Cheap junk food and obesity

To me, in my opinion, it seems as though the reason the majority of our nation is obese, is becuase the cost of junk food is so cheap and healthy food is so expensive! If we are trying to create a healthy America, cut the costs of healthy foods!!!! Lowerclass (and even some middleclass) Americans cant even afford healthy foods from the market, therefor they are buying whats cheap....JUNK FOOD!!!! We should not have to pinch our wallets for a healthy lifestyle! Some may agree and some may not agree. Id like to hear some of your opinions.


  • triathlete06
    Which is more expensive....

    spending $20/week extra on groceries OR cancer?

    I've heard that cancer treatments and/or obesity related meds are REALLY EXPENSIVE. Even the co-pays cost quite a bit.
    So it's your call.

    Also - there ARE ways to eat healthy and not spend a fortune on it.
  • Russellb97
    Russellb97 Posts: 1,057 Member
    To me, in my opinion, it seems as though the reason the majority of our nation is obese, is becuase the cost of junk food is so cheap and healthy food is so expensive! If we are trying to create a healthy America, cut the costs of healthy foods!!!! Lowerclass (and even some middleclass) Americans cant even afford healthy foods from the market, therefor they are buying whats cheap....JUNK FOOD!!!! We should not have to pinch our wallets for a healthy lifestyle! Some may agree and some may not agree. Id like to hear some of your opinions.

    It is true that junk costs less, but at the same time you get more sustained energy with natural foods. So you pay more up front but you end up eating less. I believe it's kind of a wash.

    They always use the term price per calorie, but a calories from junk food does nothing for satiety while a calories from protein and veggies do.
  • BiscuitsNDavy
    BiscuitsNDavy Posts: 212 Member
    A pound of broccoli is 99cents. A celery stalk is $1.49. A bag of Doritos is $3.99.

  • lcharity79
    lcharity79 Posts: 94 Member
    I would agree that some organic whole foods can be a bit overpriced, but if a person exercised good judgment and tried to eat seasonal items, they could still eat quite healthfully on a moderate budget. It's really mind over matter. I love Aldi's grocery store, because I can go there and get produce (fresh and frozen) very inexpensively! But yes, I spent many years using that old excuse that I had to eat junk food because it was less expensive...we have to make our mind up that we are the worth the time, energy and money it takes to treat ourselves well...and then we will find a way to make it work!
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    I really don't buy the fact that people are fat because junk food is cheap. I can buy some pretty cheap produce when it is on sale (and I am in New England) and same goes for lean meats and pantry staples. The nutritious and balanced home cooked meal I made last night worked out to $1.20/serving. Sure, you can buy a hamburger for 99 cents but which will keep you full longer?

    Honestly, I am sick of the "healthy eating is expensive" excuse. It isn't. A huge factor is that people are either too lazy, too pressed for time, or just unwilling to cook for themselves. Some people just flat out won't eat food if it isn't microwavable or picked up through a drive through because they can't be bothered to cook.

    Edited to add: I should clarify, "healthy foods" to me are real foods, not boxed stuff, e.g. vegetables, fruits, meats, etc.
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    If we are trying to create a healthy America, cut the costs of healthy foods!!!!
    Oh OK, let's just cut the costs of healthy food. Should be easy, since there is no disagreement on what constitutes healthy food, and there is one single agency that sets the prices for all foods.
  • janeite1990
    janeite1990 Posts: 694 Member
    I really don't buy the fact that people are fat because junk food is cheap. I can buy some pretty cheap produce when it is on sale (and I am in New England) and same goes for lean meats and pantry staples. The nutritious and balanced home cooked meal I made last night worked out to $1.20/serving. Sure, you can buy a hamburger for 99 cents but which will keep you full longer?

    Honestly, I am sick of the "healthy eating is expensive" excuse. It isn't. A huge factor is that people are either too lazy, too pressed for time, or just unwilling to cook for themselves. Some people just flat out won't eat food if it isn't microwavable or picked up through a drive through because they can't be bothered to cook.

    This. Healthy food is cheaper. It just takes more effort to cook it, AND the junky food appeals to people. Celery or cookie? Which sounds better to you? Most people answer cookie. People eat junk because they are lazy or undisciplined. I don't buy ignorance, either. We have all had 8th grade health and seen the food pyramid. We ignored it because we didn't want to substitute carrots for chips, not because we had never heard that carrots are healthier than chips.

