

  • MissWait
    MissWait Posts: 160
    Ok.....I'm going to try again this week, last week was a real shocker for me!

    So this week I'm going to just give myself two smaller goals, I seemed to have overwhelmed myself last week lol

    Exercise every day (at least 210mins for the week)
    Snacking Smarter...No Chips!

    :smile: Hope everyone has a good week
  • KrisPage
    KrisPage Posts: 539 Member
    got a good start to the week
    3 miles today
    Hoping to finish the other challenge I am in for March I set a goal to walk 50 miles and I will struggle to hit that this week if I don't get at it.
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Okay, my spring break is over (obviously, since it snowed today :wink: ) so I am jumping back in. I think that I will go for 175 minutes of exercise this week, with hopefully at least two swimming sessions included in that. Here's to smart choices!
  • bachooka
    bachooka Posts: 719 Member
    Last week I did serving sizes of carbs... and failed horribly. This week I am going to keep working on that and add in water... because I literally drink NO water... For my weight I should be drinking 103oz So I will do that everyday this week!

    Purchase one of the water bottles that are 1/2 of a gallon, or right around what you need to consume in a day. Fill it in the morning, and drink it throughout the day. That way you can see your progress, and how much more you have to go! I have found that helpful, plus it keeps you motivated and HONEST!! :)
    You can do it girl. Good luck!

    My very supportive baby sis bought me a 26 ounce water bottle... so I need four a day. :D it will work very well with my meals that way. Just gotta go chug my last bottle of it before bed!
  • wondergirl1003
    wondergirl1003 Posts: 138 Member
    I'd like to join this challenge. I have a goal weight, but that's pretty far off and staying motivated to meet my calorie goal has not worked so well for me the last couple of weeks. Soooo, my goal is to be under my calorie goal everyday and do at least three days of exercise this week. Workouts aren't generally an issue, but eating is/has been. I need to start the scale moving again. Good luck ladies.

    Today: 81/200 and under CG
  • MissWait
    MissWait Posts: 160
    The day is almost over for me and I am happy to say that I didn't eat any chips, none yesterday either :happy:
  • savvynurse
    savvynurse Posts: 292
    Sunday was a bust for me... no exercise and went over my cals. So I guess i need to be under enough throughout the week to make my "overage" yesterday equal out. Gonna jump in on the exercise here in a few mins.... Have to wake up first the Biggest Loser Power walk here I come!! Doing all 4 walks burns 700 cals for me... Need to do that a few times before Wednesday... My final weigh in at work for our Biggest loser competition. Will catch up with everyone later today.
  • 4pence
    4pence Posts: 81 Member
    This is good for me, whenever I join other challenge threads I stay there for about a couple of weeks and then just fail....

    Seeing as this is my first week trying to get back on track I've got 3 short term goals, I'll try and do all three BUT since its my first week back I'll allow myself room for error lol
    1. Drink at least 1l of water a day... I know its not much but my water intake now is tiny
    2. Go to the gym at least twice... going today so i'm sure I can find time later in the week
    3. Track food every day until Sunday... since I haven't been tracking at all I hope this will be easy
  • SuzMac1981
    SuzMac1981 Posts: 708 Member
    Again, WELCOME to everyone who is joining us this week!!!

    I am happy to report that my scale told me I'd lost 2 POUNDS so I'm getting closer and closer to my first mini goal!

    I powered through working out last night and was DRIPPING sweat. Yes, friends, you can work out at home by "just" doing Leslie Sansone's 1 mile walk at home and 3-4 dances on Just Dance 2 on the Wii. It's obviously working for me!!!

    I'm at work now and I have SO MUCH to do today. Boooo... I was going to try to get in an outdoor walk during lunch but I may need to work through lunch today. C'est la vie! Chat later!

    (Note to self for future posts: 35/200 mins and 2/5 lbs.)
  • SammieGetsFit
    SammieGetsFit Posts: 432 Member
    Hello, all. I'm here for my Monday morning report. :happy:

    I have two weigh-in days, Mondays and Fridays. On Friday I was pretty disappointed in the scale compared to what I had been seeing. I was really glad that my goal last week had nothing to do with weight loss. Ha. So this morning I wasn't expecting any miracles.

    Lo and behold, I've lost 1.6 pounds and 1.5 inches since then! I'm not at a total of 9 pounds lost!!! I just need ONE more pound or another half and inch to meet one caveat of my weekly challenge!! I. Am. So. Happy. Today.

