

  • SammieGetsFit
    SammieGetsFit Posts: 432 Member
    So far so good...ish. I have been very good about doing all of my training and exercise each day, but my weigh-in for other challenges was today and I am 1.2 lbs from the 10-pound mark and I've only lost 3/4 (out of my goal of 2) inches this week. Loss is still loss so I'm not feeling too down, but we'll see what the weekend brings. Hopefully whatever my weight and waist do, I can still get in my 10-minute run -- which is my main goal.

    Good luck to everyone on these last few days! You can do it!!!
  • SuzMac1981
    SuzMac1981 Posts: 708 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: HAPPY BIRTHDAY, LADY!!!!!!!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • SuzMac1981
    SuzMac1981 Posts: 708 Member
    Ack, I just had a computer glitch... see next post.
  • SuzMac1981
    SuzMac1981 Posts: 708 Member
    Sam - a loss is a loss!!! Great attitude!
    Mak - you are killing it this week! WTG!
    Wondergirl - nice job!! Keep up the great work!!!
    Mary - WTG on reaching the goal and probably going OVER it today!! Nice work!
    Quilter (omgoodness, I'm so bad remembering names...) - Isn't the Wii fun?!?!?! I love using it to assist in my workouts!

    So I gained back that pound... but I was TOTALLY expecting that. I ate carrot cake with cream cheese frosting, for goodness sake! LMAO I am going to focus on making better choices next week. It's going to be a goal along with my minutes exercised. Unfortunately it doesn't look like I am going to lose 4 pounds by tomorrow for my first mini goal but I still see it within reach!

    The weather is affecting my mood today and I really, truly, just wanted to stay in bed! It has thrown me all off and I forgot my sneakers at home (had to break out the snow boots again) and my pedometer fell off in the car and I forgot to put it back on!
  • Noz7
    Noz7 Posts: 59 Member
    Hi Ladies and Ladyknuckles:flowerforyou:
    Happy birthday :smile:

    ... you guys have motivated me and I've managed to squeeze in a long ride with hubby today (140 mins), which felt like a real strain because I also played soccer last night as well! I still hope to ride on Monday but it is hard when carrying a laptop. I hope I do as I do want to get more exercise.

    Could someone help with a few beginners questions? I have been wondering...
    I had the oil soaked satay for lunch today, which I bought on campus, I suspect that it might have had a lot more calories than the selection I made to put into my food diary... how you do count this type of thing? I mean, I was tempted to simply add a tablespoon of oil! (Is that the right thing to do?)
    We're in Perth, which is relatively flat... surely cycling is easier here?? So wouldn't that mean that I wouldn't burn as much?
    Oh well! I was 'under' by 458 calories, so there is a fair bit of leeway there.
    ...and the good news is that I couldn't eat another bite:) A nice feeling, since normally I find it hard to control serving sizes and have to choose carefully to fill myself up.

    I've finally realised why it is that my husband can eat whole large packets of chips and not put on weight particularly (he doesn't have high cholesterol either)... yay for exercise!!!
  • Noz7
    Noz7 Posts: 59 Member
    I've just had a chance to go through your entries and it sounds like some of you have had a really hard week! But how amazing was Kris, she's lost heaps and is totally holding up under the pressure of ER visits!
  • KrisPage
    KrisPage Posts: 539 Member
    Thanks for the encouragement everyone!!
    The ER stuff goes on, back at Dr today still breaking with Hives as soon as benadryl wears off. Trying different antihistamine and antibiotic today and hoping hives are from strep infection not antibiotic.

    No workout so far today since I took the morning off to go to Dr appt. And I arrived to work for pot luck lunch. Tried to limit my self to a smaller plate and only taking tablespoon sized tastes of things. Not sure how to record meal in here though at a tablespoon servings. So many good cooks here AAAHHH!!
    Hope they dont have these meals monthly.
    Well hope everyone is working hard at their goals and making great choices for our health.
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    After demolition day at the park with my students, I am at 535/175 for the week, and will probably get some walking in tomorrow, as I am helping at a high school music festival for 10 hours. I am exhausted!
  • SuzMac1981
    SuzMac1981 Posts: 708 Member
    175/200... off to bed - it has been a CRAZY week and I am very much looking forward to the weekend! I will be on here more then!
  • MAK_01
    MAK_01 Posts: 553 Member
    Friday check in
    2 - 30 second planks
    3 - 10 twist crunches 

    I have my weigh in tomorrow morning ... I'm nervous. This is the first week I didn't do mid week check in. Wish me luck

    Hope everyone had a great Friday.
  • wondergirl1003
    wondergirl1003 Posts: 138 Member
    Thank goodness for Friday! Kinda... I'm on call this weekend, so fingers crossed that the stupid phone doesn't ring. Under my cal goal for a sixth day and planned 30 mins on the treadmill until the thing tried to kick me off 8 minutes into my run (turned it up to 7 for a two minute interval and it literally just stopped. I almost flew off). Finished with 20 mins on the stationary bike since I didn't want to chance it with the evil tread again. That puts me at 201/200 so far this week.

    Good job this week ladies! We're doing great.
  • SammieGetsFit
    SammieGetsFit Posts: 432 Member
    Kris, give that poor girl a big hug from all of us. She must be so miserable. :( You seem to be keeping a great attitude, though. *hugsforyou* Keep up the great mom work. Worry about this stuff later.

