Can someone go get me a fountain pop

I would enjoy a diet coke right now :D


  • polar5554
    polar5554 Posts: 576 Member
    I LOVE fountain pops!!
  • morinmom
    morinmom Posts: 17
    why cant you have one they have nocalories and low sodium no sugars i have once a day keeps me fron downing 3 2litters of dr. pepper lol
  • SassyMissDasha
    I can't have pop because of my lapband, but I would give anything for a nice 32 oz Dr. Pepper or Mountain Dew.
  • rulaborelli
    I was a big fan of diet Pepsi, but I stopped drinking it. My doctor (naturopath) explained this to me: after drinking the diet soda, the body thinks it has consumed sugar, and the blood sugar spikes, but since there is no sugar, it crashes again. This causes the feeling of hunger and the need to eat...