

  • LucyT4dieting
    LucyT4dieting Posts: 284 Member
    Good morning all,

    I have skimmed through some of the posts, and you are all so busy and doing so well! I know I am not a “regular”, but I am sure glad to be a part of this group in some small way. You all give me inspiration when I am feeling frustrated with my lack of progress (caused by lack of will power). :ohwell:

    I had my physical, and aside from my blood pressure being a bit high, things seem fine. My doctor prescribed some blood tests to check for thyroid (for the umpteenth time!), and other small problems (such as thinning hair, insomnia, constipation, etc…..all the joys of growing old!).:grumble: I am working on not adding salt to my foods, which is a real problem for me. I normally do it without even thinking about it, but I am trying to make a conscious effort to stop.

    We are going to Washington DC for a long weekend (leaving Thursday) with Frank’s sister and husband and my mother-in-law. I have been blessed with great in-laws, and we often do things together. We went last year for a weekend and there is so much to see. I’m hoping the weather cooperates, but they are calling for scattered thunderstorms, so we’re bringing the umbrella! We plan to tour Old Alexandra, as well as have dinner in Georgetown after the museums during the day. Today is hot and humid….not that it matters to me as I am in an air-conditioned office. We did have to turn on the AC at home. It was nice and cool for a while there, and I sure love having the windows open when we can.:glasses:

    My hydrangea is blooming, and my garden is growing nicely. This year, besides our flower garden, we planted grape and beefsteak tomatoes, zucchini, cucumbers, peppers, radishes, and basil, rosemary and cilantro. Can’t wait to start picking the fresh vegetables! The herbs are ready for picking now.:flowerforyou:

    Dee-Dee and Cynthia – Nice to hear that Milo is not the only “rogue” doggie in the bunch!:devil:

    Frank went to court on Saturday for Milo’s citation and they suggested that he come back to see if the officer will allow a lesser charge ($50.00 for state as opposed to $250.00 for county). Since this is a first-time offense, they said it would probably be approved. Frank installed the clips so we can allow Milo to be outside with us while being leashed, and although he’s not too happy about not being allowed to roam on the property, he’s getting used to it.:smile:

    I’ve updated my goals. Some things have changed, and some remain the same. My logging has not been as consistent as I’d like. I usually don’t log on weekends anymore, but that doesn’t necessarily mean I am not within calories.:wink:
    Previous and Current Goals:

    Consistent logging (Could be better)
    Drink at least 9 glasses of water a day (80%)
    Find an exercise class I enjoy (Maybe when I semi-retire?)
    RUNNING OUTDOORS (Yep and loving it!)

    Congrats to all on their success, and (((hugs))) to all who are struggling.:heart:

    Lucy in DE.:bigsmile:
  • nettacando
    Congratulations on your progress. I can see the difference in both photos.

    I'm hoping to follow in your footsteps & do the same. My goal is to lose 83lbs. I've weighed as much as 200 lbs when I had my 2nd child back n 81, lost it but gradually gained it all as the yrs went by. Just turned 60 & hoping to get it back down to 160.

    Never counted calories B4, so that makes a BIG difference in my intake of unhealthy snacking, processed & fast foods.

    I'm determined 2 get this weight off. Thanx 4 your inspiration
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Sylvia: Thanks! I’ll want some Urine Gone in the future when we get a puppy. Hopefully it will be the distant future. Our dog is ding better today.

    Pamela28: The weight loss took me a long time because I’m over 50, but as it was coming off I learned a new lifestyle. In the words of Keith Carradine in the TV show, Kung Fu, “Patience Grasshopper.”:wink: I know it isn't easy.:flowerforyou:

    “My dad has been gone for 2 years now and although I miss him so much of him is in my heart that I hear him constantly.”
    This touched my heart. It has been a lot longer for me, but I feel the same. Congratulations on the NSV! I hope you find a great new suit. I went with the kind where you buy top and bottom separately. It is expensive that way, IMO, but the fit is right up and down. I only buy a suit once in a blue moon so I’ll likely have this one for years. I bought an inexpensive one last year for DS’s wedding celebrations because I knew it would be temporary. You are spot on with your comment about dogs knowing more than we do about people.:flowerforyou:

