

  • Do you have a Panera? I love to get the YP2 deal with a low cal soup and a sandwich
  • OOOO peanut butter toast with bananas and honey drizzled on it! That's a great idea.
  • Portion control!!! And skinny cow products. They have an awesome chocolate ice cream bar for 100 calories. But like a lot of others on here, I normally go over at least once during TOM, I just try not to get upset about it. It's either go over or murder my friends/family/loved ones.
  • Because they just don't understand you like I do. I understand you, really, you're the funniest most awesome man in the entire world and, like, you are just sooooo cute. (please love me)
  • I just.. can't even wrap my head around this post. Who pays the bill being the first thing to jump to your head? You're the one making changes and upsetting him? Jesus lady, get back in the kitchen.
  • Oh jeesh guys. In the 4 years hubs and I have been together, he can eat whatever the hell he pleases and the scale fluctuates from 180 to 190. He doesn't work out and has a computer job. He was a Marine and played football in high school, and he still eats like he's 17. THE SCALE DOESN'T MOVE!!!! I, however, look at cake…
  • Oh gosh, you evil temptress of the night you. I wonder: if I starve myself for a week, could I eat this :laugh:
  • Can you open your diary for us? It'll be easier to give feedback.
  • I've recently fallen in LOVE Dannon light & fit greek blends. 80 calories, 12 g of protein, and I can normally find them on sale for $1/each. And there's so many flavors you don't get bored. (Seriously, check my diary, I eat them like every day lol) You can snack on nuts, add more beans and lentils to your diet, quinoa is…
  • :flowerforyou: Oh man oh man. Solid advice, maybe I'll try it on a day he hasn't been at work since 5AM!! For those who joined in for tuna ideas, I'm going with - Everything needed we have except for the mushrooms! Getting served with balsamic roasted asparagus and…
  • Hmm... If I'm just buying portobellos I'm sure it'd fit the bill! Care to share?
  • I WISH he wanted tuna steaks. But he's on this whole "let's use up what's in the pantry" kick, and unfortunately I don't have tuna steaks in my pantry, so I'm pretty sure he wants canned tuna. :brokenheart: Jenjen- those wraps look pretty delicious!! I think we might have a winner, thanks!
  • Besides the fact that hubs is a former Marine and grew up in KY (the state, not the jelly you pervs) and our two best friends are super paranoid and have stores/aresonols/escape plans, I'm hoping to live on the shoulders of giants. If left to my own devices, I'm a bit of a mess. Very clumsy, loud, and not sneaky at all...…
  • First of all, good for you for wanting to help him and being supportive! Secondly (and most importantly) he really needs to get more sleep. Just do a quick google for sleep deprivation and weight gain or trying to loose weight when not getting enough sleep, there are many studies that show that in order to maintain/reach a…
  • I've found that eating a handful of nuts or drinking mint tea helps to keep me from snacking/curbs my appetite. Or just moving. If I'm not working/otherwise doing something and feel like eating junk I'll clean something or go for a walk- just anything to distract myself or make me not want to eat (cleaning the bathroom…
  • I log every day (on a 33 day streak!!) and comment on everything! Feel free to add me, and that goes to everyone. I love a supportive community.
  • When I got my wisdom teeth removed last year, I lived on quinoa oatmeal with bananas mashed in it, tomato soup, greek yogurt, and ensures. Do mashed sweet potatoes for extra vitamins (and they're just generally better for you), rice cereals, cream of wheat. You can probably do soft breads right? How about pancakes? Beans?…
  • Since I switched (mostly) from coffee to tea, I've noticed my teeth are less stained and I don't get sleepy mid afternoon, but as for weight loss.. nope.
  • I always have a nice salad with lasgana. Greens, nuts, avocado, cucumbet, peppers... YUM!
  • That's not too bad! You got a ton of healthy fats, vitamins, minerals, protein!!! Avocado and banana are pretty high cal fruits, BUT they're good for you. You just worked out and you hadn't eaten since dinner the night before, you body needed those calories :-). Next time try light greek yogurt to cut some cals
  • I do a lot of veggie/egg scrambles, frozen waffles with PB, banana, and honey (YUM!), cereal, cereal bars, oatmeal. All of these you can make at work (assuming you have a break room with a freezer/fridge and can keep dry foods somewhere too). You can make make-ahead frozen breakfast sandwiches to keep at work…
  • You, sir, are so amazing for taking this first step, for recognizing what you need to change, and for embracing the challenge and not running away! Too many people look at the scale and shrug, decide that it's too much work to get rid of the extra weight and that it's not worth it. Not you, and kudos for that!!! Good luck…
  • I quit smoking about 5 months ago, and I gained quite a bit of weight (about 20 lbs). My dad had also just passed away from lung cancer (why I quit) so I was very depressed- stress eating and not paying attention to what I was shoving in my mouth. I'd recommend keeping a lot of baby carrots and celery around to help :)…
  • I like oatmeal and peaches (bonus if you add in a little milk with it!!). When I was younger my mom used to make "oatmeal cookie oatmeal" with apples, cinnamon, chopped walnuts, whatever other fruit she had, and brown sugar. YUMMY :)
  • You have me intrigued with grilled lamb pita burgers... care to explain more??
  • Hiking is fantastic, and it makes you feel so good about yourself when you look back and see what you accomplished! Feel free to add me, I'd love to support you in your journey :)
  • Adding the lot of you :-). I need some people to keep my (big) butt on tracks
  • I don't recommend it... my boyfriend does intermittent fasting days (where he won't eat for 24 hours) but hasn't gone over 30ish hours. 5 days seems extreme and you'll gain it all back when you start eating again.
  • I work in a bar, and as such I drink. I've switched to Miller 64s when drinking beer and Smirnoff Sorbet light with club soda when craving something else. Honestly, I don't think I could fully stop drinking, it's basically political where I work. We stay after, have a few, and talk shop. And trust me, if you stop doing…