

  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    Just scanning this morning.

    Sylvia: would it be possible to install extra ventilation? Wearing a mask might also be good (not that that's so much fun). I threw pots for a year after my husband died; I had wanted to try it for a long time and as someone else said I found it good for the soul to get my hands in clay (just as it's good to work with large animals). Got annoyed with the teacher's "airs", though, and quit.

    Had a fun time last night messaging with one of the lovely ladies in this group. :bigsmile: Love the contact with you all.

    Hope everyone has a good day!
    Cynthia :flowerforyou:
  • moeggep
    moeggep Posts: 219 Member
    Hi to All,
    Went to my DD house last night to spend some time with the 3 little DGB's. They are so much fun.
    Work both jobs today, I am personal training the 76 yr old that started before, quit because she wasn't losing weight and is now back because she has lost all the mobility she gained from working out before. She is having a hard time getting in and out of the car, she is tired all the time, has to pull her legs with her hand to move them and hopefully she now realizes the benifit of working out. She want to lose weight but doesn't want to change her eating, she thought exercising twice a week would do it.

    Not much longer before I pack my bags and head for the Cayman's. So looking forward to this vacation. Haven't had one since 2001.

    Carol, NC: Do look for the Nutrition class, I think it will be a great way to educate ourselves in our battle against the pounds. Maybe we will even get a chance to work together. My only other suggestion for things to do is find a charity you might be interested in helping. My daughter works in a nursing home, actually several of them and people volunteer there. Maybe to take the residents walks, take them to events like bingo night, paint finger nails, things like that. I love to listen to some of their stories and they love to talk. There was a retired madame and one of her girls in a previous nursing home I visited, they were so ornery and funny, and what stories they told.

    I need to go start the coffee, I'm at work and am starting to fall asleep at my desk. Need caffine! Was able to skim through posts but no time to reply. I don't know how you all keep up.

    Good health to all,
    Patty Cincinnati OH
  • gmom316
    gmom316 Posts: 244
    Good morning to everyone!

    Just a quick pass through while I sip my tea before I have to go to my new outside the home job. Really like it so far. Looking forward to being off tomorrow so I can get my cleaning done, go to Zumba and relax a bit before Aaron gets back from camping. Also have some work to do for my inside the house job/biz.

    Eating great, except for the pile of wine I drank last night:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: , but not exercising enough this week. Think it's going to be an egg sandwich breakfast today:sick:

    Wishing everyone a great day! Will be back later....

    xo- Gloria in juicy Metro Detroit
  • lkellandmay
    lkellandmay Posts: 121 Member
    Just found this group and am wondering if there will be an 50+ September 2014 group....
    If so please let me know.
  • Akinom523
    Good moring,everyone!
    Only lost a miserable .2 lbs since yesterday, but it could have been way worse. Dinner with the girlfriends is always dangerous. I was able though to exchange the 500+ calorie Margarita for a couple Bud Light. And I had shrimp taco. Phew!
    Too tired to go dancing afterwards, so I came back home.
    Like Gmom316, I'm not exercising enough either. Just walking my dogs and a walk at lunch time.
    Have fun in Cayman, Moeggep, sounds like you more than deserve a vacation!
    You have a good day too, CynthiaT60.

    I presume I will learn your names better over time!

    Wishing everyone a great Thursday! If you stand on your toes, you can see the weekend!!
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,081 Member
  • moeggep
    moeggep Posts: 219 Member
    To Carol NC or anyone else interested there is a class on Coursera called Nutrition, Health and Lifestyle: Issues and Insights.
    The courses are free to take if you want to take without getting credit hours and this one starts on 9/15/14. It is a seven week class.
    coursera.org There are many other free classes as well on all kinds of subjects.
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Good morning! Yet another beautiful morning here in the armpit of Kansas. But we are expecting another 100 degree day and about 90% humidity, so it will be pretty miserable this afternoon.

