

  • I am making a big assumption but I assume natural like celery is more than fine. I have noticed my sodium high on days I eat processed, but healty food, lots of vegetarian foods are high in spinach bites...
  • Hey all one thing to remember about late night hunger, sometimes you are really just tierd, your body says "I need energy", and it will get it form food or sleep, so if it is late, go to bed. For those of you eating all day, if you are within your calories and you aren't gaining, that is how we are supposed to feel, not…
  • I would check your calories burn 1200 seems high for a 1hour 15 min bike ride, we often over estimate our effort, ie. speed on the bike. If not I would choose to enjoy ice cream, or a beer.
  • Put them in a cabinet or the garage, out of site out of mind...they will keep for a special occation, like a party, or if kids come over, this is what I do with my girl scout cookies, trust me even an old cookie is still gooood...
  • I sure have noticed a difference...I feel like I don't want to waste any calories on unthought out food. MFP has been the best thing ever to keeping me on track, and I don't feel guilty!
  • Also try not to let yourself get so hungry that you have no control and you just go crazy...this has happened to all of us, be it food or drink.
  • Try eating your exercise calories every other day to recharge your metabolism. Plus make sure you get enough sleep!!!!
  • Hi Deseret yogi, I am also a faithful yoga practitioner and teacher. I am in the vinyasa style which as you know is basically power yoga. I am also vegetarian but I eat fish and eggs. Peshco,lacto ovo-vegetarian is the right term I think? The advice I have is if you eat lots of veggies the simple carbs like bread will…
  • My advice take the first week or 2 and eat your exercise calories, if you don't lose weight stop eating them,,I have lost weight but I do not eat my exercise calories unless I am truly hungry then I eat about 1/2 of them. I am trying to lose the last 10 lbs, this is the hardest to lose, except the last 5 of course :), so…
  • We all fall off the wagon, just keep the other days this week and through the weekend, extra perfect. Also share with the people in your life why you are trying to do this. You will be surprised how supportive people can be if you let them know how excited you are to change your life.
  • Thanks folks I appreciate the help.
  • Hello all, I have noticed thaqt the log tracks my sodium, I have no idea how much I should be having. I exercize a lot, my hasband doesn't worry about his at all, but my blood pressure is perfect. Clues anyone?
  • I am not sure,,,,but unless you work nights stop eating at midnight, it is never good.
  • This website is great, if you stick to your program and are honest in your eating and exercise you can not fail. If you do go over your calories, you will know right away, very helpful, and you are more apt to choose wisely since you hold your self accountable in "black and white" Good luck and enjoy the life changing…
  • I have 2 girls and they are given as much as they want they are both 15, and very thin. vet was even shocked by how old they are. If you read all the crazy cat health books, ( I am an obsessed kitty momma) wet food is best. Dry food is lots of carbs which cats do not need, I let my girls have dry but the wet is what they…
  • Have a great date, if you have a little extra food, just counter it with lots of sex...hey it is date nite!!!
  • These are great, I seem to be only good at complicated things...Everyday the steel cut oats and I have a battle, they are winning!!!!
  • If you have an unsupportive boyfriend my advice, get a new boyfriend. My husband and I choose a healthy lifestyle together and I would have never married anyone who did not share my values. Life is too short and you are too young to be fat and miserable...the gym is a great place to meet freinds, especailly when you are…
  • All the elite runners that come out of Africa to win the US marathons have never even owned shoes, also look at elite runners shoes they are just about nothing. If you have really good, meaning , well aligned feet and knees and hips, you will be fine, but most of us do not, which is why we are not elite runners. I myself…
  • I feel for you so much...I am on this website my self to lose those last 10 lbs. I am also of the opinion to not eat the exercise. Depending on your age, I am 37 and 10 years ago I had no issues losing weight but as we get older things change, losing 10 lbs is a lot harder. 2000 calories is very high for most women out of…
  • Hi there, the best thing you can do to reach your fitness goals at curves or at home is purchase a heart rate monitor so you can track your own progress. If you work with your heart rate anywhere from 60;80% of your max heart rate, you will begin to see cardiovascular results. Our bodies will begin to plateau at about 6…
    in Curves Comment by delanahub April 2008