

  • strassenkoenigin
    Good evening, goddesses of the fitbit (I have no idea what a fitbit is)

    I have to admit that I do not care about acronyms. At the beginning when I joined the group I did not know what you were talking about, DH? dumb husband? Later I figured that d probably means dear , you could not all have dumb husbands. Sometimes I was also confused if you were talking about humans or animals, so I was reluctant to comment, because I was afraid to misstep. I am not on facebook or any other of these social media sites, so I have to get used to this.

    I am sorry I somehow did not get the news about your husband. This must be very scary. Is there anything he can do to improve the situation, that it does not happen again? It must be scary for both of you.
    I wear a heart monitor while biking and sometimes it goes very high, not so much from biking more from the heat. When it goes too high I stop and rest for a while in the shade.


    I collect all bottles, all sizes, all colors, all shapes. Of course mostly I find beer bottles . They come in white, brown, green and blue. The blue ones are the most difficult to find. I pay some homeless guys to collect blue ones for me. But I really like best big two liter wine bottles, because the bigger the bottle the more light comes through. I published one pic of one wall on my profile. Thousands of bottles went into it, because I cut the bottles in half and use two of the same kind to make a brick out of it. This was my first attempt and a lot of things went wrong. But I keep learning.

    I hope one day I will be able to make a really beautiful sculpture. I am collecting for it. It takes a long time.
    Somebody in NC built a gorgeous chapel to honor an artist all out of glass bottles. Maybe I can do something along these lines.


    Thanks so much. I would have to take a refresher course. It has been some time. I used to drive down to L.A. in the hope that I would sail to Catalina with my friend and always I ended up helping to do repairs or painting the boat, we never set sails. My father had a small sail boat at our house in Italy, and in Europe I had several friends who sailed and when I was married we took lessons to sail bigger boats which culminated in going to Hawaii and sail from one island to the next on a 40 foot boat, which was absolutely awesome. Unfortunately my E.H. (now I am using acronyms too) was not so enthusiastic about it as I was . This is why I was saying if the Hindus are right and I come back in another life I would like to make sailing a big part of it,


    I tried a lot of the cohosh drops or pills and nothing worked . But his one did


    You remind me of my traveling days. I could never resist the Cafe du Monde and its beignets. Never had the energy to exercise in New Orleans, too busy to party....


    When I studied at the local university, I put on weight because of the food they offer their students. I hear it as bad in the schools. Obviously all the big corporations get contracts with the schools to sell their junk food there. No wonder when the kids get overweight.


    Never heard of Kombucha. Because of - I think it was Dr. Oz - I once bought Chia seeds and tried to eat it. Did not care for it at all. I ended up throwing the seeds in my yard and got some nice green cover for some time.

    Anne in NV

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,780 Member
    morning ladies~
    well I slept in a little bit, and I am ticked, my darn fit bit is not charging....I have had it plugged in since yesterday morning:grumble:
    I cleaned the contacts and have it plugged into the USB of my computer to see if that will juice it up...
    I want to go for a walk in a bit ,maybe I will go make dinner and let it charge while I am doing that..
    and stupid me, I deleted a voicemail by accident from my dads PCP and cant figure out how to retrieve it.:huh:
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,323 Member
    Good morning everyone!:flowerforyou:

    Raining today. Of course it would do as it's a public holiday this Monday! (August Bank Holiday):laugh: Over here we always joke about our bank holiday weather. :tongue:
    Yesterday I didn't get out of my pyjamas all day.:embarassed: I did exercise and started typing my book, but somehow getting dressed never happened.:wink: Today with the rain I have exercised indoors and will make DH some lemon and blueberry muffins (I love baking when it rains). I hope to do a bit mord typing.
    We are still eating the cauliflower cake! I will wrap small chunks of it in parma ham and have it with salad for lunch. Haven't decided what to have for dinner. I made a big pot of yoghourt yesterday so it could be tandoori monkfish.

    Kim - have you made yoghourt again? All my guests said they don't normally like store bought yoghurt, but loved mine, especially the mint raita. Glad you didn't have any damage in the earthquake. :flowerforyou: I was in an earthquake in Peru, which is to be expected, but the strangest one was when I was in bed in London and I felt the bed move just a little. I was sure it was an earthquake because of my Peru experience and the next morning switched on the TV to check. Sure enough there had been one in the Midlands which had toppled a few chimneys. (Well over 100 miles away)

    Rori - your travelling has me boggled in admiration! :flowerforyou: I just know I couldn't manage such a schedule! Well done for getting ANY exercise in! I will be in NYC beginning of October. I will message you.

