

  • emmaldownie- i havent cured my type 2 diabetes but i almost have it under control my last a1c was 6.0 and when i was dianosed two years ago it was 8.5 so if u watch what u eat and im still learning i just keep my carbs low maybe to low tomorrow i go see a diatian for the first time because i finally got a docter that would…
  • Dance if u like to i do and the kiddos get involved with me just an idea i have muscle issues in my right leg but its better then zumba and others on it good luck
  • I am so with u dude i have said it many and here lately like the past couple of weeks i have been really bad eatting what i know i shouldnt and alot of it my reasons for going backwards is that i have figured out its either bordom or my stress levels go up i am the type of person that does not like change and there has…
  • Thank you guys alot for the advice i will take it all to heart :flowerforyou:
  • Hey everyone, I know exactly how everyone feels im 276 lbs now and need to loose over 100lbs but my first goal is fifty. My reason for the change in life style is my health i have been put on bs medicine and high blood preassure and high cholesterol this past year and im tired of it, I cant even work right now because of…
  • well i just wanted to check in and tell everyone that i kept up with my goal and exercised at least 20 mins a day tomorrow im goin to start the biggest loser cardio blast and see how that works then goin for a walk when kids get home from school good night everyone ttyl nellie
  • that is what im afraid of i am 276 and need to loose around 115 i was 297 my last docters apt before i started on here and im aftraid if i start to loose that weight i will have flabby skin i dont want surgery and my insurance will not cover it i started strength trainin last night with my fiancee it was fun cause he did…
  • It was ok I was lookin for more imformation like u guys said when she lost that three pounds u would think that they would teach the viewers about the over eattin and takin short cuts because when u are really over weight u have an addiction and yes its to "food" but it still can kill u like drugs and alchol i mean they…
  • Tonight for dinner we had left overs which was grilled ck breast on pit and homemade cheezy potatoes my favorite which i am so proud of myself i put a half cup on my plate i only took two bites and gave it to my fiancee plus i tried doin situps tonight it was so funny i actually go my fiancee jr to do them with me we did a…
  • Hey does anyone know the levels of sodium and fat a diabetic can have
  • I ABSOLUTLY LOVE ZUMBIA even though i dont only do that i try to do a different exercise everyday so i will not know if and how much just it works but i have it on wii its fun my teenage daughter does it with meI just started doin the exercise thing i made a challange for myself to do it everyday at least for a 30 minutes.…
  • Lexie Hey I know exactly how u feel about everything I have been dianosed for goin on two years now but i know nothin about how to control diabetes or what all the "carbs" thing is because there are lots of "carbs" out there good ones and bad ones.. See my situation was that i was with the wrong docter for those two years…
  • Good morning everyone i havent been on here in a few days ive been very busy kids have friends over and this year since i actually feel better since i got off one of my meds (that ive been on for two years and has made me in a deep depression i mean deep i staied in bed all the time didnt do anything) anyways it was my…
  • I have loved this forum it is great alot of imformation and support on here. soozcat i am so sorry to hear about ur mom. I have always been the care giver in my family I have a mentally handicaped aunt (cindy) i have taken care of her since i was 15 because my dad was and alcholic well anyway then durin my adult life i had…
  • :happy: Thank u Chris for ur advice i will try no i will do that check my sugar and then eat fruit to see what it does . Also thank you everyone for the advice and friend requests and if anyone else wants to be friends on here just request me k i would love it. Today was a busy day i had lab work and other appointments so…
  • Hello everyone!!! My name is nellie i was dianosed with type 2 almost two years ago and i was so frustrated because the docter i had would not explain anything to me or send me to a dietian or anything alls she did was say take metformin hcl 500 once a day and if sugars dont go to 100 or 80 take two a day. and keep carbs…
  • I have only 150 lbs to loose and have only lost five pounds so u guys r my inspiration together we can do this
  • You CAN do this just never give up u are going to have them i call off days where u fall backwards. But coming on here is a good step the people here are very helpful if u have any questions or concerns they help no matter how stupid u think that they are their not trust me i ask alot of stuff. lol u can friend me and i…
  • thank you for the advice my problem is my old docter which i found out is a nut lol told me to eat only 90 carbs a day and 40 fat and thats it i dont know what kinds of carbs im aloud because people ask if im aloud fruit and vegis but they have carbs so im hoping my new docter knows something and can send me to a dietian…
  • Lol looks like im the only one from small town beallsville ohio
  • :bigsmile: feel free to friend me i know what u mean that is what opened my eyes. plus i have just been dianosed with diabetes so im determined to loose weight. welcome to mfp this is a great website ull love it. im also in a group that is for people that wants to loose 100 lbs or more. there r really good people on here…
  • Thanks for the advice the reason that i have to count them things is because im a diabetic a new diabetic Im triing to do what my docter say I already have nerve damage in my feet dont want to loose them u know what i mean
  • I am so sorry to hear about ur friend. I understand where u r coming from i have bad depression and i do overeat when i get really low The thing is {for what i hear} is to walk, listen to music or read a book and that feelin will go away. It has worked sometimes in the passed and it could work for u too I will have u and…
  • OMG!!!!!!!!!!! AMAZZZINGGG I am so inspired togo on and not give up like i was ten minutes ago THANK YOU now i know it can be done WOWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!:happy:
  • i really dont know i had the worse docter ever so on friday i have an appointment with a docter in the city hopefully they know more then this redneck town that i moved to . alls the old docter said was stay under 90 carbs a day. so what kind of carbs i can have is totally a guessing game here
  • :happy: Thank u all for the advice. I am switching docters cause mine is from a small town and doesn't seem to care. I will look everything up that u guys have talked about Thanz again it feels good to have this response so quick
  • Hello, I know how u feel I am 32 and a mother of three. I also need to be healthier for my husband and kids. I have been looking for support and friendships on mfp since i started. I don't have that much advice right now but i feel that u and i could support each other everyday on here. I found a fitness group on here that…
  • great job keep up the good work u look awsome
  • I know exactly how u feel I have had a set back in the last weigh in i gained four pounds back that i lost. I know what u mean by husbands little remarks that makes u think alittle about how they really feel. if u want u can add me and we can motivate each other everyday. i know from experience that eatting the right…