    Heather: I’m still working on my knees. The left one is still occasionally problematic and has been bothering me lately. I’m impressed that you had the strength and balance to do the exercise your doctor advised.:flowerforyou:

    Sylvia: You seem to be having low blood pressure days more often. Perhaps your doctor needs to adjust your medication. I love the jokes.:flowerforyou:

    Sptwoman: Welcome! Now that you’ve posted you can find us under Community and My Topics. Stop by often.:flowerforyou:

    Michele: Rhodie leaves do curl under when they’re dealing with cold temps. Bees and hummingbirds love them. Our little dog is better today. Thank goodness. He won’t have to have boosters for three more years.:flowerforyou:

    JSCoachwife: Welcome. You can get lots of advice and support here.:flowerforyou:

    Kim in NCA: DH was the barbecue master and we did use indirect heat. We had one half of the grill on, and put the Brisket on the other half. Next time we’re trying our slow cooker & smoker. DH wants to put it in on the smoker for an hour and finish it in the crockpot. We had some charred bits on the barbecue, even though we had the meat on the unheated side. It also seemed a bit dry.:flowerforyou:

    Heather: Congratulations on getting the pounds back off! I’m sorry you’re feeling fluey.:flowerforyou:

    DeeDee: Sorry your little dog has to be confined while the workers are there, but you’ve made a good decision if she’s taken to nipping. When we had a Shih Tzu the meter reader was afraid to read our meter. I bet he weighed less than 8 pounds, but it was 8 pounds of territorial warrior.:laugh: :flowerforyou:

    Carol in NC: When I have insomnia I get up and go read, prowl the internet or move to the couch in the living room. I don’t stay in bed. I want my body to sleep in bed and don’t want to get a mindset that would keep me restless. It sounds like you have a lot on your plate right now, and your mind is likely spinning. Can you catch a quick nap any time during the day to help out with your level of rest? Good luck.:flowerforyou:

    Cindy in OK: Good luck finding a nonshedder. My cousin has a small labradoodle. She’s sweet and doesn’t shed, but she has to be professionally groomed. Poodles and many of the nonshedding terriers also need professional grooming but would be worth considering. I love dogs. Ours is a Keeshond and he gets a professional comb-out every other week. This breed should never be clipped because they’re susceptible to skin cancer.:flowerforyou:

    Suzy: I hope your doctor is able to help you figure out the reason for weight gain. :flowerforyou:

    Nettacando: Logging every bite is a great practice. It keeps us honest and gives us the information we need to change our behavior and get healthier. Welcome!:flowerforyou:

    DH is our doing guy stuff and I have some time to myself. I am enjoying it. We had a good yoga class this morning and I feel great. We worked on balance.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    June Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least two glasses of water daily, preferably more!
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Just got back from my lunch with my old nursing buddies. The one this month was at a new pizza place in town, Azzip pizza. You can have just 1/2 of a salad. it's kind of like Subway with the pizzas and salad but there was no protein except the sausage, pepperoni, etc so I didn't have any protein to put on my salad. I wish they had had just plain grilled chicken but yet I wouldn't know how much sodium would be in it. I have found though that my sodium stays low even if I don't watch it. I came in and ate my carrots and apple since the veggies available were things like peppers, which I hate, and mushrooms, which I'm not a big fan of eating them raw but I did anyway. But we had a good time catching up and laughing that even at our age we still have our 'monthly'.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Welcome to Sptwoman, JScoacheswife, SaltySailors and all the other new ladies! Come back often and join in!

    YannieJannie, I called the new cardiologists office twice to ask about getting in sooner, but they were kind of rude and said no. Yesterday I called my GP's office and was told she is gone this week, so she can't do anything to get me in sooner.

    Heather, I hope you feel better before your friend visits!

    Cynthia, I'm glad your appointment went well and hope you can get off the beta blocker. I've never heard of a bike treadmill test. I've done it on a treadmill and with chemicals, but never a bike. I think I might like that better.

    DeeDee, we had a very nice guy come here every day for a month doing things like painting and laying tile, and Molly snarled at him every single day before she was banished to her crate. Finally one day he said, "just let her come over so we can make friends. Dogs love me." She bit him. Not bad, really more of a scratch, but it did draw blood. I felt awful but he just laughed it off.