    Anyway, I just wanted to brag a little :blushing: and cheer everyone on. If I can do, you SO can do it. Good luck this week, everyone!!
  • blueviolet20
    blueviolet20 Posts: 317 Member
    I'm in!

    Goals for this week:

    Goal #1 - Stay within calorie limits for the ENTIRE week
    Goal #2 - Do at least 30 minutes of exercise each day for 6 days of the week
    Goal #3 - Lose 2 pounds this week.
    Goal #4 - Stay away from junk food!
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Kudos to all who are meeting their goals, and also kudos to all who are at least trying, even though it is frustrating at times. My Monday report: I am hoping to make it to the swimming pool after work today. I have limited time due to a meeting, but I am telling myself that I am not allowed to make excuses, just to keep moving! Here's to smart choices!
  • arwamya
    arwamya Posts: 304
    Day 1 = Went to the gym today . So four more days to go to reach my weekly goal
    Burned over a 1000 calories already..9000 calories more to go !
    C'mon people let's do this !
  • newdaydawning79
    newdaydawning79 Posts: 1,503 Member
    Welcome to ALL OF OUR NEW PEOPLE!! I'm so excited to be part of a group that is always so supportive and is constantly growing!! I wish everyone I came across was as wonderful as you all have been to me.

    Speaking of non-supportive people...I have this coworker who literally finds fault with EVERYTHING I eat. If I have broccoli, she says it smells. If I bring pre-packaged food (Lean Cuisines, etc) she asks how on Earth I can stand to eat that stuff every day. I'm getting so sick and tired of it, I finally snapped at her today. I can't take it anymore!
  • SammieGetsFit
    SammieGetsFit Posts: 432 Member
    Speaking of non-supportive people...I have this coworker who literally finds fault with EVERYTHING I eat. If I have broccoli, she says it smells. If I bring pre-packaged food (Lean Cuisines, etc) she asks how on Earth I can stand to eat that stuff every day. I'm getting so sick and tired of it, I finally snapped at her today. I can't take it anymore!

    Good for you for standing up for yourself!! I think far too often people with weight to lose let themselves get bullied by those non-supportive people around them because we don't think we deserve better. We do!

    But don't let her get you too riled up. You've got us to support you. And I think broccoli smells DELICIOUS! YUM!
  • KrisPage
    KrisPage Posts: 539 Member
    2 miles over lunch yeah!!!
  • newdaydawning79
    newdaydawning79 Posts: 1,503 Member
    Good for you for standing up for yourself!! I think far too often people with weight to lose let themselves get bullied by those non-supportive people around them because we don't think we deserve better. We do!

    But don't let her get you too riled up. You've got us to support you. And I think broccoli smells DELICIOUS! YUM!

    It's just SO FRUSTRATING. I'm so tired of hearing it every single day. Then again, she criticizes anything anyone does, it's not just the food thing. I'm just over it. I'm also really really tired today so that's not helping!
  • newdaydawning79
    newdaydawning79 Posts: 1,503 Member
    2 miles over lunch yeah!!!

    Kris that's awesome! You're amazing!
  • deeharley
    deeharley Posts: 1,208 Member
    Okay, so I bailed on checking in here a couple days, but I'm in again. I did get all my exercise in last week, and I went over on my calories a couple times.

    It's SO great to see most everyone doing well, and to see some new faces, too. That's encouraging!

    Let's see goals for this week.

    Stay under calorie goal for the week - this is going to start meaning that when I average my calories for the week, I come under the daily amount. Because I DO come way under sometimes during the week, then go over on the weekend. And I'm refusing to stress about that.

    Lose a pound this week - I weigh in on Wednesday, and I think I am going to do that. We'll see.

    30 Day Shred six days this week, two days at the gym and at least one other workout. Last week, this absolutely exhausted me, but I'm hoping I'll get stronger each week I do it.
  • Grandee47
    Grandee47 Posts: 261 Member
    Hey MissDee! I totally did NOT meet my goal last week. :grumble: In fact, it was so nasty out and I was so busy running around getting ready for the weekend festivities, I did not do one "official" walking session. I absolutely know that is NO EXCUSE!!!!

    OK, I'm mixing it up this week. I love wearing my pedometer and when I walk it's easy to get up over 5000 steps, so my goal for this week is to have a minimum of 5000 steps/day, starting today.

    Thanks for keeping us going!

    Dee :smile: