Weight watchers vs MFP plan

Hi everyone,

I have been doing the weight watchers plan this past year somewhat successfully, lost some weight. I still have a few more pounds to go and I am thinking of using just the MFP plan only now. I started MFP a Month ago for I felt my points and so called Free foods they allow was keeping me from losing, I lost only 2lbs in 6 weeks prior, yes great to lose but felt it should have moved a little more. So when I stared MPF a month ago and kept the calories, excerise, etc in check, I lost 5lbs in 4 weeks.

So, my question; Is there anyone here who left weighters and has used the MFP plan and achieved successful results? Do you like it better? What are your tips for using mfp?

It’s time for me to renew my WW plan there soon and not sure I want too, cost etc. For I feel I do have a good handle on portion control now, excerise, so not sure it’s working for me anymore and need a change. Seem to be having positive results here thus far. What are your thoughts?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
Wishing everyone continued success with there weight loss & fitness journey.


  • PrettyLight111
    PrettyLight111 Posts: 8 Member
    Yes my thoughts exactly now. Though I will say, the in-person ww support group helped me a lot in the beginning which I enjoyed & needed. So served it purpose I suppose that I am grateful for, those whom help me. But, I do feel I may be ready now to move on and save some $$$.

    Thank you kindly for your input.
  • bfanny
    bfanny Posts: 440 Member
    I lost weight years ago (45 lbs) and got to Lifetime so I’m “lucky” that WW is free for me however I want to lose 5 lbs and Freestyle is not very helpful so I’m tracking cals for a while (I’ve done it on and off) I have a pretty good idea of a healthy plan, I just need to be extra careful with my portions since I’m trying to get to the middle of the Healthy BMI chart 😉
    Give it a try (to cals) and see how it works for you...Good Luck!
  • spiriteagle99
    spiriteagle99 Posts: 3,686 Member
    If you look through the General forum, you'll find dozens of threads on this subject. A lot of people have switched from WW to MFP.
  • prettygirlstorm1
    prettygirlstorm1 Posts: 722 Member
    I just became a lifetime member of WW. I liked the program because I liked the accountability. I had a hard time just using MFP and weighing on my scale at home. I found that I wasn't as honest with myself. I lost 45 pounds on the program. Now that WW is free for me I will use both for maintenance and accountability.
  • PrettyLight111
    PrettyLight111 Posts: 8 Member
    Congrats, on achieving your goals, that is wonderful. 💯 I actually do like their online connect support. So, still giving it some thought, would love that for free! Thank you for your input❤️
  • rsj7799
    rsj7799 Posts: 74 Member
    I still go to WW for the weigh ins, and to support my mother who is also a member. I do all my tracking on MFP. I should reach goal this week so should be a lifetime member soon (I'm already well within the goal range, I'm just vain).
  • PrettyLight111
    PrettyLight111 Posts: 8 Member
    Yes was thinking just maybe waiting it out for life time~ ThxU for you input! Congrats on all your success!
  • PrettyLight111
    PrettyLight111 Posts: 8 Member
    Yes, I totally relate, I came to mfp to see where the calorie range was with WW, and found very high too with the freestyle. You really have to watch those calories in the free foods. Thank you for sharing, I think With mfp being free it can work as an added bonus with the new weight watchers freestyle. So, may work both indeed.
  • ata1anta
    ata1anta Posts: 115 Member
    Justin741 wrote: »
    In fact, I'm considered starting my own local FREE accountability group for anyone wanting to lose weight that includes a weigh in and weekly discussion.

    Good luck if you do! Isn't that how WW started in the 60's?
  • MarvinsFitLife
    MarvinsFitLife Posts: 874 Member
    @PrettyLight111 I think in my own opinion and experience (never used weightwatchers) MFP is a community that allows you to bond, fail and get back up. What I am saying is the app is not the real reason why you lose weight it’s to relationship the inspiration that others give day to day interactions. You must be dedicated food and exercise have to be balanced one can’t out weigh the other
  • joinn68
    joinn68 Posts: 480 Member
    edited October 2018
    @PrettyLight111 I haven't done WW. What I can say though is MFP doesn't help you plan your meals. That can be daunting. It is total accountability. I had a piece of white chocolate and black coffee this morning. Totally up to me what I eat within my daily allowance.

    You've done WW so it seems you've learnt a few things and can properly plan your meals. If you use MFP, plan and log your meals in advance whenever possible so you know how to adjust to stay within your calories budget. You have the support of the community here. If you like the accountability, get some supportive friends here, maybe open your diaries to your friends so if you are stuck they can support you.
  • carolynanna66
    carolynanna66 Posts: 4 Member
    Danp wrote: »
    Weight management is very simple (but not always easy) thing. It's an energy balance. Supply more energy (calories) than you use, your body will store that excess energy as fat. Supply less energy than you use, your body will begin to burn those excess energy stores.

    MFP makes this transparent, clear and straight forward. It calculates your targets, lets you log your energy intake and expenditure and does the math for you. It's free and using the app will educate you about nutrition and teach you how to manage your food directly.

    WW takes the same energy in/energy out equation. Puts a gimmicky wrapper around it to hide how it all works and sells that gimmick. Because it hides and obfuscates whats actually happening in the background you can't learn how to do it alone and therefore become reliant on their system. The entire thing is designed to give you a temporary fix that works while you're paying them. As soon as you stop, you're back to square one because you haven't learned anything except their system. You regain the weight and think 'Oh WW helped me lose weight last time I'll do that again' and spend more money.

    WW is designed to keep you on the hook with a lose-gain cycle. They're in it for the money. Selling people a 'plan' makes money through repeat business. Teaching people how to do it them selves doesn't. I've watched friends and family members yo-yo on WW for over 40 years. I asked some of them why they keep going back and they all said the same thing 'Oh it works. I lose weight when I'm on WW'. If it really worked, they wouldn't have had to keep going back periodically for four decades.

    I have never heard it said more perfectly. That is exactly what's going on!