
  • sherryhall5076
    sherryhall5076 Posts: 10 Member
    Hi All, Thanks everyone for the warm welcome. I did forget to mention that I'm from Lebanon Indiana. (that's just north of Indianapolis).

    I so appreciate all the encouraging words and uplifting thoughts.

    I couldn't walk to work today due to weather but I got some extra walking done at work so that will help make up for it. Then I came home after work and did a dance walk I found on you tube, it was fun and I have to say I got sweaty.

    As time allows I hope to catch up on some of the past posts and get to know you.

    Have a great night!!!
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Ok ladies I’m back to finish my post! Dinner is et, DH went to see Tanya, who tried to get out of the meeting by saying she was tired, so DH offered to come to her place and she refused….so they are still meeting at subway..

    47Jacqueline; I struggle to get enough water too and I like it! I’m just plain lazy

    Sylvia: great joke. RE bras. I hope my cup size goes down. The last bras I bought in the spring were 40H and they are totally impossible to find PLUS they don’t work with many of my summer clothes…too much “full coverage”. I need to go back to
    Cacique and try there again. I still can’t fasten the hooks unless I pull it around to my front. But the 42s are definitely too loose.

    Jill: thanks for your good thoughts. I too am on a looooooooooooooooooooooong plateau. I can’t seem to get motivated enough to lose instead of maintain. Well yesterday and today were great and I can only go from there.

    Suzy: have to talked to your health care provider about other reasons to put on weight besides menopause? There are many conditions that can cause that and it seems like yours is a lot to have gained. Are you counting all your calories?

    MaryLynn: you are in a group of newbies! We have lots of new ladies which is always fun, Come back often!

    Calliope: congratulations on your amazing weight loss!

    Susan: I too am in Omaha, actually Papillion. Welcome to our group! What part of town are you in?

    Patty: great news on the class! Congrats!

    Menogain welcome to you too

    Cindy: congrats on the cholesterol! That is fabulous!!!

    Joyce: so glad your doctor noticed your great weight loss!

    Katla: yuck I hate meetings, even short ones!!!

    Heather: I remember all those windows stories! I’m glad they got that figured out. I’m glad we don’t have so many troubles with our rentals now. Our old manager stole a bunch of money from us then killed himself in one of our units……that took about 3 years to recover from, but they are all doing well now. We have a niche renting to refugees.

    Vicki: glad your fitbit came. You’ll enjoy it!

    Jmsic: welcome to you too.

    OK now I have caught up on the posts…whew…we are a chatty group. Thanks for all the ideas about hypnosis. I’d like to get more information and think about it some more. Take care all Meg from humid OMaha
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,202 Member
    Anamika Happy Birthday:flowerforyou:

    Suzy if you are gaining weight and diet and exercise have not changed. What else has changed? Are you under a lot of stress.?That can cause you to gain. Going through menopause is stressful on your body that could be part of it. It is also easy to misjudge portions. Hope you find the answer for you. We are here to support you.

    Spend the day mowing our lawn and part of the neighbor's. Working in the gardens too. Good tired.
    MN Margaret
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,129 Member
    :flowerforyou: Michele, I bring cole slaw to potlucks (not a great low calorie choice but easy and popular)….I buy two bags of bagged cole slaw at Kroger and a jar of Marie’s cole slaw dressing----people have asked me for the recipe……I usually don’t eat at potlucks so I bring something that Jake will like

    :flowerforyou: Sue in SD, the Serenity Prayer is major part of my spiritual program…it helps with all sorts of stuff.

    :flowerforyou: Cindy in OK, I have exactly the same breakfast every day (chocolate Isagenix shake---24 grams of protein--- with walnuts and flax seed) and my hubby makes his own breakfast.

    :flowerforyou: Sylvia, I love your explanation of stress…congrats on the pants in the normal size clothing department….when I walk with the dogs, I jog in place or walk back and forth while they sniff so I get more steps and more exercise.

