waaahhhhhh im gonna cry

i could kick myself in the butt !!!! i went over by 1000 cals today , i had been so good lately and i could kick myself in the head . i have had it :sad: :sad: :sad: on top of that i dont have a scale and im just dying to weigh myself and i cant i cant find my measuring tape so i cant measure myself i cant go for my walk to burn some of this off :sad: :sad: :sad:
i am having a very bad day


  • butterfly2008
    i could kick myself in the butt !!!! i went over by 1000 cals today , i had been so good lately and i could kick myself in the head . i have had it :sad: :sad: :sad: on top of that i dont have a scale and im just dying to weigh myself and i cant i cant find my measuring tape so i cant measure myself i cant go for my walk to burn some of this off :sad: :sad: :sad:
    i am having a very bad day
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,786 Member
    Just think of it as two days on maintenance. No biggie.:bigsmile:
  • elliott062907
    elliott062907 Posts: 1,508 Member
    close, been there, done that.... You'll be fine... Juat get back to it
  • delanahub
    delanahub Posts: 56
    We all fall off the wagon, just keep the other days this week and through the weekend, extra perfect. Also share with the people in your life why you are trying to do this. You will be surprised how supportive people can be if you let them know how excited you are to change your life.
  • terranova
    its alright, just go and do some more walking or moderate exercise and it would be burnt in no time :)
  • beep
    beep Posts: 1,242 Member
    Lately, even when I can go walk, I have been doing knee lifts while folding laundry. I am going to try to make a habit of it. With a fairly large family, I have lots of laundry.
  • debbie_010
    debbie_010 Posts: 44 Member
    Don't beat yourself up, it is not going to do anything good for you...just move forward and stick to your fitness plan and in no time you will be back on track.

    Since the age of 14 I had been drinking anywhere from 10 to 12 Cokes per day...EVERY DAY, ate what I wanted, when I wanted and never hit a lick at a snake in the exercise department. Finally...after all these years ( I'm 48) I have made up my mind that I am in control of ME.

    We can all do this if we set our minds to it. Old habits have had the upper hand far too long.

    We can do anything that we want, if we want it bad enough. We might slip and fall, but we can get up and start again.

    You are not alone...WE are all there with you.
  • quinnybear
    quinnybear Posts: 243
    its always good to give yourself a day each week where you can give in a little. otherwise you'll go crazy.
    my mom is a registered dietitian and always preaches to her patients that they need a day a week off!
  • emtink
    emtink Posts: 387 Member
    its always good to give yourself a day each week where you can give in a little. otherwise you'll go crazy.
    my mom is a registered dietitian and always preaches to her patients that they need a day a week off!

    i agree. i give myself a cheat day once a week, or else i wouldn't be able to stick with my plan at all. its hard to deny yourself constantly, so don't feel bad. just do better tomorrow.:flowerforyou:
  • jakspak
    jakspak Posts: 260 Member
    i stuffed up today big time i got a thing from mcdonalds now if i stoped at that one thing i would have been fine but i got two and chips ouch now to have our pizza tonight i have to go swimming lucky the pool has some spear lanes so as soon as hubby gets home im off to excercise to have my pizza mmmmm

    worked out how many peices i can have and 2 is my limit which is ok i was doing 3 so is good to cut down 2 realy is enough.

    i say learn from it and just be good from tomorrow onwards i plan to.
  • carajo
    carajo Posts: 532 Member
    I'm sorry!!! I know exactly how you feel, i constantly self abotage, and in the moment of eating like crazy i swear there is nothing you can tell yourself to make you stop!! But today is a new day, and i guarntee it won't be like that:flowerforyou: we all have bad days, don't give up on yourself!
  • carajo
    carajo Posts: 532 Member
    I'm sorry!!! I know exactly how you feel, i constantly self abotage, and in the moment of eating like crazy i swear there is nothing you can tell yourself to make you stop!! But today is a new day, and i guarntee it won't be like that:flowerforyou: we all have bad days, don't give up on yourself!