    Tere, I love standard poodles. When you look in their eyes you can see there is intelligence in there. My poor Molly only has one thing in her head. Chase and kill. Ok, that's two things.

    Cindy in OK, when I was a teenager I made my own two-piece swim suit once, and was very proud of it. I strutted up to the side of the pool and dove right in, and the elastic in the bottoms snapped. They got caught on one ankle or I would have been in really big trouble.

    Katla, I'm so sorry to harp on this BP thing so much. When I finally get in to see the doc I'm not leaving without him changing my meds. I'm considering stopping one on my own, after reading online about one particular med that tends to do lower diastolic pressure too much, but they always say not to stop them without the doctors ok. So I guess I'll hang in there another week. Till then, I'm taking it easy.

    Yesterday I went to the vet to buy flea meds (hubby drove) and they were grooming a Great Dane puppy. They let me go back to see him, and he was so cute! A huge horse of a puppy (about 9 months old) sitting in a tub full of bubbles. He looked at me like "what are you looking at, haven't you ever seen a bubble bath before?"

    Here is today's joke of the day:

    A vertically challenged psychic was arrested one day. He escaped from jail and the newspaper headline read, "SMALL MEDIUM AT-LARGE."


    I hope you are all having a great day!

  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,945 Member
    Popping in to post my NSV. We had a funeral,lunch at church today. I resisted all bread, corn, potatoes, and desserts. I stuck to vegetables, canteloupe, a deviled egg, a small spoonful of chicken salad, and a small spoonful of the crockpot pulled pork that I took.

    Hard to estimate calories in a situation like this, but I'd say no more than 600 and probably less. I'm going to log 600 quick added to be on the safe side.

    I took a Mrs. Edwards chocolate pie that was all eaten, thank goodness. We will have leftover pork, cole slaw, and squash casserole made with Greek Yogurt for supper.
  • gmom316
    gmom316 Posts: 244
    Passing through to say a quick "hi". I never thought I'd be able to do it but I'm almost packed and ready to roll out at 5am.

    Still some odds and ends but, for the most part, I have a grip on the situation. Think this is going to be a glass (or two) of wine before bed night. I don't care what Dr. Oz says, it puts me to sleep every time and I usually sleep better than most nights. I'll just take the rest to drink in the hotel tomorrow night :drinker: :smile:

    Been reading, quickly but reading. Welcomes, congrats and wishes of strength and success to all.

    Have my roller blades and running (walking in the Florida heat) shoes packed and plan keep moving while being mindful of what goes in my mouth.

    Don't plan to totally unplug so I'll probably check in a couple, few times along the way.

    xo-Gloria in HOT, HOT, HOT Metro Detroit
  • wisawofgren
    wisawofgren Posts: 17 Member
    Happy to find this very supportive group. I am connecting back with my "pal".... I find that doing this on my own isn't as successful as I would like it to be.... Looking forward to being a part of this wonderful group.

    Happy Tuesday to everyone~

    Lisa-from the beautiful Pacific NW
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,644 Member
    Yanniejannie/Sylvia – that is a great idea; and if he/she will not put in a good word tell them you are going to be driving around their neighborhood when you feel dizzy! :tongue: :laugh: :tongue:

    Heather – hope it is a quick bug – and congrats on getting those lbs off. :drinker:

    Alison – consider delegation someone else going on that trip should step up and contribute. :smile:

    Cynthia – excellent news – step 1 – bet you are glad! :smile:

    DeeDee – oh no! Glad to hear the painter was nice about it…

    Tere – Great NSV – and I could just imagine it! LOL:bigsmile: :laugh: :bigsmile:

    Carol – I have heard that lavender essential oil, just a drop or two rubbed into your temples will help with sleep

    Adaniel – read and respond when it works for you, or just tell us what you are up too… 6x a week is great!

    Lucy T4 – consider putting Kosher Salt in the shaker you use most; the salt crystals are bigger so you get less salt per shake, that would get you cutting back even if you are doing it without thinking.

