Breakfast (I am desperate!)



  • ingy1990
    ingy1990 Posts: 22
  • On Sundays, I make "egg muffins" and then they are good for the week. You can freeze them too.

    4 whole eggs, 4 egg whites, beaten
    1-2 tsp. seasoning salt of your choice
    1/2 cups grated low fat cheese (I like sharp cheddar or a blend of cheddar/Jack cheese, use less cheese if using meat)
    Optional, but highly recommended, 3 green onions diced small.
    chopped veggies such as blanched broccoli, red pepper, zucchini, mushrooms, etc. (Using veggies will reduce the fat content)
    diced Canadian bacon, lean ham, or crumbled cooked turkey sausage

    Add seasoning to eggs, and beat them. Preheat oven to 375 F. Spray a muffin tin (6 large muffins) with cooking spray. Layer the meat, vegetables and cheese, then top with equal amounts of the beaten egg mixture.
    Bake 20-30 minutes until muffins have risen and are slightly browned and set.

    Muffins will keep at least a week in the refrigerator without freezing. Longer if frozen. Egg muffins can be frozen and reheated. For

    best results, thaw in refrigerator before reheating. I microwave them for about 60 seconds on medium, then 30 seconds on high. But microwaves vary, so you'll have to test yours.
    I love these on the go. I pop it in the microwave while I'm getting my coffee ready and run out the door. I keep cans of V8 around too, so I'll have that with V8 and my coffee in the car.

    Yum! These sound delicious!
  • elephantmeg
    elephantmeg Posts: 113 Member
    I work nights and pack my breakfast. I have some small round containers. In one I put 1/2 cup of quick oats, a tsp of PB, 1/2-2/3 tsp of cocoa and a tsp of sugar (had been doing splenda but I've cut out artificial sugar). I add hot water from the hot water part of the coffee machine (I work at a hospital so coffee machines abound) and stir. Chocolate PB oatmeal. It's under 200 cal easily (even if I add a little milk). I have that with a cup of coffee and it holds me all day until I wake up.
  • CBaumgardner7
    CBaumgardner7 Posts: 212 Member
    I make eggs in a coffee cup. Take liquid egg whites 1/4 cup, spray a coffee cup and microwave for about 45 sec. You can throw cheese on it and I've even made an egg sandwich. They're delicious with laughing cow spreadable cheese on low fat muffin.
  • Akayen
    Akayen Posts: 10 Member
    Instant oatmeal, Larabars, fresj fruit, Slimfast Rich chocolate Royale, and the Nature Valley granola bars are my staple for school days.
  • PHig
    PHig Posts: 1
    Zone Perfect Mint Chocolate bars are GREAT!
    cottage doubles (if you like cottage cheese and fruit)
    bagel thins with light cream cheese or even spray butter
    trail mix (Trader Joe Cascade mix is great in small portions) an yogurt
    Toasted healthy bread
    microwave an egg (spay a tea plate with pam and break the eg and mix the yolk, micro 60-120 seconds)!
  • Rockin33
    Rockin33 Posts: 58
    On Sundays, I make "egg muffins" and then they are good for the week. You can freeze them too.

    4 whole eggs, 4 egg whites, beaten
    1-2 tsp. seasoning salt of your choice
    1/2 cups grated low fat cheese (I like sharp cheddar or a blend of cheddar/Jack cheese, use less cheese if using meat)
    Optional, but highly recommended, 3 green onions diced small.
    chopped veggies such as blanched broccoli, red pepper, zucchini, mushrooms, etc. (Using veggies will reduce the fat content)
    diced Canadian bacon, lean ham, or crumbled cooked turkey sausage

    Add seasoning to eggs, and beat them. Preheat oven to 375 F. Spray a muffin tin (6 large muffins) with cooking spray. Layer the meat, vegetables and cheese, then top with equal amounts of the beaten egg mixture.

    Bake 20-30 minutes until muffins have risen and are slightly browned and set.

    Muffins will keep at least a week in the refrigerator without freezing. Longer if frozen. Egg muffins can be frozen and reheated. For best results, thaw in refrigerator before reheating. I microwave them for about 60 seconds on medium, then 30 seconds on high. But microwaves vary, so you'll have to test yours.