    This morning as we got to school we had a full bag of trash. I was throwing it in the trash can by the door of the school and one of the girls's teachers from last year came up and said that she had heard all about us walking and picking up trash and thought it was a great idea. My granddaughter told her that if everyone who walks to school picked up a little trash we would have a lot cleaner town. I was so proud of her.

    I got a very strange e-mail from my son's ex-wife asking for my help in getting him to let her see the kids. It's a very long rambling letter full of blatant lies and attempts at manipulation. It's ironic that she would ask that of me after keeping the kids from me for SIX YEARS! I have not responded to her e-mail yet. Of course I can't say what I really feel, that she and her mother are evil and not a good influence on the kids and that if I had my way they would never see them again. That every word she says is a lie and I would sooner believe the kids than her. That she has done everything possible to undermine my son's attempt at giving them a better life. That she has been playing mind games with the older granddaughter and making the other two feel unwanted. That her family is reckless with the kids safety. That she and her family are unstable and completely dysfunctional. That I don't trust that she is off drugs. That I cannot forgive her having put those kids in the situation that she did, living with a violent drug dealer and a mother who tried to kill a man. That I think she should be trying to grow up, get a job and be responsible rather than mooching off her folks. (She is 36 years old, for pete's sake!) That I think it was a horrible mistake to let her see the kids at all after what she did. That I wouldn't spit on her if she were on fire. I can't say any of that because I'm not that kind of person, but I sure want to be sometimes. I know you all think I'm a horrible person now, but hopefully I got all that off my chest and can deal with her a little more rationally now.

    Well, I have stuff to do. Gotta get busy.

    Have a great day everyone!

  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Good morning, all,

    Hi, slept pretty good and my lungs (so far) seem a bit less gunky today. Have an awful taste in my mouth from the inhaler, though.

    Beth..........Wow---a 12.5 hour trip??? That's too much in one day for me! Glad you and DS had fun and ate mostly well!!! Times to remember.

    Lesley...........Hope you are improving.

    Sue..........You might look at the ingredients in "Mojo" bars by Cliff.

    Tere...........If the rooster is illegal, why not make a call to animal control?? I'd be real hesitant to confront a stranger and they (animal control) get paid to do this; it is their job. My feeling is that Storm was there first and shouldn't be made so agitated by something that is illegal in the first place.........and, BTW, neither should you and your SO either! He's just acting on his instincts and also might get hurt going over the fence.

    Patty..........Glad your 76y.o. came back to you; sounds like a stubborn woman! Hope you enjoy every second of your vacation when you get there!

    Good days to all!
    mid-Atlantic...........cloudy and humid...........

    PS...........Sylvia..........You don't HAVE to respond to that email at all...........copy it and/or just forward to the social worker, case worker, or lawyer.....or judge........
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Patty - Thanks! I was looking for that course last night and couldn't find it. I guess I was looking in the wrong place. I've now signed up for three classes: The Fiction of Relationship (starts beginning of September), Nutrition, Health, and Lifestyle: Issues and Insights (starts mid-September), and Buddhist Meditation and the Modern World (starts in January). I'm excited! I truly think I could be a professional student. :bigsmile: And, in case anyone hasn't checked it out and is wondering, these courses are offered through Brown University, Vanderbilt University, and University of Virginia respectively. If these work out well, I may actually take some classes that will teach me something that might make money! :tongue:

    Once I get moved, I plan on checking out the community college classes offered here. I know that I want to take Conversational Spanish, Shag, and Calligraphy. There are also lots of art related courses and photography in addition to classes that are "practical." I don't figure there's any reason to take those until I am moved because I would end up missing classes.

    I would like to share something from a devotion I read this morning. I'm going to leave out the religious stuff since I know many of you are not into that and just quote the parts that hit home with me.

    "Sometimes it's easier to close ourselves off in fear, isn't it? Physical or emotional problems, work, finances, growing older--all challenge us. Sometimes we cut ourselves off from life trying to save it. Our world becomes smaller.

    Is playing it safe worth it?