    Nettacando – welcome

    DrKatiebug – great NSV! I am sure proud of myself when I resist something I would have eaten before MFP:wink:

    Gloria – unwind, de-stress, and generally have a great time in FL!!!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Things here have been really busy, so once again don't have time to write much; - I have added a day on my gardening schedule so it is 3 days aweek, 3-4 hours each day - that is a burn of about 1000 calories according to MFP some days it feels like it:laugh: other days not so much, it depends on what I am doing; but it is hard on my eating - I am really hungry after a tough day - and that is fine I have the calories; but then my brain gets confused on the days I have to eat lighter. So working to find that balance. Always a new challenge in our adventure/journey to a healthy lifestyle.

    My Levi seems to have fleas, he is on the monthly meds, and we did a flea bath but still chewing and scratching:grumble: had this issue with my old dog and found some real good powder to sprinkle on the carpet and bed that solved the problem.. I'll have to see if I can find it again at the pet store - we don't get summer storms and have the drought so yards are really dry and that seems to make the flea problem bigger.

    So this last week my screen door fell off while I had a neighbor here for dinner.... that's right fell right off the house! we are eating outside - talking and crash the plastic at the hinge broke and it fell to the ground! then last night the garbage disposal gave up and this afternoon I was making calls to find a new garbage disposal and my cordless phone will not hold a charge :explode: :grumble: :explode: :noway: :grumble: Ok now in all fairness the door is about 19 years old, the disposal was in the house when I moved in 21 years ago, and the phone is 15+ years old.... BUT all in one week!!! and next week I am at camp so to busy to breath and my gourmet group is meeting next week - it was to be at someone else's house but she had a flood and all of her floors had to be removed so she is doing all the work, but it is at my house.... although I expected to be able to lend her a working house! that was clean and neat.... crazy making! I love having my own place; but right now I wish I could call the landlord and just have them fix it all.

    I did buy a disposal, and need to clean up the sink area and pull everything out from under as a neighbor who is a handyman said he would try to come by late this afternoon and put it in for me.... So better jet to get that done.

    Kim in N. California
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,297 Member
    Hi there :flowerforyou: have yet to guestimate my day's consumption! Had too much to drink for sure. Food all went well and it was so good to catch up with very old friends. They are childhood friends of my first husband. Known them since I was 18.:drinker:

    OK - figured it out. I guestimate 1, 000 cals for dinner, invluding the nibbles and wine. :sad:
    But it was three courses and I did drink alcohol. Doing it all again on Friday with the owners of our holiday home. I have two days to undo the damage, which I estimate at 400 calories, so it's not the end of the world. But I would like to get under 10 stone.:frown:

    I have to admit to drinking a little too much tonight. :ohwell:
    Love to all, from Heather in Hampshire UK
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,756 Member
    evening ladies~
    well gave the DH his fitbit~ said he wont use it send it back :explode: gee thanks , ya know every time I try and do something nice, it backfires..
    I got a text from Jen, the girl who is coming with her mom to see her nieces,now they ,might be looking to stay somewhere around our place overnight... which means we will have them 2 days.. I love them dearly,but this is putting alot of stress on me,because I have to have food, and only certain kinds for her and her kids...
    talked to my DB earlier, seems that Jean's brother, who is a jack a-- , is trying to weasel his way into control of his father's trust.. his mother is trustee, then Jean and her SIL.. Wally wants to take over... he comes barreling in ,demanding stuff and sends my brother over the edge, and by that I mean drinking:mad:
    I am at my wits end.. oh well tomorrow is another day.. im going to bed, and getting my tush up and to the gym again tomorrow.. see If I can keep the momentum up
  • DeeRamage
    DeeRamage Posts: 6
    Hello Ladies ...I have just started back with MFP and I'm glad to see there is a group of 50+. I turned 53 in April ..I would like to join in with you guys if at all possible. Thanks Dee
  • Kayzoola
    Kayzoola Posts: 60
    Lucy in DE, I had to jump back in when you mentioned Old Town Alexandria. I used to live there, and miss it! If you like art and have the time, check out the Torpedo Factory down by the waterfront. I'm sure you will have a wonderful time, barring bad weather!!