    Carol - wishing the perfect person would turn up for you house.:flowerforyou: It only takes one! Good luck with the college food discussion. Sooooooo annoying when you are paying out a lot of money.

    Barbie - I'm a cold weather person too. I don't know what to do with myself in the height of summer. I tend to lie down in a darkened room!:laugh: I never sunbathe and wouldn't know what to do with myself on a hot beach. (I do like walking along blowy ones) Good wishes for Jake's tests.:flowerforyou:

    Anne - you are so incredibly creative! And I looooove the new pic. Hope the weather soon cools off a bit for your biking challenge. :flowerforyou:

    Off to London tomorrow so I'm going to get all my hair etc done today. We will just have time to get our exercising done before we go. We are going to park at the airport station as then we have more choice of trains for coming home. DS is going to cook, but he says "nothing complicated":tongue: Note to self : do not drink too much of DS' s wine. :laugh: I want DGD to get used to me as we are having them on their own next week while DS and DDIL fly off to Italy for a friend's wedding.

    Love to all from Hampshire in the drizzle!:wink:

    Heather UK
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,082 Member
    Good Morning Friends,

    Anne I had never heard of Kombucha either. I looked online for naturally fermented foods and how to make them. Kombucha was one of the first one they mentioned. Before I went to the trouble of trying to make it I thought I'd try it. The chia seeds did not have much taste they only gave the drink a thicker texture. I don't eat chia seeds by themselves. I add them to things to thicken them. if they are something cold like refrigerator oatmeal. I guess if you add it milk it gives it a pudding like texture. They are similar to flax seeds in that they are high in protein and omega-3's. I have a friend who is allergic to fish. She eats a lot of flaz and chia seeds and has good omega 3 levels in her blood. I agree it is best to try a small portion of a new food because if you don' like it you won't eat or drink it. The same thing happened to me when Dr. Oz mentioned elderberry juice. I bought a bottle and couldn't stand the stuff. Out it went.

  • gmom316
    gmom316 Posts: 244

    Deli meats without msg or nitrates are outlandish in price ... anywhere from 8-12 dollars per pound depending on whether they're organic as well. So this weekend I decided to try and roast my own deli style roast beef. Purchased eye round and cooked on low heat. Borrowed a friend's very old meat slicer. Outstanding! Why haven't I done this before? Much better tasting and considerable price difference! Now I have to consider a meat slicer of my own. I see turkey, maybe homemade salami and ham as possibilities as well.I bake a lot of artisan style breads that would benefit from a slicer too! My mother just rolls her eyes at my homemaking efforts and reminds me why there are grocery stores!

    Beth in Western New York

    I've found a few that are quite reasonably priced but have always heard to keep an eye out for a good used (cheap) slicer at estate sales, garage sales, etc.
  • gmom316
    gmom316 Posts: 244
    Good Morning and Happy Monday to all,

    Skimmed a little after dropping off the radar over the weekend. Saw mention of lost and found phones and Fitbits. A lot of people have a listing in their contact with a number to call if found. Either way, it shouldn't be too hard to find the owner of a phone by calling someone in the contact list...or recent calls. I would think that charging the FitBit, there might be some light shed on that owner. Worth a try anyhow:ohwell:

    So much to do, so little time...and initiative. I'm just plain tired. I need to get my fall and winter products listed in my stop. Get a production list ready for my craft show season, TONS of sales and marketing work to do, orders to make and ship, etc. before I get back to the "outside the house" job tomorrow.

    Last week before Aaron goes back to school so I'd like to spend some fun, quality time with him. Need to get my workouts into my new routine and have a little shopping to do. Unlike Heather, I really don't like to shop for clothes. Most of Aaron's school shopping is done but I need a couple things for him but, mostly, I'm looking for a few office appropriate items.

    Guess I'd better get busy instead of sitting here and typing about it. Wishing everyone a great day!

    xo- Gloria in hot and steamy Metro Detroit
  • Akinom523
    Happy Monday!
    Got up at 4:30 and hit the gym. Yay for me. Climbed on the elliptical totally on auto pilot, but after 5 minutes I started to wake up. So I did a good upper body workout and finished off on the treadmill. Had some issues with BodySpace, but finally managed to log my entire workout.

    Grandmallie - for problems with the Fitbit, get in touch with Customer Service. In my experience they are great, and if needed, will replace a defective Fitbit at no cost.