    ...though life is changing, you're not through. Get up! Make your bed! Get out! Embrace life! Live in awe...And, if we fall, let us fall moving forward...filled with hopeful expectation."

    I have been trying hard to overcome the paralysis of fear in my life and grow old with no more regrets of letting life pass me by because I'm afraid to try something new. I thought maybe there were some of you who could get something out of it, too. Just a little story...When my ex left, I was so scared that I literally couldn't see straight. Just over a year later, I planned and executed a solo trip to Tulsa, OK to meet up with online friends and attend a concert. I got on an airplane for the first time in over 25 years. I spent the night alone in a hotel. I changed planes in Dallas-Ft Worth -- TWICE! I discovered that I absolutely love to travel!! I had never dreamed I would enjoy traveling! I've since flown many times, put 1,000 miles on my car in one week, spent a week alone in an isolated mountain cabin and hiked on my own, and took my daughter on a cruise to Canada for college graduation. Now I'm working on the paralysis of fear in finding a new job and the reality that it may take me to a city/town where I know no one. I'm also working on the fear of poverty/working until I die on the job as a result of the divorce. I needed the boost of courage that I got from this devotional.

    Rambling done...

    I supposed I ought to get to work now. It's time to write my paycheck and heaven knows I need it!! Have a great day!

    Carol in hot NC
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,322 Member
    Good afternoon from Hampshire where it looks as if it is about to rain. (DH at the cricket) :tongue:

    Sue - I used Vagifem when I was on Arimidex and found it great. The oncologists seemed to think it wouldn't hurt, even though my tumour had been oestrogen sensitive. Before that I was getting cystitis every time we had a romantic moment which was very off putting!:wink:

    Sylvia and Anne - I'm sure I've said this before, but my father was a keen amateur potter. He so admired Bernard Leach and all that school. He started learning in his 40s and took exams. His best pot, which I still have on my kitchen windowsill, was in an exhibition at the Town Hall. He then taught an after school pottery club at the junior school where he was a teacher. They had a small electric kiln. I have never made pots, but ceramics are one of my major interests.

    Well, I am exhausted! This morning instead of going on our machines we decided to power walk round the lanes.. My knee held out and I took pain killers for my hip so I got round without too much of a struggle. My weak ankle can feel it though. But it only used up 236 calories!:sad:
    Yesterday, after a lot of discussion with my friend, I decided to retype my old novel. I bit the bullet and upgraded my Word 2003 to the newest Word 2013. Cost money of course, but now I have a new tenant I have a little rent coming in. Of course, the download got stuck when the wifi cut out :sad: :sad: and I went to bed fuming.:tongue: This morning I was all ready to ring the help desk, but it was all fine. I typed a title page, a very short intro and a few paragraphs. Thought it wasn't too bad.:blushing: Then I did something idiotic and lost it all.:grumble: :noway: Never mind - I was really just testing it out. Lunch was late of course.:tongue:

    After that I thought I would make the Cauliflower Cake that I made before. It's for Saturday lunch so people can just grab a piece before they leave. DH is going to rush off to the football so they won't stay long. It looks great! I also boiled up some giant couscous, quinoa and brown rice together, which will be a base for a salad with the bbq. Then I made a Baba Ganoush, an aubergine dip, which I have never made before, but love when I have it in restaurants. It tastes divine! I know DH'S daughter loves it as she always orders it when we go to a Turkish place. I cheated by adding a tiny drop of my hickory smoke drops. Made all the difference.:bigsmile:
    Then a mountain of washing up because DH isn't here.:grumble:
    So now I am sitting down recovering.:laugh:
    One bed is made. Two others to do. Our own bed to change. Mostly clean and fairly tidy. DH will help in the morning. His sister arrives for lunch and the others arrive by train at 7pm. The patio was brushed yesterday and we bought more charcoal.:bigsmile:
    Looking forward to it. Cocktails at dusk!:laugh: (see my profile photo of my friend and I enjoying our daiquiris! )

    I am feeling quite excited about my typing. It's nice to have a more flexible Word system and I can see what I've done in Read Mode, which makes it look like a book. I will probably get a few paperbacks printed. My friend always sends her writing to Kindle so she can proof read it as a Kindle document. She says it helps her judge it better, so that is a great idea for the interim stages before I put it on for real.
    It has been years since I got excited about my writing.:bigsmile: My friend has just finished her own memoir and is entering it into a competition. I hope I will get inspired to carry on with mine.

