

  • Also - I just noticed that you currently weigh 228. Well I weighed 150 when I started and got to 125. Therefore, you could probably lose at least 50lbs. So set a realistic goal figuring you will lose 2lbs/week. You can do it!! $100 is totally worth it. Our winner won an iPad. I didn't win because there were others that had…
  • I did a 12 week challenge last year and lost 25lbs! It was awesome and changed my life! You can do it. Here are some tips: - Eat at least 5-6 meals/day - Do high intensity workouts at least 3 times/week, but workout 6 days/week. - Give yourself one day of cheat day - Meet your calorie goal everyday (and 1200 should not be…
  • Which is more expensive.... spending $20/week extra on groceries OR cancer? I've heard that cancer treatments and/or obesity related meds are REALLY EXPENSIVE. Even the co-pays cost quite a bit. So it's your call. Also - there ARE ways to eat healthy and not spend a fortune on it.
  • Wow. Where do I start? First, you are only eating 3 meals/day? Why? You should eat 5...3 meals and 2 snacks. Guess what - you don't lose weight if you don't eat enough. If you have 100+ lbs to lose, do it right. Avoid processed foods. Eat high quality foods. High quality foods don't have a lot of fat or sugar. Stick to…
  • If you can - read Master Your Metabolism...she talks a lot about the thyroid. Very important for people with thyroid issues - stay away from soy (i.e. processed foods).
  • I travel 100% for work - so I've become an expert at this stuff. First, drink A LOT of water throughout the day. Second, pack your workout clothes and get at least a 20 minute workout in everyday. Third, watch your portions and try to stay focused on lean proteins. Finally, and most important - don't sweat it! Enjoy your…
  • Well first of all...1200 calories per day and exercising that much IS NOT ENOUGH. I don't get why people think 1200/day is a good number, but it's not. Eat more and you should lose. Keep your calorie deficit around 1,000 (for 10+lbs to lose) or 500 for (10 or less).
  • Well first...stop weighing yourself daily. Only once a week - same day and time of the week. Your body will fluctuate. Stop obsessing over the number and go with how you feel and how your clothes are fitting.
  • Yep - I agree with the previous poster. Plus, increase your intensity. It is super important towards the end that you don't have a big calorie deficit, so make sure you are eating enough.
  • My snacks are usually fruit and/or veggies, plus I have veggies and/or fruit with every meal. My oatmeal in the morning has blueberries. I usually have steamed veggies for dinner and snacks in between.
  • Yum! I'm obsessed with quinoa - thanks for sharing!
  • I'm not sure who decided that 1200 calories was an ok amount to lose weight, but it's really not - unless - you are not exercising. IF you exercise...check your BMR and eat accordingly. I'm 5'3 and before I lost weight I weighed about 145. I set my calories to 1400, but cheated fairly regularly, so I was probably consuming…
  • I've done bootcamp classes and CrossFit. My preference is actually bootcamp classes that offer CrossFit style workouts. What I have found at some bootcamp classes is that they are not challenging enough, whereas Crossfit is always a challenge. I love CrossFit, but i'm not big into the Olympic lifts and pullups - things…
  • I run, do CrossFit, and whatever else. My rest day is usually on Sunday. I always take my rest day the day after my long run day. If you are running 3 miles and don't find it challenging, you should vary it with speedwork, hills, etc. Otherwise, your body becomes too efficient at running the 3 miles.