jenniferhorn87 Member


  • Again, thanks to all of you that gave me helpful suggestions! To the rest: Enjoy your debate! And just to clear up a few things: 1. Why I'm doing this doesn't matter 2. My husband and I enjoy eating dinner together; so I have no problem making compromises. We're both very supportive of each other and I'm not forcing my…
  • I honestly don't know why I never thought of making something where I can put the meat in last. I think that's a great compromise. He won't eat chili because he doesn't like beans, but something like a stir fry would be perfect. Thanks to everyone for suggestions!
  • Made this again today but for breakfast. Still incredible
  • Here is what I'm getting out of all of this.... You're saying that you miss your alone time, yet you've been staying at his house every day, and you're saying that it's taking a toll on you financially to drive to work from there every day and that you can't afford to buy groceries for his house. I think that you need to…
  • It's all a process, don't get discouraged. I have plenty of those jeans laying around too. You'll fit into them sooner than you think!
  • I think having followers definitely helps to keep you in check... I guess we'll see if that's true or not! I just think it's a good topic and one that people don't necessarily think about when they're trying to lose weight. Hoping to shed some light on it and bounce some ideas off of other people going through the same…
  • I'm guess that he was joking....
  • Thanks! I have endomondo set up to automatically sync to MFP when i complete a workout, so i wonder if it'll still work the same way
  • So you would argue that 100 calories of salad is no healthier than 100 calories of cheetos?
  • I think it's just harder to overeat while eating clean, because you are eating foods that are more nutritious and more filling, but it's still possible to gain weight if you overdo it. The key is recognizing when you've eaten enough - as is the case with any type of "diet"
  • I gave up coffee because my doctor thought that it might be contributing to heart palpitations. I have noticed that I have more energy without it. Caffeine in general is one of those things that are easy to become dependent on.
  • Sometimes it's not about that AHA moment... sometimes it never comes. Honestly it's about just making up your mind that you're going to do it and that you're going to stick with it. There are always going to obstacles in your way, but you need to leap over those hurdles and do what you need to do. It's about not making…
  • Gave up getting trashed from drinking at parties/bars (although I haven't missed those hangovers one bit) Gave up fried foods (and now I know my body will react badly if I start eating them again now) Gave up mindless eating out of boredom Gave up coffee, artificial sweeteners (except for the very occasional), and most…
  • I definitely don't think that eating too little is my problem... I've been doing a pretty good job of listening and responding to my body's signals... if I'm feeling hungry I'll eat, and if I'm not then I don't. I know that withholding too much is bad and will have a negative effect on your weight loss if it's done for too…
  • But might it be possible that I'm not eating enough calories back from exercise? I have heard of that happening as well... It's not like I'm at a negative net or anything like that, however. I'm usually under by no more than 500 calories a day (and that's on a highly active day)
  • I don't eat white flour/bread/rice... I do eat smart taste pasta which is still white pasta, but it was a compromise in my house because my husband won't eat the wheat pasta. I eat the wheat pasta when he's not around, though.
  • I used WW too the first time I lost my weight and I agree... and the fact that WW markets their products like their mini bars, brownies, preservative-filled frozen meals disappoints me. They're not promoting health, just promoting weight loss (and promoting their products)
  • I'm not one of those closed-minded individuals that thinks that my way is the only way... like I said I've tried many different things and I've done my research and listened to others. I also know that not everyone's body responds the same way to different methods. I'm happy that you have found a method that works for…
  • I'm not going to spend all day debating this... this is going to be my last post on the matter. There were people who were malnourished back then, just as there are today, but there are other reasons why people died at an earlier age back then... many of which are pointed out in your article (which, by the way, doesn't say…
  • I will say that I agree - what works for some people doesn't work for everyone. Everyone has their own methods for weight loss, and it's awesome when you find the one that works for you. It's just my personal perspective that maintaining a healthy weight and proper nutrition is just as important as losing the weight in the…
  • I agree with you on the portion size thing... it's something that has always been a huge problem for me. That is why I'm continuing to track and measure out portions so that I can re-train myself so that I don't have to count calories for the rest of my life. I never was taught what a proper sized portion of meat was, or…
  • I guess you're right... people are healthier and leaner now than when they used to have to kill their own animals for food and grow their own produce.
  • I'm amazed by how much this article seems to be angering some people... I agree with it completely, and that's from personal experience. I have tried pretty much every type of "diet" under the sun, and I've failed miserably. I believe the reason for that was because I was not getting the proper nutrition. My new mantra is…
  • Fruits and veggies as filling snacks don't really work for me. I eat my fruits/veggies with my meals... My go-to filling snacks are nuts (really 1 serving is all you need to feel full), greek yogurt, oatmeal, nature valley crunchy granola bars, string cheese, and dry fiber one cereal.
  • My bike doesn't even have an estimator on it so all i have to go by is MFP... I guess i'm pleasantly surprised then :)
  • I don't know why, but it makes me extremely angry that your gym trainer told you that carbs are bad and that you need to take weight loss supplements. Don't listen to this idiot... at least for nutritional advice. I'm sure he knows what he's doing as far as exercise goes, but he's a personal trainer at a gym, not a…