    My name is Laura and I'm a recovering Coke addict. Love it! Miss it! I dream about it at night. But you can't tell me that Coke is cheaper than refilling my water bottle in the fountain down the hall at work. Gotta go with the logic on this one.
  • Queen_M
    Queen_M Posts: 70
    A take out pizza costs £10--£15 and will last maybe a day or 2. I can make a batch of vegetable soup to last 3-4 days for less than £4. Healthy eating isn't more expensive. It's less convenient.
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    SergeantSunshine_reused Posts: 5,382 Member
    Doesn't have to be expensive

    Cheap sources: Bags of rice, canister of oats, bags of dried beans, frozen chicken breast, frozen meats, canned tuna, etc
  • hiker282
    hiker282 Posts: 983 Member
    Shouldn't part of Obamacare be making it so everybody has to buy healthy food, and the government should provide either a tax break/credit/subsidize healthy foods to decrease costs? I think it should. I mean, if we're talking about preventative measures, what more can you do to cut health care costs than to encourage a healthy eating lifestyle for every American?
  • PlunderBunneh
    PlunderBunneh Posts: 1,705 Member
    Fresh veggies are a crap ton cheaper. Seriously, I get three bags full of fresh veggies from the Sprouts Farmers Market for usually about 40 bucks. I'm lucky to get one bag of groceries from walmart for less than that. Go online, look for weekly ads, and plan your meals for what's on sale. It's amazing how much a person can save, if they just take the time and effort to prepare accordingly.
  • knurse1987
    knurse1987 Posts: 93 Member
    I have actually saved money by not eating junk food...Instead of spending 10-15 dollars on dinner out all the time or a drive thru I use that same amount in my weekly grocery shopping...and I just found that I have saved money by doing this...but I can understand where you are coming from with some foods being particularly pricey, but it is worth it to me...
  • jenlarz
    jenlarz Posts: 813 Member
    I guess in my experience junk food is usually more expensive but often more convenient. People don't have or won't take the time to perpare the healthy stuff.
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member

    (Choose two)
  • kateroot
    kateroot Posts: 435
    Which is more expensive....

    spending $20/week extra on groceries OR cancer?

    I've heard that cancer treatments and/or obesity related meds are REALLY EXPENSIVE. Even the co-pays cost quite a bit.
    So it's your call.

    Also - there ARE ways to eat healthy and not spend a fortune on it.

    This isn't going to be very politically correct of me, but... If you're on medicaid, cancer treatment is free.
  • PlunderBunneh
    PlunderBunneh Posts: 1,705 Member

    Healthy eating isn't more expensive. It's less convenient.

    Yes! That! Exactly that, right there.
  • zacherybinx
    zacherybinx Posts: 215 Member
    Bananas are 39 cents/pound right now for me...I don't know what can be cheaper than that unless you grow your own veggies? And the morning Green Juice I do is under a dollar and it makes approx. 20 ounces. I think it comes down to laziness and often just sheer ignorance, which sadly that seems to be the standard these days here in the States.
  • danigirl1011
    danigirl1011 Posts: 314 Member
    Absolutely 100% agree with you! i think it's made way too easy to buy and eat junk and don't care who agrees with me when i say it is an absolute addiction. I am spending waaaay more money eating healthy than i did before on taco bell and pepsi. I am enjoying healthy eating way more though so i continue to shovel my hard earned $ towards eating healthy ;)
  • flsl
    flsl Posts: 75 Member
    Interesting question.

    I think junk food is better at marketing. There are not many ads for healthy eating, are there?

    (thats why we 'think' junk food cheaper)
  • phillips9366
    phillips9366 Posts: 19 Member
    I think that this is a complete misconception that eating junk is cheap. Junk food is readily available, and "easy", but it really isn't cheap by any means. I really don't buy much junk food, so I don't know how it would really affect my budget, but when I look at it in the stores, I'm astounded by the prices. I can't imagine paying a few bucks for a half full bag of hollow calories, unrecognizable chemicals, and saturated fat. It seems quite expensive compared to eating real, nonprocessed food (meat, veggies, fruit, nuts, eggs, etc.).

    If you're buying packaged, high-end, health food, you're most likely spending alot for a little for sure. But, what makes you think you have to spend alot to eat healthy stuff. I can eat real healthy without touching junk food, and can do so very inexpensively.

    Perhaps what you think of as "cheap" is really just "convenient'? Try using a crock pot, baking from scratch, making a salad, or buying a side of beef . A little $ goes a long way if you're eating real food instead of junk, and man it sure makes you feel better.