    :heart: :heart: Jb, sending hugs to you and Mariah

    :bigsmile: Cynthia, happy birthday to your Border Collie

    :bigsmile: Jacqueline, congrats on your Zumba certificate

    :flowerforyou: Patty, I have been line dancing for almost ten years and I am passionate about it…..I count calories, log my meals ahead of time almost every day, follow a food plan, and it the same simple food day after day….scrambled eggs with onions broccoli or baked chicken breast with two different frozen veggies—quick and easy…I don’t use food for recreation so I don’t try to make it entertaining, just healthy

    :flowerforyou: Jfauci, I lost 70 pounds in 2009 and both my doctors told me that my weight was too low to be healthy….it was scary for me to try to gain a bit of weight…..today I went to the doctor and I weighed the same as I did 14 months ago and she suggested that I gain another pound….welcome to the group.

    :bigsmile: Jane, glad you’re OK after the surgery

    :flowerforyou: :bigsmile: Anamika, happy birthday

    :flowerforyou: :drinker: :bigsmile: :heart: It has taken me three days to get back on track with this thread after my overnight trip to the line dance workshop. I got up at 2:30 Saturday morning so I could walk the dogs as usual before showering and dressing to go to meet the three friends I’d be riding with. It was just under a two hour drive. There was dancing all day. The main focus was learning new dances but in between teaching sessions there was open dancing and I knew about two thirds of the dances so I was on my feet a lot. The hosts put out a beautiful buffet of goodies for breakfast but all I ate was a banana, two deviled egg halves, and some cherry tomatoes…..I brought my Isagenix bars for snacks and lunch…..I did deviate from my usual eating to eat most of what was served for dinner. I ate a veggie burger on a bun with onion and tomato, cole slaw and French fries but skipped the baked beans and root beer float (the theme for the event was Nifty Fifties). We danced until 9:30 PM----I would have stayed later but the others were tired and the down side of sharing a ride is that you sometimes have to leave earlier than you want. In the morning I woke up early and walked for two hours before meeting the others for the continental breakfast at the motel---I had raisin bran, yogurt, banana, hardboiled egg, toast and butter ( a few things I don’t normally eat). When I got home Jake fixed Morningstar Farms burgers (no bun for me) and corn on the cob fixed on the grill along with sauerkraut and I was back to my normal eating followed by walking the dogs.

    :heart: Barbie from beautiful NW Washington

    :bigsmile: 19,000 steps today
    some yard work and a lot of time at the computer

    "The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT."
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Hubby just made our reservations for a trip to the Pacific Northwest in July! I'm so excited! We are flying into Portland, renting a car and driving to Seattle and back, seeing the sights along the way. There is so much to see! Neither of us have been there before. It will be fun.

    It rained all day today and the landscape crew STILL came to mow our grass. They made a huge mess. Then hubby went outside to play with the dogs and they came in covered with mud and grass clippings. I said BATHTUB! And both dogs raced to the bathroom to get hosed off. Such good dogs!

    I didn't get to walk enough today because of the rain. Maybe tomorrow.

    Meg, I'm glad to see you posting. I hope your hubby has better luck with your daughter. Let us know how it goes.

    Barbie, my Bruno zips around like a bullet on a string, which makes walking with him for exercise nearly impossible. I've tried and tried to teach him better, but so far it hasn't worked. I keep hoping he will settle down soon, but he just turned one year old and he's still as much of a puppy as ever.

    Good night ladies!

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    Did an hour of Kelly Coffee Meyers DVD 30 Minutes to fitness. It's really two workouts, each 30 minutes long and I did both of them. Tomorrow I'm planning to do Denise Austin's Boot Camp DVD, then we have the general meeting of the Newcomers. After the meeting I'll go to bowling and Vince wants to be home for the plumber.

    hartland - so sorry you were in the hosp. but so glad you're back with us now.

