I like to mostly ear raw food ( thus cold) but when I go for hot, light lunch I'd suggest : oven baked fish ( low fat one line not salmon but white trout etc),frekeh, lentils ( dhal or some sort of cooked lentils), baked eggplant, boiled/baked with some baked veggies, salad of course but you said you prefer warm food ... .…
guys thanks so much for the replies ! I had in the last 2 days tons of water and went to gym and ... well I guess I'm out of it because the scale was lower one pound today so I guess my weight loss resumed. But independently of that I go so much good advice ! thanks a whole lot
.... thanks for the reply ! I do eat only whole foods, mostly raw, super healthy ... I don't know if I can actually get healthier than that :P :)))) ... . But there is something that my body doesn't like or just holds on on old fat. I was loosing didn't change anything and then bummmm no loss anymore :(.
... I m loosing my last dozen of pounds I guess and I've been plateauing for almost 2 weeks now but I have a similar problem - I guess your calories are too low. You need more than 1300 , your body is in starvation mode
hmm... thanks guys ! ... let's see if there is someone else with same problem. I'll keep you updated if I manage to go under this ... . I ve been reading stuff online and yea, people say u can be in the plateau phase for months ... your body simply doesn't want to let go the fat that is really really old. Ufff... I was not…
P. S - I guess this is also synonymous with loosing the last 10-15 pounds ? ... How do you get out of plateau for this ?
is fake food .it is as I seen these days on internet a chemistry experiment made on people -there is anything but natural stuff in that food, u d rather eat a plastic bag with a topping of glue ( is more or less the same).
Hi ! I m doing the same and been doing it before too ! It all depends on the training schedule and on the food too - with the right food and right amount of training u ll start really soon to notice changes in your muscles :) Good luck !
eat them ... I did the error of not eating back and lost muscles and stopd loosing ... eat them it worth especially if u eat the right foods !
no, didn t see and didn't know - thanks for the info , I ll definitely check it out !
Hi thanks, I'm variating the cals , I m sometimes eating 1600 sometimes a little over ... however I had days of pb being over and didn t gain any weight at all so I might need to increase ... dunno uff... is also the fact that this weight I m trying to go under has been my lowest weight in the last 10 years or more so ...…
your progress is unbelievable ! congratulations !
diet coke has something much worst than sugar :aspartame ... google for it - is carcinogenic, gives addictions and so on. Chocolate has sugar but cocoa is actually good for you so you'd rather go for chocolate - much better would be to go for dark chocolate or , I did this and worked just buy a bad of organic CACAO (…
amazing info ! thanks so much
bump bump ! nobody ? :(
hi, thanks ! hope someone will have :)) if not I'll post it again later :)
thanks everybody soooo much !
bump ...
hi ... I see this post is one yeasr old but if any of u is still around, can u tell me what kind of carbs did u regained the weight back ? Like did u eat pasta and bread and so on or veggies and mostly raw food ? ( green stuff and fruits )
I always go out of stagnation with 'pure protein days' 3 in a row should do - just eat lean chicken turkey eggs and sea food with no oil added and no carbs at all. However I think your calorie intake is way too small - u re at the limit of starvation so your body holds on those few pounds like hell plus that u burn around…
nobody ? :(
yogurt ( no fat ) ,parmesan cheese , turkey breast, many of the seeds ( pumpkin , squash etc), large beans , fish , lentils.Take care with cutting all fats if u don t get some omega3/6/9 fatty acids u ll have skin problems ( I had...)
yes that one
none else ? :( ..aaahh... I needed more opinions :(
sorry to hear that ... that's really bad, how long did it take for you to get them ? Did the water ( like 2 l or so per day ) didn't help ?
hi, I had last Thursday around 7 hours of sailing - means 1400 calories, if u can still add them I think would help. I also had last on Sunday 600 calories or so. Today nothing, tomorrow if no earthquake and hurricane Irene is not yet here :))) ( is forecasted to arrive in Virginia at the end of the week ) hope to have a…
- If u re interested in mostly accessing internet u can go for a netbook too , if u still want some stuff in your laptop u should go for a laptop ... . I 'd go for a laptop because can be much more useful than…
thanks for the post and for th answer - I didn t know that ... I m sort of plateauing too though I run a lot ( around 20 miles per week ) and I stay under my calories almost each day ( some days too much maybe ) ... so hope I ll learn something from here ...
a bananna is usually 90