Tummy is making noises!

I ate breakfast this am, but I am still hungry. I can get past the hunger feeling, but my tummy is making the worst noises right now, and it’s really embarrassing! Last night when I was in class, we were taking an exam and it was “growling” so loud that people were looking at me.

I don’t want to eat more to stop it and I’ve been drinking water to try to make it stop, but its not working.

What should I do?


  • mmaboydwechanged
    I get that too sometimes, it seems to happen when I dont eat enough carbs..
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    1) Look at what you are eating- did you have cereal with milk? Though a traditional breakfast, it's high in the kind of sugars that do nothing but create more hunger cravings and processed grains that do little to fuel you. Try changing your breakfasts to include eggs or peanut butter or something with protien

    2) EAT!!! Esp earlier in the day. Do you eat as little as possible all day so can just have whatever for dinner? DONT! Plan out your calories more evenly throughout the day saving 350-500 for dinner. By saving up all your calories you just confuse your body (not to mention feed it at the end of the day when it least needs fuel). Eat early, eat often. Your tummy will thank you!

    3) Open your diary so we can make specific reccomendations!
  • morinmom
    morinmom Posts: 17
    i snack though the day so i dont feel those hunger pains atleast you will have something in your belly and dont worry everyones belly grows at times we are human after all i know you can find a good balance for yourself just keep up the good work