Dukan Diet wieght gain??

Hi was just wondering if anyone else has had the strange phenomena of gaining weight whilst on a carb restricted diet? I have gone back to counting calories, but was following the dukan diet and even during the attack phase I lost no weight although I found it hard to eat my calorie goal and even put on a couple of lbs. It made me constipated and miserable, are some people just not physiolgically suited to some diets? I had read so much about not all calories are equal and protein uses more calories to metabolise than carbs or fat. Is anyone able to explain what might have been happening with me? I don't intend to continue with the Dukan diet as it was too restrictive and could not see how eating fruit and veg could be bad for you! but I have also stopped loosing wieight and want any advice as to how I start to boost my weight loss a bit more. I am trying to increase my exercise but very time restricted, anyway be grateful for any tips out there!



  • rosiesparkle100
    Yes! Exactly the same happened to me! I stuck to it religiously for two weeks (I know that sounds short, but the point of Dukan is that you rapidly lose weight in the first week to motivate you) and I think I put on a kg, was struggling to eat so much protein, and was grumpy. It's far too faddy to maintain: even once you are supposedly in maintenance mode. I really didn't want to have a day every week when I only ate protein. Sigh. I think calorie counting is the old fashioned and sensible way forward.
  • tassles
    tassles Posts: 172
    I too tried the Dukan diet but I actually lost 1 kilo within the first 2 days....However, I found that I couldn't stick to such a restrictive diet for too long as I too became grumpy ....I didnt get past the attack phase as I knew I would never be able to live without some carbs. I did however try sticking to the protein Thursday idea for a couple of months but it really didn't help...I found that counting calories was easier and much more sensible.

    ...I'm sure that we were created to eat more vegies, legumes, grains and fruit than the Dukan diet allows!

    As I write this I know I should practice what I preach...but to increase your metabolism eat more natural foods and less processed foods. Also keep your body's furnace burning by eating more frequently ( best before you get really hungry ). drink more water and try to stay more active ...use the stairs instead of the lifts, walk to the corner store instead of driving etc, etc,

    If you can't find a solid hour a day to exercise then do smaller chunks of exercise such as 10 minutes in morning, half an hour at lunch and 20 minutes at night etc.

    I guess there is not one diet that works for every one but in all seriousness watching what goes in and what gets burnt off on a daily basis would have to be the only logical way to lose weight etc. that's why I'm here at MFP!!

    Good luck with it all!
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    I did the Adkins thing a few years ago. I lost about 10 pounds at first, then when I started to increase my carbs (according to the plan guidelines), it came right back. I was also constipated, bloated, and miserable. I'll never do the low carb thing again.
  • Colfiii
    Colfiii Posts: 124 Member
    hi ... I see this post is one yeasr old but if any of u is still around, can u tell me what kind of carbs did u regained the weight back ? Like did u eat pasta and bread and so on or veggies and mostly raw food ? ( green stuff and fruits )
  • elfo
    elfo Posts: 353 Member
    I did the Dukan and I lost 10lbs in my 10 days of attack. I have lost 25.8 lbs total in about 2.5 months. Are you sure you did the diet correctly? Did you read the book or just get the info from the web. After I lost 25lbs, I went from the Cruise phase to a modified cruise phase where I do PV days instead of alternating PP and PV-- I still am loosing. I have a blog about my Dukan journey if you're interested.
