Type II Diabetics - Let's Support Each Other



  • Soozcat
    Soozcat Posts: 34 Member
    Well, it took a few weeks of daily Metformin use and a low-carbohydrate diet, but I've got my sugars down to non-diabetic levels (fasting numbers in the 80s and 90s, bumping up into the 100s and 110s after meals). I lost 4 pounds last week, pushing my mom all over Manhattan in a wheelchair.

    Mom is actually the primary reason why it's so imperative for me to take care of myself. She was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes in her early forties, just like me. Unlike me, she wasn't given medication or even a glucose monitor. Her doctor gave her some vague advice about changing her diet, and sent her on her way. My father had recently died, and she was a single mother of six children, so she didn't have a lot of time or inclination to take care of herself or change her diet. Despite this, she was healthy for a long time. But then things started to go wrong. Her eyesight went blurry. She started losing the sensation in her feet. After years of diabetes ravaging her system, she has all sorts of medical problems. Neuropathy and retinopathy have taken their toll. She has Charcot foot and has had several surgeries to stabilize her feet. She would have lost her eyesight many times over if not for vitrectomies, laser surgery and cataract surgery. She's had an emergency angioplasty, and her doctor told her she was mere days from having a heart attack. Her kidney function is down to 30% of normal. All these things happened because of uncontrolled complications from Type 2.

    Do I want Type 2 to take me the way it's taken my mom, one piece at a time? Hell no.

    I do feel fortunate. My doctor caught this before any complications set in. So far I've been able to keep my sugars under control with medication and diet changes, and may be able to control things still further if I bring my weight down into a healthy range. I don't have to contend with some of the problems my mom had to deal with when she was diagnosed. I hope that 25 years on, I won't be living with the same kind of complications. But it's frustrating, because there's no guarantee complications won't occur anyway. And there's no cure for Type 2 -- and none likely to be found in the near future. It seems most researchers are content with allowing us to "maintain" our disease, rather than seeking to find a cure for it.
  • achampionsheart
    achampionsheart Posts: 1,020 Member
    im all for this...i was diagnosed in april so im still learning how foods affect me positively and negatively....i had lost 19 lbs, but gained five back due to sodium and gaining some muscle.....im currently doing 60 min. of cardio and i started a strength training program today and i am sore.....i like the fact that i am sore, b/c it lets me know that i am doing something right.....i love working out now and can tell a difference in my overall outlook and mentality......
  • Ping_A1C2U
    Ping_A1C2U Posts: 91
    Any body want to share some ideas on their favorite meal recipes for breakfast, lunch or dinner or foods they eat weekly that fit into a T2 meal plan? I'm bored with my choices!!

    for breakfast i generally have a wrap or a breakfast burrito. Both using Mission Carb Balance tortillas (they have a ton of fiber, and taste almost exactly the same.) when I have a wrap, it's turkey (2oz) and a dash of shredded cheese (half a serving, or 0.5 oz) and some deli mustard. When i have a breakfast burrito, it's 1 serving of egg beaters, scrambled, the same dash of cheese, and 2 sausage links - either turkey or chicken, depending on what I bought this week...with a little tapatilo.

    Breakfast was/is the hardest meal for me to do, because i never ate it most of my life, and I am not a morning person, so now I am adjusting to getting up earlier than i "have to be up" to make it to work on time, and making myself eat.

    I should start trying to work some fruit in with that breakfast.

    @all the new replies - keep up the good work, knowing others make progress keeps me motivated to be part of the success club =)
  • Noctuary
    Noctuary Posts: 255
    I have no idea if I have replied in this thread or not. Anywho. Type 2 Diabetic. Had a heart attack at the age of 36. Stent in heart. Not fun. Now on lots of meds but not insulin. Last December my A1C was 9.7. I am now down to a 6.6 and my doctor is happy. I have very low cholesterol (total 100) I have been on a Diabetic 1800 calorie diet along with counting (loosely) my carbs. I eat lowER fat and lowER carbs. I spread out my carbs throughout the day. That really helped. Most of my sugar comes from fruit *which works slower. My fasting glucose is 70. I exercise 4 times a week an hour each session. Swimming is the thing I do the most. Really helps lower my numbers in the afternoon. I eat five small meals/snacks a day. And I eat everything I like. I just make it all into healthy versions. I blog about Diabetes here. So if you like you can follow along!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,337 Member
    Any body want to share some ideas on their favorite meal recipes for breakfast, lunch or dinner or foods they eat weekly that fit into a T2 meal plan? I'm bored with my choices!!

    for breakfast i generally have a wrap or a breakfast burrito. Both using Mission Carb Balance tortillas (they have a ton of fiber, and taste almost exactly the same.) when I have a wrap, it's turkey (2oz) and a dash of shredded cheese (half a serving, or 0.5 oz) and some deli mustard. When i have a breakfast burrito, it's 1 serving of egg beaters, scrambled, the same dash of cheese, and 2 sausage links - either turkey or chicken, depending on what I bought this week...with a little tapatilo.