    Anne - how do you cut bottles? Do you need special equipment for that? I have long wanted to just drill a hole in the bottom of some nice bottle, to convert it in a little lamp.

    Sylvia - to funny the conversations of your DH and your dogs! I talk to my dogs all day long, and they sometimes talk back.

    Hi Diane in Denton, TX - more TX here (Houston area), and I steam cleaned carpets too this weekend. Sure is hard work!

    Gloria - Far as I know Fitbits have an ID number, Customer Service will know how to find it and may be able to notify the owner.

    Heather - I suddenly feel the need to make some yogurt again, haha. Has been a long time!

    And all this talk about Kombucha - I read up on it, but I have a big question remaining: what does it TASTE like? I am not sure I want to try it, but I am curious!
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Good morning!
    Another hot and humid day-temps in the 90`s heat index 100.
    Got my 1 walk in taking Violet to school.sweat just pouring off me.
  • kittytoo
    kittytoo Posts: 27
    Yesterday was my birthday. I wasn't going to log anything, but I did. Fortunately, I did not gain, but maintained. I'm okay with that.

    Akinom - kombucha is fermented tea, and it tastes like sweet tea, only fizzy. I make mine with 3 bags of herbal tea and one of black. (It needs the black tea for nutrients) How it tastes depends on how long you ferment it. Eventually, it will turn to vinegar, but it will be sweet at first - getting less sweet and more fizzy until then.

  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Anne, this is the first time I've looked at your pictures on your profile page. WOW! I'm truly impressed! When I bought my studio it had an empty lot attached where a meth lab burned down. I had always planned to make that a sculpture garden, but it never got done. Besides, anything I put out there got stolen, so I sort of lost my mojo about it. I was also going to paint a mural on the side of the building, but that didn't get done either. I'm all planning and no follow through.

    This morning it was already over 80 degrees at 7:15 when I walked the kids to school. It's going to be miserable today, I think. The rest of the week looks about the same. It was 93 inside my studio when I got here, so I turned the a/c's on and left for a few minutes. I'm still waiting for the studio to be bearable, but the gallery end is cooling off nicely.

    I'm so sleepy! Didn't sleep worth beans last night. I'd run out of Benedryl so I was all stuffy when I laid down. Hubby didn't do well either. He is getting about 5 hours a night now, with his CPAP, which is more than before, but I wish he could get more sleep.

    Bruno brought a dead bug inside yesterday that was pretty amazing. It was a wasp about the size of a hummingbird. I've never seen anything like it. We looked it up online and think it was probably a Cicada Killer Wasp. Luckily it wasn't a Bruno Killer Wasp. Those dogs have been digging huge holes in the ground near the bird feeder, so I think they may have uncovered a burrow for these things or something. Everybody needs a hobby, I guess theirs is digging holes.

    Gloria, have fun with Aaron! And with the craft shows. People don't realize how much work craft shows are.

    Heather, good luck with your hair appointment. I hope it turns out the way you hope. I always have trouble with haircuts, and have never had the nerve to try coloring or things like that.

    Alison, I feel for you with the voice mail thing. I still don't know how to use mine and delete stuff I don't mean to.

    Well, I should get busy.

    Have a great day everyone!

  • Akinom523
    Yesterday was my birthday. I wasn't going to log anything, but I did. Fortunately, I did not gain, but maintained. I'm okay with that.

    Akinom - kombucha is fermented tea, and it tastes like sweet tea, only fizzy. I make mine with 3 bags of herbal tea and one of black. (It needs the black tea for nutrients) How it tastes depends on how long you ferment it. Eventually, it will turn to vinegar, but it will be sweet at first - getting less sweet and more fizzy until then.


    Thank you, and HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY!!
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,946 Member
    Just checking in. Haven't been in much of a chatty mood lately. Welcome to the newbs and healing wishes going out for those who need them for themselves or loved ones.

    Congrats to all who are having MFP victories losing or maintaining. Motivating wishes to those who are feeling not so successful (like me at the moment).
  • Kayzoola
    Kayzoola Posts: 60
    My mom is coming to the end of her life, and I have been feeling too sad to show up here and interact. I am still popping in now and then to stay in touch a bit.

    I have, however been able to maintain my goal weight. It feels pretty great. Yesterday, though, my family did a little intervention, telling me they were concerned I was getting too skinny, and that I was looking emaciated! I checked, and I am right in the middle of what is normal for my height. It pains to hear that about something I have worked so hard to achieve.

