"last 10 pounds" advice ?

Colfiii Posts: 124 Member
did/does anyone have any problems with loosing the 'last 10 pounds ' ? I m at my current weight since one month now and nothing goes down ( neither goes up which is good ) but anyways, my diet is good - I m eating healthy and clean ( veggies, fruits , meat from time to time, no fried stuff , no refined sugars I m doing well with food ) I haven't been exercising too much lately might be that too but I've never been stagnating for so long and I wonder if is the fact that these are the last pounds to loose ??? ... does anyone have the same problem ? any advice ?


  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    It is harder when you get down to those last few pounds. It helps me if I mix up my workouts a bit - try different workouts, make sure I'm doing more cardio some days and more strength on the other days. How many calories are you eating? I'm near my goal and had been stuck for quite awhile, and recently increased my calories to get the scale moving again. I know it seems counter intuitive to eat more and lose, but it works. Took a few weeks, but the scale is moving, and I've got about a pound to go to hit my current goal.
  • Colfiii
    Colfiii Posts: 124 Member
    Hi thanks,

    I'm variating the cals , I m sometimes eating 1600 sometimes a little over ... however I had days of pb being over and didn t gain any weight at all so I might need to increase ... dunno uff... is also the fact that this weight I m trying to go under has been my lowest weight in the last 10 years or more so ... might be quite challenging for my body to go under that
  • Colfiii
    Colfiii Posts: 124 Member
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    I'd do some strength training, burn of the last of the fat you want to get rid of and forget what the scale says. You'll feel better and look better!