    Thanks for the new ideas! It helps to know what others like because i tend to rotate the same 4 breakfasts every week. I'll try the wrap and burrito, yum!
    Breakfast was/is the hardest meal for me to do, because i never ate it most of my life, and I am not a morning person, so now I am adjusting to getting up earlier than i "have to be up" to make it to work on time, and making myself eat.

    I should start trying to work some fruit in with that breakfast.

    @all the new replies - keep up the good work, knowing others make progress keeps me motivated to be part of the success club =)
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,337 Member
    Okay, don't know what I'm doing on here. Quoted my own comment :embarassed:
  • achampionsheart
    achampionsheart Posts: 1,020 Member
    i make tortilla pizzas.....there is a blog i posted that is a recipe for it if you'd like to reference it....in case you dont its easy

    1 soft, low carb low fat no cholesterol wheat tortilla
    turkey pepperoni
    all natural pizza sauce
    low fat cheddar/mozzarella (shredded)
    veggies galore

    spray a pizza pan lightly with cooking spray...heat oven to i believe its 350 or 375 (my mind is not so good tonight sorry)...place tortilla on pizza pan with light coating of sauce...then layer of cheese and veggies and turkey pepperoni....more cheese.....cook until tortilla is golden and cheese is melted.....its good!!
  • achampionsheart
    achampionsheart Posts: 1,020 Member
    i have always had struggles losing weight....i have PCOS and type 2 diabetes (double whammy) but i am doing better than i ever have...i feel now that with each healthy choice i make i am that much closer to reversing my diabetes.....this is my goal
  • Keista29
    Keista29 Posts: 1
    Hi: It looks like this is the group that I need to join since I am Diabetic Type II also. In fact my husband and I both are diabetic. I haven't taken diabetes seriously at all. Everyone says it is a horrible thing to have but I have been sailing along for 10 years--eating anything I want, including ice cream and sweets. And here I am 80 pounds overweight. Very rarely do I check my blood sugar. My only real complaint is my feet and ankles. I guess they are giving way on me trying to carry all this weight.

    I joined your group tonight. As a matter of fact, I joined "My Fitness Pal" today. I was told about this program by my Cardiac doctor's physician assistant last week. I also had joined Weight Watchers but she told me this was free and so much better food database. I am going to try very hard to lose these 80 pounds. I have always been a procrastinator. Now that I have made a start and with the support of you all, I believe I will make it.

    You all are an inspiration to me. Some of you have lost so many pounds already. I know it was hard for you as it will be hard for me. But you have done it and I can too!!! Thanks everyone.....
  • katzpawz
    katzpawz Posts: 754
    Welcome to all the new folks. This is a wonderful group so jump in post away.

    Many of us have gotten bored with our meal plans and are looking for diabetic friendly culinary inspiration, so please share recipes if you like!

  • Soozcat
    Soozcat Posts: 34 Member
    Someone's probably already mentioned this, but let me recommend bloodsugar101.com as a great repository of information about Type 2.
  • I have loved this forum it is great alot of imformation and support on here. soozcat i am so sorry to hear about ur mom. I have always been the care giver in my family I have a mentally handicaped aunt (cindy) i have taken care of her since i was 15 because my dad was and alcholic well anyway then durin my adult life i had three kids and was a nurses aide so there was no time for me so i thought but now that my aunt has passed away and my kids are able to care for their selfs mostly their teens and i dont work due to my leg its time for me. That is my biggest reason for me taken or triing to take care of my self well enough about me I love the idea of sharin of reciepes i have none but any will help so i can cook better lol Everyone take care and ttyl:flowerforyou:
  • Noctuary
    Noctuary Posts: 255
    I've been having severe low numbers in the am. Hitting a all time low of 45 twice today. Even after eating. I think the weight loss and new exercise and diet is working. Too well! I need to re-adjust my metformin. I guess my goal was to lower and get off meds. But going through that process is a pain in the *kitten*. Let me tell you.

    Just having a bad day. :cry:
  • vzepol
    vzepol Posts: 131 Member
    I've been having severe low numbers in the am. Hitting a all time low of 45 twice today. Even after eating. I think the weight loss and new exercise and diet is working. Too well! I need to re-adjust my metformin. I guess my goal was to lower and get off meds. But going through that process is a pain in the *kitten*. Let me tell you.

    Just having a bad day. :cry:

    I hear you, and am kind of in the same place. Keep with it the alternative is no fun.

  • Ping_A1C2U
    Ping_A1C2U Posts: 91
    Hi: It looks like this is the group that I need to join since I am Diabetic Type II also. In fact my husband and I both are diabetic. I haven't taken diabetes seriously at all. Everyone says it is a horrible thing to have but I have been sailing along for 10 years--eating anything I want, including ice cream and sweets. And here I am 80 pounds overweight. Very rarely do I check my blood sugar. My only real complaint is my feet and ankles. I guess they are giving way on me trying to carry all this weight.

