Curbing appetite

Hey guys,

I'm new to changing my lifestyle and eating habits. I'm a chronic snacker and love every food that is bad for me. I ate extremely well today but I don't feel very full, barely even content. Any advice on how to curb cravings?


  • snappyapples
    I've found that eating a handful of nuts or drinking mint tea helps to keep me from snacking/curbs my appetite.

    Or just moving. If I'm not working/otherwise doing something and feel like eating junk I'll clean something or go for a walk- just anything to distract myself or make me not want to eat (cleaning the bathroom works wonders!! :laugh: )
  • KittiePerry
    KittiePerry Posts: 133 Member
    I'm having ab it of trouble with this as well, so far what is working for me is always making sure you drink water with every meal or to drink a glass every time you feel hungry. I also keep gum near me at ALL times, I just felt hungry a few minutes ago actually and the gum is helping. Try to keep occupied as well, I notice that I eat a lot less when I get a new game, do a puzzle, or get really into a show/movie.
  • jaya_lakshmi27
    I love drinking tea. I normally get most of my cravings when I'm working at my desk at home, and just bringing a mug of tea can help. I might only drink half of it, but that half a cup kept my cravings from consuming me.

    Mint, chamomile, and ginger are my favorites (: I can't drink caffeine after 11 am, it makes my insomnia even worse.
  • ParkerH47
    ParkerH47 Posts: 463 Member
    Things that will make you feel full:

    *Protein* - eggs, meats, beans, nuts, seeds, fish, tofu, dairy

    *Fibre* - fruits, veggies, whole grains, beans

    while it sounds like I'm just telling you to eat healthy foods, try purposely focusing on protein and fibre you may notice a difference.

    Also try match carbs with protein - so instead of:
    just having a salad ---> Add protein (like chicken)
    or just having an apple ----> add protein (like peanut butter or cheese)
    the reason people tell you to have well balanced meals is because it works :) doing this *should* help you feel more full.

    If not, try looking at the caloric density of your foods remember for the *price* of one chocolate chip cookie you can have something like 10 cups of spinach. I know what would make me feel more full :)

    also, what are your calories at? its possible you may just need to increase your calories enough so that you're still at a deficit but are feeling more satisfied. While it may take longer this way, it is also more sustainable and you will be more likely to follow through
  • Domineer
    Domineer Posts: 239 Member
    I have found through my personal experience that tea drinking, mainly green and/or black tea is effective at appetite curbing. I used to drink three cups of tea per day in the beginning of my recent weight loss journey. After 3 months of adjusting to eating less, I drink less if none at all and I do not snack or feel deprived. I drink an average of 80+oz of water a day over a 7 day period and eat three square meals a day, only snacking on protein for the gym. Eventually, your stomach will shrink and your cravings for snacks will disappear.
  • Mindyourown76
    Things that will make you feel full:

    *Protein* - eggs, meats, beans, nuts, seeds, fish, tofu, dairy

    *Fibre* - fruits, veggies, whole grains, beans

    while it sounds like I'm just telling you to eat healthy foods, try purposely focusing on protein and fibre you may notice a difference.

    Also try match carbs with protein - so instead of:
    just having a salad ---> Add protein (like chicken)
    or just having an apple ----> add protein (like peanut butter or cheese)
    the reason people tell you to have well balanced meals is because it works :) doing this *should* help you feel more full.

    If not, try looking at the caloric density of your foods remember for the *price* of one chocolate chip cookie you can have something like 10 cups of spinach. I know what would make me feel more full :)

    also, what are your calories at? its possible you may just need to increase your calories enough so that you're still at a deficit but are feeling more satisfied. While it may take longer this way, it is also more sustainable and you will be more likely to follow through

    Thanks for the tips! My calories are at 1480. I'm short (5'2) and pretty much a couch potato so I was actually thinking I should really be only eating about 1200. But if 1480 is this difficult I can't imagine 1200!