    Love to all. I can't eat so much today becsuse my walk didn't burn many calories so I will have to see what I can do with shiritaki noodles. :laugh: I feel Asian soup coming on.:love:

    Heather in now sunny Hampshire UK
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Anne: I have lost the weight and am working on maintenance, so I go up and down a little. My skin is either shrinking a little or I’m getting used to it. I need to stay at a healthy weight more than I need to shrink my skin or plump up to fill it out again. Vanity surgery is not part of my picture. I can’t imagine living in the desert in the summer, and would be making plans to move to a cooler climate if I found myself there. I live in Oregon, in a climate with wet winters. My cousin has become an Arizona snowbird and seems to enjoy the lifestyle.:flowerforyou:

    Sylvia: I didn’t like Woody Allen’s early work and haven’t seen anything he’s done more recently. I’m a fan of Marvel Comic Movies, much to my own surprise. I also like the Star Trek movies with the new cast. The kids are great, but the writers aren’t as good as Gene Rodenberry. :ohwell: Congratulations on returning to your pottery studio and working. I hope it was a pleasure and didn’t bother your heart or breathing. I’m thinking about the email you got from your son’s ex. I think I’d save it in a file in case there are more, and not respond to her. I don’t know whether I’d tell the DS about it.:flowerforyou:

    Dr. Katie: A bomb scare in a grocery store??? What a day! I’m glad everything turned out well. I wonder who would want to disrupt grocery shoppers--a disgruntled former employee?:flowerforyou:

    Lesley: I wouldn’t want to put up with bad behavior, either. Mom always said, ”Never say never.” She thought it invited the very thing you want to avoid. Maybe your DGD will grow up someday and can be welcomed again.:flowerforyou:

    Barbie: I also knit cotton dishrags. I love them! I find that knitting takes up the nervous energy that used to be spent on snacking, which is a huge plus.:flowerforyou:

    Tere: I hope your neighbor will keep their rooster in a pen. It would be bad if your dog killed it in your yard. It isn’t just the mess, but also the precedent for your dog’s behavior, although I don’t think it would be fair to condemn a dog for guarding his own property. Yanniejannie has a good idea.:flowerforyou:

    Michele: I agree with Vince regarding the evening canasta, but have no experience with the kinds of social activities that seem to fill your days. What do I know? You seem to live in an amazing place.:flowerforyou:

    Karen: Welcome!:flowerforyou:

    Gloria: I’m happy that you’re enjoying your new job. It sounds like things are moving in a good direction for you.:flowerforyou:

    Carol: I love the quotation and agree wholeheartedly. Thanks for sharing.:flowerforyou:

    Our neighbor is having hip surgery today, and I hope it goes well. His wife has a daughter who lives nearby to sit with her during the surgery. I would have gone with her if she’d needed the support. Years ago my husband had neck surgery and I went alone. The surgery went on MUCH longer than anticipated and I was a bundle of anxiety by the time the surgeon came to talk to me. All was well, but they’d had a bleeding problem that slowed things down. I wouldn’t wish sitting and waiting alone all that time on anybody. We went with DDIL when our son had surgery. No yoga today because the teacher has a conflict and I’ll be in CO soon, so it will be a couple of weeks or more before I get to go again. I did download a yoga app that someone recommended and will see whether I like it.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    August Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Have a great thurs!!
  • Cindy781
    Cindy781 Posts: 440 Member
    Hello Ladies!

