i need help in lowering my carb intake and still eat 3meals

betterlife2011 Posts: 61
edited September 27 in Health and Weight Loss
I am a newly dianosed diabetic and am having problems keeping my carbs down with eating the three meals and two snacks that my docters want me to have. If anyone has any ideas please let me know Im lost and need to get this under control


  • sglane
    sglane Posts: 26
    Can you still have good carbs like whole grains?
  • starsnyc21
    starsnyc21 Posts: 436 Member
    bump...I need to see how people response.
  • I have decided to not eat bread for 7 days and I am extending this because I am feeling great. I replace my bread for cos lettuce and make wraps instead of sandwiches...instead of pasta I use Quinoa. I have replaced normal potatoes for sweet potatoes as well. I am feeling super full this week. Maybe that could help you too??
  • JesaGrace
    JesaGrace Posts: 799 Member
    I always have trouble keep my carbs on a low level....
  • poustotah
    poustotah Posts: 1,121 Member
    I work with a lot of diabetic's and was diagnosed with gestational giabetes during my last pregnancy. Both parents are also type 2 - I was able to get my father off of all of his medication (insulin, BP, anti-depressants, and heart medicine) through nutrition and exercise - and the doctors were talking about taking off his leg by the time he started working with me. Here's what I recommend to 'step' into diabetes.

    1. Get rid of anything white - white rice, pasta, potatoes, anything with white flour or starch in it, get it out of your house.
    2. Incorporate whole grains - READ THE LABELS!!! If the first ingredient is 'enriched wheat flour' it is NOT a whole grain. Most whole grain products now have the little yellow label. Look for that.
    3. Start cutting fat. In the few days that you have posted, you have a lot of fat in your diet. Fat slows your processing of sugar.
    4. Don't be afraid of fruit, which contains complex sugar. 2 servings of fruit are not going to hurt you.
    5. Make your snacks and meals count. Don't fill up on empty calories. An egg McMuffin is NOT a healthy meal. Take the time to make yourself a heathly breakfast. Oatmeal with some scrambled eggs.
    6. Exercise.
  • sweetiepie31612
    sweetiepie31612 Posts: 240 Member
    When I was doing a low-carb diet I would have eggs for breakfast every day. Durring the week i'd have hardboiled eggs and I'd just boild them while I was in the shower and then eat them on my way to school/work. During the week I'd make omletts (mushroom and cheese, broccoli and cheese, peppers and onions) yum! For lunch I'd usually have tuna (I like Bumble Bee Easy peel sensations) and jello or I'd have a big salad or make turcky and cheese rollups. And then for dinner I'm make meat. In the summer it's easier b/c I'll eat cheeseburgers everyday (w/o the bun of course). Chicken and ham steaks are also pretty easy. For snacks I'd have cheese sticks or raw veggies and dip. Plus...you can have all the salad you want! Good luck!
  • 1234lbsgone
    1234lbsgone Posts: 296 Member
    Make sandwiches with lettuce wraps or tortillas instead of 2 slices of bread. Better yet, make your sandwich a salad and forget the bread altogether.

    Skip starchy vegs like potatoes and corn and opt for green veggies. Asparagus, greens, broccoli, cucumbers, geens beans, etc...

    Have eggs for breakfast instead of cereal. (If you eat eggs)

    Don't snack on bars or crackers. Switch it up for raw veggies.

    Look up recipes from the South Beach Diet Phase 1. They are realy good and you can add brown rice or another carbs if you have room.

    And probably the best tip I can give.... Since this is doctor recommended, tell your doctor to write you a referral or perscription to see a dietician. You will get the best advice totally based on your needs. Take advantage of the oppurtunity.
  • seansquared
    seansquared Posts: 328 Member
    You should seek a referral from your doctor on a consult with a nutritionist who works with diabetics.
  • lulutm
    lulutm Posts: 57
    I'm a low carber and life this lifestyle everyday. I have PCOS and it is an insulin resistant disease -- almost pre-diabetes, if you will. A good rule is to cut out anything white to start-- white bread, white rice, pasta, flour, etc... Do some reading on the Glycemic Index, however, because whole grain breads and such can cause a more dramatic spike in blood sugar than most people realize. I try not to eat any bread, rice, pasta, etc. (except on my cheat day once per week). I get the bulk of my fiber from fruits and vegetables.

    I focus on lots of good protein sources -- cheese, lean meat, eggs, etc. And lots of vegetables. Once a day, I have a piece of fruit, balanced with a good protein, as a snack (raisins and nuts, a banana with peanut butter, an apple with almond butter).

    And lots of water, along with diet and exercise!
  • joybell32
    joybell32 Posts: 252 Member
  • Barneystinson
    Barneystinson Posts: 1,357 Member
    You should seek a referral from your doctor on a consult with a nutritionist who works with diabetics.

    THIS and seek alternatives for grains and starches as previous posters have suggested.
  • :happy: Thank u all for the advice. I am switching docters cause mine is from a small town and doesn't seem to care. I will look everything up that u guys have talked about Thanz again it feels good to have this response so quick
  • i really dont know i had the worse docter ever so on friday i have an appointment with a docter in the city hopefully they know more then this redneck town that i moved to . alls the old docter said was stay under 90 carbs a day. so what kind of carbs i can have is totally a guessing game here
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