    DeeDee - the strawberry shortcake cake came out quite well. I took it to mahjongg last night. One of the things that was commented on (and that I liked) was that there were pieces of strawberries in the middle, not just a strawberry puree. I want to make it again, so when you come down I'll make it. To be honest, I really want to make it again, I thought it was pretty good

    Pat - you are so right about the mountain, not the plateau. Seems to be my life. I like that "gotta control what I can and let go of the rest". I've been thinking about Bryan a lot lately, I'm going to try to keep this in mind

    Pat - I'm sure your class will be a success. I have had aerobic instructors who have been heavy. They've usually reminded the class that a person can be heavy but also be fit. Tell your class how much you've lost, I'm sure that'll impress them. And how you lost it (not with surgery). Sometimes my chicken is dry, too. Have you ever had beer butt chicken? You cook it on the grill and is it ever moist! You don't taste the beer, but it is so very moist you won't believe it. Even the white meat, which sometimes can be dry, is moist. Another time I tried roasting it in my oven in one of those bags. As I recall, it was pretty moist. Oh, in case you were wondering, you can roast a whole chicken, then when you cut it up put it in two containers, one for the refrig and one for the freezer. The one in the freezer will last longer. If you put the whole chicken in the refrig, it may go bad before you can finish it up. I do that lots of times.

    Sherry - welcome! I'm sure being here will help you in your BL competition. I wish you the best of luck. Do come in often and let us know how its going

    Allison - I always get the Hint of Salt triscuits. Some cut back is better than none is the way I figure it. I just realized that I don't have any veges to take to bowling tomorrow. Looks like I'll have to go shopping some. Can't disappoint those seniors and not bring my carrots....lol (I'm known as "the carrot lady") Update: decided to take some of the "Just Peas" with me. I like them.

    jfauci - welcome! I'd be more than happy to give you 10 pounds!!!

    tere - there are some things I like on the Wii, and some I don't. Like the body sculpting (is that what it's called? It's been so long since I used it) doesn't work the opposing muscles. I remember it did do the biceps but didn't touch the triceps. I'm never sure how effective the yoga is since since I don't know enought about yoga. But I do like the balance games and the training games. I also have the "Fit in Six" and use that for pilates sometimes.

    Meg and tere and everyone else dealing with teens - I remember this book I read (when I'd lock myself in the bathroom otherwise I'd have killed someone), there was a quote that said "the more they pull away, the more they come back". It seems to be so true. Jessica would give me such problems, I was about to kill her at times. Now today she's the one who comes to visit us at least once a month, I don't know what I'd do without her.

    jb - yea for Mariah. Not yea that she'll be in treatment for the next year (poor baby), but yea that the tests came out clear

    Pamela in the Netherlands - welcome! Losing gets harder and harder the older we get and the closer to goal we are, but as someone once said, you only lose if you quit. So keep at it. You'll get there and be healthier in the process.

    Jan - I like to get only white bras, and you are right, they ARE hard to find. Plus, I don't like the underwire, it really bothers my breastbone. So not only do I try to get white, but I need it without the underwire. In addition to that, I like it somewhat padded since I'm so small. With those criteria, I have a hard time find them, especially in my size

    Exercised and then Vince and I went out and put down a bit of riverrock. Now we get a reprieve for a few days because we need to get more landscape fabric. Picked up stones to get to the tarp, then took a shower to get this stupid red clay off my legs and then into the pool I went. Rummikub here tonight so I'm busy trying to get ready for it. I totally forgot to make some green tea, so it's in the freezer hopefully cooling down.

    Jacqueline - I'm exermom but my real name is Michele in NC. I swear, in some ways, I think I'm addicted to exercise. How I really really wish they'd have aqua zumba. There is one gal who is a lifeguard who got her zumba certification and what did they do? Put her on the sub list for zumba on land. Not like a few of us haven't asked for aqua zumba. Yes, I know that people our age or older will certainly respond better to someone closer to their age rather than a 20 or 30 something. I try to have 24oz of water while I'm getting dressed and putting on my makeup.

    Sylvia - sometimes I order things (grilled chicken not the hot dogs or mac & cheese) off the children's menu.

    kim - welcome

    MaryLynnJohan - welcome and congrats on quitting smoking. That's awesome that you did that.

    Calliope - wonderful story and amazing pics. You've come so far, I'm truly impressed.

    Patty in OH - I KNEW your abs class would be fantastic. Thanks for confirming it for me.