    I love these on the go. I pop it in the microwave while I'm getting my coffee ready and run out the door. I keep cans of V8 around too, so I'll have that with V8 and my coffee in the car.

    I love this idea! Eggs may be one of my favorite foods in the world. So versatile and nutritious. Mini frittatas. Brilliant.
  • jae6704
    jae6704 Posts: 458 Member
    I have yogurt at work that i will mix with a few cheerios for some crunch, I also have fruit there and kashi bars, i love the ones with coconut. rice cakes with almond butter are also a great fast thing.
    I need ideas for breakfast, I always forget to eat in the mornings.
    To give a little more info my morning routine consists pretty much of rolling out of bed grabbing my coffee and walking out the door.

    I am beyond lazy in the mornings, I have tried really I have but I cannot drag my butt out of bed until I absolutly have to.

    So I need something that involves very little prep time, very little effort and possibly some recipes or things that I can bring to work and leave in the freezer for when I forget.

    Please help!
  • jeyoung03
    jeyoung03 Posts: 83
  • mumma2boyz
    mumma2boyz Posts: 109 Member
    I need ideas for breakfast, I always forget to eat in the mornings.
    To give a little more info my morning routine consists pretty much of rolling out of bed grabbing my coffee and walking out the door.

    I am beyond lazy in the mornings, I have tried really I have but I cannot drag my butt out of bed until I absolutly have to.
    Please help!

    This described me to a "T" up until 3 weeks ago. Now I've just finished my scrambled eggs and am having yogurt before I walk out the door. How did I do it?

    I started by getting up just 5 minutes early and putting together a breakfast I could eat in the car; fruit, crackers, toast w/peanut butter etc.

    Then I got up 10 minutes earlier (15 minutes earlier than my original wake up) and had that same breakfast at home.

    Then, with the help of my husband, I got up 15 min. earlier (30 minutes earlier than my original wake up) and he fixed breakfast for me.

    Now, I fix breakfast myself and husband gets to sleep in a little.

    I had a couple of days where the thought of eating made me a little nauseous. I just went back to fruit and crackers for a day or two.

    I broke a habit of 30+ years. You can do this!

    Same with me. Some mornings I felt like I might be sick with every bite but I ate anyway. Now I crave breakfast. I usually have an EAS Advantedge shake on way to work, then some coffee, yogurt, and sometimes oatmeal.
  • yargls
    yargls Posts: 6 Member
    I have good luck with Kashi Go Lean crunch (.25 cup), a couple ounces of Fage non-fat yogurt and a half cup of frozen blueberries. That's actually about 160 calories, so you could double it and have a large breakfast for less than 340 calories. Go lean crunch bars run around 150 calories each and they're ingredient list doesn't require a chemical degree to read.

    good luck!
  • CurriedGrasshopper
    CurriedGrasshopper Posts: 86 Member
    Smoothie Recipes -

    1c frozen mango + 1c frozen peaches + 1 tbsp flower honey + 1.5c vanilla soy milk (or regular milk) .. blend if too thick add more milk or some water

    2c frozen mixed berries (anti oxident blend, or whatever combo of strawberry/raspberry/blueberry) + 1.5c vanilla soy milk + honey

    Honestly frozen fruit of any combination plus milk or vanilla soy milk is fantastic. These recipes make 2 servings each but can be eaten as one large serving also. I recommend adding a scoop of protein powder to stay satiated longer if your calories allow for it.

    homemade 'egg mcmuffin'
    1 english muffin + 2 slices of deli ham, or 1 slice of back bacon (also known as canadian bacon), 1 slice low fat cheese and 1 egg or two eggwhites. Toast the english muffin and put the egg(s) into one of those round screw top ziploc containers and scramble well and then microwave for like.. 20 seconds (put it on for 40 and stand there and watch it, once the liquid on the bottom of the container is gone it's done turn off the microwave and now you'll know what time your microwave needs) Slap it all together and call it breakfast.

    Yogurt Parfait

    1-1.5c frozen berries + 1/3 c low fat yogurt (or one individual serving size of the same) + 1/3c just bunches (honey bunches of oats spin off) ... slightly thaw the berries in the microwave and mix together in a bowl.. delicious!