    Kayzoola (PNW USA)
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Allison I have seen problems like yours in our Dear Amy, or whoever does the column now and her response is to very nicely give your guests a list for places that they can go to for lunch and meet up with you after. Good luck. I think I need to give you a cross stitched plaque that says No, in many fonts, sizes and colors that I want to make for a friend of mine that doesn't seem to have the ability to say no to people and she gets dumped on and it affects her health

    Joyce, Indiana
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,073 Member
    Pamela the reason I mentioned the gluten connection is I was having lunch with a fellow teacher who was on a gluten free diet because she had Hashimoto, too. She said her doctor told her there is something in the gluten that interacts with the thyroid not in a positive way. She was young. Only in her thirties. I know it is a pain to go gluten free and unfortunately if it is processed food they sometimes add more sugar to compensate for the lack of gluten. Not a good solution. Good luck to you as you find what works for you.

  • sparklenglitter
    sparklenglitter Posts: 52 Member
    Good evening ladies !

    It was a glorious day for me, I did my weekly weigh in and was down 2.2 lbs, that is fantastic and I know alot of it is being on MFP , logging my food, dri n king tons of water and the love and support of my friends I have made here. I for once in my weight loss and healthy lifestyle change feel that it all fits so perfectly !

    My sleep is under control, errrr ughhhhh for now. I appreciate the comments on it and will definitely try the lavender oil. I have
    gotten up in the past when I am experiencing insomnia, but when it is 1:00 in the morning and my alarm is set to go off at 3:45...well it is tough.

    Today I started my walking regime at Lake Tye, here in Monroe, 1.6 miles around it, the path is nice and flat and paved to boot, I made it in 45 minutes..my goal is 30 minutes...I do not claim to be a race walker...I will say I rather enjoyed it, out in the fresh air, people watching, in nature, the birds were flying in front of me, ducks were doing duck thing's. LOL....I came home amd had lots of energy. FUNNY how t b at works , tomorrow its weight training.

    I have yacked enough, good night my friends again thank you for your support !

    Carol in Monroe
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Bodi took some steps on all fours today. He gets very tired but he is doin' it!!!!!!!!!:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    He can't go far and his legs are all over the place but he has made so much progress in the past week. I am smiling. :bigsmile:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,962 Member
    :flowerforyou: Patty, I have been teaching the beginning line dance class on and off for over a year…….every Friday morning when I leave the house to go to class my head says to me “Why are you doing this? It’s too much stress and you don’t really want to do it.” Then I get to class and have a fabulous time and love every minute including the ones where I get tongue tied or mess up the steps. Five people telling me they love the class and I’m doing a great job can be immediately overridden by one person saying she hates the new dance I taught……so I keep on keeping on and tell my silly head to “shut up:

    :sad: DeeDee, poor Noel—it must be so hard for her to have all that stuff going on in her house. We are boarding our dogs at the end of the month when our pre-school grandchildren are visiting because Sasha won’t be able to handle the stress of children in the house.

    :yawn: :yawn: Carol, my recipe for insomnia is reading…..I read for a few minutes in bed before shutting off the light and if I wake up and really can’t get back to sleep, I turn on the light and read some more…..I recently read a suggestion that if you can’t fall asleep to count backwards by three’s from 300 and I’ve tried that and it focuses my mind and I fall asleep.

    :flowerforyou: Pamela, I have a friend who was recently diagnosed with Hashimoto’s and she now eats dairy free and gluten free and has seen improvement in her health.

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Bodi, congratulations on walking today….Brandy and Sasha are running in circles out of happiness for you.

    :explode: :grumble: Jake’s daughter rescheduled her visit to us for the fourth time…it’s a good thing she sent the new schedule by e mail so she couldn’t hear her father’s initial reaction….the changes come from her husband who is not a bad guy but pretty bossy and self centered. We have some plans already for the new days they’ll be here and we won’t be changing them since we’ve already changed plans for the several other days she said she’d be coming.

    :heart: Barbie from beautiful NW Washington
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    We are over the moon with delight on the arrival of a precious little grandson. Born yesterday at 9 lbs. 5 days overdue, but when he decided that it was time, he made a fairly speedy entry.

    I'm only slighty mesmerized, of course.

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,368 Member
    Did an hour of stepping on the AMT today. Tomorrow I'm planning to go to yoga and then to the deep water class.

    Welcome everyone new!

