Looking for friends who have more than 70 pounds to lose.

While I am incredibly grateful for the friends I do have on here, I need to find a friend base of people who are in the exact same boat as me who in return need the same motivation as I do. It's great to post that I was under my caloric goal, or I lost .5 pounds but I need a little more than, "Great Job." I need it to be a little more personal. I'm looking to make life long weight loss friends on here. If you feel exactly as I do let's add each other (=


  • AshDHart
    AshDHart Posts: 818 Member
    I started with 182 lbs and down to about 150 now. Would love supportive friends so I'm going to add you now!
  • missxchelly
    missxchelly Posts: 180
    That's great. I'm currently 313. When I started this site on Wednesday I was 318. I'm trying to get down to 220, so I have just about 100 pounds to lose (= Sounds like a lot, but honestly I'd be happy with anything under 250, lol (=

  • missxchelly
    missxchelly Posts: 180
    and girl, I am with you. I am wanting to get out of the 3's SO bad. I jumped up to 300 after getting off depo. It seriously like happened over night.
  • AshDHart
    AshDHart Posts: 818 Member
    I went over 300 on bc. Was gaining weight like there was no tomorrow. It stopped the day I went off. Unfortunately, that was 20 years ago and I haven't been able to turn it around. I finally feel like something clicked and now it's going to happen!!! I set my goal for 195 simply because the thought off seeing 200+ lbs to go was a bit overwhelming! I would be thrilled at this point to just get under 200. I'm not even sure where a good weight would be be but 2 doctors suggested 195 so that is what I'm focused on right now.
  • missxchelly
    missxchelly Posts: 180
    Well one thing I learned from Weight Watchers ( not sure if you've ever been a member) but they focus you on a small goal, and then when you hit that goal, another small goal. I can see you've done that already which is a GREAT start. I figured if I can get down to 220, I probably wouldn't stop there. I'd probably think, "Well hey, if I can lose all of this weight why not keep going?" I think 220 would be a great size. That's what size my sister is and I love it. I love being curvy. I want to keep some of that (=

    I did gain a lot of weight on Depo. When I first started I gained, and then I lost, then gained, then lost. Eventually it was all just gain. When I stopped it, I gained 15 pounds in what was literally an over night thing. I've struggled to get out of the 300's since then, and that was about a year and a half ago. I've gained 18 pounds in a year and a half. So terrible. That's actually off and on. Since I've hit 300 I've tried so hard to get out of them, with no success. I WILL GET OUT OF THE 300's, I promise (=

    I'm too scared of health problems. My back already hurts because I slouch. I'm sure that has everything to do with my weight too. Lordy.
  • AshDHart
    AshDHart Posts: 818 Member
    The health issues is what finally did it. Not mine as I was ignoring them for ages but my husband. He was diagnosed with diabetes and to help support him I made changes too. I did WW for a short time in 1995 but didn't find much support and it wasn't a good fit.

    Getting out of the 300's for the first time since 1995 is going to be a major event for me! I can't wait!!!
  • kmlt08
    kmlt08 Posts: 1,054 Member
    I lost 91lbst in 7.5 months and can totally relate to exactly what your looking for! I still have at least 70-100 lbs more to lose but I am taking it one day at a time!! I would love to add you and help motivate you!!
  • kmlt08
    kmlt08 Posts: 1,054 Member
    Well one thing I learned from Weight Watchers ( not sure if you've ever been a member) but they focus you on a small goal, and then when you hit that goal, another small goal. I can see you've done that already which is a GREAT start. I figured if I can get down to 220, I probably wouldn't stop there. I'd probably think, "Well hey, if I can lose all of this weight why not keep going?" I think 220 would be a great size. That's what size my sister is and I love it. I love being curvy. I want to keep some of that (=

    I did gain a lot of weight on Depo. When I first started I gained, and then I lost, then gained, then lost. Eventually it was all just gain. When I stopped it, I gained 15 pounds in what was literally an over night thing. I've struggled to get out of the 300's since then, and that was about a year and a half ago. I've gained 18 pounds in a year and a half. So terrible. That's actually off and on. Since I've hit 300 I've tried so hard to get out of them, with no success. I WILL GET OUT OF THE 300's, I promise (=

    I'm too scared of health problems. My back already hurts because I slouch. I'm sure that has everything to do with my weight too. Lordy.

    Mini goals are excellent!!! Defiantly agree with WW there! (never done WW myself though)
    Getting out of 300 and seeing that 299 believe me you WILL do it and it is everything you think it is! Now I like to see the 2nd number go down and get excited over that!
  • missxchelly
    missxchelly Posts: 180
    Go ahead and add me (= That would be great.
    I have to fight this whole sleep apnea thing because that prevents me from losing weight. The most I've ever lost ever was 12 pounds. I won't be happy until I see at least 20 down (=
  • kmlt08
    kmlt08 Posts: 1,054 Member
    Go ahead and add me (= That would be great.
    I have to fight this whole sleep apnea thing because that prevents me from losing weight. The most I've ever lost ever was 12 pounds. I won't be happy until I see at least 20 down (=

    You can do it! I have never had any issues with apnea but I fully believe in this site and if you watch what your eating and choose healthier options and have a great support system you can do it! Look at it not so much as a diet but a lifestyle change! :) (Some days you make good decisions others you may not, but always remember tomorrow is a brand new day!) When I first joined I logged everything. Now thanks to MFP (and the fact I am a creature of habit and eat the same stuff day in and out ha) I really just track my exercise and somedays my food but mainly my log of weight loss. Plus I come on each day to help motivate my friends I have made on here and ask for motivation! :)
  • AshDHart
    AshDHart Posts: 818 Member
    Sleep apnea is a *****. Was diagnosed but never followed through with the cpap machine. Dumb mistake. Getting hospitalized with pneumonia this year was a blessing actually. They put me on oxygen 24/7 and it's made a HUGE difference. I actually sleep 6 hour solid most nights now. It's also helped with my fibromyalgia.

