Crossfit or Bootcamp

Anyone on here do either? Whats the difference? I know crossfit can be rather costly... whereas my gym offers bootcamp as part of my normal membership fees. Also, if any of you are debating on taking NIKE training, do it, I love that class!



  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
  • triathlete06
    I've done bootcamp classes and CrossFit. My preference is actually bootcamp classes that offer CrossFit style workouts. What I have found at some bootcamp classes is that they are not challenging enough, whereas Crossfit is always a challenge. I love CrossFit, but i'm not big into the Olympic lifts and pullups - things that are super hard physically for me. I prefer the endurance workouts that involve me pushing myself to my limit with box jumps, burpees, etc. Some bootcamp classes don't keep your heart rate up and that's what I do not like. Not sure if any of that helps!
  • katiejoycecross
    katiejoycecross Posts: 34 Member
    There are some Crossfit WOD's that you can do that don't cost any money, like the body weight workouts that still get your heart rate up, if you want to start working into Crossfit slowly. There's easy substitutions I've used- benches at the park for box jumps, a piece of rope for a jump rope, etc.

    A lot of "The Girls" revolve around pushups, situps, squats, lunges etc. When my husband started me into Crossfit he'd give me workouts I could to if I couldn't do what they had. IE- I can't do a pullup on my own so he's shown me how to use the resistance bands to help, I do extra push ups if I can't do a specific type, etc.

    The olympic lifts are definitely a big component of Crossfit, but I still am really only comfortable doing a few of them on my own without being shown how by my husband so I don't screw up my form and injure myself. I've still been very successful, and it's the best thing that's ever happened to my fitness levels. I've shaved close to 20 minutes off my 1/2 marathon time and toned my body like crazy.

    My 02.cents.
  • addisondisease2
    addisondisease2 Posts: 348 Member

    Haha i saw this video, earlier in the week and thought to myself, this is why i would never join a cross fit gym. I also like the axle/continental press video. I'll keep doing my oly lifts but there is no way this is functional.
  • ahealthy4u
    ahealthy4u Posts: 442 Member
    I do the boot camp we do a lot of the HIT and circut training. and then on my off days I do other types of work outs.
  • KristyJoy123
    KristyJoy123 Posts: 84 Member
    I like Crossfit style workouts, but I can in no way afford to belong to a crossfit gym. I go to Bootcamp classes at my local gym every other week, and they are very challenging. If you google "Crossfit workouts to do at home", there are a lot of good results. Crossfit is just out of my price range!
  • Run4UrHealth
    Run4UrHealth Posts: 348 Member
    I do Boot Camp...mine is mostly strength training with some cardio and then I do a lot of cardio on my off days. I do not like doing strength training so I get it from the Boot Camp. :)
  • ldytaz
    ldytaz Posts: 37 Member
    I do a bootcamp 4 days a week and 2 days of weight training with a trainer. The boot camps are great for beginners, but they have their limitations too. I am exploring the Crossfit training just to get more out of my work outs, the boot camps are great, don't get me wrong, but at some point and time you will out grow them, which is a good thing too, your body needs more and you have to respect that.
  • BrandyontheRun
    BrandyontheRun Posts: 204 Member
    Okay- I feel completely silly asking this- But someone.. What is a crossfit class??
  • zenJes
    zenJes Posts: 198 Member
    i do bootcamp at crossfit!! and i also do crossfit!! i really find that they both push you as hard as each other though it depends on what your goals are, bootcamp seems to be a lot more cardio orientated with lots of running whereas crossfit, which does also do running also has alot more strength training elements, which are awesome. I highly recommend strength training to complement cardio as it really tones up your body and makes you go harder and faster.
    People say crossfit is expensive but what you need to remember is you are getting an hour session with a personal trainer every time you go however you also have the support and competition with the other members of your gym.
    Also why not try crossfit, most boxes have a session (usually on sat) where you can go for free and see if you enjoy it or not.
    Most boxes as well do unlimited weekly prices as well which really makes it cheaper. i pay 50 dollars a week for unlimited and i usually go to 6 plus classes and at 20 bucks a class id say thats pretty cheap!! Most bootcamps only train 3 times a week so it depends again on what your aims are!!
  • Abells
    Abells Posts: 756 Member
    I do both as well. Boot Camp classes are more metabolic -- Crossfit is going to make you stronger because of the weight lifting. I like to switch em up :)
  • zenJes
    zenJes Posts: 198 Member
    Also id say be wary of picking and choosing which crossfit WODs you do, they are paired to get the most out of your training however if you only do the cardio intensive wods without any strength training - which is alot of the WODs that you can do outside of the gym, you are going to find that your training is going to be limited and you dont get the all over workout that you would get if say you went to a box where they work hard on picking which WODs to do on which days so everyone gets a good mix of cardio and strength..
  • KristyJoy123
    KristyJoy123 Posts: 84 Member
    Also id say be wary of picking and choosing which crossfit WODs you do, they are paired to get the most out of your training however if you only do the cardio intensive wods without any strength training - which is alot of the WODs that you can do outside of the gym, you are going to find that your training is going to be limited and you dont get the all over workout that you would get if say you went to a box where they work hard on picking which WODs to do on which days so everyone gets a good mix of cardio and strength..

    When I say "at home WOD's" I really mean "on your own w/out a Crossfit gym WOD's" -- would include strength training.