    After exercising went to another WalMart further away from my house. That is the only place where I can get the low fat brownie mix. Anyway, I stocked up. They have a much larger grocery section than we have. I found a few things I can't seem to get by me. Then came home and went in the pool. We're taking Lexi for her blood work and x-ray for the radioactive isotope treatment, then I want to stop at Lowe's Foods. They have Gatorade on sale at a REALLY good price for Lowes card members and I know we're going to go thru that. We'll take some up with us to Jessica's so I want to get some. Then we'll work outside, nothing real strenuous since tomorrow is bowling. Vince wants to put down another piece of the landscape fabric and this edging to help direct any rainwater towards the drain and away from the house. Update: Well, we didn't take Lexi to the vet. Right before we were going to leave, they called to say their x-ray machine was down. We called and they say it'll only be a few days so we're not going to put her on the pills. So I went up to Lowes' Foods anyway. If it wasn't such a good sale, it really wouldn't have been worth the gas to drive up there. It was too warm outside so Vince didn't put down the landscape fabric. I doubt we'll do it tomorrow. Not sure about Thursday.

    Joyce - a pizza place???????? Maybe they also have salads.

    Kim - yes, it was sad about my mom. It took me 30 years to understand why God did this (at least why i THINK He did it). Today I am much more independent. Sometimes I'm a bit too much of a person who wants to do everything, I have a hard time delegating (like letting a coworker help) because all my life I've had to do things for myself,. When I went away I had to remember to pack shampoo, and things like that. I never had someone saying "remember your shampoo and toothpaste". But today I'm able to just pick up and move to a different location. After school I'd go to a friend's house and when we got older and I moved away (about an hour), she said to me "why did you move to West Milford?" Then after her divorce and after her second marriage, guess where she built a house? Right in the same area as where I was living. Only by then I was ready to move to PA

    jscoachwife - I can imagine your embarrassment, but that brought you to us, which is a good thing. Come here often for lots of ideas and support

    Jacqueline - my FIL always used to say after he retired "I don't know where I found the time to work" And it's so true. Sounds like you have a lot on your plate. Pop in and let us know what's going on by you,

    Heather - good for you losing those pounds! Hope you feel better fast

    Alison - OUCH!!! Take care of yourself. Do you need to monitor your protein intake? I'm so sorry dh didn't like his fitbit. Sometimes we say we don't like something, but then we find we really did (reminds me of my kids). Take care of yourself

    Cynthia - sounds like your appointment went better than well - really really good. Thanks for sharing with us. Good vibes being sent your way for the stress test

    DeeDee - would you believe yesterday we didn't have a drop of rain??? I remember when they were installing the pool, the workers many times had to leave our job to take care of a problem weather related in Charlotte. I guess it's because we're so close to the mountains, things break up. We'll be going to Jessica's next weekend. We have a hotel reservation for Thurs, Fri, Sat. and Sun. What I'm REALLY looking forward to is being able to go to the Y in Reston. The last time I was there I saw that they had one of those stair-stepper machines. One like our Y had but it broke and they don't want to spend the $$$ to get a new one. I'm SOOOO looking forward to that. And on top of it all, she said that she has some guest passes. Noel BIT a painter??? What's up with that, I wonder? Sad as it may be, while they're there she just may have to be in the bedroom.

    tere - what a great NSV, hope you find a good bathingsuit.

    Adaniel - I'm in Newton

    Lucy in DE - I always look for the lower sodium versions of foods. Sometimes I can't get over how much sodium is in foods. Did you know that one time I was looking for applesauce and thought I'd give the WalMart brand a try. That was...until I looked at the ingredients. They add salt! A friend of mine needed to lower her sodium intake and she was told that diet ice tea has a good amount. I don't know that since I don't drink diet ice tea.

    Joyce - LOL "monthly"

    Kim - fleas are no fun. I remember when we had an Old English Sheepdog. Vince refused to get him shaven, I had flea bites all over.

    Robin - yea for Bodi (and you)

    Patty - remember I told you that I did one segment of that Tummy Toner DVD yesterday? Well, today I can feel my sides, not real bad, but I know that I've worked them. What I like was that it wasn't the same old crunches

    I never knew there was a connection between Hashimoto's and gluten!

    Renny - BIG congrats. He sure took his sweet old time. But then again, good things are worth waiting for

    Michele in NC