    I guess that's all for now.
    Kayzoola (PNW USA)
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    A very happy Monday to everyone. Computer having behavior problems this am so I'll try to keep this short. Wheezing and coughing getting s-l-o-w-l-y better.

    janemartin..............beautiful new pic of your grandchildren!!!

    Yesterday was our annual end of summer folkdance party. Did not count food but did try to make good choices. I took a five bean salad. About 30 people, lots of great conversations, getting caught up, and lawn games..........beat DD who thought she was going to absolutely annihilate me by a huge margin! LOL!!! (and yay me)

    Michele........so sorry you are feeling down about Bryan again..........hope you are doing better today.

    Heather...........found the recipe for the famous cauliflower cake from The Guardian; looks like something I'm going to make; thanks! I make a zuchinni quiche that is not too far off.

    I know I read everything but didn't take notes and now my mind if blank.

    Glad Christobal is supposed to stay away from the coast!

    Trying to sell DD on lunch and a movie..........would love to see Jersey Boys before it leaves here.

    Carol.........I do hope someone just falls in love with your home.........you put a lot of hard work into it getting it ready.

    Kim............So glad you were safe...............hope we hear from Mimi soon.

    For some reason my willpower has been very good lately..............right now we have 2 kinds of cookies, plain and peanut M&M's and homemade brownies in the house and I'm not tempted..............granted, some is just general lack of appetite due to having been sick but usually I would be into all of these.

    Only 3 pounds to go on the tenacious 10.............almost there!!!

    As always, have enjoyed redaing everyone's posts and wish you all the best. Welcome to any newbies!


    PS...........Kayzoola: Many, many ((HUGS)))) to you at this difficult time...........
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Here is the joke of the day, which, being an art major I really liked:


    The science graduate asks, "Why does it work?"
    The engineering graduate asks, "How does it work?"
    The accounting graduate asks, "How much does it cost?"
    The liberal arts graduate asks, "Would you like fries with that?"

  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Sylvia........Good one!! DD double majored; a BS..........English and biology with a minor in chemistry. Soooooooooo, I guess she'd say: "To be or not to be: If I can figure out why it works and don't blow up the fryer, will you have fries with that?" LOL!!!

  • gmom316
    gmom316 Posts: 244
    My mom is coming to the end of her life, and I have been feeling too sad to show up here and interact. I am still popping in now and then to stay in touch a bit.

    I have, however been able to maintain my goal weight. It feels pretty great. Yesterday, though, my family did a little intervention, telling me they were concerned I was getting too skinny, and that I was looking emaciated! I checked, and I am right in the middle of what is normal for my height. It pains to hear that about something I have worked so hard to achieve.

    I guess that's all for now.
    Kayzoola (PNW USA)

    Coming here when my mom was dying is what helped keep my head above water. Whom ever or where ever it is, use your support system. And, as hard as it is, try not to pay any attention to what anyone would say to you during this time. Shame on your family for choosing a stressful time like this to "intervene". You just do what you have to in order to make sure you're taking care of yourself and you can iron out the wrinkles when the dust settles. xoxo
  • Lahdidahdah
    Hello All! So glad to have found this site. I am back to MFP from a 2 year hiatus. Just recently retired, and am excited to be working on me now. I am in the Houston area. Hope it is ok if I join your group :smile:
  • Akinom523
    Hello All! So glad to have found this site. I am back to MFP from a 2 year hiatus. Just recently retired, and am excited to be working on me now. I am in the Houston area. Hope it is ok if I join your group :smile:

    Hello and welcome! Where in Houston are you?
    I live North of town, just South of Spring.

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,323 Member
    Welcome ladidah!:flowerforyou:

    Kay - so sorry to hear about your mum.:flowerforyou: I have the same thing with a few people, including my yoga group. My BMI is over 23, but people are still asking me if I've lost more weight with an accusing look. Others think I look fit and fab, so it depends what you're used to, I guess.:tongue:

    Gloria - I used to HATE buying clothes with a big H. It has been great recently not slumping into a deep depression every time I need to buy something. I envy you looking for office clothes - I would love to look smart sometimes!:ohwell:

    Had a good day getting on with my book. I have typed over 2, 000 words and, guess what, so far it's not too bad! :tongue: :laugh: Got DH to read it so far and he said he was "intrigued". Well, he wouldn't dare trash it!:laugh:
    Made fabulous lemon and blueberry muffins. I had one half.:embarassed: Now the rest are in the freezer.:wink:

    Off earlyish tomorrow, but will check in sometime.

    Love Heather in cooler and rainy Hampshire UK