drinking beer, how bad is it



  • mrandolph112
    yeungling lite, 90 calories each.

    Is that any good? I can't drink Coors Light, Bud Light or Michelob Ultra unless it is like 95 degrees. I like the heavier beers, Sam Adams, Blue Point, Yuengling and Guinness. I like Sam Adams Light but it is like 125 calories a bottle but it tastes pretty good. If Yuengling Light tastes like Yuengling at 90 calories I may switch over considering a 12oz bottle of Coors Light is over 100 calories.

    He always says "yuck' to my Bud Light and would pick Guinness overall so I think you would be safe to try it.
  • gburkhart2
    gburkhart2 Posts: 72 Member
    Enjoying yourself is always good to do now and then, but remember that the calories from the alcohol itself really isn't the issue:

  • Kat120285
    Kat120285 Posts: 1,599 Member
    When I have my beer, it's going to be yummy beer, Blue Moon or something along those lines.

    I drink wine as well. I cut out, or at least cut down on drinking during the week. The weekends though, fair game. I just make sure I get good food during the day and get my 12-16 or more glasses of water.

    I'm still losing weight and still feel wonderful. I agree, you have to live, and how is it really living if you cut out all the things you love?

    The key is moderation and balancing, if you have something not so healthy for one meal, make sure the next meal is something healthy.
  • gameovergt
    gameovergt Posts: 502
    Blue Moon is so yummy.

    Yuengling Light is good, doesn't taste watered down. Prefer Guinness or Corona(not light). My real obsession has been scotch. Took awhile for it to grow on me.
  • JaneP2011
    JaneP2011 Posts: 65 Member
    I switched to Bud 55. As long as you watch what you eat and workout regularly, having some beers on the weekend won't hinder your weight loss. Just make sure you don't get the late night munchies and pig out after drinking.

    OMG! That's my down fall, coming home and avoiding the fridge! haha :)

    This reminds me of a joke: Why do married women tend to weigh more than single women? Single women come home, look in the fridge, then go to bed. Married women come home, look in the bed, and decide to go to the fridge.

    Good joke! Though I agree with the general point here - for me it's not the drinking that puts my calories up, but the chips and other snacks that suddenly become irresistible after a few glasses :drinker: :drinker:
  • Stewie316
    Stewie316 Posts: 266 Member
    If it's just occasionally on the weekend, I don't see it being a problem. Sometimes on the weekends I'll have a bottle of wine to myself and I've had no problems losing weight. The only time it cased a problem was when I was having a glass or two during most days of the week. Maybe it was slowing my metabolism by drinking so often even though I was within my calorie range or I was more prone to hold more water weight.
  • Noz7
    Noz7 Posts: 59 Member
    I hope nobody has already mentioned this, but alcohol and fructose are literally metabolised differently to most other carbs.
    A higher proportion of alcohol is sent directly to fat (do not pass go, do not collect $100). This is a different metabolic process to glucose.
    And it doesn't hit your satiety button in your brain either.
    So by all means, relax and have a drink... but it will slow you down in your weight loss journey.

    For me, I'd rather have just one drink as a treat with cheese or pesto, or some oily thing... its more satisfying.
  • mamato3babes
    Since alcohol is full of empty calories, which simply add to your daily total and give you no nutrients at all, this can wreak havoc with your metabolism and cause you to keep or gain weight.

    Sounds like you need to decide which is more important- your desire to drink 10 beers or your desire to lose weight. You can't have both.

    Exactly :) I was at a bday party last night and everyone was drinking... NOT this mama lol
    I want to lose this weight too badly to mess up by drinking beer!
  • dawnna76
    dawnna76 Posts: 987 Member
    dont drink beer like water! A beer every now and then, heck even every other night is not bad. just make sure to account for into your goals and dont skimpo on proper nutrition. My husband and I love beer and have even started home brewing. Not something I could give up, but I make it work.
  • Juniper3411
    Juniper3411 Posts: 167 Member
    I just spent nine months not drinking and don't really feel like depriving myself any more LOL! Of course I keep it down to once a week or less. I don't think it affects me that much. I am careful not to pig out when I drink though...i figure as long as I keep my food inibitions in check while drinking I will be fine. And on the up side, the less calories I eat the easier I get buzzed :) Although I do have to avoid any kind of shots (especially the fruity calorie bomb ones!!!)

