Type II Diabetics - Let's Support Each Other



  • Noctuary
    Noctuary Posts: 255
    How is everyone doing today? Did the weekend throw your numbers out of whack? Or are you sticking to your tracks? I snuck in a swimming session at 1am last night. I just HAD to get my swim in! Gonna head to work tonight to the bowling alley. Packing my lunch in. And then after gonna hit the swimming pool at the gym for a 45 minute swim. I love swimming all alone!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,337 Member
    Noctuary-Thanks for reminding me that I need to check the adult swim schedule at the community pool for summer. I want to swimming into may weekly routine but keep forgetting to check the times, ugh!

    I'm just getting through each day right now with my eating. It's the end of the school year and a time crunch for getting paperwork done for students, etc. I rode my bike on some trails yesterday and burned some calories and it felt great. Otherwise exercise was hard to fit in last week with all my evening stuff. This week isn't much better but next week begins my 4 week break so I will focus on my journey to better health!:bigsmile:
  • Ping_A1C2U
    Ping_A1C2U Posts: 91
    still doing it - fasting numbers are almost always under 100 now. bedtime numbers around 130. Working on week 3 of C25k, enjoying the journey, smiling at the victories. I enjoy reading about the experiences of others - post some more!
  • Noctuary
    Noctuary Posts: 255
    I'm going to try out some meal supplement shakes. Specifically the Atkins one. They have 4 g of carbs, 1 g of sugar and 9 g of fat. I am not too worried about the fat. I just want a nutritional something in between meals at work. Something that won't raise my bg but will keep me from crashing. I was going to try Glucerna. I like the snack bars. But since Atkins is low carb based, I thought why not? Anyone else try them?
  • Noctuary
    Noctuary Posts: 255
    How are my fellow Diabetics doing this weekend? I was very high during the day but I managed to get it down to a 69 by the time I got home. So I'm hoping I start off the morning with some good low numbers. It's taken me a good two weeks to stop being teeter tottering with my numbers since my hypoglycemia kicked in for a few days. Apples are seriously my friend at night. Best medicine ever.
  • AZackery
    AZackery Posts: 2,035 Member
    Hey Noctuary,

    You have said that you were going to try Atkins meal replacements. Have you tried Glucerna drinks? Glucerna is a diabetic line. They have bars, drinks and cereal.
  • bongowillie
    bongowillie Posts: 35 Member
    record lifetime weight at 211.5..doing a lot of festival drumming so i can only eat breakfast until festival ends then i have to eat..usally mexican or chinese..blood sugar is still good ended MAY at 95 morning average..June is around 120 due to festival drumming and restaurant music gigs that i picked up..working Mex Rest. music 3 time a week now from 6 to 830 and it is a very difficult food challenge..SALADS is not in the mexican restaurant volcabulary. tried to get a salad of lettuce, tomato, onions with some pico de gallo added to it and small guacamole. with a side of fajita chicken, green pepers, onions, tomatoe..they brought it all out in one plate, meat on the bottom and the rest on top. could of been half the size and it will be good..hope everybody has a good long hot summer and enjoy the adventure of LIFE LOVE PEACE HAPPINESS AND HEALTH..p.S ANY SUGGESTION ON WHAT TO EAT OR SPECIAL ORDER AT THE MEXICAN REST WILL BE GREATLY APPREACIATTED..they will cook up whatever i want
  • Noctuary
    Noctuary Posts: 255
    Hey Noctuary,

    You have said that you were going to try Atkins meal replacements. Have you tried Glucerna drinks? Glucerna is a diabetic line. They have bars, drinks and cereal.
    Oh I use those too. I work at a bowling alley as a waitress. And though I do get to snack whenever I want, on the weekends I get very busy. So I use the Glucerna snack bars as a meal replacement when I'm hungry and crunched for no snacks on hand. I decided to try the Atkins because they are actually lower in carbs then the Glucerna ones. I figured I'll try them out and see which ones I like. I had the chocolate one made into a shake with ice (we use it in the bar to make the blended margaritas) it was ok. Not the best. But it did actually make me full and keep me from crashing while I was waiting to eat my dinner.
  • AZackery
    AZackery Posts: 2,035 Member
    Oh okay.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,337 Member
    record lifetime weight at 211.5..doing a lot of festival drumming so i can only eat breakfast until festival ends then i have to eat..usally mexican or chinese..blood sugar is still good ended MAY at 95 morning average..June is around 120 due to festival drumming and restaurant music gigs that i picked up..working Mex Rest. music 3 time a week now from 6 to 830 and it is a very difficult food challenge..SALADS is not in the mexican restaurant volcabulary. tried to get a salad of lettuce, tomato, onions with some pico de gallo added to it and small guacamole. with a side of fajita chicken, green pepers, onions, tomatoe..they brought it all out in one plate, meat on the bottom and the rest on top. could of been half the size and it will be good..hope everybody has a good long hot summer and enjoy the adventure of LIFE LOVE PEACE HAPPINESS AND HEALTH..p.S ANY SUGGESTION ON WHAT TO EAT OR SPECIAL ORDER AT THE MEXICAN REST WILL BE GREATLY APPREACIATTED..they will cook up whatever i want

    Do you like fish? They usually do a nice pan fried tilapia and you could ask for a side of black beans and a lettuce, tomato, onion salad with pico... Protein, carb, and veggie
  • emmaldownie
    emmaldownie Posts: 232 Member
    Forgive me for intruding. I am pretty much certain that I am diabetic. I am waiting to see my doctor, the earliest they have an appointment is a week on Thursday.

    Have any of you ever almost fixed your diabetes through fitness and weight loss?
  • Thriceshy
    Thriceshy Posts: 708 Member
    Forgive me for intruding. I am pretty much certain that I am diabetic. I am waiting to see my doctor, the earliest they have an appointment is a week on Thursday.

