niamhb Member


  • I weigh myself three times a day, in the morning before I go to work , when I come in from work and then again before I go to bed. I'm starting to see a change alright but I think I should start doing it once a week...
  • Yea this happened to me too and since I don't have the packaging anymore I don' t know what the calories are...
  • I am eating very healthily, and regularly but there dare 2-3 days a week where it says I should be eating an extra 600-800calories...and i just don't get that hungry during the day! If I want a snack I have a minipack of raisins...
  • While most days this isn't an issue for me, but today I am doing alot of walking (due to work) and have an aerobics class this evening that would put my bonus calories back up to nearly 1200. Do I have to eat them? I realise this may have been answered alot but I don't have a big appetite at the moment...
  • sounds good actually!thanks! :wink:
  • should have said: due to IBS I can't have wheat, dairy or eggs.... am thinking I'll have a bowl of special k, with rice milk and fruit on top
  • Congratulations!!! Delighted for you...I only started on here last week and am finding it great! Am looking forward to the day my mouth drops open when I'm trying on clothes! Keep up the goodwork!:flowerforyou:
  • I take Tuesdays off from the gym, and since I only walk home in the evenings (only exercise I get on days off from Gym) I don't have alot of calories today after a big lunch, to be exact I have around 266...any suggestions for what I could have?
  • he might be chunky now but chances are it will go as he grows. best thing to do is to encourage him to play outside more, and encourage him to have healthy snacks, maybe even cook with you in the evenings etc. I know when I'm cooking my own food I have fun doing it and I love to cook now.
  • I'm the same, haven't noticed a change in my weight the past few weeks, working out 4 times a week for two hours and then walking everywhere I can the days I'm not there...eating alot healthier too, especially since Tuesday when I found this site (its great!)...hoping that soon I'll start noticing a change!
  • well done! I did the same just there at lunchtime, I was in the supermarket and saw someone with a pack of biscuits. So I went up to the aisle to get them and when I got there I decided I don't need them, I have boxercise after work so the last thing I want is to be feeling sick in it because of what I ate! It's all about…
  • Has anyone tried the wheat and gluten free pasta? I can't have wheat, eggs or dairy, along with other foods because I have IBS and I loooovvvveee my pasta!but not sure if I want to pay €4 for a packet of it if its not nice?
  • do you eat much bread and dairy? I've had to cut them out because of IBS and I have noticed a difference in my stomach size (I usually look pregnant)