatiebug - I can just see your dog with that chicken in his mouth. He was probably so proud of it, too. A bomb threat! That's something!

    Monika - welcome! You joined by posting. We're glad to have ya. Good for you needing a new wardrobe! So sorry to hear about your friend's accident. How does his family feel about you being his legal guardian? When I'm reading the posts, I have notepad open and type my response as I read the post then go on to the next one. At the end I just copy & paste the whole thing.

    Tere - was that machine you used an adaptable motion trainer maybe? Your salt shaker has an uncanny ability!! :)

    Pearlie - where in the South are you? I know what you mean about the food down here, that was one jof the hardest things I had to get used to. Even now I'm not used to it.

    Anne - loved your phases

    Tomorrow will look for recipes to try. Hopefully, we can do them on the grill sometime this weekend

    Alison - so glad SIL came up with that plan and that you don't have a problem with it.

    Kitty - how long would you be in South Africa? I love belly dance, just wish there was a belly dance place near here that had hours when I can go. I would like to be sure I'm doing things properly. then I'd probably do some DVD's. I took a belly dance class years ago. One of the things that impressed me was that the women in the class were so comfortable with their bodies. And let me tell you, some of those women were BIG. There was also a sort of sister-hood

    Michele in NC
  • strassenkoenigin
    Tere It is only 9 pm here

    I had to laugh reading your story about the rooster. I live in an area where nearby people have horse properties and keep chicken and roosters. There is one rooster, who is very busy crowing at the strangest times of day, which I can hear in my garden. One day I met the owner and asked him why the rooster does not crow in the morning like he is supposed to do. It turned out that he was a stray. Obviously people do not only leave their cats and dogs behind when their houses get foreclosed, but also the rest of the livestock.

    So now this family has a lonely rooster, no chicken. Maybe he is crowing for a hen?

    I personally do not mind the rooster because I grew up in the country and heard roosters every morning. I also got really fresh eggs.

    Your story also reminded me when I tried to explain to my Cuban neighbor, who speaks practically no English, that she cannot take her dog every morning to the neighbors lawn and let them poop there. Try to explain that in sign language!!

  • Karen_Reinvented
    Hi, I'm new here (found this thanks to Joyce (jmkmomm?) Breezed through some of this thread - what a wonderful bunch of ladies. I'm going to spend a little more time reading tomorrow, but I thought I'd introduce myself, but keep it short and sweet for now.

    My name's Karen. I'm 55 and live in (usually) sunny Scottsdale, Arizona, although I'm originally from Chicago, IL . I'm a mom of 3 - 2 amazing sons and an incredible daughter... and proud grandmother of 8 (split evenly down the middle - 4 girls and 4 boys). I have just over 100 lbs to lose, and while I've done it before (well, 85 lbs actually), I'm determined to keep it off this time. I realize having a support system is essential, so I hope I'll be welcome here to support and be supported!

    That's it for now, but I'll check back in frequently!
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Karen_Reiven, so glad you could join us and I am so glad I had a positive influence on some one!!! I'm sure we will get as much from you as you get from us

    Pearlie, my husband and I eat out every single evening. We have all of our other meals as home, plus any snack. I love all the info you can get on the internet and I am so used to saying, no cheese, croutons, spices, etc. All I have to do is just go in a place and some of them know my order by heart and they know how to fix me up right!!!

    Today was our 'Old nurse's lunch for the month and the one who chose this month chose Cheddars. I have found out there that you can order off the childs menu. So I ordered the grilled chicken strips, no spice rub on them and steamed veggies which was carrots and broccoli. The kids menu comes with a drink so I did have my unsweetened tea which is very unusual for me. Before I started my diet we went to cheddars all the time. Even though I can eat pretty well there, my husband can not at all so it is a no no place for us to go to. He also loved Beef O'Brady's and Bandannas bbq and those are off our list since I just refuse to go. For his birthday he wanted the ribs so bad at Beef O'Brady's but they are so fatty he didn't enjoy them. I was so, so glad he was disillusioned by them. I used to love the potato salad there.

    Well I didn't write any notes about what people wrote today so I don't have much to say!!!!! Sadly I don't even know how to put anything on windows and keep a second open tab!!! So I use old fashioned pen and paper!

    Joyce, Indiana
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,780 Member
    good early morning ladies,
    bounced out of bed at 2:30 this morning, slept great for the time I did, im dressed and ready for the gym even though I am icing my heel,will see what I can do there today..
    yesterday was a terrible,horrible,no good, very bad day(does anyone remember that book?)I just ate all sorts of bad bad stuff,including chocolate chip cookies and I had the jitters the rest of the afternoon and evening, I guess that is what happens when you put that amount of sugar in your system after not having it for awhile.
    let me tell you it wasnt pleasant.. so no more of that:noway:
    did go to the jewelers yesterday and had some ring guards put on my rings, I feel naked without them,but dont want to have them sized just yet..
    also I have my moms engagement ring that I lost the diamond out of, but had another ring of hers that I had a diamond taken out of,it will cost about 225.00 to have a new 6 prong and diamond set in it..
    texted my daughters boyfriend, and just threw it out there that it would mean the world to me if Tracy had it, if he was toying with the idea of asking, told him no pressure ,just throwing it out there.. havent heard anything, probably scared the daylights out of him:laugh:
    having my warm lemon water and icing my heel..