ever make a disaster?



  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    Ok, I have the best one. My husband (not a chef AT ALL), was making a turkey burger on the grill.......and brought it in and started to eat it. Half way through he makes a comment "Hmm, it's a bit rare!".....and I look and the whole inside is RAW still. And he shrugs and says "Well, you CAN order burgers rare"............and I reply with "Ummm NOT POULTRY!!!!!"

    Amazing he's still alive!!
  • abbychelle07
    abbychelle07 Posts: 656 Member
    Ok, I have the best one. My husband (not a chef AT ALL), was making a turkey burger on the grill.......and brought it in and started to eat it. Half way through he makes a comment "Hmm, it's a bit rare!".....and I look and the whole inside is RAW still. And he shrugs and says "Well, you CAN order burgers rare"............and I reply with "Ummm NOT POULTRY!!!!!"

    Amazing he's still alive!!

    HILARIOUS! My husband wouldn't have touched that with a ten-foot pole. He is so worried about all the cooties you can get from uncooked anything. He bleaches the entire kitchen after working with raw chicken.
  • lockedcj7
    lockedcj7 Posts: 257 Member
    I'm actually a pretty good cook and my family usually likes what I make. That said, I've made plenty of things that didn't come out the way I wanted. Most recently, I was grilling burgers on a cold, windy day and some of them turned out crispy-critter. It seems that I over-estimated the influence of the wind on the heat of the grill.

    Other than that, I get in trouble when I try to substitute ingredients or double or 1/2 a recipe.
  • lockedcj7
    lockedcj7 Posts: 257 Member

    HILARIOUS! My husband wouldn't have touched that with a ten-foot pole. He is so worried about all the cooties you can get from uncooked anything. He bleaches the entire kitchen after working with raw chicken.

    He must be related to my mother. She once poured Lysol on some waffles because the Aunt-Jamaima and the Lysol were sitting on the counter next to each other.
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,697 Member
    Ever tried chicken pudding? Yeah. It didn't exist until I tried a recipe. I didn't mess it up, it was just a bad recipe! I won't live that one down!
  • LightenUp_Caro
    LightenUp_Caro Posts: 572 Member
    Unfortunately, I learned how to burn food at a young age. We knew it was time for dinner when the smoke alarm went off. I swore that I wouldn't forget about things when i started cooking but much to my dismay, I've developed a craving for burned food.

    what gives.
  • Bre&CJ'sMom
    I know it's not healthy, but the first meal I made for my husband after we moved in together was fried pork chops and gravy. I have never been good at making gravy. But I thought I did well. The pork chops were done all the way through and the gravy looked good. I put the chops in the gravy to keep them warm and left the burner on low. When I uncovered the pan...the gravy had turned into a biscut with the porkchops baked in to it! I had used self rising flour to thicken the gravy. I didn't realize that there were different types of flour. It's been 7 years and he still teases me about it!
  • buckeyebabe
    buckeyebabe Posts: 235
    I get some recipes from cookbooks, and after I make it I think, "Someone actually made this, ate it, and then thought it belonged in a book for OTHER people to make? Yuck!" :laugh:

    HAHAHAHA! That was funny. I never really thought about that even when I had the same experience. Thanks for the laugh, it was a good one!

    My husband once tried to make PB cookies for the kids on a day off. He mistook the 1/2 t. for 1/2 c. I teased him about it forever. I thought it was only common sense that no cookie recipe (that isn't large enough to feed an entire military base) would call for 1/2 c. of SALT!!!
  • delanahub
    delanahub Posts: 56
    These are great, I seem to be only good at complicated things...Everyday the steel cut oats and I have a battle, they are winning!!!!
  • blitsch
    blitsch Posts: 7
    :blushing: Once I made homemade buns that were as hard as a rock and my hubby went out and threw the whole works to the pigs and they went running the other way!!!! :blushing:

    Now, my husband tells everyone I treat him like a Greek God as I'm always serving him burnt offerings!
  • abbychelle07
    abbychelle07 Posts: 656 Member
    :blushing: Once I made homemade buns that were as hard as a rock and my hubby went out and threw the whole works to the pigs and they went running the other way!!!! :blushing:

    :laugh: That is so funny! Those are some picky pigs!
  • laureneva
    laureneva Posts: 372 Member
    Please don't ever mistake Baking Soda for Baking Powder! Not only does it taste awful, but everything comes out a funky green color! LOL!

    i did exactly that in high school for grade 8 when we had to make cakes and design a special one
    i thought it would be cool to make a pretty rainbow dinosaur cake, so it didnt necessarily turn out green but it tasted funky and not the good funky either
    and then we had to make icing for it and i screwed that up but cant remember how
  • mablesyrup
    mablesyrup Posts: 286 Member
    I haven't had any horror stories yet- at least none that i couldn't fix. However, my mom is another story. She made a dessert she often makes called Blueberry Crunch. I don't know if she was tired or what- but instead of like the cup of sugar or whatever it called for- she used salt! There was no saving that recipe! Worst of all- it smelled normal and looked normal.. so until you took the first bite you had NO idea! It was awful! :sick:
  • ColtsFan1912
    ColtsFan1912 Posts: 146 Member
    lol glad i ain't the only one.
    I once caught garlic bread on fire. there were flames shootin' out of that puppy :laugh:
  • chriss1tt
    chriss1tt Posts: 365 Member
    lol glad i ain't the only one.
    I once caught garlic bread on fire. there were flames shootin' out of that puppy :laugh:

    :laugh: :laugh: :noway: :laugh: :laugh:
  • Patwin55
    Patwin55 Posts: 100 Member
    My best family story is back in 1975 when I was a newlywed. We got a crock-pot for a wedding present and I had never used one before. I put a package of egg noodles, a pound of raw hamburger and some water in it, turned it on, and went to work. Herb came home, and the lid was being pushed up off the pot by the expanded macaroni. He went to turn it out, and schlooooppp! A crock-pot shaped mass of greasy pasta fell out and bounced!