Discouraging week.

PenguinPrincess Posts: 101
edited September 24 in Motivation and Support
I've done great losing weight every week since I started, until this one. This is the first week I haven't even lost a pound and this is the week I've worked the hardest with my exercise. It's so discouraging to work so hard and feel like I'm doing so good for the scales to tell me otherwise.


  • girl_brett
    girl_brett Posts: 166 Member
    Always remind yourself that muscle weighs more then fat! Inches are what's probably melting away! Don't be discouraged!
  • sandram82
    sandram82 Posts: 615 Member
    Sometimes we just dont lose.. keep moving forward.. your doing great and being healthier!!! Maybe next week you will see a bigger difference!!
  • MonsteRawr
    MonsteRawr Posts: 95 Member
    I feel you. I just did my mid-week check-in, and I was POSITIVE that I was going to have lost at least a pound. I mean, I was really kicking *kitten* this week! So I thought. Turns out I gained a pound instead. How depressing! When I saw that number I wanted to cry. Luckily, it just makes me want to work harder. I WILL loose this last 6 (now 7) pounds!
  • afteil
    afteil Posts: 162 Member
    It happens to all of us! And I know it sucks- but remember that muscle weighs more than pounds, so your negative fat loss could have been replaced by positive muscle growth: something that will help you burn calories faster and lose more weight in the long run! No matter how discouraged you get, remember the work you have put in to losing the weight you have so far and the goals you have for a overall healthier you, and dont let this one "bad" week throw you off your game:)
  • Last week was that way for me! I gained 4(!!!!) pounds without going on a binge or anything. The only thing that kept me from losing it altogether was that my measurements were still down, and I even lost a half inch from my hips. And, sure enough, when I cut out all the salt that I possibly could....low and behold I went down 6.
    Also keep in mind where you are in your monthly cycle. I always go up at least 2 lbs in water retention due do the fluid loss of my period. Just drink tons of water, limit salt as much as you can and keep going! It will come off!
  • Your not alone. I'm gutted this week. The past 3 weeks i've lost 2lbs. I lost 1lb, 1lb then this week nothing. I've had a sneeky look before Monday and i'm still the same and no weight loss. Its very discouraging i agree but keep working at it. It happens. Like people say don't worry about the scales and measure, i'm sure you have lost inches instead. I have been able to take my jeans down without undoing the button and zip so that perked me up a bit. But i'd still like to see lbs coming of too.

  • Arester
    Arester Posts: 138 Member
    I had a bad weigh in this morning too. It was comforting to read all of your replies. Just remember to keep your head up and remember you have support from your fellow MFP-ers. :happy:
  • boobee32
    boobee32 Posts: 450 Member
    me too!! same thing..have really upped the effort and burn on the workouts this week...and my weight has gone up. I am not liking that at all...but...I know that I havent done anything wrong..so am figuring it is muscle. Lets hang in there...we will get past it!!
  • morinmom
    morinmom Posts: 17
    :flowerforyou: have you tried doing a different workout? your body can get used to what you do everday and i heard you should 'trick' your body once a week and do something different to avoid this. please dont be discouraged you can do anything you put your mind to!
  • 4theking
    4theking Posts: 1,196 Member
    I've done great losing weight every week since I started, until this one. This is the first week I haven't even lost a pound and this is the week I've worked the hardest with my exercise. It's so discouraging to work so hard and feel like I'm doing so good for the scales to tell me otherwise.

    I know how frustrating that can be. An increase in exercise can lead to more water retention. Give it another week and see what happens.
  • AllyS7
    AllyS7 Posts: 480 Member
    So many factors could contribute to your stagnate weight. (Muscle gain, water retention...)

    But there is one thing for sure: don't let it stop you. One week is NOT going to unfold all your hard work. Keep mushing forward and kick some butt this coming week.

  • MaryBachert
    MaryBachert Posts: 66 Member
    Don't give up, no matter how discouraging it is! If you quit now, you will have defeated all the hard work you have done. :cry: So stick with it. I have not done a lot of exercise, so I cannot say whether muscle weighs more or not. Maybe that is why I have been losing, but on the other hand I need to do some exercise on a regular basis so that my muscles get toned up.
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