

  • i have been doing the 30 day shred and that is easier then this yoga i am gonna give it a second chance this coming monday:tongue:
  • hey murph i am from north dakota i have been struggling with diabetic symptoms for about a year now and i decided i should start eating healthier and lose some weight and so far i have been feeling much better i have a big family history with everyother person on insulin so i got to be careful i read from many sorces that…
  • i have this same problem it first started when i was in high school i ended up in the hospital a few times and apperently there is nothing wrong with me i am to young to have bowel problems but i sometimes go two - two and half weeks without a bm however now that i am working out i dont really have as bad as a problem that…
  • i found this website havent tried it yet but hope it helps you :wink:
  • well i think it is important to listen to your body if you 'feel' you need those calroies take them but if you think you can do just fine without them then leave them to the birds i am usually 1000 to 500 under my intake goal but i feel awake strong and healthy so i know i am fine no matter what anyone says it is you who…
    in Afraid Comment by morinmom March 2011
  • i am also a stay at home mom of three if you would like to add me feel free i started five days ago and feel great
  • hello i am on my third day to the thirty day shred and i think you should do it i have knee issues as well and on the second day OMG sore ouch and didnt want to continue but i did it again today and feel soooo much better it is hard and for cals burned depends on your own body it is cardio and strengh training because you…
  • why cant you have one they have nocalories and low sodium no sugars i have once a day keeps me fron downing 3 2litters of dr. pepper lol
  • count me in i started yesterday and have the zumba workout as well and just let me say during the workout i thought she wanted me dead wow :tongue:
  • lol i asked this question to as well never got any advice so let me know if you hear anything please
  • i snack though the day so i dont feel those hunger pains atleast you will have something in your belly and dont worry everyones belly grows at times we are human after all i know you can find a good balance for yourself just keep up the good work
  • :flowerforyou: have you tried doing a different workout? your body can get used to what you do everday and i heard you should 'trick' your body once a week and do something different to avoid this. please dont be discouraged you can do anything you put your mind to!
  • wow you guys have great music but i am afraid i am a country girl gotta have my reba and blake oh and of course toby
  • i just started today feel free to add me as well seems like a good site:tongue:
  • hello everybody hows it. i am new as well from north dakota i am 230lbs 48% body fat and now i want to be healthier and tennessee you just need to look at what you want i belive you can do this