    I really need to plan a non-food reward for getting out of the 300's.
  • lizhipwell
    lizhipwell Posts: 70
    I can totally relate. I started at close to 365 lbs at the end of February and am 331.4 lbs. as of Friday. My small goals come in 10-15 lb. increments...less daunting that way, ya know? I need to lose over over 150 lbs. to be healthy...to manage my pre-diabetes and cholesterol...MFP has been a life changer, cuz when I started I had full blown diabetes with a fasting blood sugar at close to 250 and as of this morning it is 92-94. I've learned that the time spent and the patience has been worth it so far. I wish you all the best!
    Liz H.
    P.S. I will send you a friend request right now! :smile:
  • AshDHart
    AshDHart Posts: 818 Member
    I can totally relate. I started at close to 365 lbs at the end of February and am 331.4 lbs. as of Friday. My small goals come in 10-15 lb. increments...less daunting that way, ya know? I need to lose over over 150 lbs. to be healthy...to manage my pre-diabetes and cholesterol...MFP has been a life changer, cuz when I started I had full blown diabetes with a fasting blood sugar at close to 250 and as of this morning it is 92-94. I've learned that the time spent and the patience has been worth it so far. I wish you all the best!
    Liz H.
    P.S. I will send you a friend request right now! :smile:

    Good job with the sugar levels! :flowerforyou: My husband's is the tipping point that got us making changes. His is from over 300 in March to 130-140 and going down.
  • nickmonaco79
    nickmonaco79 Posts: 13 Member
    Hello Ladies...
    I am pretty new here and I have over 80Ibs to lose! I just recently did weight watchers, but didn't find enough support. Having to go weigh in each week helped and I am still doing that part with my mom. But I really like counting calories more than points and I LOVE this site. I have found so much more support here than anywhere else. And it doesn't cost lots of money which is a huge bonus. Would love to have each others support. I am also a registered nurse and I deal with a lot of people with Diabetes and health issues related to weight in my community. I really should be a better role model. I am so glad to have found this site.

    Hope you are all having a great day, and please add me as a friend if you would like to.

    Nicole :)
  • jojoof4
    jojoof4 Posts: 120
    I definitely need some support and would love to help support you as well! I'm currently 230 and would love to lose 70 pounds. Just started Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred today. Hoping I can actuallly stick with it. Planning on TurboFire after this.
  • missxchelly
    missxchelly Posts: 180
    I'm going to start the 30 day shred soon too. They were sold out of it last night )=
  • Hi Ladies. I must say, hearing your struggles is impowering to me. And I hope you don't take offense to that, because I mean that in a good way. I started at 299.6 and I'm now 272. I had to hit the point where I was uncomfortable with being me. I now use this app on my phone and it makes me concious of everything that I put in my mouth. One of the biggest things that I learned is that I don't need food to survive. And that was tough because I'm an emotional eater.

    I too was on Depo and gained 40lbs. I'm now on the NuvaRing and I love it. I haven't gained any weight from it and it doesn't make my lose my hair!

    I still have over 75lbs to lose and I'd love to be apart of all your journeys!
  • Hey everyone,
    I know exactly how everyone feels im 276 lbs now and need to loose over 100lbs but my first goal is fifty. My reason for the change in life style is my health i have been put on bs medicine and high blood preassure and high cholesterol this past year and im tired of it, I cant even work right now because of my legs they cramp all the time and burn we(my new docter) has finally got the burnin under control but the crampin starts anytime i could be sitting standing or walking around i never know when it is going to start or even why it happens. Since my docter figured out that the cymbalta was making me more depressed and moody to where they thought i was bipolar so i have been off it for two weeks and now i am doing alot better sorry i had to brag alittle lol but anyway i would love to have more friends for support and so i can support them in this life change so feel free to add me anyone I have fallen in love with mfp i am on here more then facebook anymore. ttyl
  • kmlt08
    kmlt08 Posts: 1,054 Member
    I read everyone's replies but have a cranky 7.5 month old. Please add me! I would love to have more friends to help support and to support!! :)
  • New to the site, but I am right where all of you are. I am scared to go back to the doctor because the last time I went, about a year ago, she told me I was at risk of being diabetic. After some female issues and trying to regulate things I was taking 2 bc pills a day and I quit smoking. Then I had to take some other steroid after the bc didn't work. Unfortunately, none of it worked and I gained about 30 pounds... on top of starting smoking again.

    I am so tired of being over weight and I'm even more tired of just talking about it. My health is going down, I'm getting older, and I'm single, so it is time for me to get my life under control. I'm not sure how to add anyone, but if any of you want to add me to support and be supported I would really appreciate it. I signed up for WW, but only attended about 2 meetings as I did not find it helpful. I was just on the Jillian site and didn't want to spend money on something else to try that doesn't work for me. I work with a woman who has lost over 30 pounds using this site so I want to try it because I have seen that it works. Just signed up, so I hope it works for me.