    I agree that there is a possibility of it slowing down your weight loss, but I don't think it stops it altogether. Definitely don't weigh yourself the next morning after drinking though LOL!
  • Kat120285
    Kat120285 Posts: 1,599 Member
    Blue Moon is so yummy.

    Yuengling Light is good, doesn't taste watered down. Prefer Guinness or Corona(not light). My real obsession has been scotch. Took awhile for it to grow on me.

    I'm a fan of regular Yuengling as well as Guinness. I'm a whiskey girl. Love my Jameson and of course Johnny Walker Blue.
  • MyNameIsNotBob
    MyNameIsNotBob Posts: 565 Member
    I, too, love beer, wine, etc. I've been having a drink or two at night (more on weekends), staying within my calories, and am still losing weight / inches. (Yes, the Yuengling light is pretty decent... not as tasty as their regular, but much more flavorful than a Coors light).

    But I've hit a frustrating plateau for the past two weeks, and so I'm cutting the alcohol out for a week to see if it makes a difference in the weight loss.
  • westcoastSW
    westcoastSW Posts: 320 Member
    I agree that there is a possibility of it slowing down your weight loss, but I don't think it stops it altogether. Definitely don't weigh yourself the next morning after drinking though LOL!
    Actually, I tend to weigh LESS after a night of drinking because the alcohol causes you to lose water. (Hangover, dehydration, anyone?) I usually gain the weight back by the end of the next day, but weighing myself the morning after a good happy hour feels nice too :smile:
  • allornothinggrl
    I say go for vodka mixed with Fuse Slenderize...The vodka is only 52-64 cals per shot depending on brand...and fuse is like 10 cals for the whole bottle... That is 40% alc/vol 80 proof...get more of a buzz factor for less cals I be thinkin. If always heard if you are gonna drink, go for the clear alcohols...I rarely drink anymore...last time was Super Bowl and the time before that NYE...I didn't even have cake or drink on my Birthday...makes me too hungry! It took me a better part of a week to lose the extra weight I picked up from Super Bowl...and I felt sooo guilty the next day...that's when I decided it just wasn't worth it to me to re-lose the weight from it all the time! Good Luck, I totally understand you dilema!! I guess moderation is the key :drinker:
  • MisMolly
    MisMolly Posts: 88 Member
    Yuengling lite is def a winner for me! :drinker:
  • treed4
    treed4 Posts: 66
    I did the same thing, so switched to vitamin water and vodka. Actually, pretty good and fewer calories(depending on the beer)
  • hoosteen84
    hoosteen84 Posts: 14 Member
    I found in a weird way that if I cut my caloric intake and drink beer instead it sometimes ends with more weight loss because you pee out so much of it quicker. Renting as opposed to owning if you know what I mean. But I wouldn't do it regularly and 8-10 beers no matter what the caloric intake is a lot.

    When i drink i seem to lose a bit more weight than usual, but i think that might be because i tend not to stop "dancing" when i've a a couple, and by dancing i really mean jumping about like a fool! So alcohol leads to me actually doing some exercise!

    I absolutely love cider and i nearly cried when i saw it was nearly 300 calories a pint :(
  • wildon883r
    wildon883r Posts: 429 Member
    Every Friday evening i'm going to have a 6 pack of Bud light. I know itt's going to put me over my calorie goal. I'm going to have extra snacks as well because i *beer* gives you the munchies. I don't lose any sleep over it and have continued to lose 1.5 - 2 lbs every week since i started losing.
  • michlingle
    michlingle Posts: 797 Member
    Problem when I drink low cal beers like the 55 or 64 cal ones is that I end up drinking double as they have half the amount of alcohol as miller lites....my favorite....I'm totally off the wagon right now so I'm not one for giving any advice on anything, just my .02 hahaha