    I joined your group tonight. As a matter of fact, I joined "My Fitness Pal" today. I was told about this program by my Cardiac doctor's physician assistant last week. I also had joined Weight Watchers but she told me this was free and so much better food database. I am going to try very hard to lose these 80 pounds. I have always been a procrastinator. Now that I have made a start and with the support of you all, I believe I will make it.

    You all are an inspiration to me. Some of you have lost so many pounds already. I know it was hard for you as it will be hard for me. But you have done it and I can too!!! Thanks everyone.....

    Glad you found us! The hardest step is the first one, after that it gets easier. I'm a procrastinator too, lol. Anyhow, welcome =)
  • zsesteacher
    zsesteacher Posts: 106 Member
    Hi, I also do leslie sansone videos...I love them..there awesome...I would love to be your pal...
  • LexieSweetheart
    LexieSweetheart Posts: 793 Member
    Just friday I found out my a1c is 6.9 which means I am diabetic:sad: and I am so mad because it was so close to not not being diabetic 6.5 like a few points made me diabetic fml right now! I am feeling like a million emotions and I was told over the phone how nice right? and given no info so I have like a bagillion questions. Also I have to wait for an interveiw with the clinic to see if i qualify so I can see my doc again. I don't know when that is gonna be and so I don't know when I will see a doc and it is so frustrating and no body freaking understands. I have blamed myself and cried everyday! I am feeling like a thousand emotions and I feel lost! and like sometimes my feet tingle what the heck does this mean?what the heck do these numbers mean? am I ever going to be able to eat taco bell again? what should I eat before i exercise?AHHHHHHHHHHH
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,337 Member
    Lexisweetheart-So sorry you are feeling so frustrated right now. The clinic should have given you some direction and scheduled an appt. for follow-up to develop a plan or made a referral for you to see a specialist. You need to see an endocrinologist or find a doctor at your clinic that specializes in diabetes. Ask about going to a class or meeting with a nutritionist to get diabetes education. My class was payed for by my insurance and it was two mornings, taught by a nutritionist and RN. Very helpful! They gave us our blood glucose monitors, a book on managing diabetes, examined our lipid panels and A1c and explained to us what they mean, weighed us and set up an eating plan for each of us based on our weight loss goals and bringing down glucose counts. They also taught us how to check our blood and when to do it. I was placed on Metformin and taught to eat a balanced carb diet. They set how many carbs per meal and snack I should eat along with other healthy food choices (proteins, fats, etc.). I chose a woman doctor at my clinic that has diabetes as one of her specialty areas. I only wanted to see one person and she is a family practioner specializing in women's health and diabetes. I see her every 3-6 months for rechecks on my A1c, etc. Many people see an endocrinologist. Not all physicians understand diabetes and what to do. This may be your situation at your clinic and with your doctor. Ask questions.... This is an informative and supportive thread. I'm sure you will get more assistance from others. We've been in your shoes. It does get better and you will learn what to do. Friend me if you want.:flowerforyou:

  • Good morning everyone i havent been on here in a few days ive been very busy kids have friends over and this year since i actually feel better since i got off one of my meds (that ive been on for two years and has made me in a deep depression i mean deep i staied in bed all the time didnt do anything) anyways it was my turn to do the cookin for our memerial day cookout yeasterday for about 20 or so people i had so much fun it was nerve wreckin but i did and the good thing is noone got sick as far as i know and everyone said that it was good and i made to much food lol bad thing is i tried alot of it my homemade noodles which i have never made that were ssoooooo good and my cheesy potatoes so today when i got up i thought that my bs was goin to be really high because i even had a screwdriver too but it was only 100 so not bad but back on track today exercise and watch what i eat i hope that everyone has a great three day weekend here in American and a great weekend everywhere elese lol Take care and i will be back on here later i have to get back on track in loggin in because i know its not an excuse why i havent logged in in two days but no more here we go lol take care

    cathy0409 CONGRATS on all ur tests i have high blood preassure and high cholesterol too i hope i can get my numbers down to

    jrbanta I know how u feel my new docter put me on another high blood preassure med because my preassure was 195/102 when i was in there and she said it was also extra protection for my kidneys

    stevLL I love ur dog how old is it is it a boy or girl its a rot right i use to have one he was so great with my kids he protected them but he was also like one of them too lol
  • vzepol
    vzepol Posts: 131 Member
    Just friday I found out my a1c is 6.9 which means I am diabetic:sad: ........

    It sucks, I felt the same way when I was diagnosed last November. I even made the doctor test me three different times because I did not believe him. I am diabetic, it is for life, I still kick myself occasionally even though my family history is prone to this illlness.

    The choices are many, do nothing, be depressed, get worse or learn how to improve your situation (preachy sorry). I found this website http://moderation-for-type-2-diabetes.org/ when I started reading everything I could on the subject. I did not like the ADA site as I feel it is a couple of years out of date on what is going on.

    Like other people on this site who have been successful, I have focused on moderation. I try to exercise every day, have my glass of wine 4-5 nights a week, stay within my calorie count, eat a scoop of ice cream a couple of times a week, and yes I will eat a Del Taco, taco every week or so.

    Hope this helps.

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