    I missed checking in yesterday. Hubby and I went out and I didn't have enough time in the day! Today I lifted weights and then got on the treadmill. I will work on my drawing this afternoon.

    Diane, thank you for checking out my drawing and for the compliments. I am working on one of my Grandmother. I will share when I'm done but I am far from that now!

    Yanniejannie, yikes! I hope you feel better soon!

    Beth, glad you had a good trip.

    Barbie, fabulous stepping!

    Joyce, your Buddy reminded me of all of my special pets I've had. Our little old pug girl is declining and showing all the signs of doggie dementia. She is 15 now. She has a strong will to live and still enjoys getting love and her kibbles. We are planning on getting Maltese for our next generation of fur babies. I've seen a pup on the rescue site in Oklahoma City that pulls at me. It's hard to decide whether to go for it or not, he is very cute.

    DeeDee, yes! I get lost in my art. It is a wonderful escape. Time flies by, I put soothing music on and go! Love it! I hope you get back to painting, it such a healing experience. Whatever medium you choose.

    Welcome everyone new. Someone asked if there will be a thread in September, yes, we are here each month.

    Hugs to all,

    Cindy in OK
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    I will write more later, just wanted to tell Akinom that since this is such a chatty group the thread ends at 500 posts and then Barbie opens up a new post. Many months we have August thread #1 and thread #2. At the end of psot 500 she posts a link to the previous thread.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,778 Member
    afternoon chica's~
    well had a wonderful time with my friend Doris, we just have so much fun together, she is like my second mom, and we love to do alot of the same stuff...went to a couple of thrift stores, I am looking for inexpensive clothes,went to this little senior thrift store and they always have a little something to buy. I bought this really cute sheath black dress with red and yellow poppies on it, and it is by some high end designer $5.00 , and a cookie tin for 75cents.. trying to find something to keep my DFIL cookies from going stale..
    poked around Christmas tree shop,and walmart,went to Savers which is like goodwill or salvation army thrift stores, found a real cute dress, but it was 7.99 a little to rich for my blood:laugh:
    I am waiting with baited breath for the labor day sale at Goodwill, I will be in that parking lot at 7:30 in the morning waiting for them to open at 8... everything is 1/2 price..
    went to Panera for lunch and had from the take 2, tomato and mozzrella 1//2 i wanted the panini,but they gave it to me on chibatta, and 1/2 strawberry chicken lemon poppyseed salad, without the poppyseed dressing and a small glass of water, they give you either chips,bread or an apple with that so took the apple.. was just simply delish... and at least I know its fresh..
    then came home did a load of laundry,got the DH dinner and lunch together and now sitting down.. now my fit bit says I only did 12 active minutes but when I was at the dealership this morning it said 37,so I dont know what gives but have close to 12,000 steps in today, while my car was getting worked on I walked around the parking lot for exercise:bigsmile:
  • Akinom523
    Thank you, Joyce!

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,081 Member
    Good evening friends,

    Heather excited tor you to take up the pen again.

    Cindy art is a wonderful way to get caught up in something larger than yourself. Art makes your heart sing as Matisse would say. We had a great exhibition of his work in the fall. He worked in so many different medias.

    Quiet here. DH went down to help his sister. I stayed home to help our son. Both are doing better. Thanks for the prayers. DH lasted actually two days before he got upset with his sister. She is the oldest and likes to be in charge and tell others what to do. DH does not care for that.

    Still struggling to get those couple pounds off. It is a combination of the stressful last couple of weeks and now it is humid and I retain at least a pound when it gets like this. Things are settling down and haven't had any more problems with the neighbors.

    Today worked at cleaning the house, so tomorrow enjoy a clean house.

    2014 word: contentment

    :heart: MNMargaret
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,222 Member
    Holy cow. I can’t believe how busy I have been the last 2 days. Sorry I haven’t been here to support you in a couple of days. Today I went to work late and didn’t get much done. I left early to get the grocery shopping done then I did that ladder workout on the treadmill. I can’t believe I can actually do it! I even ran some on the danged thing! I also have over 11,000 steps already

    I finally finished my photo album from our trip to Niagara Falls 4 years ago! Now I’m inspired to get more done but I see creative memories is in bankruptcy! Gaaaa I’m also working on our taxes finally. I think next year we will try to do them on time and see what happens to our cpa. He may keel over.

