30 day shred reviews/opinions wanted

30 day shred has caught my eye - is it high impact? How are the calorie burns on it? Is it suitable for someone who is having some knee trouble, but has good endurance? I am looking for a temporary replacement for Turbofire as I have found that to be too hard on my joints (esp knees).

I thought maybe I"d do it for 30 days and shelf Turbofire until I lose some more weight. I have ALOT to lose, but I'm in pretty decent shape for a fatty, so I do need a challenge and I love cardio. Thoughts?


  • smota
    smota Posts: 62
    Do it!

    I'm just now recovering from some knee joint issues and I find it really good - also I combine it mainly with running, but I've done it for 5 days now and I can see results! All you need is a floor mat and 2lbs weights - I actually started without the weights, it was too difficult. But it's not high impact, it just makes you sweat non-stop :D
  • deannar417
    deannar417 Posts: 193 Member
    I'm on the 2nd day of 30 day shred and I'm soooo sore. I like it. Hard to do but I"m just starting to get back into any workouts at all. Havent dont any workouts in a while.
  • merrillfoster
    merrillfoster Posts: 855 Member
    Be careful, it's pretty hard on the knees. Lots of jumping, squatting and lunging. If you do do it, watch your form carefully.
  • busygirl1
    busygirl1 Posts: 217
    i would day that levels 1 and 2 could be easily modified to reduce impact on the knees but level 3 is a killer as it has specific jump moves. I did a thread with some girls and we all got great results though x x
  • KatyE213
    KatyE213 Posts: 446 Member
    I agree, I'm not familiar with Turbofire but if you have had to stop one because of your knees I'm not sure the Shred is the one to replace it with!
  • Hsanders3961
    Hsanders3961 Posts: 245 Member
    I am almost to level 3. Calorie burn ranges from about 280-320 for me (I am about 170 lbs, 5' 5") in the 25 minute workout. I feel that Level 1 is more cardio and it didn't bother my knees. Level 2 is a lot of strength training and it does get to my knees some days. So I just modify the exercises to better fit my needs. It is a great workout and I highly recommend it, if you are looking for a shorter, high calorie burn workout. Good luck!
  • Tiggermummy
    Tiggermummy Posts: 312 Member
    I haven't done anything like this before I started on Wednesday, and I have felt it, a few things I have struggled to do,
    but on the whole it has been ok.
    I did the first two days ok, but I did find it a little uncomfortable even walking downstairs. I couldn't do it on Friday, but carried on Saturday and no where near as stiff today.

    You can always modify it a little, someone posted on friday how to adapt the shred to knee problems
  • LP4me
    LP4me Posts: 27
    In my opinion, it really depends on what your knee problems are from. I have issues with my knees because the cartilage is deteriorating. For me doing the 30 day shred everyday is not going to work. I still do it as one of my rotation DVD's though. You can also modify the exercises to fit your needs. i.e. I don't actually do the jumping jacks ; instead I do the arms but only do high knee lifts like marching in place (less impact). i am 5'8" and 190 lbs but even after losing the weight I won't be able to do high impact activities.

    Listen to your body...muscles soreness is different than joint pain.

    Good Luck and have fun!
  • morinmom
    morinmom Posts: 17
    hello i am on my third day to the thirty day shred and i think you should do it i have knee issues as well and on the second day OMG sore ouch and didnt want to continue but i did it again today and feel soooo much better it is hard and for cals burned depends on your own body it is cardio and strengh training because you need to build muscle and muscle burns cals faster then fat you may not see big difference in weight but inches count as well i have researched this on many different sites and this is what i got she will kick your but and it will be great at the end
  • SolidGoaled
    SolidGoaled Posts: 504 Member
    I think the part about Turbofire that bothers my knees are the twisting moves - not so much the impact, I guess. When we jump, I know how to absorb shock into my legs instead of falling hard on my knees. I do use good form - but a lot of the twisting torques my knees up - so I think that may be where the knee problems stem from. When I lose more weight, I will be able to pivot better on the balls of my feet. (Doesn't help that I work out on a thick carpet, so my sneaks grip the carpet)
  • carrie_lebel
    I am on day 24 of The shred and my knees are a little sore. I have never had knee problems in my life. So be careful and modify. There is alot of squats and lunges and switching from laying to laying to standing positions I am very careful of my knee placement too. I bet it is from sumo squats, rockstar jumps, and the other plyometric exercise that I am probably doing wrong.
  • SolidGoaled
    SolidGoaled Posts: 504 Member
    How is the music in 30 DS? Thats one thing I love about TurboFire - the music is so motivating.
  • Lanfear
    Lanfear Posts: 524
    30 day shred is great work-out wise, but the music sucks - it's that cr*ppy music you get in elevators. It's awful, and doesn't do anything to get the blood pumping! I turn the sound down and put my iPod on!

    Once I've finished Shred I will be moving onto TurbFire and am looking foward to it :)