New, and need friends for this (really long) journey...



  • mrbunzey
    mrbunzey Posts: 8 Member
    Welcome to our world. I have lost 40 lbs so far with 15 more to go. I encourage you to look at yourself positively. This site is a great tool but it will only get you healthy. God made you beautiful! Believe it! What has helped me is to set the profile to make sure I am charting sugar as well as carbs, fat and protein. It is the hidden killer and is in so many foods. Set reasonable goals, lose a pound per week. Exercise every day. Take an early morning walk for 30 minutes or do it in the evening if you have to. It will lift your spirits, and pump up your metabolism. Initiate changes to your diet (what you eat) slowly. Don't overwhelm yourself. Plan to fail! Yes, you will not be perfect, so plan it. Know that once a week you are going to plan to fail by going after that special something you desire. Enjoy it and then get back on track. This will help a great deal. Now, be sure to use this tool diligently every day. Be honest! Weigh yourself every day. Do it first thing in the morning naked and with an empty bladder. Record it!

    You can do this. It is harder at first because of our appetites. Your appetite is not hunger, it is your cravings. We crave all of the things we have always eaten before, in the quantities we ate before. This will go away in time as you make changes. Do these things for yourself. You deserve to be everything that you can picture in your mind. Think of the nice clothes you are going to buy. How great you will look in that slim fitting dress you want to wear. Hold on to that.

    God bless you on your journey!
  • Betmar83
    Betmar83 Posts: 30 Member
    Feel free to add me as well. I have over 100 lbs. to lose. I've been tracking my calories and working out since February and today I hit my 20 lbs. lost mark! I don't have many friends here yet since I've just started being active on the boards, so I would love to make some!
  • :bigsmile: feel free to friend me i know what u mean that is what opened my eyes. plus i have just been dianosed with diabetes so im determined to loose weight. welcome to mfp this is a great website ull love it. im also in a group that is for people that wants to loose 100 lbs or more. there r really good people on here congrats on makin the first move . ttyl
  • koolkat92
    koolkat92 Posts: 16 Member
  • Scentlessapprentice
    Scentlessapprentice Posts: 170 Member
    Hi folks feel free to add me, i'm a newbie too x
  • elliecolorado
    elliecolorado Posts: 1,040
    Welcome! Sent you a friend request.
  • HI,

    I don't have a big chunk to lose but I need encouraging too. I have been on fitness pal since February and have no at home support. I am stuck at 12 lbs and don't know what to do to lose more weight. I tried starving myself but that didn't work and then I eat more than I should and well, the circle keeps going round.

    Hope we can help each other.

  • LeanerBeef
    LeanerBeef Posts: 1,432 Member
    Hey, I'd love to be in your friend network. I've been on here just over a week and the support of everyone here is awesome. Talking to other people with similar goals is definitely helpful. Feel free to add me!
  • Ambria0516
    Ambria0516 Posts: 62
    Hi! I have about 100 lbs left to lose and have been on here since Jan. 19th. I can honestly say this place is the best for support and motivation. My friends on here are the best. I have lost 58 lbs since joining...exercise and eating right (with the occasional cheats ;) Feel free to add me and we can do this together!
  • Italy77
    Italy77 Posts: 2
    Hi! I just started here too about 2 weeks ago and I am looking for friends too!! My weight has fluctuated all my life..... I am trying to lose weight and hopefully keep it off. I moved to the US from Italy in 2006 and I started to gradually gain weight. It has been a big change of lifestyle for me..... Some days I find it very hard to stay on track, I just want to eat even if I am not hungry..... then I feel guilty........
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