Anyone out there have or had 200+ pounds to lose?

I'm looking for people with stories like my own - for support, for inspiration, and to see with my own eyes that it really can be done!

If you or someone you know on MFP have or had 200+ pounds to lose, will you say hello?

(For anyone who reads this - no matter if the size of your Everest is 2 pounds or 200 - your progress is inspiring and I really hope you keep sticking with it!)


  • mylife33
    mylife33 Posts: 72
    I also have 200 + to lose and have joined here to help me keep track and find support from others in the same boat.
  • 051685
    051685 Posts: 21
    I also have 200 + to lose and have joined here to help me keep track and find support from others in the same boat.

    ::high five:: Let's do this thing!
  • annacataldo
    annacataldo Posts: 872 Member
    my friend kayjay7171 has lost 200+pounds in a year; and still has another 100 to go; great inspiration to see that it can be done. I started here with 145pounds to lose (at one time i had 155 to loose); now im down to only having about 110 to go.
  • 051685
    051685 Posts: 21
    @Anna - WOW! That is so awesome. Do you think she'd mind if I added her?
  • healthyjen342
    healthyjen342 Posts: 1,435 Member
    I started with about 180lbs to lose....Let's motivate each other! I am sending you a friend request now!!
  • 051685
    051685 Posts: 21
    I started with about 180lbs to lose....Let's motivate each other! I am sending you a friend request now!!

    Awesome. Added!
  • 051685
    051685 Posts: 21
    @Anna C - I added your friend. :D
  • I have only 150 lbs to loose and have only lost five pounds so u guys r my inspiration together we can do this
  • 051685
    051685 Posts: 21
    I have only 150 lbs to loose and have only lost five pounds so u guys r my inspiration together we can do this

    Amen! Let's do it.
  • ambie35
    ambie35 Posts: 853 Member
    feel free to add my mom elsie81. She has lots to lose and needs any motivation she can get.
    I am so proud of her,she has lost 30 pounds so far. It is hard for her to adjust her eating habits,but she is getting there.
  • dnthaveasn
    dnthaveasn Posts: 113
    I also have over 200 lbs to lose. I know I can do it, but I need all the motivation I can get:happy:
  • jnchorn
    jnchorn Posts: 250 Member
    Hey! At my heaviest I could have safely lost 300 pounds. I am down 179 all together from that point. :) You can do this!
  • mandie26
    mandie26 Posts: 59
    feel free to add my mom elsie81. She has lots to lose and needs any motivation she can get.
    I am so proud of her,she has lost 30 pounds so far. It is hard for her to adjust her eating habits,but she is getting there.

    I'll say the same thing my sister already did, for any of you on this thread with 200+ to lose, please add our mom!

    her username is 'elsie81'.

    just write a quick note in the friend request explaining that you have similar weight loss goals....and that her daughter told you to add her! :)

    our mom is amazing, and we know she needs more support in this awesome MFP community....but, she's a little shy at making friends online, but definitely needs all the support, love and motivation she can get!!!

    She's got at least 200lbs...she's currently at 359.

    So, for any of you who add her and attach a little note sister and I are grateful! xxxxxxxx
  • Namaste1983
    Namaste1983 Posts: 603 Member
    I'm down 222 pounds right now. I am about 20 from my goal and it took me a little over 2 years to drop it. Slow and steady wins the race! keep it up! Never give up
  • elsie81
    elsie81 Posts: 16 Member
    THank you everyone
  • ambie35
    ambie35 Posts: 853 Member
    THank you everyone

    we love you mom!
    Want to see you live a long healthy life.
    You will have grandkids to chase around eventually!
  • ohchelse
    ohchelse Posts: 7
    I have about 245 to lose now (down 30 pounds) for a final goal weight of 150-155. I am having a hard time feeling like I will ever get anywhere, although I know we all feel like that sometimes. Feel free to add me!! :)
  • 051685
    051685 Posts: 21
    HELLO! to all the ladies who've posted recently! I've sent you requests - I hope we can inspire each other.

    Because of this thread and MFP I've come across many ladies who have proven you CAN lose as much weight as we have to lose. It's a long haul but we can do it!

    If you look at each pound or inch lost as a victory, just think of how many celebrations we have awaiting us!
  • kgranter
    kgranter Posts: 9 Member
    I had 200 lbs to lose, and am now down 27.4 lbs and 44" in 9 weeks. I feel so much better and have set a short term goal of 50 lbs by the middle of July...we'll see if I get there. I find setting short goals help me stay motivated...I still have a VERY long road ahead of me, but can see light at the end of the tunnel...feel free to add me, I've sent requests to the people who have already posted in the forum - if I missed anyone - sorry! :) I'd love to help inspire some people and have others inspire me as well!!!
  • RhondaSmith2014
    RhondaSmith2014 Posts: 5 Member
    I have just joined back on MFP the first of June and I have over 200 pounds to lose. I am looking for friends that share in my situations and experiences.