    Two more days, everyone! Time for the final push!!
  • jenneyd
    jenneyd Posts: 308 Member
    ok I am new to this, but man oh man do I need this! I just have not been motivated for the past few days.

    Goal1 get my daily allowance of calcium and iron. This can be simple if I just commit to eating my Total every day.

    Goal 2 minimum 200 minutes of cardio this week.

    Goal 3 burn minimum 3500 calories (this is going to require intense cardio, the REAL goal here)

    Goal 4 lose "the weekend weight" plus an additional pound (173)

    Goal 5 consume 11 glasses of water daily to meet the goal for my weight.

    Ok so good enough for this week. Some are simple, some not so simple. I have learned that when I DO bother to set goals, I work harder and eat better. I set a goal to be under fat grams. I have managed to get this under control. I have made goals to burn 3500 calories and 4000 calories for a week and achieved them. 200 minutes of cardio should be relatively simple for me to do, as I usually do closer to 400 minimum a week, but not this one.
    Thank you so much for posting. Challenging ourselves is what will bring change. And change is what I need!
    hugs to all and good luck!

    Goal 1: I ate my Total every day, and managed to get my daily allowance of calcium and iron all this week.

    Goal 2: 200 minutes of cardio, I did more than 350 minutes

    Goal 3: I need to burn 275 more calories today to reach my 3500 calorie goal. I am sure I will be able to this, full day of walking!

    Goal 4: down to 173! looking forward to say good bye to the 170's very soon!

    Goal 5: 11 glasses of water every day. I only drank 9 glasses yesterday, but every other day I managed to drink all 11 glasses!
  • SuzMac1981
    SuzMac1981 Posts: 708 Member
    220/200 - I DID IT!!!! My 45 minute walk was AMAZING and I feel so good! I am hoping for a scale change tomorrow morning. *fingers crossed*

    I didn't meet my first mini goal date (today) but I am 3 pounds away from it... it's okay! I lost over 20 pounds in LESS THAN A MONTH!! I think that's a great start!!! Yes, I was glum about it this week and yes it brought me down that I wasn't losing... but it's all okay. It just means I am going to have a good next couple of weeks as long as I stay positive. Thank you SO MUCH to everyone who is friends with me on here and supporting me everyday!!! xoxo I COULDN'T DO IT WITHOUT YOU!
  • SuzMac1981
    SuzMac1981 Posts: 708 Member
    Kris, give that poor girl a big hug from all of us. She must be so miserable. :( You seem to be keeping a great attitude, though. *hugsforyou* Keep up the great mom work. Worry about this stuff later.

    Two more days, everyone! Time for the final push!!

    DITTO to Kris!!!

    Isn't today our last day of our week? Tomorrow is day 1 of the new week... unless I was wrong about that? I think this thread starts on Sundays and MFP's weeks start on Mondays. It is a little confusing (I was definitely confused at first) but now I am used to it. :)
  • newdaydawning79
    newdaydawning79 Posts: 1,503 Member
    So! I made my goal of undoing the damage plus lost 3 lbs. I have NO IDEA how this happened but I'm thrilled for it! Two pounds and my first goal is accomplished. It's...unbelievable to me to see what I've accomplished with the support of all of you! :heart: :love: :heart:

    Last night I was HORRIBLE and I ended up with heartburn so bad that I honestly thought I was going to die. I had NO idea that heartburn could feel like that. I finally got to sleep at about 6 this morning. It was awful, but I'm feeling much much better today and I'm trying hard to be better with my choices today! I'm also crafting which at least keeps my hands busy too. :laugh:
  • bethikabob
    bethikabob Posts: 128 Member
    goal 1: I've stayed under calories every day this week :)
    goal 2: 298/250 minutes of exercise (might up it next week lol)
    goal 3: avg of 8.3 8oz glasses a day, ever since I got a new water bottle (wed) Ive had 9 'glasses' a day :)
    Good job newday (I'm pretty sure I've seen your name, but I'm awful about remembering names so I'm sorry) on the lost weight :)
    Suz, you can do a sun-sat week or a mon-sun--whatever works best for you :)
  • SuzMac1981
    SuzMac1981 Posts: 708 Member
    Ang!!!! I am so so so so so PROUD of you!!!! WTG!!! Pure inspiration!

    Beth - congrats on hitting your goals!!!! Another true inspiration! GREAT JOB all around!!!!

    How in the heck can I possibly find more things to eat today?! I haven't even eaten 1200 calories let alone "net"ted 1200! I suppose that Skinny Cow ice cream cup could fill in 150 cals later! I just want the damn scale to move when I weigh-in tomorrow morning! LOL
  • newdaydawning79
    newdaydawning79 Posts: 1,503 Member
    Suzanne, you are so wonderful. Thank you! :flowerforyou:
  • KrisPage
    KrisPage Posts: 539 Member
    Ending this week well!!
    Managed 3 miles of yard work today. Oh what fun! cleaned all flower beds and picked up sticks from the yard and raked gravel out of yard back into drive after a long winter of snow.
    Maybe tomorrow we will get the rest of the Christmas lights down after all it is past April Fool's Day.