    Cindy - good for you, your cholesterol down so much. I'm so happy for you

    Joyce - I always look for a doc with your doc's attitude "if it ain't broke, don't fix it". Wonderful that you got your diuretic cut

    Kim - I think just about any area has a lower humidity than FL. Here in NC it can be 102 degrees but I feel I can still work outside because it isn't ungodly humid. Now the local natives will say "oh, this humidity is terrible" but they don't know what true humidity is! I love to go shopping at the Salvation Army. One thing I can't find there, tho, is pants because I absolutely need a petite size and they just don't carry them. But that's where I get most of my shirts and shorts from. Which reminds me that I probably should get a new pair of work shorts. When I'm working outside, I like the short shorts only so that I get a decent tan....lol Yes, I'm vain to a certain extent. I wouldn't wear short shorts anywhere but outside when I'm working.

    Heather - I can't get over that they had already put in your window!

    Vicki - you've come a long way, that's for sure

    jmsic - welcome

    Meg - we will get a "bit" of a reprieve from the riverrock only because we need to get more landscape fabric. It'll be delivered Friday and we know that UPS usually gets here late in the day, so starting Saturday I'll be back at it. I'll be SOOO glad when this is all over

    Michele in NC
  • hearthwood
    hearthwood Posts: 794 Member
    To my surprise, my Jawbone UP informed me that over the last 7 days, I logged in 25.4 miles. It surprised me, because I like to hike, and Jazzercise and I never realized until I bought the UP how much I move! Even doing daily routines of cleaning, grocery shopping, walking the dog, etc. adds up to a lot of steps taken that add up to miles.

    I can also add in my workouts on the UP and it syncs with MFP. I am going to be wearing this for the rest of my life.
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,695 Member
    Katla – wow, thanks!!! :smile:

    Heather – pizza with a salad center what a great presentation! :happy: I work in a garden with 180 rose plants, the Constance Spry sounds like one they would like ! No one who doesn’t have to should travel in rush hour – it is just a crazy time…:grumble: have a great time tomorrow.

    Meg – Glad hubby is going to see DD, hope the conversation gets through to her. Wonder what she is hiding at home? :ohwell: maybe I a making something out of nothing.

    Sherry – great idea to find another way to walk, weather is an issue for many.

    Barbie – what a great dance weekend outing! Have you kept the 70ish pounds off since 2009? I am a way from maintenance but am afraid of it. And I think because I am a bit of a foodie – eating and cooking are both recreation for me…. :grumble: although I know Heather does it.

    Michele - We have 6 different thrift stores with in a 20 min drive..so depending on which direction I am going depends and where I'll end up, some have a better selection than others!

    Hearthwood, what a great surprise!

    The heat has broken here - it is going to be cooler for sleeping tonight! yeah!!!

    Kim in N. California
  • Bebubble
    Bebubble Posts: 938 Member
    Good evening ladies!
    Wow, a lot going on here lately! Hard to keep up! I have been trying to stay busy. And just figured out I lost 5lbs in 7 days. Which is a total amazement as I have been struggling so hard with menopause and thyroid issues! But I think it has spurred me on to try harder now.
    Tonight we went for a 3 mile walk and I ended up with blisters on my heals!!! Its always something! I just got over tendonitis in my knee.

    yanniejannie :laugh: - I can see that could be a UFO! LOL! :laugh:

    monsamodel :bigsmile: San Diego county. Why are you from California?

    jmkmomm :wink: Goals are hard for me to set, as I always seem to never achieve them.

    moeggep - I count calories and move more! :blushing:

    anamika703 - :flowerforyou: Happy Belated Birthday! Hope it was a great one!

    Grandmallie - :noway: I have the fitbit zip and wear in the pool 3 times a week. They say they are water resistant! It does just fine!

    Molly whippet - :wink: I like Book Bub too! Have received many good books for free or just pennies!

    So I have been thinking, I will try and set some small goals.

    So the rest of June
    1. I was going to put "try for the 10,000 steps a day." But that might be too much for the knee right now. So I will just move more.
    2. I want to make smiling a habit! So to Smile more
    3. Eat more greens. I love my spinach smoothies, just gotta make more often.
    4. To come to this thread and become more involved with you great ladies!

    I want......, no I AM going to get below the 200lbs. That is my long term goal.
    I never thought it would be achievable but since I am half way there! It should be!!!

