MsMarketeer Member


  • Not even interested! No one could even come close to my hubby, besides to "look" implies something else, and I would be terribly hurt if my husband was looking or licking his screen regarding any other woman. Not cool.
  • HAPPY MONDAY EVERYONE! Yep, I'm in a great mood and happy to shout in ALL CAPS! LOL! Just returned from a week long trip to Washington D.C. and had a marvelous time! Was so proud to stay on track with eating and walking everywhere. I was discouraged to see just a .5 loss, but hey, it's a loss, right? I saw pa-len-ty of…
  • I do that too! It is so much easier to make a meal with all the ingredients ready to go! Preparation is key. You can NOT be successful without planning to be successful. FIT IS NOT AN ACCIDENT! My favorite meals are extra lean meatloaf and Baked-pulled chicken breast (great on baked potatoes, salads, sandwiches or just by…
  • I completely agree! So sick of women saying "OMG, I HATE YOU!" then say, just kidding (or not). They are just so jealous because they havent put in the work I have. I lost 60 lbs and worked my butt off (literally) to do it. My guy friends? NOTHING BUT SUPPORTIVE! Even told me when I started looking too thin. One guy was so…
  • judgejava I meant the "Conversion" in more of a conceptual sense than literal. Because muscle weighs more than fat I was meaning to refer to the conversion of weighing fat versus weighing muscle...guess it didnt translate well.... I really want to thank you (and everyone else) for the advice. I think when we really apply…
  • I have been a member at my gym for over 9 months and in that time virtually NO ONE has spoken to me including staff. I guess I'm not one of the "cool" people. I've never been a gym attendee, so it was very intimidating to go and workout amoungst "experienced folk". What I've discovered in my observations is that "people…
  • Very interesting question...and even more interesting answers. I look at the photos and am surprised to see such negative comments about people I would deem as very attractive! I do see myself as moderately attractive, but I have my butt ugly days too. I'm not one of those naturally beautiful women. Never have been and…
  • Lovely and very pretty hair!
  • TRUE TRUE! Cardio daily is fine though!
  • This is very true! Unfortunately, there are so many false ideas on what is considered "safe" weight loss. Many seemingly intelligent people do the strangest and most UNSAFE things to lose weight...only to regain...and then some. It is wonderful to see you doing this properly and under a Dr's care. BRAVO!!!!
  • I make sugar free jello in tupperware containers and when I'm wanting "dessert" I eat the whole thing! zero carbs, zero fat, and just a few calories...I dont even count this. I also go to bed with a LARGE glass of herbal tea with a packet of sweetner (your choice). That helps too.
  • Keep up the GREAT work!!!! You're not losing weight too fast, you're losing water and gunk that just happen to show up on scales. As you maintain good fitness and nutrition, the fat will depart, and build lean muscle... yes, once you get the water weight (remember carbs hold 4x their weight in water), it will slow down,…
  • WOO HOOOOO! WAY TO GO!!!!! I've hit my plateau and have to fight through it. My body seems to LOVE 145! UGH! My trainer says your body doesn't believe you when you really start working hard. so we have to just push through the wall.... You're doing great, so just keep up the great work and keep posting pics of your success!
  • You really cant taste spinach and if you put it in one of those tall cups with lids and straws (mine is clear green, so everything I drink looks green, haha), you wont see it. But it is sooooo good for you and you wouldnt even know it was there if it werent for the color. When I'm in a hurry, here's what I do. 1 c. water 1…
  • I think its amazing how being fit makes you feel confident to "get naked" and enjoy things versus having the "turn off the lights and close your eyes" experience. I lost 60 pounds and let me tell you, when you start getting compliments from all over the place, that certainly helps in the bedroom! My bf is a professional…
  • My gym has tv's on the wall (not on each machine) and I just LOVE when the place is totally empty, and some guy has to come in and get on the machine directly in front of me, blocking my view. I mean geeze! There's a whole room of're butt's not that cute! I also cant stand when people bring their kids to the…
  • Hello everyone! Back on the nutrition and exercise track and thrilled, but that doesn't mean easy! I love this program (and app for my droid). The barcode scanner has been SOOOO helpful when I need to track my intake from packaged foods. I am 46 and the mother of 5, and always have a tendancy of gaining in belly, hips and…