    Have any of you ever almost fixed your diabetes through fitness and weight loss?

    My doctor diagnosed me type II a few months ago. I test once a day (I would prefer twice, but my insurance company disagrees--three times a day would be excessive for me). I started out at 377 lbs. I'm 313 now, and shooting for the 180 range. I try to keep my carbs below 50 for meals (but I'll make exceptions if I know certain foods don't mess with my blood sugar), and I exercise for around an hour a day, at least 5 days a week. My doctor wanted me on metformin, but I refused (something I could do because my blood sugar and A1c weren't totally out of control yet). I now routinely run below 130 after meals, around 100 when I wake up, and in the high 70s/low 80s after working out. Low 70s is enough to make me feel a little shaky and weird, so I usually eat an orange or something when I get that low.

    In many cases, you can "fix" diabetes through diet and exercise, but understand you shouldn't just lose a bunch of weight and then stop watching your carbs. At least that's not what I'm planning on doing--I'm in this forever. Once your body shows a problem with insulin resistance, it's something you need to watch forever, in my opinion. I come from a long line of type II diabetics, and every last one of them opted to take meds instead of making lifestyle changes (I understand sometimes the meds are necessary, even with lifestyle changes). I'm not looking to go that route. Ultimately, what you can or can't do on that front depends upon both your choices and the reality of your condition. You need a doctor to help you to see where you are and what you should do.

    I do want to say that I eat a wonderful and varied diet now. I'm not stuck eating only gruel or rocks, I have my treats, I have my carbs, I'm just paying very close attention to what, when, and how much. I seek out lower carb alternatives to foods I like, and I make allowances at meals if I want something higher carb. Some carbs affect me differently than others, and I'm learning which do what and making changes accordingly.

    See your doc. Find out where you are. And then learn all you can so you can make a lifestyle plan you can live with that keeps you healthy.

  • AZackery
    AZackery Posts: 2,035 Member
    Thriceshy, why is your insurance company against you testing your blood sugar more than once a day?

    Walmart sells Glucometer machines for $9.00 and 20 test strips for $9.00. 50 test strips for $19.98 and 100 test strips for $39.98 - That's cheap compare to some machines and test strips.
  • Thriceshy
    Thriceshy Posts: 708 Member
    My insurance company will cover enough strips to test twice a day IF my medical professional will prescribe that many strips, but she refuses. I'm (hopefully) about to move cross-country, and I'm not wanting to hassle with changing doctors/PAs right now, but when I get where I'm going, I'll be asking my new doctor for a script to allow twice-a-day testing.

    Edited to say: My medical professional wanted very much for me to start Metformin. It seemed REALLY important to her. When cornered, she admitted that I could almost certainly keep my diabetes in check without medications, yet she continues to push for Metformin ("it will free you up to have more choices in your diet," "It will help you lose weight!"). She's even tried to double my Toprol dosage (for an irregular heartbeat), saying, "And this will make it almost impossible for you to lose weight, but don't worry, Metformin will take care of that." So I think the refusal to prescribe enough strips for twice daily testing is quite possible a punitive thing--she's refusing because I refuse to go on meds unless I find I can't control this without. But maybe I'm wrong. Who knows?

  • vzepol
    vzepol Posts: 131 Member
    But maybe I'm wrong. Who knows?


    Good for your, you have done your research. I am on Metformin but have been working my numbers down, weight, exercise and diet. If I continue the way I am going I hope to be off the meds soon. Don't be pressured into the meds if you are getting yourself into control without them.

    As far as the test strips go, I mostly check once a day, and 2 or 3 times a week check twice in a day.

  • Noctuary
    Noctuary Posts: 255
    I get free test strips and meter through LA county ORSA program. I test twice a day and I usually test 2 hours after my first two major meals. These are the important numbers that actually matter. Unless you are having issues with your morning numbers etc, I'd stick to testing the problem areas, if any. For about a week I had to test at night due to low bg. But now I really need to see how high I am peaking to see if my food choices are ok for me.
  • bmw4deb
    bmw4deb Posts: 1,324 Member
    Hi everyone, I was diagnoised type 11 diabeties about 10 years ago,
    I took 4 pills and 2 shots a day for years, About 6-8 wks ago i was really
    haveing problems with my blood sugars dropping to low (it was almost never
    under 350-400 for yrs) I stopped takeing all meds, check my levels 2x a day
    and have not been over 108 in wks.
    I have lost 45 lbs and excercise everyday, saw my Dr last week he was very impressed
    I'm off all meds and consider myself a former diabetic :) it can be done.
  • AZackery
    AZackery Posts: 2,035 Member
    A diabetic should check their blood sugar, before exercising. If their blood sugar is under a 100, they shouldn't exercise, because exercise can bring it under 70. And 70 is the lowest number they want to be. If it's 100-up, they can exercise.

    I hope as diabetics your doctors are prescribing something for you to take for your kidneys and 81mg baby aspirin for your heart.
  • emmaldownie- i havent cured my type 2 diabetes but i almost have it under control my last a1c was 6.0 and when i was dianosed two years ago it was 8.5 so if u watch what u eat and im still learning i just keep my carbs low maybe to low tomorrow i go see a diatian for the first time because i finally got a docter that would listen to me so ill know more but my new dr says im almost under control we r going to try to take me off the medication that im on metaformin to see if they stay low my fasting are always 89- 120 is the highest for awhile good luck and i also understand about docter take care
  • PoleBoy
    PoleBoy Posts: 255 Member
    I kept my type II under control by losing a lot of weight, and eating sufficiently little to continue losing a little. I'm now switching to maintenance, so I'll need to keep an eye on what that does to my control.
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