    I just have to keep remembering my too tight jeans are too big. I have had these jeans for a few years and just thought they were cut oddly. Nope I was to fat! I want them to get WAY too big now! And slowly they are!! Last week I found a 25 year old nightgown packed away. It didn't fit and was new when I packed it away. I had bought it just before I got pregnant with my daughter, 25 years ago. Its now almost TOO BIG! :heart: So things are changing just slowly.

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Bebubble, I don't set goals either. Not that I don't think I may or not need or use them or that I don't think that they are important. I just don't right them.

    hearthwood isn't it wonderful that we have these new toys that are now connected to us the rest of our life. My Fitbit tells me so much about myself, good or bad. Kind of like a husband.

    Sylvia, please can I go with you, please please???? I promise to be good and not talk to much. I'll even pretend to like dogs while I'm with you. The Pacicific northwest and the extreme north eastern are both on my bucket list. I would love a bed and breakfast right on the cliffs, could hear the breakers all day and see the sea gulls and listen to the boats and see the lighthouse through the evening and morning fog. Oh, I ant to go. I think I am going o have to have a different husband in my life in order to do those things though. Well for the other things on my bucket list I KNOW I would have to have a different husband, sky diving, scuba diving, hot air balloon ride, para sailing, see Ireland and Switzerland and the French Alps, take a complete cross Canada tour through the Rockies, Go from Maine to Washington state, then to either Hawaii or Alaska and then go to the other one and then come back home. Have a rental home somewhere on the beach that all my family and extended family could come for a whole summer. I could live in my dreams!!!! Sounds like I need to start that dream tonight!

    Joyce, Indiana
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Hello everyone, not much to report this morning. Thanks for all the (dog) birthday wishes!

    Cynthia :flowerforyou:
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Jb:smile: So glad to hear about Mariah!!! She has a long year ahead of her but it sounds like a good outlook :bigsmile: !!!!

    Barbie:smile: Sounds you like had a fantastic fun weekend:bigsmile: !!!

    Meg:smile: Hope hubby had a good talk with DD:flowerforyou: !

    Heather:smile: Glad your window was repaired:bigsmile: , sounds like the leasing group needs to be a bit more organized :angry: !

    Kim in N CAL:smile: Glad the temp is cooling off a bit for you! It was hot here yesterday and last night was filled with storms!

    Welcome to everyone new! This is a great group of supportive and fun women!!!

    My painters started setting up things yesterday afternoon, will start the actual painting today. They are starting upstairs in the grand girls rooms. One room is blue and the other is lavender, can't wait to see the actual paint on the walls:happy: ! This is also the week of my conference, I'm going this afternoon for a bit, and then on Saturday all day, what I like most is seeing all my friends I only get to see once a year:love: !!!

    Hope everyone has a lovely day! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!

    DeeDee in bright and sunny NC:glasses:
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Marking my place. :flowerforyou:
  • sherryhall5076
    sherryhall5076 Posts: 10 Member
    Good Morning all. I was talking to my sister awhile back about my yoyo weight loss and gain. Been doing it for years. My sister said I give myself a license to gain weight by keeping clothes that I lose out of. I am beginning to think she is right. I would always box up the larger clothes and instead of donating them and then when I gained weight I would pull out the size I needed and would instantly have clothes. There was no thinking about "oh my I have no clothes to wear so I need to lose a little weight". I would just go to the extra closet and bam I had a wardrobe for that size.

    So my question is..... Do you keep your old clothes or do you purge them from your house?

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,990 Member
    morning ladies~
    I feel like I am at the bottom of a mountain and will have to climb up it to get to a smaller size...
    I have to order new orthodic's because my left foot is really starting to bother me again, which doesnt help with exercise..
    I am up and made the DH dinner and lunch, and am stratigizing for our trip in a few weeks, I dont know how many lists I have made,but will be baking and bringing stuff with us

    I am packing for 4 people and 2 dogs, with meds and all other things taken into consideration..
    the first full day up there. we will have (now get this) my DH ex wife, her daughter,and daughters 2 boys there with us for the day. so that is 8 people
    that would be the girls other grandmother,aunt and cousin's, Jen,is bringing her mom, and Jen her hubby and the boys live about an hour away from where we are staying.so that will be fun....
    just watching the news~ what is wrong with this country? these children? 79 school shootings since Sandy Hook
    My word this country is going to hell in a handbasket
    I am going to be gentle on myself and not stress over the weight gain, I will work my way through it and lose what I need to.. just keep me in your prayer's:heart:
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Hi, all,