    Eggy wrap
    3 egg whites + onions, bell peppers, whatever veggies + small amount of feta cheese. Scramble the eggs and the cheese together and cook in a pan - this will only take a few minutes. Combine the eggs and veggies in a whole grain tortilla wrap and top with a tbsp of salsa.
  • Who says you have to have "breakfast" food for breakfast? I usually don't feel like eating right away in the morning, either, and most breakfast-y foods don't appeal to me at that time of day. One of my favorite things to have for breakfast is a grilled chicken sandwich. When I grill boneless skinless chicken breasts for a meal, I always make a couple of extras that I can dice or slice for salads and sandwiches. Half a chicken breast sliced on whole wheat bread with a little butter, sometimes some mustard is around 250 calories. It keeps me going until lunch. I also like yogurt in the morning...Chobani Greek yogurt is my favorite, especially the strawberry banana and peach flavors.
  • Noz7
    Noz7 Posts: 59 Member
    You could try bircher museli which you make in the evenings. the original health food.
    I like raspberry smoothies with pea protein, coconut cream, yoghurt etc.
    Also, you could try an apple and some nuts/seeds.
  • TammyK1000
    TammyK1000 Posts: 12 Member
    My favorite is an Eggo Multi grain low fat waffle with low sugar strawberry jam, peanutbutter or yogurt on top and a fruit. I even keep a box in the freezer at work. Easy and fast!
  • Mumbling
    Mumbling Posts: 1
    I personally, when I feel really lazy, tend to eat just a little bowl of yoghurt and add a small amount of fruit syrup for the flavour. It's both delicious, quick to make and easy to eat. Good luck! A healthy eating rhythm is important.
  • Try out Light and Fit yogurt, each is 6oz with 80 calories, and its yummy!
    I have lost 15 pounds over about 4 months, here are some things I eat for breakfast. I usually pick two things from this list to eat each morning. All of them are fast and easy!
    Light and Fit Yogurt - My favorite is peach, but it comes in Pineapple Coconut, Rasberry, Blueberry, and Strawberry Shortcake. 80 Calories!
    Seedless Orange- One of my favorites, the flavor really wakes you up, packed with vitamin C! About 90 Calories!
    Apple- Fun, but I have braces (Not fun.) I love apples, but they get stuck in my braces. 80 Calories!
    Scrambled Egg- Yumm. This is for sure my favorite, not very filling, but very tasty. Fast and Easy. No milk just the egg scrambled, add a little salt if you like extra flavor. 80 Calories!
    Always drink water or flavored water Zero Calorie Vitamin Water is healthy and Enjoyable also if you need vitamins.

    On a footnote Wasa Crackers are a great bread substite. Two crackers have 60 calories. One piece of wheat bread is 50! You can save yourself 40 calories in one sandwich, and some carbs too.
  • ImperfektAngel
    ImperfektAngel Posts: 811 Member
    I have the same thing pretty much every day, Im surprised I havent gotten tired of it lol
    I make breakfast the night before that way I always have something to eat and I have bread to toast at work
    I have some egg whites, with a slice of ham and some spinach, mix that all up til the egg whites are cooked and I top if off with some feta cheese and have all this with my toast :)
  • sceck
    sceck Posts: 219
    I know that feeling. I've been trying to make my breakfast the night before. I make a pot of oatmeal, then in the morning add a couple of berries and/or yogurt and zap it. I put some yogurt in little dishes covered in plastic wrap. Even if I don't feel like breakfast, they're there, so why not. Or, just grab the peanut butter and whole grain bread. It's really more of getting into the habit, than deciding you don't like it. I haven't eaten breakfast my entire life...and still don't as often as I should. But I do enjoy it when I take the little bit of time required. Good luck.
  • MyNameIsNotBob
    MyNameIsNotBob Posts: 565 Member
    My easy under-200-calorie breakfasts:

    MoJo Bar (Peanut / Pretzel is an awesome flavor)
    Luna Bar (Lemon is the best)
    Eggo Nutrigrain Waffle w/ peanut butter
    Peanut butter and banana on skinny wheat toast
    Cheese on wheat toast
    1/2 c. nonfat vanilla yogurt, 1/2 c. berries, 1/2 c. granola
    Cereal w/ skim milk and banana
    Oatmeal with skim milk, cinnamon and raisins
    Wheat English muffin with low fat cream cheese and diced dried apricots

    Obviously, some are easier to eat in the car than others... but none of them take longer than 2 or 3 minutes to make.
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