Noz7 Member


  • Thanks Guys :) For the person who assumed I wouldn't have access to a hospital - that's not the case for this particular birthing centre which is the best in my state and immediately adjacent to the best childbirth hospital. They are connected by a tunnel and if anything goes wrong (which it shouldn't) it is easy to get…
  • Hi Guys :) I'm 19 weeks pregnant and my BMI is ~32 (169cm, 94kg). I've been told by the Birth Centre that I desperately want to use that I won't be accepted unless I'm under BMI 35 as at week 37. This means that I can't put on more than around 5kg. Would you say that this is easy or hard? btw I know that my basal metabolic…
  • Interesting. I don't think your doctor could have possibly checked for all the things that can cause fatigue. eg: lack of water emotions/stress - different to depression sugar lows low levels of various minerals or B vitamins (not implying this is your fault, supermarket food just isn't that good or you might have high…
  • Raisins. Remember that Vit C helps you absorb it; tea stops you from absorbing it. So do use lemon juice over your iron rich food; don't have a cup of tea around the same time.
  • Oh my goodness! What are you doing taking advice from people like us??? Don't you know that most of us can't stay married? Why copy us? My advice, which I've taken myself, is to do pre-marital counselling... at a professional counsellor who charges a good amount. Also, ask yourself whether you expect your partner to make…
  • Agreed! And you should plan your treats - so on the day or two of the week you want to treat yourself, plan your day accordingly:)
  • raspberry smoothie, protein powder, supplements, coconut cream, water, sometimes yoghurt or cacao two poached eggs with two smallish pieces of toast, sometimes with butter, sometimes with chopped parsley
  • This is so interesting! I'm only just getting started over the last few weeks and have been pretty good at logging everything. I've been losing slowly and find that my calories are very low on some of the days I've done a lot of exercise and very high on some random days when I feel like eating more. I'm happy to lose…
  • :) so funny:) I don't take any single one of my measurements seriously! There is so much variation depending on what you've got left in your gut, water levels etc. So I weigh myself whenever I can be bothered in the mornings, after a pee, before a drink. Don't stress the small stuff... and any single measurement is the…
  • Hi All Can't say I'm super impressed with myself this week because Friday night we went out for ribs at Tony Romas - we split a big plate of the things. It wasn't planned and luckily I'd had a really good breakfast and lunch (as good as I get)... so I didn't go over my maintenance calories! Good news, but I still felt…
  • What is your disability? You could try small intense bursts of intense exercise across your day. For example, just running the stairs once or twice. Peter Dingle writes about this and I've started doing this sometimes but never record it because it is so very brief. This is meant to give you more of the human growth…
  • I like this thinking. For me personally, I was raised with a healthy diet and never got fat despite being a total pig, until I'd been out of home for years and eaten a hell of a lot of junk foods. I'm just getting started and I don't want to do more exercise (not much anyway). I've been doing 2 games of soccer, one of…
  • "Smoking and Diet Cola keep me thin!" ... Barbie! ROFL!!!!:laugh:
  • I'm totally impressed! your life is busy! I don't want to come off as a know it all, as I haven't achieved much myself... yet....but I have done my homework. Forgive my less than perfect structure - I hope some of this helps. The first comment is that you shouldn't try to lose weight while breast-feeding because your fat…
  • There is no problem eating lots of protein provided it is healthy and suitable for you. In fact, there are plenty of people who advocate a relatively low carb diet to help you lose weight. So well done :) If you are prone to gout, you should avoid the types of protein that exacerbate gout (shellfish etc). You don't want to…
  • Hiya Sad to hear that it isn't going well, I hope you have decided how you're going to progress from here. I just wanted to let you know that sometimes your body needs a few little 'tricks' to help it! I did a lot of reading to help me figure out how to effectively lose weight myself, so please understand that I haven't…
  • rickets? @owlwomyn you need the oil on your skin to turn into Vitamin D on exposure to the sun and then you need to LET IT SOAK IN... what this means in practice is not scrubbing yourself in the shower around the time you get your sun (neither before nor after). is your skin dry?
  • Think so! B vitamins are water soluble. Mum used to get us to eat when we took our B vitamins... I make a smoothie with raspberries and oil (swap flax and coconut), often take my vitamins with that as I can't taste them that way.
  • I've only just started but I did my research! Sci Lit: -Extracts of green tea, -extracts of brocolli -garlic oil ...each independently stopped animals from getting as fat. Peter Dingle, based on the sci lit as well, but I didn't check his sources: -Sprint training, regular fast walks or runs up stairs across the day…
  • You guys are having a big argument about nothing! NOTHING! She mis-read the website, thought it was saying the opposite of what it actually was saying.
  • Hi Ladies:) My goals: 1. Ride 40km 2. Meet MFP calorie goal at least 5 days of the 7, with the other days not to exceed 1995 calories 3. Play volleyball and soccer 4. No cake, no softdrink - treats to be savoury 5. Eat salad with healthy oil at least every second day 6. Take my supplements every day Good luck to everyone…
  • I hope nobody has already mentioned this, but alcohol and fructose are literally metabolised differently to most other carbs. A higher proportion of alcohol is sent directly to fat (do not pass go, do not collect $100). This is a different metabolic process to glucose. And it doesn't hit your satiety button in your brain…
  • I totally plan to have cheat days!! I call it 'zig zag' dieting and pat myself on the back when I 'only' hit about 2000 calories as that is the basal metabolic rate for someone my age and gender. What this means in practice is that I can 'afford' an apple cider, or a piece of cake from time to time. I still enter it in…
  • You could try bircher museli which you make in the evenings. the original health food. I like raspberry smoothies with pea protein, coconut cream, yoghurt etc. Also, you could try an apple and some nuts/seeds.
  • I've just had a chance to go through your entries and it sounds like some of you have had a really hard week! But how amazing was Kris, she's lost heaps and is totally holding up under the pressure of ER visits!
  • Hi Ladies and Ladyknuckles:flowerforyou: Happy birthday :smile: ... you guys have motivated me and I've managed to squeeze in a long ride with hubby today (140 mins), which felt like a real strain because I also played soccer last night as well! I still hope to ride on Monday but it is hard when carrying a laptop. I hope I…
  • Today was a funny old day. I had what I thought would be a nice healthy breakfast, but it was a bit smaller than usual and I ended up starving at 11am. So I had some snacks of homemade pizza and healthy pumpkin soup (sister in law provided kindly)... then my friend twisted my rubber arm to go out for Yum Cha (asian dim…
  • ROFL! Don't worry, mine has been going up and down heaps. Between sweating while exercising and pee-ing I can vary by like 1kilogram!
  • lucky you! Well, I'd include like an extra teaspoon of oil and I'd be right! ha ha I can only afford like 10-20 g of seeds when I snack (max) and I reckon that they are so calorie dense that it wouldn't take much for you to eat the extra. Some blokes swear by a chocolate milkshake after a work out! But maybe, you can zig…
  • Hey ladies I'm just getting started really and am finding MFP really helpful. I'm fairly fit, kinda, doing volleyball on Tuesdays (30 mins) and soccer on Thursdays (30mins x2). I aim to go for a stroll at work for at least 10 mins per day and... *** my target is to ride 40km (total including there and back) on Mondays,…