meatbal263 Member


  • same here. 5'1 57 years old. gluten free due to sensitivity. cant seem to shake the last 10 lbs. I run and get a min of 10000 steps a day. Ive tried low carbing it but it just doesnt make a difference so I am just getting frustrated.
  • I am thinking of doing Keto myself along with WW points so I am curious to the responses
  • I am in total agreement with everything stated above. I tried to talk to them but we all get the same blanket response. As of this week I am 7 points over for the week. Most days I average 1250 calories. I run and take bootcamp classes. I refuse to stick to eggs, chicken etc t get my proteins. they are losing lifetime…
  • I am a lifetime WW member so I go to the meeting for accountability but I have been with mfp for years and I find it to be the best for me. I workout a lot so #freestyle, and beyond the scale (free fruit) were not for me. There were many days I had way too many points left over and was over my calories and days I had no…
  • Welcome. I am a WW member and attend meetings for the support and the friendships I made throughout the years however I am not at all happy with this plan and only go because I am Lifetime. I have an issue with zero pts foods. You say no points and I eat more. I could never do the core plan. I don't know what eat to…
  • Congratulations on the weigh loss but more importantly doing what is right for you. Weight Watchers is not what it used to be and I have been a member for over 30 yrs. Points Plus was my favorite program. I was ok with Smart Points but Freestyle is for the birds.
  • This is exactly why I only go to WW for accountability and only track with MFP. Its too erratic.
  • I am a lifetime member who still goes to meeting for accountability but do not care for freestyle. There is no way to know how many calories you are taking in since there are so many zero point foods. You should check out the facebook group "Return to 30 Lifestyle (The plan that works). It may help you.
  • Good Idea. The points don't give a realistic picture of what you're calorie consumption is on a daily basis because of all of the zero point foods they have now. I can use 11 pts and have 1500 or use 26 pts and have 1250. I have been a member of WW for years and regained my lifetime status back 9 yrs ago. I only still go…
  • I only attend because I am a lifetime member but its changed so they really aren't about weight loss as much as healthy lifestyle and I read it as we don't want lifetimers who don't pay we want you to continue to come here weekly and pay your fee and talk about healthy lifestyles. there are no more bravo stickers, talk of…
  • I am not even doing the WW plan anymore. I gained 3 lbs in the first 2 weeks of freestyle. I did fine when there were zero point veggies but even when they switched to zero points fruits I stopped losing so I would always manually add a point. I do calculate in my head to get an average but some days I could use 20 pts and…
  • IMO the problem with the plan is that there is no calorie accounting. Zero points foods are not zero calories so when you eat those along with food that have a point value you could consume more calories while staying well within and even under your points range. That being said its only been a week so she can play around…
  • I am a WW lifetimer and I really only go for the accountability of the weigh in and to see the friends I have made. I dont have to pay but if I did I would have walked away, this new program is designed to keep people going and paying forever.
  • I started 3 weeks ago. How's it going for you?
  • Did the blender come with the original mailing or after you were on program for 6 weeks or so?
  • I am also on week 3 and am using MFP as my food diary. I like to log my food in the day before so I can plan my meals and know where I stand calorie wise. My coach said as long as we are using something they don't mind. So far I like it for accountability. I am also a WW Lifetime member but their new program is not for me…
  • I did it for a while but it is way too time consuming. I just plug into MFP and then will mentally add up the points and yesterday I took in 30 pts worth but my calorie count was around 1250. If I saw I was 7 pts over I would be devastated. Ive been a WW lifetime member since 1991 and I think as the years have gone by they…
  • to get more points switch your settings to maintence. I went from 23 to 28 which is close enough. If you have a points calculator you can manually check points values then use the "quick add" feature.
  • I am not a fan either. I wasn't impressed when fruit and winter squash became free nor was I happy when I tried simply filling. If I could eat to satisfaction I wouldn't have joined in the first place. I think Freestyle will be good for people in the beginning but it won't last because there is little variety and then you…
  • Non fat greek yogurt mixed with fruit is good for breakfast, cottage cheese or ricotta with cinnamon. This is why I am not following freestyle anymore. People are going to get sick of eating chicken, eggs and lentils really quickly and with a reduced set of points its going to get harder.
  • I have been at lifetime (2nd time around) since May 2009. I am hoping in time I will embrace it but really am having a hard time. They went to all the Zero points foods because people don't want to track after years of telling us we need to track. I already clean and now all the items I ate with points (chicken, fish,…
  • I became a WW lifetime member in 1991 fell off the wagon and regained my lifetime status in 2009 and have been at goal since then. I personally feel that the new program is more like their past simply filling program which i couldnt do because lets face it if i could eat to satisfaction I wouldnt be going in the first…
  • I've been at lifetime with WW for 9 yrs (this time around) but finding it harder to stick with it. Came back to MFP because I was consuming too many ZERO point fruits and low point foods. Calories do matter I dont care what they say. I will keep going because I dont have to pay the weekly fee and to see my friends but this…
  • I just started back up and thought it was something I was doing wrong.
    in FIT BIT Comment by meatbal263 March 2017
  • Well I did the 20 pts with some extras and maintained at 127 s I am happy but would like to drop a few more as I just make 5'1. WW is a great program but its not a one size fits all. There are people I know who eat all the extra points and their exercise and they lose. I am not one of them. Any one else feel the same?
  • Hi My name is Melissa. I live in Connecticut, 49 years old and going thru perimenopause. I am a lifetime WW member for the past 3.5 yrs and have lost over 80 lbs thru the years with them. Having issues with my weight going up and not sure if it is due to the newest program (dont count fruit or winter squash) or the…
  • I have been a WW lifetime member for over 3.5 yrs. Weight has gone up 10 lbs in the last year putting me at the high end of my range but still within goal, so I decided to count the fruit and the winter squash but it was still up. My doctor has asked me to use fitness pal and it seems to me that the new program is too much…