    Very overcast and cloudy here and very, very humid; supposed to be scattered showers today. Big news is that one of my (older) tomato plants has one turning red!!!! I see a bacon and tomato sandwich in my future! Last night tai chi and yoga were beyond hot! We went to a new place afterward..........all I had was water (and lots of it!!!) but the food looked good and got rave reviews from my two friends. Got home about 10pm and tonight is going to be another late one. Going to Sams Club later; the concensus is that we all go together, the 4 of us, and provide chicken salad salad on croissants for the potluck tonight at line dance.......I'll be happy to share the cost but probably won't eat any.

    Meg...........hope you are feeling better and that your DH was able to "get through" to your DD.

    Heather............The window is DONE??????..........feels like a celebration is due!!! Enjoy your day!

    bebubble.........WOW! 5lbs. in 7 days..........that's great and a fantastic start!

    Dee Dee.............Hope your painting goes well, we are more than due
    I still have one light lavender bedroom with stenciled teddy bears!!!!

    47jacqueline........Your goals look great.........that certainly was a lot of exercise in one day, I'd be wiped out!!!

    jillfenner..............Nice to see you again!!!

    Off to shower and have breakfast, then pick up Gwen for a morning of drs.

  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    Good morning Hump day! Although as a retired person, I no longer really have a hump. ;-)

    I'm doing body pump today. I just added this second class because one day wasn't doing me much good.

    Michele in NC - I'm seriously considering aqua zumba. Although they say if you're in a gym, you get totally hot and sweaty and if you'r outside you get cold.

    meg - I hope to finish Chapter 3 this week. It's about halfway through.

    yanniejannie - I keep missing your post!, but hi anyway and have a good day.

    I have to get to Trader Joe's this morning so I have time to do my studying. The DVDs put me to sleep, but the reading is pretty interesting, strange to say.

    Salsa lesson tonight!

    47jacqueline in NYC
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    Bump - I'm woefully behind on the thread and have missed it - I think page 13 was the last one I read. Maybe I can catch up some tonight, but know that I think off everyone and wonder what is going on when I'm away.

    Working too much -- with the boss so he was ready to go on his family vacation, now trying to help cover that and -- HOORAY -- training a new person to help with the admin work. The boss' phone is not working in any fashion and they are out of country. I tried calling the hotel last night to reach him on a couple of things and the hotel desk managed to convey he was at the hospital, so I left a message. Of course I didn't know why they were there. if it was for one of the adults or children, but then his wife called and HE is the one hospitalized. He's picked up an intestinal parasite of some sort and is very ill. I've said several prayers!! His wife said she and the kids don't usually take their phones on vacation so she has really felt isolated -- said prayers for her, too! I expect she will take her phone from now on, just to have a backup.

    Our Missy-dog has been miserable of late with the thunderstorms, so DH purchased a thunder shirt. Tried it last night, but ended up not having as severe/noisy storms, so I'm not sure if it was that or the shirt, but she was better. Will keep you posted.

    Need to get some breakfast and get ready to go back to the office. I hope everyone has a terrific day!

    Gail, metro ATL
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Alison: thinking of you! Good you're going after the orthotics. Re vacation: I hope you're not expected to do all the catering every day for all those people? Why not split it up beforehand so everyone can plan for a day, for example?

    Cynthia :flowerforyou:
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,202 Member
    Good Morning,

    Deedee sounds like you are in the home stretch of your renovations. Yeah!:drinker:

    Jb adding my voice In glad things are better for Mariah.:smile:

    Jane so pleased you came out of your surgery with no major problems.:smile:

    Taking it easier today after working so hard yesterday. Our yard is showing the effects from all the work. Our garden is like a pet to me. It takes daily tending to be its best. Today we hope to go visit Minnehaha Falls. With all the rain we have had we hear they are quite spectacular.

    Today I will log my food and exercise, so I wake to a healthier me.

    2014 word:contentment