    Gloria: I love my wine too but find that if I drink much after dinner I can’t sleep. And that goes for all alcohol, but a glass with dinner leads to great sleeping

    Kit: congrats on the weight loss! That’s a nice start

    Joyce: my hubby eats pretty healthy but I wish he would exercise more. He does some and does say very active in the evening, so at least that’s good. Glad you have been feeling well

    Rori: wow I never thought about the motel kitty leaving his hair in my foot! Could be since he and it were both black. My cats are black and white, but more white than black, so it could be theirs too. That was just so weird!

    Diane: someone at work just told me about that TV show. Now they are starting to bring me stuff for DD#1 and baby…isn’t that nice? When we adopted them, I was given a shower that was unbelievable. Literally everyone who worked at the college came, including people I didn’t know. I work with some amazing people!

    Zenzen: welcome to our group!

    Shani: I have a swim suit with criss-cross straps and OMG is it hard to get into! I usually put it on sort of sideways!

    Cynthia: yes a cat hair! I think I said something worse LOL. The CD cabinet turned out beautifully and looks really great in our art deco media room.

    Carol ;so sorry you have been struggling with depression but glad you are doing better. You should be so proud of your self for overcoming your fears after the divorce! That is fabulous and inspiring!

    Craftergin: welcome to the group. I’m going to check that site out

    Patty: glad you are back safe and sound

    Vicki: sorry to hear about the bike problems. Yes we got some rain over the weekend and some more this morning. There’s more in the forecast too.

    Heather: hooray for jam that sets!

    Monika: you joined by posting! Welcome to the group Wir konnen zusammen Deutsch sprechen! (We can speak German) Well at least that’s what I think I said! Email if you’d like to help me practice my very rusty German

    Yanniejannie: who is being vilified in the news? Sorry to be such a dumbo, but I can’t think of who that could be. Speaking of college tuition, thank the Lord that one of my benefits is free tuition, room and board in over 600 private liberal arts colleges across the country. When you adopt kids at the ages of ours, there’s no time to save for college!

    Pearlie: nothing wrong with quick and easy. I plan my menus for a week then grocery shop. Sometimes on weekends I make a couple meals for later in the week.

    Alison: you are such a kind person I know you will be amply rewarded in heaven!

    Dr Katie: a bomb threat! Omgoodness! Glad no one was hurt

    Beth: glad you are home after your trip

    Sue a massage….ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

    Molly: I agree it will be a sad day when you have to give up your art!

    Tere: breathe!

    Michele: I’ve thought about joining a bowling league, but they usually last forever around here!

    Karen: welcome aboard

    Sylvia: sending you hugs and good thoughts for when you think about your son’s ex wife and all the fall out from that

    Well time to go look at the taxes and pretend to work on them! Take care, Meg from hot and humid Omaha
  • gmom316
    gmom316 Posts: 244
    Usually 1 or 2 glasses will result in good sleep for me, even right before bed. 4 large glasses (i.e. a bottle), on the other hand, resulting in an all day hang over. :ohwell: Just took some Aleve and will be in the bed shortly. Good work on the treadmill BTW:drinker:

    I have started making photo books. Walgreens just had a 75% off sale so I did a the "grandma book" I've been working on for Aaron (all pics of the 2 of them) and a Florida trip book. I only have about 74 more to go.

    Thanks Katla (and everyone for the good wishes), I'm trying hard and I do seem to be getting tossed a few bones.

    Looking forward to Zumba in the am. My bad *kitten* instructor is back fresh from national convention so it should be extra fun.

    Stick a fork in me..... see ya'll with much fresher eyes in the A.M.

    xo- Gloria in Metro Detroit